KIN Final 2

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Which of the following is correct regarding the patellofemoral joint?

Classified as an arthrodial type joint

The Q angle is usually ___ or less for males and ___ or less for females.

15; 20

Which of the following individuals would likely have the largest postural sway?

A healthy individual

The angle of the femoral neck with respect to the long axis of the femur is known as the _____.

Angle of inclination

Which knee ligament prevents the tibia from sliding anteriorly?

Anterior Cruciate (ACL)

What compartment contains the dorsiflexor group, consisting of the tibialis anterior, peroneus tertius, extensor digitorum longus, and extensor hallucis longus?

Anterior compartment

Identify the points of origin of the tensor fasciae latae muscle:

Anterior iliac crest, and the surface of the ilium just below the crest

A ligament that runs from the base of the skull to the sacrum and attaches to the anterior surface of each vertebral body

Anterior longitudinal ligament

What is the point of insertion of the semitendinosus muscle?

Anterior medial surface of the tibia just below the condyle

Identify the point of origin of the sartorius muscle:

Anterior superior iliac spine and notch just below the spine

The iliopsoas muscle is located ____ and performs ___ of the hip

Anteriorly; flexion

The insertion of the tensor fasciae latae muscle is one-fourth of the way down the thigh into the iliotibial tract, which in turn inserts onto Gerdy's tubercle of the ___ tibial condyle.


Identify the origin of the gracilis muscle

Anteromedial edge of the descending ramus of the pubis

Except for the __ joint, there is not a great deal of movement possible between any two vertebrae

Atlantoaxial joint

Most of the rotation within the cervical region occurs in the __ joint.

Atlantoaxial joint

What is the insertion of the Peroneus brevis?

Base of the 5th metatarsal

What are the exercises that strengthen the rectus abdominis muscle?

Bent knee sit ups or crunches

Where the six deep (lateral rotator muscles be palpated?)

Between the posterior superior greater trochanter and obturator foramen

Which of the following muscles externally rotates the knee?

Biceps femoris

Identify the muscles in the hamstring muscle group:

Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus

Identify an exercise that uses the erector spinae in extending the spine:


Which of the following is not correct regarding menisci in the knee joint?

Decreases stability

What compartment contains the flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, popliteus, and tibialis posterior?

Deep posterior compartment

The supporting ligament on the medial side of the ankle joint is called the ____.

Deltoid ligament

Identify the bones that make up the ankle joint

Distal tibia, distal fibula, and talus

Movement of the tibia of the ankle and foot toward the anterior tibia


The primary movers in cervical spine extension (against resistance) are the:

Erector spinae

Turning the ankle and foot outward


What is the muscle action of the extensor hallucis longus?

Extends the first / great toe

Straightening or increasing the angle between the femur and the lower leg


Identify an action performed by the splenius muscles:

Extension of the head and neck

What are the actions performed by the sternocleidomastoid muscle?

Extension of the head at the atlantooccipital joint and flexion of the cervical spine

Identify an action performed by the Vastus intermedius:

Extension of the knee

Identify an action performed by the Vastus lateralis muscle:

Extension of the knee

The ___ muscle can be palpated as the second muscle to the lateral side of the anterior tibial border in the upper lateral side of the tibia between the tibialis anterior medially and the fibula laterally

Extensor digitorum longus

Which of the following muscles can perform extension of the great toe when concentrically contracting?

Extensor hallucis longus

Rotary movement of the lower leg laterally away from the midline

External rotation

The six deep lateral rotator muscles are used powerfully in movements of ____ ____ ___ __ ____, as in sports in which the individual takes off on one leg from preliminary internal rotation.

External rotation of the femur

All of the erector spinae muscles run horizontally parallel to the spinal column


An ankle sprain is a common injury that involves the stretching or tearing of one or more tendons


Except for the glenohumeral joint, the acetabular femoral joint is the least mobile joint of the body


General knee pain is usually a result of structural abnormalities at the knee


Inversion is turning the ankle and foot outward away from the midline of the body where the weight is on the medial edge of the foot


Kyphosis is increased posterior concavity of the thoracic curve of the vertebral column


Sit-ups are an excellent exercise for strengthening the erector spinae muscles


The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are located on the outermost anterior and posterior surfaces of the knee joint.


The mastoid process of the thoracic spine and the posterior ribs are key areas of attachment for the posterior muscles of the spine


The semimembranosus muscle inserts anteromedially on the medial tibial condyle


The structural instability of the acetabular femoral joint makes it susceptible to subluxations and dislocations


The vertebral column has 32 pairs of spinal nerves


When slipping on ice, you tend to use an ankle strategy to prevent falling


When the knee is flexed slightly, the effect of the Soleus is reduced, placing more work on the gastrocnemius.


Bending or decreasing the angle between the femur and the lower leg


The __ muscle can be palpated as the most posterior of the three tendons immediately behind the medial malleolus; between the medial soleus and the tibia

Flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following muscles can perform flexion of the great toe when concentrically contracting?

Flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following is the correct order starting from the most posterior aspect of the distal lower leg/ankle and moving medially?

Flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior

The pectineus muscle is stretched by:

Fully abducting the extended and internally rotated hip

Triceps surae refers to the ___.

Gastrocnemius and soleus

The ___ ____ muscle can be palpated by running downward and laterally between the posterior iliac crest superiorly, the anal cleft medially, and the gluteal fold inferiorly.

Gluteus maximus

Which single-joint muscle extends the hip?

Gluteus maximus

The __ __ is best stretched by moving the hip into extreme adduction in front of the opposite extremity and then behind it.

Gluteus medius

Which hip muscle keeps your pelvic level while standing on one foot?

Gluteus medius

The __ is best stretched by moving the hip into extreme adduction in front of the opposite extremity and then behind it, and weakness in this muscle can result in a Trendelenburg gait.

Gluteus medius muscle

The pes anserinus tendinosus expansion comprises the ____.

Gracilis, sartorius, and semitendinosus

The semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris muscles are known as the _____.


What is the point of origin of the Peroneus longus muscle?

Head and upper two-thirds of the lateral surface of fibula

Characterized by landing on the heel with the foot in supination and the leg in external rotation


The knee joint is primarily a ____ joint.


In the context of the pelvic girdle motions, which of the following terms refers to the movement of the femur in the frontal plane medially toward the midline?

Hip adduction

The best position to stretch the tensor fascia latae muscle is which of the following?

Hip adduction

Which of the following are tight when a patient is demonstrating an anterior pelvic tilt?

Hip flexors and trunk extensors

Right transverse pelvic rotation and left transverse rotation occur in the:

Horizontal or transverse plane of motion

The adductor muscles as a group are called into action in __________.

Horseback riding and in doing the breaststroke kick in swimming

Identify the two different muscles that make up the iliopsoas:

Iliacus and the psoas major

Rotary movement of the lower leg medially toward the midline

Internal rotation

The ___ ____ are located in between and adhering to the articular cartilage of the vertebral bodies

Intervertebral disks

Turning the ankle and foot inward


What is the action of the tibialis posterior?

Inversion and plantar flexion

Which of the following statements is true about the biceps femoris muscle?

It is best developed through hamstring curls or leg curls

Identify the accurate statement about the Popliteus muscle:

It is crucial in internally rotating the knee to unlock it from the full extension position

Identify an accurate statement about Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear:

It is one of the most common serious injuries to the knee

A feature of the sartorius muscle is that:

It is weak when flexion of the hip and knee take place at the same time

The Vastus lateralis muscle, along with the other vasti muscles, functions with the Rectus femoris in ___ _______.

Knee extension

Adducted knee posture is known as ___.

Knee varus

What compartment contains the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis - the two most powerful evertors?

Lateral compartment

"Side bending" the head moves laterally toward the shoulder, and the thorax moves laterally toward the pelvis; both in frontal plane

Lateral flexion

Posterior surface of the lateral femoral condyle

Lateral head

What is the point of origin of the gluteus minimus muscle?

Lateral surface of the ilium and a few inches above the greater trochanter

Lateral to each rectus abdominis is the ___ ____, a crescent, or moon-shaped, line running vertically

Linea semilunaris

What are the three muscles that make up the anterior vertebral muscles?

Longus capitis, rectus capitis anterior, rectus capitis lateralis

In the cervical area, the __ muscles are located anteriorly and flex the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae

Longus colli

The combined motion that occurs in both the thoracic and the lumbar regions is known as ___ motion


The lumbar spine may have a reduction of its normal lordotic curve, resulting in a flat-back appearance referred to as ___ ___.

Lumbar kyphosis

Posterior surface of the medial femoral condyle

Medial head

Which of the following statements about menisci are false?

Meniscus tears are best left to repair themselves

What is the point of origin of the peroneus brevis muscle?

Mid to lower two-thirds of the lateral surface of the fibula

Characterized by pronation and internal rotation of the foot and leg, respectively


Which bone is found at the peak of the medial arch of the foot?


Lateral flexion of the head:

Obliquues capitis superior

Rotation of the atlas:

Obliquus capitis inferior

The tibialis anterior may be stretched by ____.

Passively taking the foot into extreme eversion and plantar flexion

The peroneus tertius may be stretched by ___.

Passively taking the foot into extreme inversion and plantar flexion

The extensor digitorum longus may be stretched by ____.

Passively taking the four lesser toes into full flexion while the foot is inverted and plantarflexed

The biceps femoris short head is supplied by the ___ nerve


The ___ muscle passes posteroinferiorly to the lateral malleolus to pull on the base of the fifth metatarsal

Peroneus brevis

Which of the following muscles has its origin on the distal third of the anterior fibula?

Peroneus tertius

The sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus all join together distally to form a tendinosus expansion known as the __ _______.

Pes anserinus

The sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus all join together distally to form a tendinous expansion known as the __ _____.

Pes anserinus

There are three individual bones in each toe, except for the great toe, which has only two. Each of these bones is known as an ___.


Which of the following are the bones that make up the ankle and foot joints?

Phalanx, Talus, Calcaneus, Tarsals

Movement of the ankle and foot away from the tibia

Plantar flexion

Identify an action performed by the Soleus muscle

Plantar flexion of the ankle

Identify an action performed the tibialis posterior muscle:

Plantar flexion of the ankle

A ___ is an anatomical variant among some individuals that may be irritated or inflamed with injuries or overuse of the knee.


Which muscle is responsible for "unlocking" the knee?


The ___ muscle can be palpated deep to the gastrocnemius medially on the posterior proximal tibia and proceed superolaterally toward lateral epicondyle of tibia just deep to fibular collateral ligament.


The only uniarticular knee flexor is the ___.


A ligament that runs from the axis to the sacrum and attaches on the posterior vertebral bodies

Posterior longitudinal ligament

A person with tight hamstrings will likely adopt which of the following compensatory postures?

Posterior tilt of pelvis and flattened lumbar curve

What is the point of insertion of the semimembranosus muscle?

Posteromedial surface of the medial tibial condyle

Both the gluteus minimus and the gluteus medius are used in the:

Powerfully maintaining proper hip abduction while running

Which foot motion occurs at mid-stance during gait which involves eversion of the foot and ankle?


The angle formed by the intersection of the central line of pull for the entire quadriceps and the line of pull of the patellar tendon that runs from the center of the patella to the center of the tibial tuberosity is referred to as the __ __.

Q angle

The angle formed by the intersection of the central line of pull for the entire quadriceps and the line of pull of the patellar tendon that runs from the center of the patella to the center of the tibial tuberosity is referred to as the ___ _____.

Q angle

Pulling from the anterior inferior iliac spine of the ilium, the ___ ___ muscle has a tendency to anteriorly rotate the pelvis

Rectus femoris

Identify the muscles in the quadriceps group:

Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus intermedius, Vastus medialis

Identify the muscles in the quadriceps muscles:

Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus intermedius, Vastus medialis

Return movement from lateral flexion to neutral in the frontal plane


The tibial division of the __ nerve innervates the gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, and flexor hallucis longus.


Which of the following are the nerves arising from the sacral plexus that innervate the muscles of the hip?

Sciatic nerve, inferior gluteal nerve, and superior gluteal nerve

The adductor longus muscle can be strengthened by using the ____.

Scissors exercise

Which of the following muscles internally rotates the knee?


The upper anteromedial surface of the tibia just below the medial condyle serves as the insertion for the sartorius, gracilis, and _____.


The upper anteromedial surface of the tibia just below the medial condyle serves as the insertion for the sartorius, gracilis, and ________.


___ ___ is a slang term frequently used to describe an often chronic condition in which the tibialis posterior, tibialis anterior, and extensor digitorum longus muscles are inflamed.

Shin splints

Where can the gluteus medius muscle be palpated?

Slightly in frontal of and a few inches above the greater trochanter

Which of the following muscles only performs plantar flexion?


The __ __ are horizontal indentations that transect the rectus abdominis at three or more locations

Tendinosus inscriptions

Muscles that flex the knee include all of the following except:

Tensor fascia latae

Identify accurate statements about the muscles at the hip joint:

The action of a particular muscle has on the hip may vary depending on the position of the femur in relation to the pelvis

The muscles actually involved in hip and pelvic girdle motions depend largely on:

The direction of the movement and the position of the body in relation to the earth and its gravitational forces

Which of the following is not considered to be a large abdominal muscle?

The lateral abdominis

Which of the following statements is correct regarding trunk movement at the lumbar spine?

The lumbar spine extends 20 to 30 degrees

Which of the following muscles is not strengthened to any substantial degree by sit-ups?

The quadratus lumborum

Which of the following muscles is best stretched in a side-lying position by having a partner take the knee into full flexion and simultaneously take the hip into extension?

The rectus femoris muscle

Which of the following muscles contracts concentrically to cause cervical flexion, left cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion?

The right sternocleidomastoid

Which of the following muscles is a two-joint muscle, effective as a hip flexor or as a knee flexor, and is sometimes referred to as the tailor's muscle?

The sartorius muscle

Which of the following muscles is important in providing dynamic medial stability to the knee joint because of the manner in which it crosses the joint and is also responsible for internal rotation of the knee?

The semimembranosus muscle

Identify an accurate statement about the skeletal foundation of the thorax

The skeletal foundation of the thorax is formed by twelve pairs of ribs

In the context of walking, identify the phase that occurs when the foot leaves the ground and the leg moves forward to another point of contact

The swing phase

The trunk is composed of the ___.

Thoracic spine, rib cage, pelvic girdle

The ___ is the first muscle to the lateral side of the anterior tibial border, particularly palpable with fully active ankle dorsiflexion

Tibialis anterior

The "Tom, Dick and Harry" phrase refers to the ___ respectively.

Tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

Movement of the toes away from the plantar surface of the foot

Toe extension

Movement of the toes toward the plantar surface of the foot

Toe flexion

Characterized by the foot returning to supination and the leg returning to external rotation


Abduction/Adduction of the ankle occur in what plane?


A substantial number of low back problems are caused by improper use of back over time


All the three vasti muscles of the quadriceps originate on the proximal femur and insert on the patellar superior pole.


Dorsiflexion is the dorsal aspect of the foot moving toward the anterior tibia


Each thoracic vertebrae has one pair of ribs that attaches to it laterally


For the pelvis to rotate in any direction, movement must occur in either the right hip, the left hip, the lumbar spine, or a combination of these locations


Heel-strike normally occurs by landing on the heel with the foot in supination and the leg in external rotation


Motions of the metatarsophalangeal joints of toes include: flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction?


Pronation of the foot while walking/running is normal.


The medial meniscus is larger than the lateral meniscus


The pelvic girdle consists of a right and left pelvic bone joined together posteriorly by the sacrum


The vertebral column has 24 articulating vertebrae


When the knees are bent, the gastrocnemius muscle becomes an ineffective plantar flexor


Which of the following is a monoarticular muscle?

Vastus lateralis

Which of the following motions does NOT normally occur in the tibiofemoral joint?


Which of the following is not an action of the pectineus muscle?

Abduction of the hip

The origin of the rectus femoris muscle is the anterior inferior iliac spine of the ilium and the groove above the ___.


The ___ ___ muscle has its point of insertion in the whole length of the linea aspera, the inner condyloid ridge, and the adductor tubercle

Adductor magnus

Return from flexion; posterior movement of the spine in the sagittal plane

Spinal extension

Anterior movement of the spine in the sagittal plane; in the cervical region

Spinal flexion

Rotary movement of the spine in the transverse plane; the chin rotates from neutral toward the shoulder

Spinal rotation

Identify an exercise that strengthens the quadriceps muscles:


The __ muscle is primarily responsible for flexion and rotation of the head and neck.


Where can the Rectus femoris muscle be palpated?

Straight down anterior thigh from anterior inferior iliac spine to patella

What compartment contains the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris?

Superficial posterior compartment

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