KIN 307 Exam 2 Material

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Discuss the difference between chinning with the palms toward the face and chinning with the palms away from the face. Consider this muscularly and anatomically.

Chinning with the palms toward the face requires supination of the elbow and radioulnar joints. The biceps brachii and brachialis are contracting muscles and rotate inward. Chinning with the palms away from the face requires pronation of the elbow and radioulnar joints. The pronator teres muscle generates more force. Chinning this way is harder because the biceps brachii are at a mechanical disadvantage since it can't contribute as much to flexing at the elbow.

Shoulder girdle movement: Push-Up (Initial movement - lifting phase)

Movement(s): protraction (abduction) Eccentric contraction Agonist: trapezius middle and trapezius lower

Shoulder girdle movement: Push-Up (Secondary movement - lowering phase)

Movement(s): retraction (adduction) Concentric contraction Agonist: pectoralis minor, serratus minor

Shoulder girdle sport analysis: Tennis backhand (R)

Stance phase: abduction; pectoralis minor, serratus anterior Preparatory phase: abduction & upward rotation; concentric contraction Movement phase: adduction & internal rotation; pectoralis major and trapezius; eccentric contraction Follow-through phase: downward rotation & abduction

Shoulder joint sport analysis: Tennis backhand (L)

Stance: horizontal abduction Preparatory phase: horizontal abduction Movement phase: horizontal adduction Follow-through phase: horizontal adduction

Shoulder joint sport analysis: Tennis backhand (R)

Stance: horizontal adduction Preparatory phase: horizontal adduction Movement phase: horizontal abduction Follow-through phase: horizontal abduction

List the muscles involved with "tennis elbow" and describe specifically how you would encourage someone to work on both the strength and the flexibility of these muscles.

The tennis elbow uses the extensor digitorum longus muscle near its origin on the lateral epicondyle. Exercises that strengthen and increase flexibility of this muscle include arms extended and bending at the wrist and wrists curled upward with weight.

Analyze and list the differences in elbow and radioulnar joint muscle activity between turning a doorknob clockwise and pushing the door open, and turning the knob counterclockwise, and pulling the door open.

Turning the doorknob CW and pushing door open: supination of the forearm, concentric activity of supinator, external rotation of radius, and extension at the elbow. Turning doorknob CCW and pulling door open: flexion at the elbow, internal rotation of radius, and eccentric activity of pronator

relationship between radius and ulna

Ulna is larger proximally than the radius. The radius is larger distally than the ulna. The ulna and radius serve as distal attachments for some muscles. The scapula, humerus, and ulna serve as proximal attachments for muscles that pronate and supinate the radioulnar joints.

When the shoulder joint is INTERNALLY ROTATING, the shoulder girdle is...

abducting (protracting).

When the shoulder joint is in HORIZONTAL ADDUCTION, the shoulder girdle is...

abducting (protracting).

When the shoulder joint is in DIAGONAL ADDUCTION, the shoulder girdle is...

abducting (protracting)/depressing/downward rotation.

Action of supraspinatus


The scapulothoracic motion that usually accompanies glenohumeral horizontal adduction is _______.


Action of pectoralis minor muscle

abduction (protraction), downward rotation, depression

Action of serratus anterior muscle

abduction (protraction), upward rotation

Action of deltoid fibers

abduction, flexion, horizontal adduction/abduction, diagonal adduction/abduction

The clavicle joins the scapula at the _______ joint.


Which portion of the scapula articulates with the clavicle?

acromion process

When the shoulder joint is EXTERNALLY ROTATING, the shoulder girdle is...

adducting (retracting).

When the shoulder joint is in HORIZONTAL ABDUCTION, the shoulder girdle is...

adducting (retracting).

When the shoulder joint is in DIAGONAL ABDUCTION, the shoulder girdle is...

adducting (retraction)/upward rotation/elevation.

Action of rhomboid muscles (major & minor)

adduction (retraction), downward rotation, elevation

actions that occur in frontal plane

adduction and abduction

Sign of possible rotator cuff injury

an inability to smoothly abduct the arm against resistance

The MMI in flexion of the shoulder joint against resistance are the ________ and the ________.

anterior deltoid; upper pectoralis major

Scapula, clavicle, and humerus serve as ....

attachments for shoulder joint muscles

actions that occur in sagittal plane about frontal axis

backward extension and forward flexion

Muscle analysis of elbow and radioulnar joints: flexion

brachioradialis, brachialis, biceps brachii (long and short head)

Concentric contraction

causes movement against gravity, accelerate movement, and muscle shortens

Exercises that emphasize the rhomboid muscles

chin-ups, dips, and bent-over rowing

Exercises that emphasize the latissimus dorsi

chinning, rope climbing, basic rowing, "lat pulls"

The two bones that are primarily involved in movements of the shoulder girdle are....

clavicle and scapula.

Biceps brachii short head origin

coracoid process of scapula and upper lip of glenoid fossa

Eccentric contraction

decelerates movement, muscle lengthens

Superior muscles of glenohumeral joint

deltoid anterior fibers, deltoid middle fibers, deltoid posterior fibers, supraspinatus

Action of lower trapezius muscle fibers

depression, adduction (retraction) and upward rotation of the scapula

When the shoulder joint is in EXTENSION, the shoulder girdle is in...

depression/downward rotation.

glenohumeral inner rotation deficit (GIRD)

difference in internal rotation range of movement between individual's throwing and non-throwing shoulders

Exercises that emphasize the pectoralis minor muscle

dip bars or body dips, wall push-up

Exercises that emphasize the subclavius muscle

dips, push-ups

When the shoulder joint is ADDUCTING, the shoulder girdle is...

downward rotation.

Action of levator scapulae muscle

elevates the medial margin of the scapula

Action of upper trapezius muscle fibers

elevation of the scapula, upward rotation, and extension and rotation of the head at the neck

Action of middle trapezius muscle fibers

elevation, upward rotation, and adduction (retraction) of the scapula

When the shoulder joint is in FLEXION, the shoulder girdle is in...

elevation/upward rotation.

Action of teres major

extension, adduction, internal rotation

Action of latissimus dorsi

extension, adduction, internal rotation, horizontal abduction

Humeral _____ and ______ results in scapula depression, rotation downward, and adduction.

extension; adduction

Action of infraspinatus

external rotation, horizontal abduction, extension, diagonal abduction

Action of teres minor

external rotation, horizontal abduction, extension, diagonal abduction

Scapula adduction occurs with humeral _____ ______ and _____ ______.

external rotation; horizontal abduction

Humeral _______ and _______ require scapula elevation, rotation upward, and abduction.

flexion; abduction

attachment of rotator cuff

front, top, and rear of humeral head

Which portion of the scapula articulate with the humeral head?

glenoid fossa

triceps brachii long head origin

glenoid fossa of scapula

The humerus articulation with the glenoid fossa is deepened and stabilized further by the ___________.

glenoid labrum

Exercise that emphasizes the coracobrachialis?

horizontal adduction

Action of coracobrachialis

horizontal adduction and diagonal adduction

actions that occur in transverse (horizontal) plane

horizontal adduction, horizontal abduction internal rotation and external rotation

Point of insertion of rotator cuff enables....

humeral rotation

Scapula movement usually occurs with movement of the ________.


triceps brachii lateral head & medial head origin


Why is stretching of rotator cuff important?

improve performance and reduce likelihood of injury

Exercises that emphasize the infraspinatus muscle

internal rotation and extreme horizontal adduction

Action of subscapularis

internal rotation, adduction, extension

Action of pectoralis major

internal rotation, horizontal adduction, diagonal adduction, flexion

Scapula abduction occurs with humeral ______ ______ and _______ _______.

internal rotation; horizontal adduction

Exercises that emphasize teres major

lat pulls, rope climbing, internal rotation exercises against resistance

Which muscles does the teres major assist?

latissimus dorsi, pectoralis and subscapularis

Posterior muscles of glenohumeral joint

latissimus dorsi, teres major, infraspinatus, teres minor

The superior aspect of the sternum is known as the _______.


impingement syndrome

occurs when the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles, particularly the supraspinatus and infraspinatus, become irritated and inflamed as they pass through the subacromial space. Results in pain, weakness, and loss of movement at the shoulder

triceps brachii insertion

olecranon process of the ulna

Exercises that emphasize the lower trapezius muscle fibers

parallel dips, body dips, chestproud shoulder retraction exercise (attempting to place hands in back pants pockets with depression

Anterior muscles of glenohumeral joint

pectoralis major upper fibers, pectoralis major lower fibers, subscapularis, coracobrachialis

Anterior muscles of shoulder girdle

pectoralis minor

Muscles involved in downward rotation

pectoralis minor, rhomboids

Muscles involved in shoulder girdle depression

pectoralis minor, trapezius

The prime movers of the scapula against resistance for abduction in the shoulder girdle are the _________ & _______.

pectoralis minor; serratus anterior

Muscle analysis of elbow and radioulnar joints: pronation

pronator teres, pronator quadratus, brachioradialis

action of ligaments

provide static stability

Exercises that emphasize the serratus anterior muscle

pushups, throwing a baseball, punching in boxing, shooting and guarding in basketball, and tackling in football, bench press, and overhead press

Bony landmarks of radius

radial tuberosity, olecranon process, coranoid process

Glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD)

represents a difference in internal rotation range of motion between an individual's throwing and nonthrowing shoulders

Instability problems such as

rotator cuff impingement, subluxations, and dislocations


rotator cuff muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major, subscapularis)

Posterior and lateral muscles of shoulder girdle

serratus anterior

Muscles involved in shoulder girdle abduction

serratus anterior and pectoralis minor

What anatomical features of the glenohumeral joint make it susceptible to frequent injury?

shallowness of glenoid fossa, laxity of ligamentous structures, lack of strength and endurance in muscles, posterior dislocations (rare), posterior instability, anterior or anteroinferior glenohumeral sublaxations and dislocations

Exercise that emphasize the levator scapulae

shoulder shrugging

Exercises that emphasize the upper and middle trapezius muscle fibers

shoulder shrugging exercises

Exercises that emphasize the deltoid muscle

sidearm dumbbell raises

The price of mobility is reduced _______.


Action of subclavius muscle

stabilization and protection of the sternoclavicular joint, depression, and abduction

During a shoulder shrug exercise, most of the motion occurs at the __________ synovial joints.


Exercises that emphasize the subscapularis muscle

strengthened with exercises similar to those used for the latissimus dorsi and teres major, such as rope climbing and lat pulls

Muscle analysis of elbow and radioulnar joints: supination

supinator, brachioradialis, biceps brachii (short and long head)

biceps brachii long head origin

supraglenoid tubercle above glenoid fossa

The ________ of the rotary cuff is attached to the greater tubercle from above.


Which rotator cuff is most often injured?

supraspinatus muscle

The rotator cuff is composed of the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and the ___________.

teres minor

The border of the scapula that is medial to the infraspinatus fossa is known as the ______ border.


Exercises that emphasize the pectoralis major

throwing a baseball, bench pressing, push ups, pull ups, tennis serves

Muscles involved in shoulder girdle adduction

trapezius middle fibers, trapezius lower fibers, rhomboids

Muscles involved in shoulder girdle elevation

trapezius upper and middle fibers, rhomboids, levator scapulae

Posterior muscles of shoulder girdle

trapezius upper fibers, trapezius middle fibers, trapezius lower fibers, rhomboids, levator scapulae

Muscle analysis of elbow and radioulnar joints: extension

triceps brachii (longitudinal, lateral, and medial head), anconeus

The scapulothoracic motion that usually accompanies glenohumeral abduction is _________.

upward rotation

When the shoulder joint is ABDUCTING, the shoulder girdle is...

upward rotation/elevation.

attachment of the shoulder joint to the axial skeleton

via the clavicle at the sternoclavicular joint and the scapula

acromioclavicular joint

where the clavicle articulates with the acromion process (superior aspect of scapula)

sternoclavicular joint

where the clavicle articulates with the manubrium of the sternum

glenohumeral joint

where the head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid fossa

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