Lab manual questions for test #2

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d) tendon

A cord of connective tissue that attaches a skeletal muscle to the periosteum of a bone is a: a) ligament b) aponeurosis c) perichondrium d) tendon

b) false

An axon carries nerve impulses toward the cell body. a) true b) false

b) false

An exophthalmic goiter is caused by a deficiency of iodine. a) true b) false

c) ligaments

Bone to bone fibrous connections are called: a) tendons b) aponeuroses c) ligaments d) muscles e) adipose


Center for feelings of rage

a) endoneurium

Connective tissue covering individual nerve fibers is the: a) endoneurium b) epineurium c) perineurium d) ectoneurium


Controls body temperature

a) true

For a sensation to occur, the following must happen: a receptor picks up a stimulus and converts it into a nerve impulse which is conducted to the brain and translated into a sensation. a) true b) false

Node of Ranvier

Gap between Schwann cells

Pia mater

Innermost meninx

Subarachnoid space

Location of CSF

b) auditory canal ab) tympanic membrane a) malleus e) incus c) stapes d) oval window

Matching. Place in the correct order from the pinna to the cochlea the following structures: a) malleus b) auditory canal c) stapes d) oval window e) incus ab) tympanic membrane

e) cornea a) aqueous humor in anterior chamber d) aqueous humor in posterior chamber b) lens c) vitreous body

Matching. Place the choices a - e in order from the outside of the body to the retina. a) aqueous humor in anterior chamber b) lens c) vitreous body d) aqueous humor in posterior chamber e) cornea

d) Schwann cells

Myelin sheaths within the PNS are formed by: a) microglia b) astrocytes c) oligodendrocytes d) Schwann cells e) telodendria



Nasal mucosa




Dura Mater

Outermost meninx

b) false

Pancreatic alpha cells produce somatostatin. a) true b) false


Pneumotactic center


Relay station for most sensory impulses

b) hypothalamus

Releasing hormones originate in the: a) anterior pituitary b) hypothalamus c) posterior pituitary d) pineal

b) false

The ANS is a sensory nervous system. a) true b) false

b) false

The CNS is composed of the brain and sensory nerves. a) true b) false

c) elasticity

The ability of muscle tissue to return to its original shape after extension is: a) tetanus b) excitability c) elasticity d) extension

b) iris

The amount of light entering the eye is regulated by the: a) lens b) iris c) cornea d) conjunctiva

a) neuromuscular junction

The area of near-contact between a motor axon terminal and a muscle cell sarcolemma is called the: a) neuromuscular junction b) synapse c) myofilament d) T-tubule

c) choroid

The black, light absorbing layer behind the retina is the: a) sclera b) lens c) choroid d) aqueous humor.

B. False

The blind spot on the retina is also known as the central fovea or fovea centralis. a) true b) false.

b) false.

The ciliary muscle is an example of an intrinsic eye muscle, and the rectus femoris is an example of an extrinsic eye muscle. a) true b) false.

a) perimysium

The connective tissue layer surrounding bundles of muscle fibers (these bundles are called fascicles) is the: a) perimysium b) endomysium c) ectomysium d) myomysium

a) true

The disorder characterized by an opaque lens or cornea is known as cataracts. a) true b) false.

b) false.

The inner lining of the eyelid is the ciliary body. a) true b) false.

a) true

The lacrimal gland is an accessory structure of the eye. a) true b) false

c) longitudinal fissure

The left and right cerebral hemispheres are separated from each other by the: a) central sulcus b) transverse fissure c) longitudinal fissure d) insula

d) vestibular apparatus

The organ of both static and dynamic equilibrium is the: a) cochlea b) organ of Corti c) semicircular canals d) vestibular apparatus e) utricle and saccule of the vestibule

b) parasympathetic

The portion of the ANS which promotes secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas, salivary glands gastric glands and intestinal glands is the ______________ division. a) sympathetic b) parasympathetic c) somatic

b) Eustachian tube

The portion of the ear that equalizes air pressure in the middle ear via an opening to the nasopharynx is the: a) auditory canal b) Eustachian tube c) tympanic membrane d) semicircular canals

c) semicircular canals

The portion of the inner ear specifically responsible for dynamic or rotational equilibrium is the: a) cochlea b) organ of Corti c) semicircular canals d) vestibular apparatus e) utricle and saccule of the vestibule

d) ventral root

The portion of the spinal nerve that contains motor nerve fibers is the: a) dorsal root b) dorsal root ganglion c) lateral root d) ventral root

c) tympanic membrane

The scientific name for the eardrum is the: a) oval window b) round window c) tympanic membrane d) cochlea

b) false

The sebaceous glands are examples of endocrine glands. a) true b) false

a) epinephrine/norepinephrine

The sympathetic division of the ANS releases which of the following neurotransmitters to effectors? a) epinephrine/norepinephrine b) ACh c) GABA d) serotonin

c) conus medullaris

The tapered, inferior portion of the spinal cord is the: a) filum terminale b) cauda equina c) conus medullaris d) lumbar enlargement

a) true

The target organs for FSH are both the ovaries and the testes. a) true b) false

c) moves a part away from the midline of the body or a body part

The term abductor means that a muscle: a) increases the angle at a joint b) produces a downward movement c) moves a part away from the midline of the body or a body part d) elevates a body part

b) false

The thyroid gland is both an exocrine and endocrine gland. a) true b) false

a) true

The thyroid hormone, calcitonin, acts to lower blood calcium. a) true b) false

b) false

The thyroid parafollicular cells produce parathyroid hormone (PTH). a) true b) false

b) neuromuscular junction

The tiny gap between a neuron and a muscle cell is known as a: a) synapse b) neuromuscular junction c) neuroeffector junction d) neuroglandular junction

d) occipital lobe

The visual sensory area is located in the: a) cerebellum b) medulla oblongata c) temporal lobe d) occipital lobe e) thalamus

Medulla Oblongata


b) cardiac

What kind of muscle cell is characterized by involuntary control and has a striated or banded appearance? a) skeletal b) cardiac c) smooth

c) smooth

What kind of muscle cell is relatively short with a centrally located nucleus and is tapered on both ends? a) skeletal b) cardiac c) smooth

b) macula lutea

Which is not a component of the vascular tunic? a) choroid b) macula lutea c) iris d) ciliary body

d) genioglossus

Which muscle is not associated with a movement of the eyeball? a) superior rectus b) lateral rectus c) superior oblique d) genioglossus

d) microglia

Which neuroglial cell is phagocytic? a) satellite b) Scwann c) ependymal d) microglia e) astrocyte

e) I

Which of the following cranial nerves is associated with your sense of smell? a) X b) III c) II d) VII e) I

b) cerebellum

Which of the following is concerned with the coordination of skeletal muscles and the maintenance of normal muscle tone? a) thalamus b) cerebellum c) pons d) hypothalamus e) medulla oblongata

a) skeletal muscle

Which of the following is striated and voluntary? a) skeletal muscle b) cardiac muscle c) smooth muscle

a) 20/15

Which of the following values indicates the best visual acuity? a) 20/15 b) 20/20 c) 20/30 d) 20/40

e) glucagon

Which pancreatic hormone acts to increase blood glucose levels? a) GHRH b) GnRH c) insulin d) FSH e) glucagon

d) OT

Which posterior pituitary hormone helps to stimulate contraction of the uterus and also milk let down? a) TSH b) hGH c) ACTH d) OT e) ADH

orbicularis oculi

muscle of facial expression

vastus medialis

muscle that extends the crural region


muscle that moves the arm

lateral rectus

muscle that moves the eyeball


muscle that plantar flexes the foot


muscle used in breathing

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