Kinesiology Anatomy Chapter 7 - Wrist and Hand

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Wrist and Hand Bones

29 Bones Including radius and ulna, 8 carpal bones in 2 rows of 4 bones form wrist, 5 metacarpal bones, numbered 1 to 5 from thumb to little finger, join the wrist bones, 14 phalanges, 3 for each finger except thumb, which only has 2, thumb has a sesamoid bone in its flexor tendon, other sesamoids may occur in joints of fingers

Wrist Motion

70 to 90 degrees of flexion 65 to 85 degrees of extension 15 to 25 degrees of radial deviation 25 to 40 degrees of ulnar deviation

Carpal Bones

8, Proximal row from radial to ulnar side, Scaphoid(navicular), lunate, triquetrum, pisiform(sesamoid sits on triquetrum, palmar side) Distal row, from radial to ulnar side, Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

Radial Deviation

Also known as wrist abduction, Movement of thumb side of hand toward lateral or radial side of forearm

Ulnar Deviation

Also known as wrist adduction, Movement little finger side of hand toward medial or ulnar side of forearm

Bony Landmarks for Muscles Involved in Wrist Motion

Base of 2nd, 3rd, and 5th metacarpals, pisiform, and hamate

Bony Landmarks for Finger Muscles

Base of proximal, middle, and distal phalanxes, base of 1st metacarpal, proximal and distal phalanxes of thumb

Thumb Opposition

Bring thumb across palm

Thumb Abduction

Bring thumb away from index finger

Thumb Extension

Bring thumb backward, sagittal plane movement from anatomical position

Thumb Flexion

Bring thumb forward, sagittal plane movement from anatomical position

Thumb Adduction

Bring thumb toward index finger

Finger Adduction

Bringing fingers together


Capral bones form a three-sided arch, concave on palmar side, bony arch is spanned by transverse carpal and volar carpal ligaments, Create the carpal tunnel, frequently a source of problems known as carpal tunnel syndrome

Metacarpophalangeal(MCP) Joints

Condyloid 0 to 45 degrees of extension 85 to 100 degrees of flexion

Finger Flexion

Curling fingers to make a fist

Finger Movements

Flexion, Extenion, Abduction, Adduction

Thumb Movements

Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction, Opposition, Reposition

Wrist Movements

Flexion, Extension, Radial Deviation, Ulnar Deviation

Wrist Flexors

Generally have their origins on anteromedial aspect of proximal forearm and medial epicondyle with insertions on anterior aspect of wrist and hand

Wrist Extensors

Generally have their origins on posterolateral of proximal forearm and lateral epicondyle with insertions located on posterior aspect of wrist and hand

Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) Joint of Thumb

Ginglymus 0 degrees of extension 40 to 90 degrees of flexion

Distal Interphalangeal (DIP) Joints

Ginglymus 0 degrees of extension 80 to 90 degrees of flexion

Interphalangeal (IP) Joint of Thumb

Ginglymus 0 degrees of extension 80 to 90 degrees of flexion

Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) Joints

Ginglymus 0 degrees of extension 90 to 120 degrees of flexion

Humerus Bony Landmarks

Medial epicondyle origin for many wrist and finger flexors, Lateral epicondyle origin for many wrist and finger extensors

Wrist Joint

Most motion occurs between distal radius and proximal carpals

Wrist Extension

Movement of back of hand toward posterior or dorsal aspect of forearm

Wrist Flexion

Movement of palm toward anterior or volar aspect of forearm

Thenar Eminence

Muscular Pad on Palmar Surface of 1st MC

Hypothenar Eminence

Muscular Pad that Forms Ulnar Border on Palmar Surface

The Wrist and Hand Joints

Normal daily activities require optimal function of upper extremity, wrist, hand and finger motions dictated to some degree of function of elbow and shoulder, need shoulder and elbow to position wrist and hand for functional activities, minor injuries to finger/hand/wrist can impact normal function for life

Thumb Reposition

Return thumb to anatomical position

Carpal Bones Mnemonic

Some Lovers Try Postitions That They Can't Handle

Finger Abduction

Spreading fingers apart

Finger Extension

Straightening fingers

Finger Joint

Thumb has 2 joints(Metacarpophalangeal joint and Interphalangeal joint) Each finger has 3 joints(Metacarpophalangeal joints, Proximal Interphalangeal joints, Distal Interphalangeal joints)

Carpometacarpal (CMC) Joint of Thumb

Unique saddle-type joint(sellar) 50 to 70 degrees of abduction 15 to 45 degrees of flexion 0 to 20 degrees of extension

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