Kinesiology Exam 1

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Mean arterial pressure (MAP) = A. 2/3 diastolic P + 1/3 systolic P B. 1/3 diastolic P + 2/3 systolic P C. 1/2 diastolic P + 1/2 systolic P D. (diastolic P + systolic P) / 2

A. 2/3 diastolic P + 1/3 systolic P

Which of these bioenergetic systems is relatively unchanged from childhood to adulthood? A. ATP-PCr B. anaerobic glycolytic C. aerobic D. oxidative phosphorylative


Why is it necessary to have an action potential (electrical signal) in the muscle for contraction? A. Actin and myosin must be electrically charged to create a cross-bridge. B. The SR will only release Ca2+ if it has been electrically stimulated. C. Sarcomeres require a negative electrical charge to start sliding. D. ATP cannot be split into ADP and Pi without an action potential.

A. Actin and myosin must be electrically charged to create a cross-bridge.

_______________ is most effectively treated using whole-body immersion in an ice bath. A. Heatstroke B. Heat exhaustion C. Heat illness D. Heat cramps

A. Heatstroke

If PO2 is high, a large change in PO2 would lead to _____________ in hemoglobin saturation. A. no change B. a small change C. a moderate change D. a large change

B. a small change

The peak rates of growth in height and weight occur A. at the same time B. about six months apart C. about two years apart D. about three years apart

B. about six months apart

The partial pressure of oxygen is proportional to A. oxygen concentration B. barometric pressure C. nitrogen concentration D. temperature

B. barometric pressure

Aerobic training will reduce which of the following: A. the number of red blood cells B. blood pressure during submaximal exercise C. lactate threshold D. heat size

B. blood pressure during submaximal exercise

Which type of blood vessel allows exchange of nutrients, wastes, and blood gases? A. arterioles B. capillaries C. venules D. veins

B. capillaries

At altitude, ______________ is the body's preferred fuel both at rest and during exercise. A. fat B. carbohydrate C. protein

B. carbohydrate

Compared to someone who can squat 75 kg, someone else who can squat 150 kg has A. twice the power B. twice the strength C. twice the muscular endurance D. twice the 5-repetition maximum

B. twice the strength

Resistance training can lead to the conversion of ________ fibers into _____ fibers. A. type I, type IIx B. type IIx, type IIa C. type IIa, type I D. type IIa, type IIx

B. type IIx, type IIa

Which of these occurs during cardiovascular drift? A. upward drift in stroke volume B. upward drift in heart rate C. upward drift in skin vasodilation D. upward drift in cardiac output

B. upward drift in heart rate

The demographic group at highest risk for eating disorders is A. middle-aged female athletes B. young female athletes C. young male athletes D. older male nonathletes

B. young female athletes

Which of the following factors do NOT affect RMR? A. Age B. Fat Free Mass C. Height D. Psychological Stress

C. Height

Oxygen deficit is incurred when A. O2 consumption > O2 demand in early exercise B. O2 consumption > O2 demand in early recovery C. O2 demand > O2 consumption in early recovery D. O2 demand > O2 consumption in early exercise

A. O2 consumption > O2 demand in early exercise

During high-intensity sprints, what is the most specific cellular mechanism of fatigue? A. Pi accumulation B. creatine accumulation C. cytosolic ATP depletion D. PCr depletion

A. Pi accumulation

Which of the following statements is NOT true of type I fibers? A. They appear white under a microscope. B. They are thinner than type II fibers. C. They reach peak tension in about 110 ms. D. They are the most common of the three major fiber types in an average person.

A. They appear white under a microscope.

According to the length-tension relationship, a muscle will be functionally weaker if it is too stretched or too short. A. True B. False

A. True

After aerobic training, blood flow through exercising muscles increases due to increased capillary formation and capillary recruitment. A. True B. False

A. True

After anaerobic training, the cross-sectional areas of type I, IIa, and IIx fibers increase. A. True B. False

A. True

Both type II fibers and type II motor units tend to be larger compared to type I fibers and motor units. A. True B. False

A. True

Free weights are better at building strength in the extreme ranges (vs. the midrange) of motion. A. True B. False

A. True

Genetic factors appear to be most influential in determining the percentage of type I versus type II fibers. A. True B. False

A. True

Glucose is the primary ATP substrate for the muscles and brain. A. True B. False

A. True

Human energy substrates are made of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. A. True B. False

A. True

If your postexercise heart rate returns to normal faster than it used to, this means that you are more aerobically fit than you used to be. A. True B. False

A. True

Maximal heart rate is determined by age, not fitness status. A. True B. False

A. True

Strength training can help to increase the strength of ligaments and tendons. A. True B. False

A. True

The amount of energy used by a chemical reaction can be calculated based on the amount of heat that is released. A. True B. False

A. True

The decreased PO2 gradient between blood and muscle significantly limits exercise capacity at altitude. A. True B. False

A. True

The partial pressure of oxygen changes with barometric pressure. A. True B. False

A. True

Training at altitude for two weeks prior to competition can help avoid the worst effects of altitude. A. True B. False

A. True

Training must make further demands on the body to produce further improvements. A. True B. False

A. True

With aerobic training, the lactate threshold moves up to a higher %VO2Max . A. True B. False

A. True

Thin filaments are often named for which protein? A. actin B. myosin C. troponin D. tropomyosin

A. actin

Who has the most power? A. athlete A (bench presses 100 kg over 0.6 m in 0.5 s) B. athlete B (bench presses 150 kg over 0.6 m in 1.0 s) C. athlete C (bench presses 200 kg over 0.6 m in 2.0 s) D. athlete D (bench presses 250 kg over 0.6 m in 2.5 s)

A. athlete A (bench presses 100 kg over 0.6 m in 0.5 s)

Which of the following methods of CO2 transport in blood contributes to acid-base balance? A. carbonic acid/bicarbonate B. dissolved in plasma C. bound to oxyhemoglobin D. bound to deoxyhemoglobin

A. carbonic acid/bicarbonate

As windchill becomes greater, ___________________. A. convective heat loss increases B. radiative heat loss increases C. conductive heat loss increases D. evaporative heat loss increases

A. convective heat loss increases

At the onset of strenuous exercise, what changes would you expect to see in venous O2 content and difference, respectively? A. decrease, increase B. increase, decrease C. increase, increase D. decrease, decrease

A. decrease, increase

Which of the following factors contributes to chronic weight loss associated with advanced aging? A. decreased appetite B. poor posture C. increased fat mass D. increased caloric intake

A. decreased appetite

Which of these is not a risk of taking hormone replacement therapy? A. diabetes B. breast cancer C. stroke D. heart attack

A. diabetes

Carbohydrate serves as fuel for ATP production A. during short-duration, high-intensity exercise B. after many hours of low-intensity exercise C. during periods of starvation D. during severe caloric restriction

A. during short-duration, high-intensity exercise

DOMS is ______________ the development of fiber hypertrophy. A. essential for B. counteractive to C. independent of D. optional for

A. essential for

Acclimation is best achieved through A. exercising at low-to-moderate intensity in the heat for 1 h/day for 9 to 14 days B. passively resting in a hot, humid environment C. using metabolic heat from exercising as the primary stimulus for acclimation D. exercising at moderate intensity in the heat for 3 h/day, 2 times/week

A. exercising at low-to-moderate intensity in the heat for 1 h/day

From childhood to adulthood, increases in muscle mass (even in the absence of a training program) are primarily due to A. fiber hypertrophy B. fiber hyperplasia C. neurological mechanisms D. multinucleation

A. fiber hypertrophy

Why does stroke volume increase from childhood through adolescence to adulthood? A. heart size increases B. heart rate decreases C. red blood cell volume increases D. capillary oncotic pressure increases

A. heart size increases

If core temperature is not excessively high but an athlete is still exhibiting dizziness; nausea or vomiting; and a rapid, weak pulse, he or she is mostly likely suffering from A. heat exhaustion B. heat illness C. heat cramps D. heatstroke

A. heat exhaustion

As muscles become stronger, what is required in order to continue gaining strength? A. higher resistance B. lower intensity C. decreased overload D. continuation of the same training program

A. higher resistance

Who would be most likely to have similar responses to a given training program? A. identical twins B. 2 150 lb 5-foot-10-inch athletes C. 2 female swimmers D. 2 elite 10K runners

A. identical twins

Which of the following is not a mechanism of increased stroke volume after endurance training? A. increased resting and submaximal heart rate B. increased plasma volume C. increased filling time D. increased LV wall thickness and chamber volume

A. increased resting and submaximal heart rate

Cardiac muscle A. is voluntary B. is found only in the heart C. is found in the heart and blood vessels D. is found in all hollow internal organs

A. is voluntary

Stroke volume in women is ___________ than in men due to ________________. A. lower, smaller heart size B. higher, higher blood volume C. no different, reduced preload but greater contractility D. lower, higher afterload

A. lower, smaller heart size

The pulmonary veins travel from the __________ to the __________. A. lungs, left atrium B. lungs, left ventricle C. right atrium, left atrium D. right atrium, lungs

A. lungs, left atrium

Secretion of nitric oxide is an example of A. metabolic control of blood flow B. endothelial control of blood flow C. myogenic control of blood flow D. neural control of blood flow

A. metabolic control of blood flow

The majority of the benefits of exercise during pregnancy occur in the ____________; the majority of the risks of exercise during pregnancy apply to the ___________. A. mother, fetus B. fetus, mother C. fetus, fetus D. mother, mother

A. mother, fetus

Cardiac muscle cells are all of these except A. multinucleated, like skeletal muscle B. linked by intercalated discs C. branched D. stimulated involuntarily

A. multinucleated, like skeletal muscle

Epimysium relates to entire muscle as endomysium relates to A. muscle fiber B. myofibril C. muscle fasciculus D. myofilaments

A. muscle fiber

Resistance training leads to strength gains in children through which mechanism? A. neural mechanisms B. fiber hypertrophy C. fiber hyperplasia D. sarcomere lengthening

A. neural mechanisms

At a heart rate of 120 beats/min, A. norepinephrine is stimulating the heart B. acetylcholine is stimulating the heart C. parasympathetic tone is maximal D. sympathetic stimulation is maximal

A. norepinephrine is stimulating the heart

The neuromuscular system is A. one of the most responsive systems to training B. very difficult to train C. fully developed by puberty D. more responsive as humans age

A. one of the most responsive systems to training

Which is NOT a purpose served by EPOC? A. replenishes NADH stores in mitochondria B. replenishes ATP, PCr stores C. replenishes glycogen stores D. replenishes oxygen stores in hemoglobin and myoglobin

A. replenishes NADH stores in mitochondria

Even after intense training in both male and female elite athletes, which event will likely exhibit the most noticeable sex-specific difference in performance? A. shot put B. freestyle swimming C. 1,500 m run D. marathon

A. shot put

What causes the decrease in pulmonary function with age? A. stiffening of the lungs and chest wall B. sclerosis of airway smooth muscle C. reduced pulmonary blood flow D. decreased alveolar surface area

A. stiffening of the lungs and chest wall

Which of these sets of factors determines the rate of ATP production? A. substrate availability, enzyme activity B. amino acid concentration, triglyceride storage C. enzyme concentration, metabolic rate D. activation energy requirement, glycerol concentration

A. substrate availability, enzyme activity

A normal resting heart rate is determined by A. the parasympathetic nervous system B. the sympathetic nervous system C. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic D. a combination of parasympathetic and sympathetic

A. the parasympathetic nervous system

According to Dalton's law, A. the partial pressures of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide add up to atmospheric pressure B. surface area and gas partial pressures help determine the rate of gas diffusion C. the flow rate of oxygen per minute into the lungs is equal to the product of atmospheric pressure and resistance supplied by the bronchial tree D. gases dissolve in blood in proportion to their individual partial pressures

A. the partial pressures of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide add up to atmospheric pressure

The risk of DOMS after a given training session can be reduced by which training strategy? A. train at high intensity with both resistance and anaerobic training components B. train with primarily intense eccentric exercise C. reduce eccentric component of muscle action D. employ more downhill exercise in the training program

A. train at high intensity with both resistance and anaerobic training components

Type I muscle fibers may become more prevalent with aging for all of these reasons except A. type I fiber hypertrophy B. decrease in type II fiber population C. increase in type I motor unit innervation D. type II motor neuron death

A. type I fiber hypertrophy

Immobilization primarily affects A. type I fibers B. type IIa fibers C. type IIx fibers D. all fiber types equally

A. type I fibers

All of these statements about sex differences in muscle fibers are true except A. women have more lower body fiber hypertrophy than men do B. fiber type distribution is similar between men and women C. women have smaller fiber diameters than men D. muscle fiber capillarization is similar between men and women

A. women have more lower body fiber hypertrophy than men do

It is estimated that non-physically active people should consume how much protein in their diet? A. 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day B. 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day C. 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight per day D. 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day

B. 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day

The PO2 in muscle mitochondria is roughly A. 20 mmHg B. 15 mmHg C. 10 mmHg D. 2 mmHg

B. 15 mmHg

If a person gains 20 pounds of muscle, approximately how much of that weight is water weight? A. 10 pounds B. 15 pounds C. 5 pounds D. no water weight is gained.

B. 15 pounds

Which of the following is commonly used to estimate HRmax? A. maximal cardiac output or maximal stroke volume B. 220 - age in years C. (220 age in years) / 0.7 D. the lactate threshold

B. 220- age in years

Carbohydrates contain ___ kcals/per gram. A. 9.2 B. 4.1 C. 9.4 D. 4.3

B. 4.1

For most individuals, stroke volume starts to plateau at approximately _____% of VO2max A. 25 B. 50 C. 75 D. 100

B. 50%

If your blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, then your mean arterial pressure is A. 83 mmHg B. 90 mmHg C. 97 mmHg D. 110 mmHg

B. 90 mmHg

Which of the following best describes HRmax A. Reached at ~ 40 to 50% B. Achieved after all-out effort to volitional fatigue C. Stimulated by the parasympathetic nervous system D. Artificially lowered by high blood H+ content

B. Achieved after all-out effort to volitional fatigue

________________ is often caused by accumulation of fluid or H+ (acid accumulation). A. DOMS B. Acute muscle soreness C. Chronic hypertrophy D. Fiber hyperplasia

B. Acute muscle soreness

High lactate threshold can indicate the potential for better_________. A. Power B. Endurance performance C. Strength D. Sprint performance

B. Endurance performance

ATP can be eaten to maximize fuel for muscles. A. True B. False

B. False

At a given submaximal exercise intensity, HR will be higher after endurance training. A. True B. False

B. False

Cells can store large quantities of ATP in anticipation of prolonged intense exercise. A. True B. False

B. False

Cross-sectional area of muscle increases after acclimation at altitude. A. True B. False

B. False

During endurance exercise, diastolic blood pressure increases proportionally with exercise intensity while systolic blood pressure may actually decrease a little. A. True B. False

B. False

For a very heavy lifting task, type IIx fibers are recruited first because they are most appropriate for the job. A. True B. False

B. False

Genetics is not a significant factor to consider when designing a training plan. A. True B. False

B. False

In most cases, stroke volume increases linearly up to VO2max A. True B. False

B. False

Living and aerobically training at altitude are the best way to convert the benefits of acclimation into improved aerobic performance. A. True B. False

B. False

Muscle contractions are stronger during concentric contractions than eccentric contractions. A. True B. False

B. False

Plasma volume decreases after endurance training (due to chronic sweating), but red blood cell production increases. A. True B. False

B. False

Satellite cells are very active within the muscles before strength training begins. A. True B. False

B. False

Strength training can decrease the number of motor units recruited within a muscle. A. True B. False

B. False

The same endurance is demonstrated at either 15 reps at 75% of 1RM or 1 rep at 100% 1RM. A. True B. False

B. False

Variation is the reduction of training load prior to an important competition. A. True B. False

B. False

Which of these external factors plays the biggest role in determining VO2Max? A. training status B. genetics C. nutritional intake D. body composition

B. Genetics

If muscle pH falls to 6.4, what occurs in the cell that promotes fatigue? A. Myoglobin denatures. B. Glycogen breakdown stops. C. Muscle resting membrane potential changes. D. Buffer failure occurs and pH drops precipitously.

B. Glycogen breakdown stops.

Aerobic training will ___________ maximal lactate production. A. decrease B. increase C. not change

B. Increase

Which of the following is NOT true about cardiac output? A. It decreases as difference increases. B. It increases linearly with exercise intensity. C. It is the primary limiting factor of D. It is the product of stroke volume and heart rate.

B. Increases linearly with exercise intensityDuring moderate exercise in the heat, which regions of the body receive the most blood flow? A. muscle, splanchnic (gut) B. muscle, renal (kidneys) C. muscle, skin D. muscle, brain

When competing at altitude, athletes should A. arrive at altitude one week before competition B. compete in the first 24 hours after arriving at altitude C. train at sea level two weeks before competing altitude D. compete within the first 5 days after arriving at altitude

B. compete in the first 24 hours after arriving at altitude

Heat that the body gains from sitting on hot turf would be categorized as A. radiation B. conduction C. evaporation D. convection

B. conduction

Of the four major heat transfer variables, which one is most important for daily living? A. radiation B. convection C. conduction D. evaporation

B. convection

Which phase of the cardiac cycle is the longest? A. atrial systole B. diastole C. ventricular systole D. They are all the same length.

B. diastole

If chemoreceptors stimulate an increase in breathing rate and depth, this occurs because A. more oxygen is needed B. excess CO2 needs to be "blown off" (removed) C. blood pH was too alkaline D. PO2 was too high

B. excess CO2 needs to be "blown off" (removed)

Anaerobic capacity is lower in children than in adults for all of these reasons except A. lower glycolytic enzyme activity B. faster lactate accumulation C. limited glycogen stores D. lower content of glycolytic enzymes

B. faster lactate accumulation

Which of these factors is most critical in determining the rate of pulmonary diffusion? A. blood pH B. gas partial pressure C. blood temperature D. plasma solubility of oxygen

B. gas partial pressure

Which of the following variables is most important in determining whether hot environmental conditions are safe for competition? A. dry-bulb temperature B. globe temperature C. wet-bulb temperature D. all three temperatures are equally important

B. globe temperature

What factor causes fatigue after 1 to 2 min of high-intensity exercise? A. lactic acid accumulation B. glycogen depletion C. oxygen insufficiency D. muscle fiber damage

B. glycogen depletion

The ATP-PCr metabolic system can best be described as A. aerobic B. glycolytic C. substrate level D. gluconeogenic

B. glycolytic

The state of a child or adolescent's maturity can be defined by all of these except A. chronological age B. height C. skeletal age D. stage of sexual maturation

B. height

All of these cause vasodilation except A. nitric oxide B. increased local blood pressure C. EDHF D. H+ accumulation

B. increased local blood pressure

Which of the following is not an adaptation to aerobic training? A. increased size of the heart B. increased resting heart rate C. increased stroke volume D. increased cardiac output

B. increased resting heart rate

Age-related decrements in muscle strength can lead to all of the following except A. decreased quality of life B. increased risk for diabetes C. increased risk of falls D. difficulty with activities of daily living

B. increased risk for diabetes

Which type of contraction primarily occurs in the quadriceps (muscle on front of thigh) as a person descends a flight of stairs? A. concentric B. isometric C. eccentric D. asymmetrical

B. isometric

Rob has been training for a 10 k race off and on over the last couple of years and has been keeping track of his postworkout heart rate recovery. When was he probably most aerobically fit? A. last June, when his HR decreased from 190 to 150 beats/min after 1 min B. last December, when his HR decreased from 190 to 100 beats/min after 1 min C. last April, when his HR decreased from 190 to 120 beats after 1 min D. yesterday, when his HR decreased from 190 to 160 beats/min after 1 min

B. last December, when his HR decreased from 190 to 100 beats/min after 1 min

Which of these cardiovascular changes is the primary cause of age-related decrements in VO2 max? A. lower maximal stroke volume B. lower maximal heart rate C. lower maximal arterial oxygen content D. higher maximal venous oxygen content

B. lower maximal heart rate

Thick filaments are primarily made of which protein? A. actin B. myosin C. troponin D. tropomyosin

B. myosin

Starches and fibers are a(n): A. disaccharide B. polysaccharide C. monosaccharide D. oligosaccharide

B. polysaccharide

Glycolysis occurs in the __________. A. t-tubules B. sarcoplasm C. plasmalemma D. mitochondria

B. sarcoplasm

What effects does exercise training have on thermoregulation in the heat in older individuals? A. skin blood flow is decreased B. skin blood flow is increased C. subcutaneous insulation increases D. sweat gland secretion decreases

B. skin blood flow is increased

In which type of resistance exercise would the weight lifted by women come closest to matching the weight lifted by men (regardless of training status)? A. bench press B. squats C. biceps curls D. triceps dips

B. squats

Compared to the slope of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, the slope of the O2-myoglobin dissociation curve is A. less steep but the same direction (positive slope) B. steeper but the same direction C. steeper but in the opposite direction (negative slope) D. less steep but in the opposite direction

B. steeper but the same direction

If muscle glycogen and blood glucose both start to run low during exercise in the cold, what is the consequence? A. frostbite B. suppression of shivering C. enhanced skin vasoconstriction D. rewarming of extremities

B. suppression of shivering

In hemoglobin, CO2 binds to A. the iron in the heme B. the globular protein C. the heme (noniron portion) D. both heme and globular protein

B. the globular protein

How many weeks can gains in muscle strength be maintained before loss of strength accelerates? A. two B. three C. four D. five

B. three

___________ hypertrophy is the increase in muscle size that develops during and immediately following a single bout of exercise. A. chronic B. transient C. acute D. hyperplasia

B. transient

Strength gains can be maintained for approximately how many weeks? A. 8 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14

C. 12

PO2 at sea level is A. 42 mmHg B. 75 mmHg C. 159 mmHg D. 105 mmHg

C. 159 mmHg

Physiological adaptations occur after ______ weeks which improve the ability to cope with the stress of altitude. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

C. 3

Fats contain ___ kcals/gram. A. 9.2 B. 4.1 C. 9.4 D. 4.3

C. 9.4

Why is the prevalence of eating disorders often underestimated? A. Inventory surveys (EDI, EAT) are poorly validated. B. No clear diagnostic criteria exist for eating disorders. C. Athletes often lie about eating habits. D. Athletes are never directly asked about eating habits

C. Athletes often lie about eating habits.

The process of muscle contraction involves which ion? A. Na+ B. K+ C. Ca2+ D. Cl-

C. Ca2+

Many marathon runners "hit the wall" around mile 20. What does this tell you about glycogen? A. There is not enough oxygen by mile to continue using glycogen. B. Oxidative phosphorylation of glycogen is too slow by mile 20. C. Glycogen stores are mostly depleted by mile 20. D. Exercise intensity is too high by mile 20 to be sustained by glycogen anymore.

C. Glycogen stores are mostly depleted by mile 20.

Which of the following is an accurate description of smooth muscle? A. It is under voluntary control. B. It controls movement of limbs and joints. C. It controls itself, with some fine-tuning by the nervous and endocrine systems. D. It is found in hollow internal organs.

C. It controls itself, with some fine-tuning by the nervous and endocrine systems.

Which of the following are adaptations to strength training? A. less motor units recruited B. Large amount of muscle hyperplasia C. Muscle hypertrophy D. Loss of bone mineral density

C. Muscle hypertrophy

During moderate exercise in the heat, which regions of the body receive the most blood flow? A. muscle, splanchnic (gut) B. muscle, renal (kidneys) C. muscle, skin D. muscle, brain

C. Muscle, skin

Early gains in strength influenced by ___________ A. Hypertrophy B. Hyperplasia C. Neural Factors D. Nutritional Factors

C. Neural Factors

Carbohydrate oxidation contributes to A. glycolysis B. oxidative phosphorylation C. PCr D. a and c E. all of these

C. PCr

Which of these statements about thermoregulation in women is not true? A. Women have more sweat glands than men do. B. Women are less tolerant of heat than men are. C. Women produce less sweat per gland than men do. D. Skin vasodilation depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

C. Women produce less sweat per gland than men do.

Which of these is not an effector controlled by the POAH? A. skin arterioles B. endocrine glands C. apocrine sweat glands D. skeletal muscle

C. apocrine sweat glands

When venous blood from exercising and nonexercising tissues is included in the calculation, it is called A. arterial-diluted venous O2 difference B. arterial-blended venous O2 difference C. arterial-mixed venous O2 difference D. arterial-compromised venous O2 difference

C. arterial-mixed venous O2 difference

Blood flow = A. blood pressure gradient × vascular resistance B. vascular resistance / blood pressure gradient C. blood pressure gradient / vascular resistance D. (blood pressure gradient × vascular resistance) / r4

C. blood pressure gradient / vascular resistance

At a given absolute submaximal aerobic intensity, _______________ will be similar between men and women. A. heart rate B. stroke volume C. cardiac output D. %

C. cardiac output

With aging, which type of strength loss is greatest? A. isometric B. isokinetic at slow velocities C. concentric D. eccentric

C. concentric

Which of the following will likely result in the most severe DOMS? A. LSD training around town or in the park B. sprint interval training on the track C. downhill-running interval training D. uphill-running Fartleks

C. downhill-running interval training

Which of these hormones does not help control fluid balance during exercise? A. aldosterone B. antidiuretic hormone C. epinephrine D. arginine vasopressin

C. epinephrine

Which of the following are NOT connective tissues? A. epimysium B. endomysium C. fasciculi D. perimysium

C. fasciculi

Which energy substrate contains the most energy per gram? A. carbohydrate B. protein C. fat D. glycogen

C. fat

Which set of associated phenomena is most correct? A. eccentric training, acute muscle soreness, fiber hyperplasia B. acute muscle soreness, concentric training, fiber hypertrophy C. fiber hypertrophy, DOMS, eccentric training D. DOMS, fiber hyperplasia, concentric training

C. fiber hypertrophy, DOMS, eccentric training

Advanced weightlifters should particularly emphasize A. isokinetic resistance training B. isometric resistance training C. free-weight resistance training D. machine resistance training

C. free-weight resistance training

The best determinant of the length of a rest interval is A. distance walked B. duration C. heart rate D. blood lactic acid concentrations

C. heart rate

Aerobic training in children leads to improved running performance primarily because of A. increased maximal heart rate B. increased maximal stroke volume C. improved running economy D. increased arterial oxygen-carrying capacity

C. improved running economy

The major factor that drives the acute altitude-associated decrease in VO2max is A. inadequate pulmonary ventilation B. inadequate pulmonary diffusion C. inadequate alveolar PO2 D. inadequate muscle oxidative enzymes

C. inadequate alveolar PO2

The clinical recommendation for treatment of the Female Athlete Triad is A. hospitalization B. psychiatric counseling C. increased caloric intake D. reduced exercise training

C. increased caloric intake

With exercise during pregnancy, increased fetal heart rate is most likely a sign of A. fetal hyperthermia B. fetal hypoxia C. increased maternal and fetal catecholamines D. enhanced fetal carbohydrate availability

C. increased maternal and fetal catecholamines

One major limitation to anaerobic metabolism is A. substrate availability B. enzyme activity C. lactate accumulation D. all of these

C. lactate accumulation

Why does aerobic performance continue to improve with training after VO2max has plateaued? A. VO2 drift continues to increase B. VO2 continues to decrease C. lactate threshold continues to increase D. EPOC continues to increase

C. lactate threshold continues to increase

Which of the following is the best way to gain benefits from altitude training? A. live low, train high B. live low, train low C. live high, train low D. live high, train high

C. live high, train low

Which time sequence of causes and consequences of the Female Athlete Triad is correct? A. low energy availability low bone mass secondary amenorrhea B. secondary amenorrhea low energy availability low bone mass C. low energy availability secondary amenorrhea low bone mass D. low bone mass secondary amenorrhea low energy availability

C. low energy availability secondary amenorrhea low bone mass

During exercise, the oxygen diffusion capacity increases dramatically because A. transit time through the pulmonary capillaries is much shorter B. reduced venous return leads to decreased pulmonary capillary flow rate C. lower venous O2 content increases the PO2 gradient D. oxygen diffusion capacity is no longer calculated using capillary mean PO2

C. lower venous O2 content increases the PO2 gradient

Which of the following statements correctly describes the change in cardiac output in response to aerobic training? A. resting cardiac output increases B. submaximal cardiac output decreases C. maximal cardiac output increases D. maximal cardiac output stays the same

C. maximal cardiac output increases

The pulmonary circulation encompasses all of these structures except A. tricuspid valve B. right ventricle C. mitral valve D. pulmonary arteries

C. mitral valve

Glucose is a simple sugar called a(n) A. disaccharide B. polysaccharide C. monosaccharide D. oligosaccharide

C. monosaccharide

Which intracellular change likely contributes the MOST to increases in fiber size, cross-sectional area, and strength? A. more sarcoplasm B. more mitochondria C. more actin and myosin filaments D. more connective tissue

C. more actin and myosin filaments

In general, whole-muscle hypertrophy in humans most likely results from A. mostly fiber hyperplasia with some fiber hypertrophy B. entirely fiber hyperplasia C. mostly fiber hypertrophy D. equal contributions of fiber hypertrophy and fiber hyperplasia

C. mostly fiber hypertrophy

Tendons connect _______ to ________. A. bones, bones B. ligaments, bones C. muscle, bones D. muscle, ligaments

C. muscle, bones

Muscular endurance could be assessed by A. running on a treadmill B. 1RM C. number of repetitions completed at 75% 1RM D. vertical jump

C. number of repetitions completed at 75% 1RM

VO2 max in older individuals is primarily limited by A. pulmonary ventilation B. pulmonary diffusion C. oxygen transport to muscles D. oxidative enzyme activity

C. oxygen transport to muscles

Which of these is NOT a priority when designing a program to increase strength in action-specific movements? A. engaging large muscle groups B. using multiple-joint exercises C. programming a high number of reps and sets D. emphasizing higher-intensity efforts

C. programming a high number of reps and sets

The volume of air that remains in the lungs after expiration and cannot be exhaled is the A. tidal volume B. vital capacity C. residual volume D. total lung capacity

C. residual volume

A good way to minimize the chance of hyperthermia is to A. practice in full football gear B. avoid outdoor practice or competition when WBGT >31 °C C. schedule early-morning and evening practices D. restrict fluid intake

C. schedule early-morning and evening practices

Whose body morphology will lead to the most heat loss at a given cold temperature? A. overweight woman B. lean, muscular man C. slender child D. obese man

C. slender child

Why does maximal heart rate decrease with age? A. heart fatigue B. adrenergic receptor desensitization C. slower nerve conduction D. less calcium availability

C. slower nerve conduction

End-diastolic volume - end-systolic volume = A. cardiac output B. mean arterial pressure C. stroke volume D. ejection fraction

C. stroke volume

Which of the following changes occur in maximal blood pressure after aerobic training? A. both systolic and diastolic BP increase B. both systolic and diastolic BP decrease C. systolic BP increases, diastolic BP decreases D. systolic BP decreases, diastolic BP increases

C. systolic BP increases, diastolic BP decreases

The A-bands of the sarcomere represent areas of A. thin filaments B. thick filaments C. thin and thick filaments D. filament attachment

C. thin and thick filaments

Muscle mass gain via strength training in older individuals is dependent on A. volume of training B. type of training C. type and volume of training D. neither type nor volume of training

C. type and volume of training

The span between the QRS complex and the T wave represents which phase of the cardiac cycle? A. atrial systole B. atrial depolarization C. ventricular systole D. ventricular diastole

C. ventricular systole

Which of the following respiratory exchange ratios (RERs) is typical for a resting individual? A. 0.89 B. 0.71 C. 0.95 D. 0.78

D. 0.78

Impaired performance can begin to occur above A. 2000 feet B. 3000 feet C. 4000 feet D. 5000 feet

D. 5000 feet

Developing the ATP-PCr system requires an intensity of ____________ %. A. 50 to 60 B. 70 to 80 C. 80 to 90 D. 90 to 100

D. 90 to 100

_____________ training is critical in developing fiber hypertrophy. A. Concentric B. Anaerobic C. Variable-resistance D. Eccentric

D. Eccentric

When pulmonary stretch receptors send a signal that triggers a shortened duration of inspiration, this is known as the A. Frank-Starling reflex B. stretch reflex C. Babinski reflex D. Hering-Breuer reflex

D. Hering-Breuer reflex

Compared to untrained individuals, trained endurance have A. higher maximal heart rates B. higher resting cardiac output C. higher resting heart rates D. higher maximal stroke volumes

D. Maximal Stroke Volumes

Weight loss that occurs at high altitude is due to A. dehydration B. protein breakdown C. appetite suppression D. all of these

D. all of these

Resistance training can decrease inhibitory impulses to agonist muscles by reducing A. frequency of stimulation B. coactivation C. asynchronization D. autogenic inhibition

D. autogenic inhibition

An amenorrheic athlete would most likely be found on the ____________ team. A. field hockey B. softball C. basketball D. cross country

D. cross country

Which of the following is a sign of enhanced submaximal endurance capacity? A. increased maximal heart rate B. decreased submaximal cardiac output C. increased submaximal blood pressure Which of the following is a sign of enhanced submaximal endurance capacity? D. decreased submaximal heart rate

D. decreased submaximal heart rate

The loss of exercise capacity, strength, and performance after cessation of training is called A. progressive underload B. periodization C. microcycling D. detraining

D. detraining

How does altitude acclimation affect the metabolic potential of muscle? A. maintained B. enhanced by approximately 10% C. enhanced by approximately 25% D. diminished

D. diminished

The critical temperature theory suggests that A. hypothermia symptoms do not appear until a given core temperature is reached B. sweating does not begin until a given core temperature is reached C. skin vasodilation does not occur until a given core temperature is reached D. exercise is shut down when a given core temperature is reached

D. exercise is shut down when a given core temperature is reached

The internal intercostals are engaged during A. quiet inspiration B. forced inspiration C. quiet expiration D. forced expiration

D. forced expiration

Which of these is a response to a single bout of exercise in the heat? A. increased blood volume B. reduced vasoconstriction in nonessential tissues C. increased stroke volume D. increased vasodilation of skin arterioles

D. increased vasodilation of skin arterioles

As submaximal exercise intensity increases,VO2 A. decreases exponentially B. decreases proportionally C. increases exponentially D. increases proportionally

D. increases proportionally

Norepinephrine plays a role in all of these except A. neural regulation of blood flow B. endocrine regulation of blood flow C. extrinsic regulation of blood flow D. intrinsic regulation of blood flow

D. intrinsic regulation of blood flow

Which of these is not a cause of strength loss with DOMS? A. physical disruption of muscle structure B. failure of excitation-contraction coupling process C. loss of contractile proteins D. long-term accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue

D. long-term accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue

Aerobic production of ATP occurs mainly in the ___________. A. t-tubules B. sarcoplasm C. plasmalemma D. mitochondria

D. mitochondria

High levels of muscle strength, power, and skill are not possible in children until ________________ occurs. A. aerobic training B. an increase in heart size C. enhanced growth hormone secretion D. nerve myelination

D. nerve myelination

The explosive aspect of strength is A. muscular endurance B. aerobic power C. maximal anaerobic power D. power

D. power

The principle which states that the training load should be gradually increased to provide enough stress to stimulate adaptations is: A. variation B. reversibility C. specificity D. progressive overload

D. progressive overload

With exercise during pregnancy, fetal hypoxia would be the result of A. reduced carbohydrate delivery to the fetus B. enhanced maternal glycogen stores C. maternal exercise in the heat D. reduced blood flow to the uterus

D. reduced blood flow to the uterus

Who would benefit the most from high-intensity upper-body free-weight resistance exercise? A. 1,500 m runner B. soccer player C. football player D. shot putter

D. shot putter

Resistance training in older populations leads to all of the following except A. increased fiber cross-sectional area of types I, IIa, and IIx B. increased 1RM C. increased maximal force development D. significant transformation from type I fibers to type II fibers

D. significant transformation from type I fibers to type II fibers

A Tour de France winner may not be a great marathon runner due to the principle of A. progressive overload B. reversibility C. individuality D. specificity

D. specificity

The maximal volume of air that can be accommodated by the lungs is the A. tidal volume B. vital capacity C. residual volume D. total lung capacity

D. total lung capacity

As intensity increases, in which order are fibers recruited? A. type IIx, type IIa, type I B. type IIa, type I, type IIx C. type I, type IIx, type IIa D. type I, type IIa, type IIx

D. type I, type IIa, type IIx

Muscle glycogen metabolism is high A. when exercise intensity is low B. when blood glucose levels are high C. during late exercise D. when exercise intensity is high

D. when exercise intensity is high

During endurance exercise, which of the following increase with increasing intensity level? A. Systolic BP B. Diastolic BP C. Mean arterial pressure D. A and B E. A and C only F. all of the above

E. A and C only

What is the basic functional unit of a myofibril? A. endomysium B. sarcomere C. muscle fiber D. gap junction


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