KIN 249 Sports and Society
Who among the following athletes are most likely to overconform to the norms of the sport ethic because of their need for approval from other athletes and their coaches?
-Athletes who perceive achievement in sports as the surest way to be defined as successful -Athletes who link their identity as an athlete to their masculinity so that being an athlete and being a man are merged into a single identity
Identify the factors in which the roots of violence on the playing field are grounded. (Check all that apply.)
-Commercialization and competitive strategies -Overconformity to the sport ethic -Definitions of masculinity
Which of the following are grassroots actions that identify gender inequities in sports and support changes that are required to achieve gender equity?
-Confronting discriminatory practices in athletic departments -Insisting on fair and open employment practices in athletic departments
Identify the steps that can be taken to effectively control the use of performance-enhancing substances in sports.
-Developing rules clearly indicating that certain risks to health will not be tolerated in sports -Critically examining the deep hypocrisy involved in elite power and performance sports
Identify the primary expressions of racism in soccer identified by sociologist Mauro Valeri. (Check all that apply.)
-Direct racism -Indirect racism -Racism on the field
Which of the following is a similarity between celebratory riots and frustration riots?
Both forms of riots are equally destructive to property.
_____ is the condition that exists when there is widespread deviant underconformity to the point of general lawlessness in a social world.
In the context of orthodox gender ideology in sports, competence is defined in connection with _____
masculine traits
A problem with using the one-drop rule to define race is that _____.
"mixed-race" people are erased in history
Research indicates that sports can be used positively by individual athletes and by racial and ethnic groups to _____.
-preserve and extend ingroup relationships that support racial and ethnic identities and make it possible to retain a connection with their native culture as they navigate the dominants culture of a country -breakdown social and cultural barriers, discredit stereotypes, and facilitate inclusion
Native American sport participation patterns vary with _____.
cultural traditions, socioeconomic status, and whether people live on or off reservations
An accurate statement about hubris is that it is _____.
developed due to an extreme sense of being unique and extraordinary
A process through which social norms are formed rapidly and are followed in a nearly spontaneous manner by large numbers of people is known as _____.
emotional contagion
Sociologists attempt to avoid the conceptual confusion between the terms race and ethnicity by using the term "race" only when they refer to _____.
the social meanings that people have given to physical traits
Norms exist in all social worlds and serve as the standards that _____.
people use to identify deviance
Interrelated ideas and beliefs that are widely used to classify human beings in categories assumed to be biological and related to attributes such as intelligence, temperament, and physical abilities are referred to as _____.
racial ideologies
The primary problem with race and racial ideologies is that they have fueled and supported __________, defined as attitudes, actions, and policies based on the belief that people in one racial category are inherently superior to people in one or more other categories.
In the context of access to positions of power in sports, women _____.
seldom hold positions of power in men's sports
Race exists only when _____.
people classify all human beings on the basis of genetically based physical traits passed from one generation to the next
Which of the following statements is true of the one-drop rule?
It creates social and identity confusion
Identify an accurate statement about emotional contagion.
It increases the possibility of violent crowd movements.
_________ is a special form of violence designed to intimidate a target population of people for the purpose of achieving political or social goals
The physical skills and strength often gained through sports participation help some girls and women _____.
feel more in control of their physical safety and psychological well-being
The increased participation of females in sports is due to the _____.
influence of alternatives to commercially driven messages offered by people who promote public health
In the context of institutionalization of violence in sports, controlling institutionalized violence is difficult because _____.
it requires changing the culture and structure of particular sports
According to orthodox gender ideology in sports, being qualified to play sports means that one has _____.
masculine characteristics
The Human Genome Project demonstrates that external traits such as skin color, hair texture, and eye shape are _____.
not genetically linked with the patterns of internal differences among human beings
Most of the research on deviance in sports focuses________.
only on deviant underconformity among athletes
To reduce deviant overconformity, sports would have to be________.
organized primarily around the health and well-being of athletes
A true statement about participation inequities in sports worldwide is that female athletes _____.
remain underrepresented in nearly all sports worldwide at all levels of competition
According to McDonald (2015), although playing sports empowers many girls and women as individuals, sport as an institution _____.
remains gendered in ways that reaffirm heterosexual male power
According to Eric Dunning, violent and aggressive sports generally serve to _____.
reproduce an ideology that naturalizes the power of men over women
When beliefs about orthodox gender ideology are challenged, struggles result because _____.
the people who benefit from these beliefs do not want them changed
Gender benders are often cautious in their self-expression during cultural struggles with gender defenders because _____.
they realize that the personal cost of being gender-nonconforming can be very high
Gender activists refer to the ________ ________ _________ as the process of renegotiating or eliminating the two-sex system and becoming fully gender-inclusive.
Queering of sport
A constructionist approach to deviance emphasizes that _____.
deviance is socially constructed as people negotiate the boundaries of their acceptance
The culture of many men's sports continues to support a vocabulary of _____.
In the context of orthodox gender ideology and sports, which of the following is true of male-dominated social worlds?
Female bodies and traits are viewed as athletically inferior
Which of the following should be included in the efforts to control brutal body contact in order to curb on-the-field violence? (Check all that apply.)
-Changes in the cultures of certain sports -Changes in gender ideology
The dominant gender ideology used in many societies is organized around the idea that _____.
men are more suited to possess power and assume leadership positions
In the context of violence at sports venues as a social and cultural issue, research indicates that _____.
nearly all crowd violence involves men
A true statement about participation inequities in sports worldwide is that female athletes _____. Multiple choice question. are recognized only when they compete successfully at the Olympics
remain underrepresented in nearly all sports worldwide at all levels of competition
______ occurs when a person's ideas, traits, or actions are perceived by others to fall outside the normal range of acceptance in a society.
In the context of cultural emphasis on cosmetic fitness, cultural messages promoting appearance and beauty _____.
clearly outnumber those promoting the pleasure of playing sports
Identity dynamics can undermine the positive consequences of sports in the lives of many black students because it _____.
frames their achievements in sports in racial terms
Identify an effect of orthodox gender ideology on people.
It leads to the assumption that only heterosexuality is natural and normal.
In the context of the absolutist approach to deviance, an idea, trait, or action is deviant when _____.
it departs from an ideal
Which of the following is true of the hormones known as androgens?
they are produced by glands in the human body's endocrine system
Identify the areas in which inequities have existed in sport-sponsoring organizations worldwide. (Check all that apply.)
-Access to facilities -schedule of games and practicies
In the context of violence at sport venues, crowd dynamics and the actions of spectators are influenced by _____.
ideas about manhood and the expression of masculinity
In the context of the health and fitness movement, well-defined muscles are _____.
increasingly accepted as appropriate for women of all ages
The discourse that pervades competitive sports at nearly all levels _____.
is full of military terms and metaphors that appeal more to boys than girls
In the context of controlling spectator violence, one of the most important preventive measures is to _____.
know and respect the needs and rights of spectators
Many girls and women would not be playing sports today if it weren't for _____.
local and national legislation mandating equal rights
In sociological terms, a(n) __________ is a socially identified population that suffers disadvantages due to systematic discrimination and has a strong sense of social togetherness based on shared experiences of past and current discrimination.
Research since the 1950s has produced overwhelming evidence that the concept of race is _____.
not biologically valid
The cultures created around sport programs and teams were created to _____.
nurture and reaffirm a shared sense of manhood
In the context of learning to use violence as a strategy in women's contact sports, women _____.
often become similar to men in how they embrace the sport ethic
In the context of certain sports events being attractive targets for terrorism, when people seek explanations for a terrorist attack, it provides the terrorists with _____.
opportunities to deliver their political messages
One important aspect of orthodox gender ideology is that it leads people to _____.
see males and females as different and unequal
In sports, dominant racial ideology prevents people from _____.
seeing whiteness as an issue because it is the taken-for-granted normal standard
When athletes are white, racial ideology focuses attention on _____.
social and cultural factors
Cultural and historical variations in the definitions of race indicate that race is a _____.
social construction
By the early nineteenth century, many white people in the United States concluded that Africans and Indians were _____.
socially, intellectually, and morally inferior to light-skinned Europeans by nature
A true statement about using orthodox gender ideology as a tool to maintain the status quo is that _____.
some men have a strong personal interest in preserving the two-sex system and the ideology it supports
Elite athletes and coaches use a(n) _____ to guide and evaluate attitudes and actions in the social world of power and performance sports.
sport ethic
Female athletes are disqualified from competition if their bodies naturally produce and utilize too much testosterone because it is assumed that _____.
such women have an unfair advantage when competing against other women
One of the major problems now faced by Latino athletes in the United States is that they are more likely to _____.
test positive for drugs than players raised in the United States
The racial classification models developed in Europe were based on the assumption that _____.
the appearance and actions of white Europeans were normal and that all deviations from European standards were strange, exotic, primitive, or immoral
Many people believed the myths that discouraged female participation in sports because _____.
the myths were consistent with orthodox gender ideology
Racial classification in the United States was traditionally based on _____.
the one-drop rule
Prior to the mid-1970s, many girls and women did not play sports because _____.
there were no teams and programs for them
Inequities in sports are a greater problem in community programs than in schools because _____.
they go undetected due to the amount of data that needs to be checked
In the context of studying deviance in sports, one of the challenges is that the _____.
types and causes of deviance in sports are so diverse that no single theory can explain them all
In the United States, men and women in all ethnic minorities traditionally have been _____.
underrepresented at all levels of competition and management in most competitive sports
According to research conducted by Beaver et al. (2016), Kreager (2007), and Wright and Fitzpatrick (2006), the participation of young men in heavy-contact sports often is associated with _____.
violence and fighting off the field
In the context of violence in sports, about 90 percent of the serious injuries in sports occur _____.
within the rules of the games and contests
The history of girls and women in sports during much of the twentieth century consists of _____.
women making individual and collective efforts to overcome exclusion and discrimination
Identify the general conditions, as given by sociologist Jerry Lewis, that are associated with most celebratory riots. (Check all that apply.)
-A deciding game or match in a playoff or championship series -A natural urban gathering place for fans -An event with high stakes at a national or international level
Race: Ethnicity:
-Based on a classification of physical traits -Based on the existence of a shared culture
Identify the reasons why athletes use performance-enhancing substances.
-Because they uncritically accept and overconform to the norms of the sport ethic -Because they are part of a sport system in which supplements are needed to recover from intense training over which they have little control
How have sports been serving as sites for reaffirming orthodox gender ideology in various spheres of social life? (Check all that apply.)
-By celebrating heterosexual masculinity -By legitimizing male power and dominance -By reaffirming beliefs about male-female difference
Which of the following perpetuate gender inequities in sports worldwide? (Check all that apply.)
-Disagreements about funding and other resources that should support female participation -Disagreements about the sports that girls and women should play
Identify the ideas and beliefs around which the dominant gender ideology used in many societies is organized.
-Human beings are either female or male. -Heterosexuality is normal, and other expressions of sexual feelings, thoughts, and actions are unnatural. -Men are physically stronger and more suited to leadership positions than women.
Identify the major challenges related to racial and ethnic relations in sports today. (Check all that apply.)
-Integrating positions of power in organizations -Dealing with and managing racial and ethnic diversity by creating an inclusive culture on teams and in organizations
Which of the following will occur if and when more women coach and manage men's teams and programs?
-It will push the normative boundaries of sports cultures. -It will affirm a commitment to inclusion. -It will expand the perspectives used in governing sports.
Identify the reasons why providing girls and women with the same programs and opportunities that boys and men have does not always attract females or keep them involved. (Check all that apply.)
-Many girls see during their first competitive sport experiences that "Dad knows sports" and "Mom knows how to pack a lunch." -The discourse that pervades competitive sports at nearly all levels is and always has been heavily masculinized.
Which of the following aspects of norms often make studying deviance tricky? (Check all that apply.)
-Norms differ from one social world to another. -Norms vary in importance. -Norms take different forms.
What are the issues that must be considered before concluding that playing violent sports causes people to be violent outside of sports? (Check all that apply).
-Off-the-field violence among athletes may be due to unique situations encountered more often by athletes than other people. -Violent sports may attract people who already feel comfortable about doing violence on and off the field.
Identify the primary areas in which gender inequalities remain in the United States and worldwide. (Check all that apply.)
-Participation -Access to positions of power -Support for athletes
Identify the points that are emphasized by a constructionist approach to deviance
-People create norms and laws as they interact with each other and use their values to determine a range of acceptable ideas, traits, and actions. -People with power and authority generally have the most influence in determining, changing, and enforcing norms and laws.
Identify the beliefs supported by racial ideology in extreme cases. (Check all that apply.)
-People in certain populations are subhuman beings that can be exploited without guilt. -People in certain populations are childlike beings in need of external control.
Identify the myths that discouraged female participation in sports. (Check all that apply.)
-Playing strenuous sports would produce unfeminine bodies. -Playing strenuous sports would make child birth difficult -Playing strenuous sports would damage the uterus
In the context of female participation in sports, identify the impacts of the global women's rights movement. (Check all that apply.)
-Sport participation among girls and women has increased. -Occupational and family roles of women have changed.
In the context of orthodox gender ideology and sports, which of the following beliefs guided the men who created organized sports during the mid-nineteenth century? (Check all that apply.)
-Sports must, ideally, involve physical contact, competition, and conquest. -Women are too weak and frail to participate in sports.
Identify the factors that are not taken into account by studies that deal with delinquency rates among high school athletes.
-Students who have a criminal record are less likely than other students to try out and be selected for sport teams. -Athletes may receive preferential treatment enabling them to avoid being charged for a crime after being arrested. -Deviance among high school athletes may be obscured by a "facade of conformity."
According to Bill Braniff, the executive director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, which of the following are factors that make sport events attractive targets for terrorism? (Check all that apply.)
-The event is seen as representing the values and spirit of a community or society. -The media are on location.
Celebratory riots: Frustration riots:
-They occur among fans of victorious teams. -They occur among fans of teams suffering defeats.
Research from a number of countries indicates that sports can be used positively by individual athletes and by racial and ethnic groups for several purposes. Identify these purposes. (Check all that apply.)
-To facilitate inclusion -To discredit stereotypes -To break down social and cultural barriers
Identify the conditions under which racial and ethnic diversity is most likely to exist in sports. (Check all that apply.)
-When an athlete's performance can be measured in concrete terms so that racism and prejudice are less likely to influence judgments about skills -When an entire team benefits from a good performance by a teammate, regardless of the teammate's skin color or ethnicity -When those who control teams personally benefit if they recruit and play the best players regardless of skin color or ethnicity
Identify the true statements about women's participation in informal and alternative sports.
-Women must have exceptional skills to be given a chance to participate and be accepted as an athlete by their male peers. -boys and men usually control the norms used to acknowledge the identity claims of participants.
Direct Racism: Indirect racism: Racism on the field:
-fans insult players for ethnic, racial, or religious reasons -Fans use chants or banners that promote a bigoted or discriminatory political agenda having no direct connection with soccer or players. -Negative racial, ethnic, or religious comments are made by and to players, coaches, and referees.
How can the likelihood of spectator violence be decreased?
By using competent and professionally trained officials
_________ refers to a cultural heritage that people use to identify a particular population.
True or false: Male-dominated sports and sports organizations have always been female-friendly.
True or false: Physical variations between human populations justify classifying these populations as different races due to skin color.
True or false: Sports in traditional Native American cultures refrain from combining physical activities with ritual and ceremony.
True or false: There has been a decrease in sports participation among girls and women since the mid-1970s.
True or false: When trouble occurs and athletes are arrested for fighting because of their reputations in sports, it proves that playing violent sports causes people to be violent outside of sports.
What led to the development of racial ideologies?
Faulty scientific analyses combined with the observations and anecdotal stories told by explorers
Generalizations used to define and judge all individuals who are classified in a particular racial category are referred to as ________ _______.
Racial Stereotypes
Which of the following is a condition under which racial and ethnic diversity is most likely to exist in sports?
When friendships and off-the-field social relationships between teammates are not required for team success
In the context of media coverage of women in sports, when does it become easier for girls to envision themselves as athletes and define sports as human activities rather than male-only activities?
When girls can see women who are physically strong and competent athletes
A problem with an absolutist approach to deviance is that it leads many people to think that controlling deviance _____.
always requires more rules, better rule enforcement, and increasingly severe penalties for deviations from the ideal
Prior to the 1950s, when members of ethnic minority groups in the United States played sports, they usually played _____.
among themselves in games and events segregated by choice or by necessity
According to research, most substance use and abuse in sports is tied to _____.
an athlete's uncritical acceptance of the norms of the sport ethic
The belief that the black body is superior when it comes to physical abilities in certain sports inspires some young African Americans to believe it is their _____.
biological and cultural destiny to play certain sports better than others
Research combined with statements by athletes and coaches suggests that many young African American men grow up believing that the _____.
black body is superior when it comes to physical abilities in certain sports
When identity dynamics occur among black male students, relationships in schools may be organized so that _____.
black male students are academically marginalized
From the eighteenth through much of the twentieth century, people from northern and western Europe used racial ideologies to conclude that people of color around the world were primitive beings driven by _____.
In the context of empowering girls and women through sports, sport participation offers girls and women opportunities to _____.
connect with the power of their bodies
According to the International Olympic Committee policy requirements, if female athletes' bodies naturally produce and utilize too much testosterone, they are _____.
disqualified from competition
To say race is a social construction _____.
does not deny the existence of physical variations between human populations
When women play contact sports, they face the challenge of _____.
drawing the line between assertive physicality and violence
One way to control deviant overconformity is to _____.
enable athletes to set limits when conforming to the norms of the sport ethic
Girls and women limit their commitment to sports when they _____.
fear being associated with lesbians
In the context of orthodox gender ideology in sports, sex segregation continues today because it is assumed that _____.
females are physically weaker and less capable than males
Policies and rules requiring equal opportunities and treatment for females in sports are primarily the result of persistent political actions advocating _____.
gender equality
In the context of barriers to equity in sports, programs for girls and women are more vulnerable to budget cuts because they _____.
have less market presence and revenue-generating potential
The form of masculinity that is most widely accepted in society is referred to as __________ masculinity.
The fear that their teammates are _____ prompts lesbian athletes to keep their identity secret.
As Travers and Deri (2011) observed and analyzed the dynamics of the queering of sport process, they noted _____.
how deeply complicated it was to attempt to renegotiate sexed boundaries
Identify the reason for the existence of informal practices of racial and ethnic exclusion in many private sports clubs.
People are more likely to enforce various forms of exclusion as social contacts become increasingly personal.
Which of the following is a true statement in the context of the changes that need to be brought about in gender ideology and the cultures of certain sports to effectively control brutal body contact?
People should calculate the cost of injuries due to brutal body contact and other types of violence.
________ refers to a population of people who are believed to be naturally or biologically distinct from other populations.
Which of the following are conditions under which participation in a combat sport would be associated with a reduction of off-the-field violence? (Check all that apply.)
Self-control Respect for self and others
The positions of black and white players fit patterns shaped by racial ideology. For example, black players, expected to be fast and physically gifted, are assigned to the outfield in baseball, whereas white players, expected to be smart, are assigned to positions believed to require intelligence and leadership, such as pitcher and catcher in baseball. In the sociology of sport, these position placements are called ________ _________.
Staking Patterns
In the context of gender equity, which of the following is true of boys and men in sports?
Their interests and body types do not always go along with the sports conventionally played by men.
By the early nineteenth century, many white people in the United States believed that race was _____.
a mark of a person's humanity and moral worth
The uniquely American "one-drop rule" was based on _____.
a social agreement among white men
The grassroots actions that identify gender inequities are based on the assumption that equity will be achieved only through _____.
changes that enable girls and women to play sports on their own terms rather than exclusively on terms that have been set by men with power
A feature of sports is that they are _____.
sites where racial and ethnic relations perpetuated and changed
The attitudes and actions of athletes who often overconform to norms widely accepted in society as a whole are termed as _____.
______ ______ occurs when ideas, traits, and actions indicate a rejection of norms or ignorance about their existence, such as bar fighting, sexual assault, or referring to a person with an intellectual disability as "stupid."
Deviant underconformity
Which of the following statements is true of the use of performance-enhancing substances in sports?
Effective control of the use of performance-enhancing substances requires both cultural and structural changes in sports.
Which of the following scenarios exemplifies borderline violence?
Eric gets into a fistfight with his opponent while playing a game of ice hockey.
True or false: According to Canadian sociologist Mike Smith, actions of borderline violence in a sport never provoke retaliation by other players.
True or false: Actions accepted in sports are not defined as deviant in other spheres of society.
True or false: Controlling institutionalized violence in sports is easy because most people in governing bodies are willing to change the culture and structure of particular sports.
True or false: Dominant gender ideology in many cultures links womanhood with the ability to do violence.
True or false: Everyone is born with a racial ideology.
True or false: Gender equity has been achieved in the United States and in many other parts of the world.
True or false: Gender equity in sports is only a woman's issue.
Which of the following ideas has inspired a wide range of sport participation among girls and women?
Girls and women are enhanced as human beings when they develop their intellectual and physical abilities.
_____ is a condition that exists when women have naturally elevated androgen levels.
In what context is it important to study deviance in sports?
In the context in which it occurs without expecting that a single theory will explain all cases
Which of the following is a consequence of homophobia in men's sports?
It causes men to feel ashamed of their feelings of affection toward other men.
In the context of barriers to gender equity, identify a true statement about the cultural emphasis on the cosmetic fitness of women.
It causes some women to combine their participation in sports with pathogenic weight-control strategies to become dangerously thin
Identify a true statement about terrorism.
It is a strategic response to political repression and feelings of frustration, indignation, and anger.
Identify an accurate statement about norms.
Norms are violated when deviance occurs
In sociological terms, which of the following are true of minorities? (Check all that apply.)
Not all
In the context of orthodox gender ideology, who are termed unnatural and abnormal and therefore "out of bounds" in terms of gender?
People who do not fit into the heterosexual male or female categories
In the context of hegemonic masculinity, which of the following is true of sports?
They are a primary site where boys learn the language and meanings of manhood in their social worlds.
In the context of access to positions of power in sports today, which of the following is true of men?
They coach the majority of women's sports teams.
Identify a true statement about athletes in men's contact or heavy-contact and collision sports.
They disapprove of quasi-criminal and criminal violence.
Identify a problem with race and racial ideologies.
They foster the use of racial stereotypes
Identify a true statement about stacking patterns.
They have prevented most blacks from playing the positions at which they would be identified as good candidates for coaching jobs after they retired.
Which of the following is true of most of the Latinos who have tested positive since 2005 when Major League Baseball initiated its new drug-testing policy?
They have spoken little English.
According to sociologist Jerry Lewis, which of the following is most likely the reason behind people's involvement in a celebratory riot?
They might be seeking reaffirmation of their identification with a winning team
In the context of barriers to equity in sports, which of the following is true of budget cuts?
They often subvert gender equity.
An accurate statement about racial ideology is that one _____.
acquires it over time as one interacts with others
Identify an example of sports as an institution that remains gendered in ways that reaffirm heterosexual male power.
Women control practically no power in men's sports, whereas men control much of the power in women's sports.
Identify a true statement about media coverage of women's sports in present times.
Women's sports are covered far less often and in less detail than men's sports.
Kevin, a football player, violently tackled a player from the opposing team during the course of a match. The referee asked him to leave the field as a penalty for his actions. After the match, Kevin assaulted the referee and almost killed him in the process. The police intervened and arrested Kevin. In the context of the categories of violence in sports identified by Canadian sociologist Mike Smith, Kevin's actions fall under _____.
criminal violence
The practice of overconformity among athletes makes it difficult to understand certain cases of deviance because they contradict the assumption that _____.
deviance always involves subnormal or underconforming attitudes and actions based on a rejection of norms
One of the major challenges related to racial and ethnic relations in sports today is _____.
eliminating racial and ethnic exclusion in sports participation
In the context of men's contact sports, athletes in heavy-contact and collision sports learn to use _____.
intimidation, aggression, and violence as strategies to achieve competitive success
Violent sports are commercially successful in a community or society because _____.
people want to play and watch them
In the context of participation inequities in sports, informal games and alternative sports often have gender dynamics that create _____.
access challenges for most girls and women
In the context of male-dominated sports organizations, the standard explanation for the persistent gender inequity is that girls and women _____.
are not as interested in sports as boys and men
Nicole LaVoi (2018), co-director of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport, notes that having female role models shows female athletes that _____.
coaching and sports administration are realistic career goals
Today, the most significant forms of racial and ethnic exclusion in sports occur at the _____.
community level where they are hidden behind the fees and other resources required for sport participation
A(n) _____ approach assumes that deviance occurs when ideas, traits, and actions fall outside the socially determined boundaries that people create and use to decide what is acceptable and unacceptable in a social world.
A problem with race is that racial classification models force people to make clear racial distinctions on the basis of _____.
continuous traits
According to Canadian sociologist Mike Smith, _____ includes actions that are clearly outside the law to the point that athletes condemn them and law enforcement officials prosecute them as crimes.
criminal violence
In the context of race and ethnicity, sports are _____.
cultural sites where people formulate or change ideas and beliefs about skin color and ethnic heritage
Ethnicity is based on _____.
cultural traditions and history
The participation of women in violent sports often creates a _____.
dilemma for people who advocate progressive changes in traditional gender ideology
In the context of disrupting orthodox gender ideology, gender benders raise critical issues in society and force others to _____.
either defend or critically assess prevailing beliefs about masculinity and femininity
An accurate statement about players who act as enforcers is that they are _____.
expected to protect their teammates
In the context of sports reaffirming male-female difference, orthodox gender ideology discourages discussions about _____.
how and when sex segregation should be eliminated in sports
As 90 percent of the serious injuries in sports occur within the rules of the games and contests, men inevitably _____.
pay the price for their destructive definitions of sports and masculinity
Hazing: Rite of passage: Initiation: Bullying:
-Choice, A secret, private, interpersonal process that reaffirms a hierarchical status difference between incoming and existing group members A secret, private, interpersonal process that reaffirms a hierarchical status difference between incoming and existing group members -Choice, An institutionalized cultural ritual that marks a transition from one status to another An institutionalized cultural ritual that marks a transition from one status to another -Choice, An expected, public, and formal ceremony that marks entry into a group or organization An expected, public, and formal ceremony that marks entry into a group or organization -Choice, A process that consists of aggressive acts that are meant to intimidate, exploit, or harm another person A process that consists of aggressive acts that are meant to intimidate, exploit, or harm another person
Formal norms: Informal norms:
-Choice, Official expectations that take the form of written rules or laws Official expectations that take the form of written rules or laws -Choice, Customs or unwritten, shared understandings of how a person is expected to think, appear, and act in a social world Customs or unwritten, shared understandings of how a person is expected to think, appear, and act in a social world
Identify the problems with an absolutist approach to deviance. (Check all that apply.)
-It overlooks that a rigid system of rules creates fear and guilt to a point that people avoid being self-expressive, spontaneous, and creative. -It leads many people to see deviance as caused by the character weaknesses of individuals.
In the context of overconformity to the norms of the sport ethic, why do athletes willingly face violence and play in pain? (Check all that apply.)
-To honor the importance of the game -To express dedication to the culture of high-performance sport -To express dedication to teammates
Identify a scenario that exemplifies brutal body contact.
Carlos physically tackles his opponent while playing football and scores for his team.
Which of the following is true of the relationship between commercialization and violent sports?
Commercialization has never been the primary cause of violence in sports.
True or false: In the context of deviance in sports, subnormal attitudes and actions are not considered to be deviant.
The application of Christophe Brissonneau's model to professional cycling leads to the identification of five phases in the overall career of a professional cyclist. In each phase, the cyclist experiences socialization in connection with three aspects. Identify these aspects.
Medical support Participation Pharmacology
Identify an accurate statement about institutional corruption.
Recognizing institutional corruption is tedious and even dangerous.
In the context of gender ideology and violence in sports, according to Ingham and Dewar (1999), what do boys typically do to avoid getting socially labeled as sissies?
They participate in power and performance sports.
In the context of deviance in sports, the process of hazing has been studied less than processes such as rites of passage, initiation, and bullying because it is _____.
private and secretive and involves experiences that people keep private because they are embarrassing
Sex difference: Control: Status:
-Choice, Emphasized in terms of physical strength Emphasized in terms of physical strength -Emphasized through domination -Emphasized as a reward for physical conquests
Identify the forms of deviant overconformity in sports.
-Taking untested performance-enhancing substances -Playing while injured
The application of Christophe Brissonneau's model to professional cycling leads to the identification of five phases in the overall career of a professional cyclist. Arrange these phases in the correct order, starting with the first phase.
1.Discovering cycling culture with a goal of enjoying and learning more about cycling 2. Taking racing seriously and training with the goal of improving and possibly becoming a professional racer 3. Working as a cyclist and increasing the duration and intensity of training 4. training to be champion and using extraordinary training strategies to maximize the chances of winning 5. Exiting the extraordinary world of professional cycling and rejoining the ordinary world
Identify a scenario that exemplifies criminal violence.
An athlete seriously injures another player with premeditated intention.
Which of the following scenarios exemplifies deviant overconformity?
An athlete using extreme weight-control strategies
Which of the following scenarios exemplifies quasi-criminal violence?
An ice hockey player brutally assaults his opponent, disregarding the formal rules of the game.
Leonard is a professional basketball player, and he uses forms of violence that are considered normal by most of his teammates and his coach. His actions are accepted because they are considered consistent with the norms of the sport ethic. Which of the following forms of violence is exemplified in Leonard's behavior while playing?
Borderline violence
Identify a true statement about brutal body contact.
Coaches often encourage this form of violence.
Ken, a basketball player, was provoked by an opposing team member after many failed attempts at scoring. His team lost the match, and he confronted the same opposing team member outside the venue. Ken assaulted the opposing team member, who later died in the hospital. Ken was arrested and prosecuted for murder. Which of the following forms of violence was used by Ken?
Criminal violence
True or false: Most sociologists reject a constructionist approach and use an absolutist approach to identify and deal with deviance.
True or false: Off-the-field deviance among athletes does not attract any media attention.
______ ______ involves a violation of an official rule or law, and is punished by official sanctions administered by people in positions of authority.
Formal Deviance
In the context of controlling on-the-field violence, which of the following is an accurate statement about brutal body contact?
It is grounded in the culture of power and performance sports.
A(n)_______ is a shared expectation that people use to identify what is acceptable and unacceptable in a social world.
Jake, a professional football player, violated the formal rules of the game during a charity match. He laid high and late tackles multiple times leading to the opponents suffering from serious injuries. He is also known to violate public laws and offend social norms. Which of the following forms of violence does Jake use?
Quasi-criminal violence
Harold, a college footballer, is feared by his opponents because of his physical aggressiveness in tackles. His actions have often caused injuries to his opponents. Despite being an aggressive player on the field, he is respected for his determination to win. The form of violence used by Harold is an example of _____.
brutal body contact
In sociological terms, _______ refers to the use of excessive physical force, which causes or has obvious potential to cause harm or destruction.
Identify an accurate statement about doping in sports.
WADA considers doping to be fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport.
In the context of studying deviance, the _____ approach to deviance assumes that social norms are based on essential principles that constitute an unchanging foundation for identifying good and evil and distinguishing right from wrong.
In the context of deviant overconformity in sports, research suggests that substance use usually occurs _____.
among the most dedicated, committed, and hard-working athletes in sports
In the context of gender ideology and violence in sports, participation in power and performance sports has become _____.
an important way to prove masculinity
It is difficult to use studies of deviance in other contexts to understand what occurs in sports because norms are _____.
applied and enforced differently in sports
According to Canadian sociologist Mike Smith, _____ includes actions that violate the rules of the game but are accepted by most players and coaches as consistent with the norms of the sport ethic and as useful competitive strategies.
borderline violence
Anti-doping policies prior to the mid-1980s existed largely to _____.
discourage athletes from dropping dead of overdoses
The first phase of Christophe Brissonneau's model of the overall career of a professional cyclist involves _____.
discovering the culture of the particular sport
In the context of gender ideology and violence in sports, when women participate in violent sports, they _____.
disrupt the logic used to reaffirm traditional beliefs about gender
During the first phase of Christophe Brissonneau's model of the overall career of a professional cyclist, the goal of cyclists is primarily to _____.
enjoy and learn more about cycling
A(n) _____ is an interrelated set of norms that a collection of people use to guide and evaluate ideas, traits, and actions in a social world.
After reviewing dozens of studies on athletes and alcohol use, it is clear that the relationship between sport participation and patterns of use among athletes depends on _____.
factors such as team culture and the social activities that are a part of that culture
In the context of overconformity to the norms of the sport ethic, violence reinforces _____.
feelings of self-worth by inviting affirmation from other athletes
An athlete was disqualified by the World Anti-Doping Agency for using a banned performance enhancement drug during the Olympics. The athlete's actions exemplify _____.
formal deviance
According to Eric Dunning, violence remains a crucial social issue because the _____.
goal of modern sports is to create tension rather than eliminate it
Athletes who are most likely to overconform to the norms of the sport ethic are those who _____.
have a strong need for respect from other athletes and their coaches
_________ refers to a pride-driven arrogance and an inflated sense of self-importance that leads one to feel separate from and superior to others.
________ corruption refers to the established, widespread, and taken-for-granted processes and practices that, if publicly known, would be seen as immoral, unethical, or illegal to the point of destroying public trust in the organization and its leaders.
Deviant overconformity in sports is ignored in research because it _____.
is seen as being entertaining and consistent with team cultures
Underage and excessive alcohol consumption in high school and college is _____.
not limited to athletes
In the context of violence and overconformity to the norms of the sport ethic, violent expressions of deviant overconformity are _____.
not limited to men
Research on high school students shows that delinquency rates among athletes _____.
often are lower than rates for other students from similar backgrounds
A challenge faced by researchers while studying deviance in sports is that deviance in sports often involves _____.
overconformity to norms, rather than rejecting or not conforming to them
In the context of learning to use violence as a strategy, players who act as enforcers are _____.
paid primarily for their ability and willingness to do violence
An accurate statement about quasi-criminal violence is that most athletes _____.
see it as a rejection of the informal norms of a game
According to Canadian sociologist Mike Smith, brutal body contact includes actions _____.
that are common in certain sports and accepted by athletes as part of sport participation
According to Canadian sociologist Mike Smith, quasi-criminal violence includes actions that _____.
violate the formal rules of a game
Violence is described as anarchy or lawless mayhem when it occurs in connection with _____.
widespread rejection of norms
An accurate statement about the difference between men's and women's contact sports is that _____.
women's contact sports are less violent than men's contact sports
On which of the following topics have studies on off-the-field deviance among athletes primarily focused?
-Crime rates and sport participation among high school students -Particular felony rates among athletes -Academic cheating and excessive alcohol use among high school and college athletes
Which of the following are steps that can be taken to effectively control the use of performance-enhancing substances by athletes? (Check all that apply.)
-Establishing injury and health education programs for athletes -Establishing a system of transparency for sport scientists who work for athletes