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Suitable for complex task, Suitable for projects with specified time and cost, Suitable for aerospace, construction, advertising hospital which have specified time and cost framework

Matrix/Grid Organization Suitability

Formal organization

Most of the decisions are based on pre-determined policies

Line Type Organization

Organization having few subordinates at each level

Line Type Organization

Organization having short chain of command

Line Type Organization

Organization with simple routine operations

Line Type Organization

Organizations having automatic and continuous production

Suitable for medium and large scale project, Which needs to be completed within the specified time and cost, Also suitable for projects involving technical activities

Project Organization Suitability

Functional Type Organization

Radically different from the line type and evolved as an answer to the problems and disadvantage where in the line type. The task management or supervision are divided in the functional

Line Type Organization

Responsibility and accountability flows in an opposite but equally direct vertical manner

Line Type Organization

Small scale organization

Line And Staff Type

Staff specialists/expert are the persons/departments who provide technical advice or service to the line managers

Line And Staff Type

This structure combines staffs specialists/expert with the line managers

Functional Type Organization

This structure is based on the concept of functional foremanship

It is deliberately designed by the top management , It places more emphasis on work to be performed then interpersonal relationships among employees, It specifies the relationship among various job positions and the nature of their inter-relationship, It lays down rules and procedures essential for achievement of objective, Efforts of various job position and the nature of their inter relationship, It lays down rules and procedure essential for achievement of objective, Efforts of various department are coordinated, interlinked and integrated through the formal organization

Formal Organization Features


furnishing useful information and provide for the continuity of operation. When maintained very well over a period time, records reflect the organization philosophy, growth and development: forms, workflow processes, procedures for records management and use of computers in systemizing and organizing company records

Informal organization

means a network of interpersonal relationship that arise when people associate with each other

Informal organization

means natural grouping of people in work situation

Line And Staff Type

officers a clear cut divisions of efforts, separating the routine from the non-routine work of production, separating the planning from execution


stems from the word "organisms" simple to create a structure with fully integrated parts that are related to each other and is governed by their relationship to the whole


usually contain data and information about the operation of the organization. Plans, proceedings, status reports on a particular project, and accomplishments of each department on a quarterly semi-annually or annual basis form the files of the enterprise

Line And Staff Type

Additionally staff specialists are associated with line managers

Line Type Organization

Authority flows from the top to bottom vertically in a straight line manner

The entire orgnization, the important subparts and individuals manage their work against the stated goals and objectives , Communication laterally and vertically are very clear and definitive , The reward system is such that managers and supervisors are rewarded for short term profit and production performance, growth and development of their subordinates; and for creating harmonious and viable working groups , The organization which is an open system relates itself with very member of the system and with the larger environment , There is shared value and management strategy to support it and try to help each member in the organization to maintain his integrity and developed his loyalty to the enterprise, The entire orgnization, the important subparts and individuals manage their work against the stated goals and objectives, The organization and its members operate in an "action-research" way

Characteristics of an organization

Expertise or men trained for a particular kind of work are employed instead of all around , In the strict functional type, we have full application of the principle of division of labor, both mental and manual ,The direct flow of authority from the head of the organization down to the workers is eliminated

Characteristics of functional type organization

Project manager

He draws specialists from different functional dept and assigns them activities necessary to accomplish the project

Functional Type Organization

In this structure the line authority is channelized through the staffs specialists

Originates from within the formal organization as a result of personal interaction among employees, The standard of behavior evolve from group norms , Independent channels of communication without specifies direction of flow of information are developed by group members, Emerges spontaneously and is not deliberately created by the management

Informal Organization Features

Line And Staff Type

Is a modification over the baseline structure

Matrix Grid Organization

It combines project organization structure and functional organizational structure

Matrix Grid Organization

It is a hybrid organization structure

Project Organization

It is a temporary structure designed to accomplish a specific task or project with the help of specialists drawn from different functional departments within the organizations

Committee Organization

It is form of staff organization formed for giving specialized advice to line managers

Project Organization

It is lead by a project manager

Matrix Grid Organization

It is permanent organization structure designed to accomplish a specific project by using team of specialists drawn form different functional departments within an organization

Formal organization

It works along pre-defined sets of policies, plans, procedures , schedules and programmers

Line Type Organization

Known as military, vertical, department and hierarchical organization structure

Line And Staff Type

Line managers may not use their specialized knowledge.

Pure line organization, Departmental line organization

Line organization in 2 types

Organizational structures

is the systematic arrangement of people working for the organization in order to achieve certain goals. It is a framework of authority relationships among inidividuals and groups in a organization

It is most suitable for medium and large organizations, This structure is not suitable for small organizations on account of high cost in it

The line and staff type suitability

Line And Staff Type

The line organization continues to be the basic framework of the organization remains mostly line. However, with the addition of "staff" , in addition to the regular line personnel, experts or specialist are added.

Line Type Organization

The oldest and simplest form of organization structure

Line And Staff Type

The vertical flow authority and responsibilities remain the same as in line structure

Functional Type Organization

Their exist an expert who has direct control over that department

Matrix Grid Organization

There are functional managers and projects managers

Line Type Organization

There is direct flow of authority from the top position to immediate subordinates levels. There is superior- subordinate relationship where in a superior delegates authority to another subordinates thus forming a line from the very top the lowest level of the organizational structure

Functional Type Organization

There is multiplicity of commands instead of unity of command


anything used in doing a certain piece of work produce certain results requiring some degree of accuracy and precision

Team members

are accountable to both functional managers and project managers


as a tool is an end itself but means of achieving the objectives of the organization


indicate the main responsibility and upward movement of accountability. They reflect and formal organizational relationships among executives


is a group of two or more appointed nominated or elected person to consider, discuss , decide , recommend or report on some issue or master assigned to them

Formal organization

is deliberally designed structure with formal authority, responsibility, rules, regulation, and channels of communication.


is essentially a way of doing things ,methods of accomplishing a desired result

Informal organization

is network of personal and social relations not established or required by the formal organization but arising spontaneously as people associate with one another

Project manager

is responsible for the coordination of all the personnel working on the project

Line And Staff Type

is the line combination of the best features of both the line and functional types. It is considered as having the advantages of both and with the disadvantages of each removed or eliminated


is the roles of the participants with appropriate authority and proper coordination in the organizational Structure

Formal organization

is well defined structure of authorized and responsibility that defines delegation of authority and relationship amongst various organizational members


refers to a network of personal and social relations not established or required by the formal organization but arising spontaneously as people associate with one another


refers to structure or network of relationship among individuals interacting with one another.


refers to the deliberate structure of roles in a formally structure of roles in a formally organized enterprise

Line authority

runs through many functions expert who have the authority to issue orders in their areas of specialization every department (finance ,hr, marketing, production..)

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