Lab Practical #1

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Waxes and lipids

Are the most abundant lipids found in living organisms

What gas cause the balloon to expand in the observing alcohol fermentation experiment


In the liver of animals the toxic compounds hydrogen peroxide is produced. In order to break down this compound the liver produces the enzyme


Explained induced fit model of enzyme action

Tightening of binding after initial contact. Brings chemical groups of active site into positions that enhance their ability to catalyze the chemical reactions


The dissolving medium


Consist of two monosaccharides joined by dehydration synthesis. Examples sucrose, lactose

If tomato juice has a pH of 3 how many more H plus ions are present in lemon juice with a pH of 2

10 times more H plus ions

How many ATP molecules are produced in the krebs cycle? Contrast this with the amount of ATP formed during glycolysis and the electron transport chain

2 ATP in Krebs, 2 net in glycolysis (4 total), 34 in electron transport chain. 38 total

What was the optimum temperature for bromelain activities

A colder temperature was more optimum than hot due to the fact for the hot temperature caused the protein to denature and gelatin was formed

What is a peptide bond?

A covalent bond that forms between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of another amino acid during dehydration synthesis

What is a reducing sugar? List three examples

A reducing sugar is any sugar that is capable of acting as a reducing agent. Examples are glucose, fructose, and galactose

What is the grease spot test

A test to determine a lipid. If it is transparent it is a lipid. If it isn't transparent it is not a lipid

The cuticle found on the surface of plant leaves is composed of waxes and lipids known as chitin. why is the cuticle important to the plant

Allows plants to retain water/reduce loss of water

What causes heart burn and how do over the counter antacids work to help people suffering with heartburn

Acid reflux and into esophagus. Antacids will help neutralize this because they are basic

Compare and contrast an acid and a base and provide examples of each

Acid's contain H plus ions and have a pH of 1 to 7. Bases contain OH negative ions and have a pH of 7 to 14. When moving together they neutralize each other and as they get neutralized they move closer to a pH of 7. Acid-lemon juice. Base-milk

What are the origins of the reactants and the destination of the products in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration

Aerobic reactants are glucose and oxygen products are CO2 water and energy (ATP) Anaerobic reactants are glucose and products are CO2 and ATP

Semi permeable

Allows certain molecules or ions to pass through a membrane by diffusion

What is an essential amino acid? Name 2 found in humans

Amino acid's that come from foods. We do not make these amino acids ourselves. Examples histidine, lysine

Which of the following reactions are seen with an acid

And acid turns blue litmus paper red, is colorless in phenolphthalein, and turns methyl orange indicator red

Clear diet soda and distilled water do not turn the classic bluish black color in the presence of I2KI when the iodine test is performed. Why?

Because diet soda and distilled water do not contain starch and only substances that contain starch turn bluish black

Science is considered a unified endeavor. Why?

Because it is universal. The different methods of reasoning can be seen throughout the world

How do you know that iodine Molecules diffused through the dialysis tubing?

Because the bag turned purple when the iodine solution diffused into the bag with the starch.

What reagant is used to test for sugar and what color does it turn

Benedict's reagent. Red or orange

Bases have properties of

Bitter taste, react to certain metals, slippery feel, release hydroxide ions in a solution, sodium hydroxide is an example

What regant is used to test for protein? What color does it turn?

Biuret reagant. Blue-green to violet/purple

And the BTB experiment with no organisms after 24 hours what color was the water in the control systems? Why?

Blue color. No CO2 present

How does Benedicts solution react in a very high amount of reducing sugar is present in a sample

Brick red precipitate is formed

What is the enzyme that is naturally occurring in pineapples and what kind of enzyme is it considered

Bromaline; proteolytic which breaks down proteins into their amino acids by hydrolysis

Equation for aerobic cellular respiration

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 --> ATP + 6 CO2 + 6 H2O

What is an unsaturated fat? Give two examples.

Contains a high proportion of fatty acid molecules and at least one double or triple bond. Not solid at room temperature. Examples avocado and vegetable oils

What are enzymes called that breakdown substances

Catalase enzymes

Carbon dioxide is bubbled through a pink basic solution and a color change occurs. What color is seen and what compound is formed

Clear color and the compound H2CO3 is formed

What is a saturated fat? Give two examples

Contains a high proportion of fatty acid molecules without double bonds. Solid at room temperature. Examples butter and coconut oil


Compounds are composed of alcohol bended with a long chain fatty acid


Concentration of solute in a solvent

Acids have properties of

Contribute one or more hydrogen atoms to a solution when it disassociates in water, sour taste, bee sting is an example, carbonated water is an example

What is a covalent bond? Give an example

Covalent bonds are the sharing of electrons. They have a low polarity. Example CH4

Describe several characteristics of a well-designed experiment

Create a hypothesis to test, observe and ask questions, collect data/research, analyze data, supports/change hypothesis based upon data

The interrelationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration shown by the following A. Photosynthesis produces the waste product oxygen B. The overall reaction for aerobic cellular respiration is the reverse of photosynthesis C. Plants use CO2 produced in cellular respiration to produce carbohydrates D. All of the above


An enzyme that has lost its function because of a change in it shape is said to be


Formula for degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit

Degrees F=1.8 degrees C + 32

What is the function of rennilase in the digestive system of young mammals such as calves

Digestion of milk

Which of the following is not true for an enzyme A. Increasing the temperature of an enzyme-driven reaction speeds up a redaction indefinitely B. the reaction of an enzyme and substrate is impeded if the temperature is above or below the optimum temperature C. Most human enzymes are more efficient near 37°C D. Optimum pH for most enzymes is between six and eight E. Both a and d


The final step of aerobic respiration which is known as______________ occurs in the_____________ of eukaryotic cells and the_________of prokaryotes

Electron transport chain, mitochondria, plasma membrane

Enzymatic action can be affected by

Enzyme and substrate concentration, temperature, pH, and salinity change

Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondria of a typical eukaryotic cell producing 4 ATP, 2 NADH, and 2 molecules of pyruvate true or false


When canned pineapple juice is added to gelatin it solidifies. This is not the case when fresh pineapple juices is added to gelatin explain why

Fresh pineapple juice contains a big amount of bromelain and other proteolytic enzyme's that degrade gelatins proteins and prevent it from setting

What did sir Isaac Newton mean when he made the statement if I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants

He was giving credit to those before him and we are able to now see the full picture to gain more knowledge of our whereabouts due to the people that have come before us


Higher concentration of solute relative to the inside of the cell. Causes cell to shrink

What reagent is used to test for starch. And what color does it turn

I2KI. Bluish black

Water was added to the yeast and was heated to approximately 35°C according to the directions. Why must care be taken in the step

If water is too hot, it could denature the proteins in yeast causing it to not work properly


Important for insulation and cushioning in body

Describe how the term theory is misused in every day life

In everyday life we use theory for something that hasn't been tested. However, it is something that has been tested and is factual

In which test tube did fermentation occur the fastest why

In the glucose solution because of the nature of glycolysis

What is an ionic bond? Give an example

Ionic bonds are the transferring of electrons to another atom. They are polar. Example NaCl

During hurricane salt water is blown into freshwater marshes. Why do many of the fresh water plants and fish die

It creates a hypertonic solution. This leads to water being drawn out of plants/fish causing them to shrink and die

What is unique about a selectively permeable membrane

It is a bilayer of glycerolphospholipid molecules that are insoluble in water but shape allows them to aggregate into bilayers with no energy input

Why would red blood cells be crenated

It is due to them being in a hypertonic solution. This is due to too much salt

Why Is fundamental knowledge of biology necessary for all people

It is something that is important to survive. Is a basic knowledge that everyone should have

What process causes gas production in the observing alcohol fermentation experiment

It was produced as a waste product of alcohol fermentation


Long polymer chain made of monomers. Example starch, glycogen

Why don't oil and vinegar not mix

Like dissolves like. Water is polar and vinegar is nonpolar therefore they do not mix


Lower concentration of solute relative to the inside of the cell. Causes cell to grow

Describe the characteristics of science

Measuring, observing, classifying numbers, using space, time, communication, relationships, predicting, and interfering

What are the three basic unit of measure for the metric system

Meter m, Gram g, liter l


Molecule that binds to an enzyme decreasing its activity


Molecule that increases enzyme activity


Non-organic molecules such as copper and zinc what aids the action of an enzyme


Nonprotein organic molecule that improves enzymatic action

What is used to release energy from glucose in aerobic respiration


Explain how extremes of temperature and pH alter the activity of an enzyme

PH and temperature affect how an enzyme works because enzymes have certain conditions where they work the best at. For example, stomach acid enzymes favor a pH of 2 while other enzymes in the body need a pH of 6 to 8. Enzymes won't work properly if not at desired temperature and pH

What was the source of the carbohydrate in the germination experiment


Ingestion of foreign substances by macrophages in the cells by amoeba is known as


The commonly used indicator phenolphthalein will turn _____ in a basic solution and in a acidic solution is_______

Pink. Colorless.


Plant cuticles and cerumen contain these

In the aerobic respiration experiment what material was used to remove CO2 produced in the reaction? Why was this material not added to the non-germinating peas

Potassium hydroxide. The non-germinating peas were dead so we didn't need it

What is an enzyme? Identify three features of an enzyme

Protein macromolecules that acts as a catalyst. They are specific, lower the activation energy, and are affected by pH and temperature

The biuret test is used to detect the presence of a __________. When more peptide bonds are present the resulting color will be________

Protein. Darker

At the cellular level, what would you expect to happen if you placed pieces of raw potato into tapwater, distilled water, and a solution of 10% sodium chloride

Tapwater will do nothing, 10% sodium chloride causes potato to be soft (hypertonic), distilled water causes potato to be hard (hypotonic)

The enzyme bacterial protease breaks down cheese into its component amino acids. Addition of ninhydrin we produce the color


What enzyme converts milk proteins or casein to insoluble paracasein


Isotonic solution

Same concentration of solute relative to the inside of the cell

Name three types of passive transport associated with living systems

Simple diffusion is the movement of small molecules. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules. Facilitated diffusion is the movement of large charged molecules vs membrane proteins


Simple sugar that is in a basic subunit. Examples glucose, fructose

Permeability of a plasma membrane to a given molecules is dependent on the particular molecules characteristics of

Size, charge, lipid solubility

What is the difference between a reducing sugar and a starch

Starch is not a reducing sugar due the absence of hydrogen on the oxygen

What reagent is used to test for a lipid? What color does it turn

Sudan. Orange color

Explain why almost all life on earth is indirectly solar powered

Sun provides energy for plants. Photosynthesis make sugars. We eat sugar which gives us energy which means it's indirectly powered

What factors influence the rate of deffusion?

Temperature, density, distance traveled

Lipids are

That fats, waxes, and phospholipids are an example. Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio. They are insoluble in water and soluble in nonpolar compounds such as ether

In the Aerobic respiration experiment with peas which experiment occurred the fastest. Which occurred the slowest

The Germinate with heat had the fastest reaction. The non-germinate with room temperature had slowest reactions

What is the Sudan test and how does it work

The Sudan test tests for the presence of lipids. Red means it is a lipid and no color means that it is not a lipid

Describe the results of the demonstration and what happened as CO2 from your breath was blown into the basic solution

The carbonic acid neutralize the solution. This is due to adding acid to base. Because it is neutral, it turned clear

A red blood cell is placed in a hypotonic solution. What is the fate of the cell?

The cell will lyse

In an experiment designed to test affects of outboard motor oil on the growth of algae identify the control, the independent variable, and the dependent variable

The control is no motor oil. The independent variable is the amount of motor oil used. The dependent variable is the growth of algae


The diffusion of water across a semi permeable membrane from regions of greater concentration to regions of lesser concentration

In the oxygen consumption experiment using germinating a non-germinating peas inside of each was placed in room temperature and once that was headed to 35°C. Did the reactions beat up in the set of keys at room temperature or the set at 35°C? Explain your answer

The higher the temperature the faster the rate of reaction was. The cooler temperature caused the enzyme to slow down which slowed the reaction

Define the independent and Dependant variable in the Gummy Bear study

The independent variable is the different types of water. The dependent variable is the size of the gummy bears

Describe the difference between estimating the volume of fluid in a graduated cylinder made up of plastic compared with one made of glass

The meniscus forms in the glass cylinder where as the plastic contains no meniscus

Define diffusion

The movement of gas particles from regions of greater concentration to lower concentration's


The substance being dissolved in the solvent

What's the test tube service the control for this experiment and alcohol fermentation experiment

The test tube containing water and yeast solution

Compare and contrast science and technology

They are both used in the same context and are needed to advance the other one. Science is due to the need for more knowledge whereas technology helps make calculations more efficient

Enzymes have a ability to be reusable within biological reactions. Why is this important

They do not waste any materials to be built. Can act quick and break down millions of molecules per minute

How do milk, corn syrup, and pineapple juice react in the Benedict's regent? Why?

They have the same amount of reducing sugar due to the fact that they can donate an electron to other molecules and act as a reducing agent

How did the light and dark colors compare and light and dark conditions in the BTB experiment

They stayed the same in light and dark conditions because light is dependent

Because enzymes are proteins they can be destroyed by heat. If the beef or chicken liver were boiled for five minutes before placing it in the test tubes what may have been the result

They would've had no reaction because boiling the beef and chicken liver will cause enzyme to be denatured and unable to function properly

Why is taring a balance so important

To make sure you begin at zero. You need to compensate for whatever is on the scale. Accuracy

Explain why the use of scientific notation is important

To simplify numbers that are very large and very small

Outline a series of events that occurs after pyruvate is converted to the aerobic pathway

Two molecules of pyruvate that result from glycolysis are converted to two molecules of acetyl-CoA and two molecules of CO2 in the mitochondria. NAD+ facilitates removal of electrons from pyruvate and forms 2 molecules of NADH. Acetyl-CoA carries acetyl group which then enters the Krebs cycle

What type of fat is the best choice for healthy living style and why

Unsaturated because it keeps blood pressure and cholesterol levels low

What causes plant cells to swell? What keeps the cells from bursting

Water moves into the cell. They have cell walls that keep them rigid

Rennilase forms a watery residue known as________ And the cheese or__________

Whey; curd

What was the color change in the beaker with the organisms? Why

Yellow green color. Due to CO2 production in organisms

What is the color of that iodine solution? What is the color of the corn starch solution?

Yellow. Clear.

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