Kinesiology 2

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List the four properties of muscle tissue

1. contractility 2. irritability 3. extensibility 4. elasticity

muscles are usually named due to all of the following except

A. Nerve

which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between linear and angular motion?

A. angular motion of the joints produces linear motion

which of the following is a true statement regarding stabilizer muscles?

A. are essential in establishing a relatively firm base for the more distal joints to work from when carrying out movements

which of the following is a true statement regarding agonist muscles?

A. causes a joint motion through a specified plane of motion when contracting concentrically

which of the following is not a property of skeletal muscle tissue that allows for force production and movement about joints?

A. constrictability

elbow extension where the triceps applies force to olecranon process in extending the non-supported forearm at the elbow is an example of which type of lever arrangement?

A. first class

which of the following is the law reaction?

A. for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction

which of the following is not true regarding the force arm of a lever?

A. is determined by multiplying the distance from the axis by the force

which of the following factors may enhance stability?

A. lowering the body's center of gravity within the base of support B. moving the body's center of gravity closer to the center of the base of support *both

Which of the following could be done to reduce the amount of force needed to move a lever?

A. move the resistance closer to the axis B. Apply the force further from the axis C. decrease the amount of resistance *all of the above

which of the following definitions is correct?

A. rolling friction is always less than static or kinetic friction B. Static equilibrium is when the body is at rest or completely motionless *both

which of the following is an example of a type of friction?

A. static B. kinetic *both

which of the following statements is true regarding isometric muscle actions?

A. tension is developed within a muscle but joint angles remain constant

which of the following is not among the general factors that positively affect the achievement of balance?

A. the center of gravity falls outside the base of support

which of the following statements is false regarding the proportional relationship between force components and resistance components?

A. the closer the force application is to the axis of rotation the greater the amount of resistance that can be moved

which of the following pairs of variables exhibits an inverse relationship?

A. the force and the force arm B. the resistance and the resistance arm *both

which of the following is not true regarding an eccentric muscle action?

A. typically called a positive type of muscle contraction

Which of the following levers would be best to use to move a specific object if your only objective was slight movement of the object?

B. 2nd class with resistance arm of 10 and force arm of 20

regarding the angle of pull, a muscle would be most effective in moving a joint when its angle of pull is at __________ degrees

B. 84

which of the following is not a shape by which muscles are categorized?

B. Radial

which of the following is Newton's law of inertia?

B. a body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force

which of the following is true regarding concentric muscle contractions?

B. contactions cause movement against gravity or resistance

Which of the following is a type of linear motion?

B. curvilinear motion

which of the types of muscle contraction is usually utilized in causing an objects deceleration?

B. eccentric

which of the following does not describe a way in which machines function?

B. enhances force in an attempt to increase total force needed to overcome a resistance

which of the following is a proprioceptor associated with muscle tissue?

B. golgi tendon organ

which of the following is a possible advantage of a wheel axle mechanical arrangement?

B. increased range of motion

which of the following is not a true statement regarding isokinetic exercise?

B. muscular contraction occurs only through part of the movement

which of the following is the basic functional unit of the nervous system responsible for generating and transmitting nervous impulses?

B. neuron

For two objects in contact with each other which of the following would result in the greatest amount of friction?

B. one object sitting stationary on the other

the subconscious mechanism by which the body is able to regulate posture and movement is _______.

B. proprioception

Which of the following is not an example that results from excessive tissue deformation due to mechanical loading?

B. straightening

which of the following levers would be best to use to move a specific object if your only objective was speed of the object's movement?

C. 3rd class with resistance arm of 20 and force arm of 10

which of the following is the law of acceleration?

C. a change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it

which of the following is affected by the shape and size of a muscle?

C. ability of a muscle to produce force

which of the following is not true with respect to an isometric muscle contraction?

C. is considered to be a dynamic contraction

which of the following is a true statement regarding synergist muscles?

C. known as guiding muscles

which of the following types of machine is most common in the musculoskeletal system arrangements of the human body?

C. levers

________ occurs when an antagonistic muscle becomes stretched to the point at which it can no longer lengthen and allow movement.

C. passive insufficiency

which of the following is not a classification of neuron type?

C. peripheral

which of the following is true regarding an eccentric muscle action?

C. the force developed by the muscle is less than that of the resistance

the pennate type of muscle fiber arrangement my be classified by the following terms except?

C. tripennate

muscles provide all of the following except?

D. attachment points for other muscles

the point at which all of the body's mass and weight is equally balanced or equally distributed in all directions is the _________

D. center of gravity

which of the following is not true regarding concentric muscle contractions?

D. commonly described as being a negative type of contraction

kinematics is the description of motion and includes consideration of each of the following except?

D. forces

which of the following statements is false regarding forces?

D. relative to the mass of an object

which of the following do not result in the contraction of the muscle fibers in a particular motor unit?

D. sub threshold stimulus

which of the following is not considered to be a law of motion and physical activity?

D. there are three types of motion

which of the following is not a true statement regarding antagonist muscles?

D. these muscles work against agonist muscles by contracting and preventing movement

angular displacement is the change in location of a linearly moving body


antagonist muscles are known as primary or prime movers or muscles most involved in a joint action


contractility is the ability of muscle to contract and develop tension or internal force in the same direction as a resistive force when stimulated


during rapid running movement where inertia is high the center of gravity of the body must be raised in order to maintain balance when stopping or changing direction


eccentric muscle actions result form isometric muscle contractions


eccentric muscle contractions are referred to as muscle actions instead of a contraction since the muscle is shortening as opposed to lengthening


fusiform muscle fiber arrangement results in a circular pattern


isokinetic muscle contractions involve a dynamic movement wherein the speed of movement is variable


it is not possible for a muscle to cause more than one action in an associated joint


levers rotate about an axis of rotation as a result of a force being applied to cause movement in the same direction as the resistance


mass is the effect of gravity on the amount of matter in the body


minor variations in the point of force application have no effect in determining the effective force of the muscle


the more sudden the activation of a myotatic reflex, the less significant the reflexive contraction


the resistance arm is the distance between the axis and the point of lever application


the shape and arrangement of muscle fibers affect the muscle's ability to relax


the synergist muscle of an activity is considered to be the primary mover


the term "extensibility" refers to the ability of a muscle to return to its original length following stretching


velocity is how fast an object is moving, or the distance an object travels in a specific amount of time


assuming that the bat speed and pitched ball velocity were the same, the ball hit with the middle of the bat would travel further that the ball hit with the larger end of the bat


in a wheel axle mechanical arrangement only the radius of the wheel corresponds to the force arm


a constant state of motion accurately describes a system when no motion is occurring


a football player in a four-point stance has more balance than the same football player in a three-point stance


a person riding a bicycle in straight line at 7.5 miles an hour would be more balanced than the same person riding the bicycle 4.8 miles an hour in a straight line


all muscle contractions are classified as either isometric or isotonic


biomechanics is the study of mechanics related to the functional and anatomical analysis of biological systems


dynamics is the study of systems in motion that are subjected to acceleration


each muscle in the human body may be innervated by a single nerve or multiple nerves


friction is the force that results from the resistance between the surfaces of two objects from moving one moving upon another


generally, as a muscle gets longer, its ability to exert force increases


in a first class lever arrangement the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of a joint axis


in order for rotation to occur in objects with a fixed axis an eccentric force must be applied


isotonic contractions are described as either concentric or eccentric on basis of whether shortening or lengthening of the muscle occurs


joint movement may occur without any muscle contraction


linear displacement is the distance that a system moves along a straight line


muscles are the main source of force that produce or change movement of a body segment or the entire body


overall the human leverage system is built for speed and range of movement at the expense of force generation


short force arms and long resistance arms require greater muscular force to produce movement as compared to longer force arms with a long resistance arm


skeletal muscles are responsible for movement of the body as a whole and movement within each of the joints of the body


some circumstances exist where movement is improved when the body tends to be unbalanced


statics is the study of systems that are in a constant state of motion


the conscious awareness of the position and movement of the body in space is kinesthesis


the mass of an object affects the speed and acceleration of the object during movement


the term "action" refers to a specific movement of a joint that occurs as a result form concentric muscle contraction


the term "innervation" is used to describe a segment of nervous system and is defined as being responsible for providing a stimulus to muscle fibers within a specific muscle or portion of a muscle


the term "isokinetics" describes a type of dynamic exercise that uses concentric and/or eccentric muscle contractions


the term intrinsic usually pertains to muscles within or belonging solely to the body part upon which they act


there are two major types of fiber arrangements which are parallel and pennate


two different muscles may contract simultaneously at a joint and cause a motion that neither would cause if contracting alone


when antagonist muscles contract concentrically they perform the opposite joint motion of the agonist muscle


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