KIN 365- EXAM 3

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What is the most commonly injured ligament of the knee joint?


What are the functions of the labrum within the acetabular femoral joint?

The acetabulum is lined with labrum to enhance stability and provide some shock absorption.

In order to place more work on the soleus and reduce the effect of the gastrocnemius, you can perform plantar flexion while _________________________________.

flexing knee joint

The hip flexor muscles are used in _____.

moving the thighs toward the trunk

This muscle is occasionally blamed in part for common lateral patellar subluxations & dislocations?

vastus lateralis

Which muscle is particularly strengthened during the last 10-20 degrees of knee extension?

vastus medialis

T/F? Hip flexion and extension occur in the frontal plane of motion.


There are _______ two joint muscles that cross the hip & the knee.


What is the longest muscle in the body?


T/F? The gracilis is the only 2 joint hip adductor.


Which long bone of the leg does not bear any weight? [a] What purpose does this bone serve if not to bear weight? [b]

[a] The fibula's [b] purpose is to serve as the attachment site for some of the really important knee joint structures. Additionally, it helps provide stabilization for the ankle and supports many muscles of the lower legs.

Because the [a], specifically the [b], are not heavily used in ordinary movements, specific exercises should be prescribed to strengthen these muscles, such as [c].

[a] adductor muscles [b] adductor magnus [c] swimming;horse back riding; breast stroke kicks

In order to help prevent/reduce the pain associated with shin splints, it is recommended that you strengthen the [a] and stretch the [b].

[a] dorsiflexors [b] plantar flexors

what are the similarities between all 3 hamstring muscles?

all originate on ischial tuberosity all cause hip extension & knee flexion & rotation of the knee joint all insert on the tibial condyles all used in walking--unlike glute max all usually tight muscles that pull pelvic girdle into posterior rotation--leading to low back pain all help stabilize the knee joint

Why is pelvic girdle rotation so important in running & kicking?

allows for increased range of motion, longer stride length, increased force

If a muscles flexes the hip, it is likely that it also causes the pelvic girdle to move into __________________

anterior pelvic rotation

Muscles that flex the hip usually [__________] rotate the pelvis and muscles that extend the hip usually [_________] rotate the pelvis

anteriorly; posteriorly

What purpose do the abdominal muscles have in regulating the orientation of the pelvis?

because of the anterior pull the hip flexors have on the pelvic girdle; the abdominals work in opposition by pulling the pelvic girdle posteriorly, such that the pelvic girdle rests in a neutral state

Based on our discussion in lecture, why is it so important to stretch the hip flexors?

because of their anterior pull on the pelvic girdle which, if not stretched, can lead to lumbar spine or low back pain.

In order to best strengthen the rectus femoris at the knee joint, you should perform knee ____________; while doing so, the hip joint should be held in a ________ position.

extension; extension

T/F? Double leg lifts concentrically work the abdominal muscles.


All pelvic girdle rotation actually results from motion at either the right or left _______ or the ________.

hip; lumbar spine

List all of the muscles that are primary agonists (not assistors or weak performers) during hip flexion:

iliacus psoas major rectus femoris sartorius pectineus tensor fasciae latae

List all the muscles of the hip joint who are agonists when adducting the hip:

pectineus adductor brevis adductor longus adductor magnus gracilis

List the ways in which the adductor magnus different from all the other hip adductors:

posterior muscle (rest are anterior) short head originates on femur , not just pubis inserts close to the femoral condyle near knee causes hip extension & posterior pelvic girdle rotation causes external rotation of hip (not internal)

What can a strength and conditioning coach incorporate into an exercise program to lessen ACL injuries?

quad strengthening such that it is stronger (25-35%) than the hamstring muscle. strengthening rectus femoris in knee extension with hip fully extended so that it doesn't suffer from biarticulate insuff

This muscle suffers from biarticulate insufficiencies because it both flexes the hip and extends the knee?

rectus femoris

What is the best way to stretch the iliopsoas?

take the hip into full extension with femur behind neutral plane of body; to isolate it's stretch from rectus femoris, can fully extend knee (such as like a lunge position)

This muscle helps direct the leg & foot forward when walking/running?

tensor fasciae latae

In what plane of motion do internal and external rotation occur?

transverse or horizontal

T/F? All of the quadricep muscles insert on the patella, contributing to the stability of the patellofemoral joint, which is a gliding joint rather than a hinge joint, like the tibiofemoral.


T/F? The gracilis is the only adductor muscles that causes motion at the knee joint.


List the ways in which the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus are similar & different from the biceps femoris.

-All three originate at the ischial tuberosity. -All three acts with knee flexion, hip extension, and posterior pelvic rotation. -The semitendinosus and the semimembranosus acts with hip internal rotation and internal rotation of the flexed knee while the biceps femoris act with external rotation of the flexed knee and hip external rotation.

List the ways in which the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus are similar?

-both originate at the ischial tuberosity. -both act with knee flexion, hip extension, hip internal rotation, internal rotation of the flexed knee, and posterior pelvic rotation.

List the ways in which the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus are different:

-the semtendinosus inserts at the ANTERIOR medial surface of the tibia just below the condyle and the semimembranosus inserts at the POSTEROMEDIAL surface of the medial tibial condyle. -semitendonosus providing anterior knee stability versus semimembranosus providing posterior knee stability

What are the 3 reasons the hip joint is so stable?

1. Bony architecture 2. Strong ligaments 3. Large/supportive muscles

Describe 5 similarities between the illiacus, the psoas major, &the psoas minor.

1. Psoas Major and Psoas minor are both lower borders of the transverse processes. 2. Insertion for the Iliopsoas is both the iliacus and the psoas major. 3. Psoas major and Psoas minor originate on the same point together on the last lateral side of thoracic vertebra (transverse processes) 4. Psoas major and Psoas minor both are able to move the spine. 5. The psoas major and minor also are capable of lateral spinal flexion.

Describe 5 similarities & differences between the illiacus, the psoas major, &the psoas minor.

1. The Illiacus originates at the inner surface of the ilium. 2. The psoas minor is the pectineal line of the pubic and iliopectineal eminence. 3. Illiacus is ONLY a hip joint. (Psoas minor cannot do hip flexion/Psoas major can do both) 4. Illiacus is used for hip flexion. (Crosses hip joint) 5. Illiacus does NOT move the spine.

How can you best work the hip adductors without any exercise equipment; ie. using gravity only?

By squeezing the thighs together with resistance. Another exercise could be side- lying adduction where you lay on your side, top leg is bent, bottom leg is straight, and then left bottom heel upwards, then repeat.

List all of the muscles that are responsible for motion during the DOWN phase of a squat? Next to the name of the muscle, tell me the following: across which joint it's causing motion & how it's contracting.

Quads; knee joint; eccentric contraction Glut max & posterior fibers of the glut medius; hip joint; eccentric contraction

Tight hamstrings are often blamed for pain in the [a] area due to their [b] pull on the pelvic girdle.

[a] low back lumbar [b] posterior

In addition to static stability to the joint, the ligaments of the foot, also stabilize & maintain the [a], which assists in the following two functions [b] & [c].

[a] position of the arch [b] balance [c] shock absorption

The most common injury of the knee is [a] tears? [b] more commonly suffer from this injury than others.

a- ACL b- Women (also soccer & football players who wear cleats)

When discussion the knee joint, it is generally suggested that the [a] muscle be [b] stronger than their antagonist, the [c], due to their role in [d] the body.

a- quadricep b- 25-35% c- hamstrings d- decelerating

Based on the joints we have discussed in class, which muscles are accelerators during movement, how are they contacting during acceleration, and across which joint are the responsible for that contraction during acceleration?

all 3 hamstrings--contracting across knee joint gluteus maximus & posterior fibers of gluteus medius--contracting across hip joint all contracting concentrically during acceleration

T/F? Double leg lifts are recommended for strengthening the muscles that flex the hips, especially for people that suffer from lumbar spinal pain.


T/F? Posterior pelvic girdle rotation occurs when the iliac crest tilts upwards in the frontal plane.


T/F? The gracilis is the muscle working while sitting criss-cross applesauce, ie: hip & knee flexion with external rotation of the hip.


T/F? The hip suffers from a high number of subluxations and dislocations.


T/F? The knee can internally & externally rotate while in full extension.


T/F? The pectineus is the only adductor muscles that causes external rotation of the hip.


T/F? The quadriceps function as accelerators during concentric contractions.


T/F? The quadriceps provide dynamic stability to the knee joint while also causing internal & external rotation of the knee joint.


T/F? The tibialis posterior is charged with ankle dorsiflexion as well as foot inversion.


T/F? The hamstrings are the primary hip extenders during walking rather than the gluteus maximus.


T/F? The hip is an extremely mobile joint, moving in all planes of motion.


T/F? The sartorius is weaker when performing knee flexion if the hip is already in a flexed position.


T/F? When discussing the hip, the body part that is the most stable will move the least and the least stable body part will move the greatest.


T/F? the pectineus is a hip flexor, so he also causes anterior pelvic girdle rotation?


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