Kinn's Medical Assistant - Ch.31 - Vital Signs

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3. Carlos counts 8 respirations for 30 seconds. The rate is _____________ per minute


12: The systolic pressure may be checked by the ________ method if the medical assistant is unable to auscultate the patient's blood pressure.


7. 3 characteristics of respirations.

rate rhythm depth

7. When the heart rate varies with respirations, this is known as ___________________

sinus arrhythmia

4. bradycardia

slow heartbeat, a pulse < 60 bpm

5. A ________________ is the instrument used to measure the pressure of blood in the arteries.


7. Medication to reduce a fever is called an _____________


4. ____________ axillary temps are approximately 1 degree F lower than accurate oral readings.


2. 54 kg


8. complete the following table

140> 80 - 89

48. list and describe 3 factors that may affect body temperature.

1. age - infants and young children temperature fluctuates more rapidly in response to external temps. 2. stress & physical activity - both increase metabolic rate 3. gender - hormones result in fluctuations during menstrual cycle

5. 50 lb


4. 112 lb.


4. Body temp ranges from being highest in the morning to being lowest in the late afternoon


*Part IV: Pulse* 1. List eight pulse sites and label their correct locations on the following figure

a. temporal b. carotid c. apical d. brachial e. radial f. femoral g. popliteal h. dorsal pedis

15. rales

abnormal or crackling breath sounds during inspiration

2. arrhythmia

an abnormality in heart rhythm

11. hypotension

blood pressure that is lower than normal 90/50

20. tachypnea

condition marked by rapid shallow respirations

*Part III: Temperatures* 1. A(n) _____________ fever rises and falls only slightly during a 24-hour period. It remains above the patient's average normal range.


4. bluish discoloration of skin - increased CO2 buildup


7. _______________ describes the relaxation of the heart.


6. dyspnea

difficult or painful breathing

9. ________________ should not be used in a healthcare setting, because they are not as accurate as other methods.

disposable thermometers

2. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs is called _________________.

external respiration

17. syncope

fainting; a brief lapse in consciousness

14. pyrexia

febrile condition or fever

9. hypertension

high blood pressure

8. hyperlipidemia

high level of fats in blood plasma

6. The brachial pulse, which is palpated before the blood pressure is taken, is located in the ______________ of the elbow

inner aspect/antecubital space

2. A(n) _______________ fever comes and goes, or it spikes and then returns to the average range.


5. Breathing rates are controlled by the respiratory center, which is located in the

medulla oblongata

11e.43 degrees C

109.4 degrees F

7. febrile

pertaining to elevated body temperature, fever

3. A patient with a significant difference between the apical and brachial pulse counts has a _____________

pulse deficit

3. A(n) _______________ fever fluctuates greatly (more than 3 degrees F) but does not return to the average range.


5. bradypnea

respirations regular in rhythm, slower than normal rate

6. ________________ is the contraction of the heart.


3. Blood pressure is recorded as a fraction: the ___________ reading is the numerator (top number) and the _____________ reading is the denominator (bottom number)

systolic, diastolic

5. A patient who is anxious or in pain may have an increase in the pulse rate, which is called ___________


3. arteriosclerosis

thickening, decreased elasticity, and clarification of arterial walls

5. ______________ thermometers are an accurate means of taking temperatures in adults and older children because of the closeness to the hypothalamus.


11. List and define the 5 Korotkoff phases

*Phase 1* first sound heard as the cuff deflates *Phase 2* a blowing or whooshing sound *Phase 3* a crisp intense tapping *Phase 4* a softer blowing sound that fades *Phase 5* silence

3. 60 kg


*Part VII: Anthropometric Measurements* Use the formulas to convert the following weights from one system to the other

1 kg = 2.2 lb 1 lb = 0.45 kg

10. Summarize the American Heart Association's recommendations for the prevention and treatment of hypertension.

1. *Prehypertension* should make lifestyle changes 2. *People over 50* with systolic pressure over 140 or higher should be treated regardless of diastolic BP reading 3. *2 or more medications* should be used to treat hypertension in most people. 4. *Patient centered* treatment approach should be used to help patients comply.

10.Temperatures considered febrile include the following: a. aural (ear) temperatures higher than ___________

100.5 degrees F

11j. 41 degrees C


11g. 42 degrees C


2. What anthropometric measurements are included?

1. height 2. weight 3. body mass index (BMI) 4. fat composition 5. infant head & chest circumferences

13. Explain 4 common causes of errors in blood pressure readings.

1. limb used for measure is not at the level of the heart 2. rubber bladder in the cuff is not completely deflated before a reading is started or taken. 3. pressure in cuff released to quickly 4. patient is nervous, uncomfortable, or anxious, which may cause a reading higher than the patient's actual BP

2. What three characteristics should the medical assistant note while measuring a pulse.

1. rate - number of times the heart contracts in one minute 2. rhythm - length of time between each beat 3. volume - amount of force placed on the arterial walls when heart beats

*Part I: Short Answers* 1. List the 4 cardinal vital signs

1. temperature 2. pulse 3. respiration 4. blood pressure

11h. 42


11c. 97.6 degrees F


11a. convert F to C, C to F 98.6 degrees F


11d. 99.4 degrees F


11i. 102 degrees F

38.9 degrees C

6. Patients typically have a ratio of ____________ pulse beats to _________ respiration.

4 - 5 to 1

1. 145 lb


11f. 36 degrees C

98 degrees F

11b. 37 degrees C


10 c. axillary temps higher than ___________

98.6 degrees F

10 b. oral temps higher than __________

99.5 degrees F

9. Pedal and popliteal pulses may be checked with a sonogram device called a(n) ________________

Doppler ultrasound

9. The difference between tachypenea hyperpnea is that respirations are rapid and shallow with hyperpnea


*Part V: Respirations* 1. one full respiration includes both ____________ and ___________.

Inspiration and expiration

*Part II: True or False* 1. A change in one or more of a patient's vital signs may indicate a change in general health.


10. A patient with orthostatic hypotension experiences a rapid drop in BP when she stands too quickly


11. Otitis externa is known as swimmers ear


12. Frequent spirometer studies will be ordered for a patient diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to determine the person's breathing capabilities.


13.Individuals with advanced kidney disease always develop secondary hypertension


2. Sometimes vital sign measurements must be obtained a second time, after a patient is calmer and more comfortable


3. Body temperature is regulated by the hypothalamus


5. Patients with a febrile condition exhibit pyrexia and can be treated with an antipyretic.


6. An individual with hypertension may have a bounding pulse


7. A contraindication for taking a temporal artery temp is bilateral impacted cerumen


8. Primary or essential hypertension is idiopathic


12. orthopnea

a condition in which a person must sit or stand to breathe comfortably

19. tachycardia

a rapid but regular heart rate; one that exceeds 100 bpm

21. vertigo

a sense of whirling and loss of balance associated particularly looking down from great height

16. rhonchi

abnormal rumbling sounds on expiration that indicate airway obstruction by think secretions or spasms.

10. hyperventilation

abnormally prolonged and deep breathing, usually associated with anxiety or emotional tension

*Vocabulary Review* 1. apnea

absence of cessation of breathing

8. The ___________ pulse is the most accurate method of taking the pulse of infants and of patients with arrhythmia


*Part VI: Blood Pressure* 1. Blood pressure is reflection of the pressure of the blood against the walls of the ___________


8. Tympanic thermometers should not be used if the patient has ___________ or ____________ of both ears.

bilateral otitis media or impacted ceruman

9. Describe some common signs and symptoms of hypertension.

blurred vision, angina, vertigo, dypnea, fatigue, flushing, nose bleeds (epistaxia) and palpitations.

4. A well conditioned athlete may have a pulse rate below 60 bpm. The medical term for this is ______________


2. The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures is the _______________

pulse pressure

6. _____________________ temps are an easy way, noninvasive, and accurate alternative to taking rectal temps in infants.

temporal artery (TA)

18. stertorous

term that describes a strenuous respiratory effort

13. peripheral

term that refers to an area outside of or away from an organ or structure

4. ____________ is the amount of blood in the arteries.


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