Lab Final Exam (Digestive & Urinary System)

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Salivary glands produce ___ l of saliva per day

1 - 1.5

Subdivision of digestive system that leads from mouth to anus

Alimentary Canal

The digestive system is subdivided into the two main categories:

Alimentary Canal Accessory Digestive Organs

___ has no enzymes, its function aids in fat digestion by emulsifying large fat particles into smaller ones


Liver produces bile, which leaves the liver throught the _____ and then enter the duodenum via the bile duct.

Common hepatic duct

_____ cells of the pancreas secretes hormones


____ of the digestive tract functions in chemical breakdown of materials by acid and enzymes; mechanical processing through muscular contractions


Mucosa layer of high presssure areas of GI tract (oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, rectum) are made of ______

Stratified squamous

5% of saliva originates from ____ salivary glands


___ salivary gland is under mucous membrane on floor of mouth.


____ salivary gland is on lateral sides of floor of mouth.


Saliva is 99.4% ____ and the remaining 0.6% electrolytes, antibodies, and enzymes.


At the base of the cecum, located posteriorly, lies the slender projection called the ___


___ function in tearing and piercing food


___ is the mix of food with stomach secretions. It is what passes out of the stomach via the pyloric sphincter into the small intestines.


as an exocrine gland the pancreas produces ____


___ & ___ enzymes secreted by the mucosa layer of the stomach function to create a hostile environment for organisms and activates digestive enzymes for the chemical breakdown of food.

hydrochloric hydrolytic

small intestine ends at ___ valve


___ function in biting


____ of the digestive tract functions in dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials in preparation for elimination

large intestine

The transverse colon ends at the ___ and turns into the descending colon, which turns into sigmoid colon

left colic flexor splenic

Inner curve of the stomach, located medially

lesser omentum

Each omentum is lined by a ___

mesentery membrane

The stomachs muscularis externa layer has an extra inner layer called the ____ muscle layer located deep to the circular and longitudinal muscles.


___ is common passageway for air, fluid and food, it leads into the esophagus


The ____ is located on the posterior abdominal wall and is attached to the spleen & duodenum.


__ as an endocrine gland produces insulin and glucagon and hydrolytic enzymes secreted in an alkaline fluid into the duodenum via the pancreatic duct.


___ has exocrine and endocrine function


___ salivary galnds are located anterior to the ear


3 types of salivary glands

parotid, submandibular, sublingual

The ___ general function is a storage and breakdown of food.


___ salivary glands are located anteriorly the floor


___ salivary glands are located in the floor of the mouth


___ layer of the alimentary canal contains blood capillary vessels and lymphatic vessels


____ layer of alimentary canal functions to nourish and protect alimentary canal.


Accessory Digestive Organs of Digestive System

teeth, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, salivary glands

the mucosa layer of the stomach secretes ____ to protect the stomach from the protein digestive enzymes.

thick mucus

Enzymes are released into the duodenum at the ____ also called the duodenal papilla.

hepatopancreatic ampulla

___ of the tooth is the potion at the gum line


The tongue has two main functions:

1. to mix food with saliva (chemical digestion) 2. initiates swallowing

Fully expanded stomach can accommodate up to ____ liters of material.


_____ saliva originates from parotid salivary glands


____ saliva originates from submandibular glands


_____ of the digestive tract functions in transport of materials to the stomach


_____ cells of pancreas secrete buffers and digestive enzymes


Anterior liver has ____ ligament


_____ accessory organ functions in the storage and concentration of bile


Two curves of the stomach

Greater and lesser omentum

The function of the ____ includes: - the production of bile


____ accessory organ of digestive system functions in the secretion of bile (important for lipid digestion), storage of nutrients, many other vital functions


____ is the largest gland in the body, located inferior to the diaphragm.


functions of large intestine:

Major function is to compact and propel fecal matter towards the anus and eliminate it from the body. Provide the site for intestinal bacteria to manufacture some vitamins K, vitamin B and biotin which have been absorbed into the bloodstream reabsorb most of the remaining water (and some of the electrolyte) in digested food.

_____ absorbs water and form mucus.


The alimentary canal consists of 4 gastric tunics:

Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis Externa, Serosa

_____, ______, &_____ of digestive tract function in mechanical processing, moistening, mixing with salivary secretions

Oral cavity, teeth, & tongue

____ have a high concentration of bicarbonate ions to neutralize the acidic Chyme entering the duodenum from the stomach

Pancreatic juices

Salivary gland on each side of oral cavity between mandible and skin.


The rectum and the anal canal lie in the _ cavity


the movement of food through the alimentary canal


____ of digestive tract functions is muscular propulsion of materials into the esophagus


___ and ___ function in grinding food

Pre molars & molars

Posterior liver has ____ ligament, which is a remnant of the fetal umbilical vein.


____ breaks down carbohydrates

Salivary amalayse

____ accessory organ of digestive system functions in secretion of lubricating fluid containing enzymes that break down carbohydrates

Salivary glands

____ layer of digestive system consists of a single layer of squamous epithelium & functions to secrete serosae fluid which reduces friction of sliding movements of the alimentary canal and its organs


Mucosa layer of GI tract that are not of high pressure areas are made of ____

Simple columnar

____ of the digestive tract functions in enzymatic digestion and absorption of water, organic substrates, vitamins, and ions

Small intestine

2 sphincters of the stomach

cardiac and pyloric

Esophagus ends at the entrance to the stomach called the ___

cardiac sphincter

___ controls the passage of food into the stomach.

cardiac sphincter

food then leaves the small intestine through the Ileocaecal valve into the ___ of the large intestine.


Root of tooth consists of ___ and root canal and periodontal ligament


Oral cavity consists of:

cheek lips hard & soft palate pharynx tongue

The ____ and ____ function to hold food between the teeth during mastication

cheeks and lips

two types of teeth

deciduous and permanent

General functions of ____ system: 1. Physical digestion of breaking down food into smaller portions 2. Chemical digestion and, the absorption of smaller molecules by the enzymatic hydrolysis which occurs of the small intestine 3. Water reabsorption, which occurs mostly in the large intestine


3 parts of small intestine

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

The structures of the tooth include a crown made of ___ and interiorly of dentin, pulp cavity


___ has two layers of skeletal muscle which initiates a waive of contractions to push food through.


____ extends from the pharynx through to the stomach and is approximately 10in


provides passageway for food and conducts food to the stomach


The ___ is a small green sac under the liver that stores excess bile.


Glucose in the liver is stored as ____


outer curve of the stomach, located laterally

greater omentum

Pocketelike sacks on the large intestine are called ___


The hepatic vein and arteries supply the ___


___ is located to the right side of the abdominal cavity, contains 4 lobes, and is suspended by the falciform ligament


Functions of saliva

moisten, bind food together in a mass, and begin the digestion of starch

The ___ layer of the stomach contains gastric glands that secrete hydrochloric acid and hydrolytic enzymes.


____ layer of digestive alimentary canal has 3 main functions: 1.secretion of enzymes, hormones, mucus 2. Absorption of digested food 3. Protection against bacteria and digestive enzymes.


___ layer of alimentary canal functions to move food through the alimentary tract

muscularis externa

____ layer of alimentary canal consists of a bilayer of smooth muscle; circular muscles innermost and the longitudinal muscles outer most

muscularis externa

Sigmoid colon ends at ___ that leads to the anal canal and out of the anus


From the cecum, the food travels up the ascending colon that turns into the transverse colon at the ____ under the liver

right colic flexor hepatic

4 lobes of the liver

right, left, caudate, quadrate

___ is a mixture of mucus and an serious fluid with the enzyme salivary amylase


Anus contains an external and internal sphincter. Eternal is made out of ___ muscle, where as internal is made out of smooth muscle


____ is lined with microvilli on villi on rugae for food absorption

small intestine

The ____ rises to close off the oral cavity from the nasal and pharyngeal passages during swallowing.

soft palate

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