LabSim TestOut Linux Pro - Ch. 6

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PQ 6.1.8 T Before you install an RPM package, you want to verify the authenticity of the package and check the digital signature to ensure that it has not been altered. Which rpm option should you use?


PQ 6.3.6 MC Which dpkg option completely removes a package and its configuration files?


PQ 6.2.7 T What is the full path and filename for the DNF configuration file?


PQ 6.4.4 T What is the full path and file name for the file that contains a colon-, space-, tab-, newline-, or comma-delimited list of directories in which to search for libraries?


PQ 6.2.7 T When managing DNF, what is the full path to the directory where you should place .repo files?


PQ 6.2.7 T When managing YUM, what is the full path to the directory where you should place .repo files?


PQ 6.4.4 MC Which of the following directories typically hold the dynamic libraries on your system? (Select two.)

/usr/lib/ /usr/local/lib/

PQ 6.3.6 MC Which of the following actions does the dpkg -l (lowercase L) command perform?

All packages with names that match a specified pattern are displayed.

PQ 6.4.4 MT Match the library term on the left with its characteristic on the right. (Each term can be used more than once.)

Has a .so or .so.version extension. Dynamic Library Increases the size of the application. Static Library Has a .a filename extension. Static Library Is typically stored in /usr/lib/ and /usr/local/lib/. Dynamic Library Can degrade program load time if the library is already in use by another program. Dynamic Library

PQ 6.4.4 MC Which of the following situations is most likely to cause a dependency problem?

Installing two different packages that both include /usr/lib/graphlib.

PQ 6.4.4 T Which environment variable specifies additional directories to search for library files not listed in /etc/


PQ 6.3.6 MC Which of the following functions does the dpkg --configure command perform?

Reconfigures an unpacked package.

PQ 6.1.8 MC You have previously installed the package mplayer and wish to remove it from your computer. Which of the following removal methods should you use?

Run the command rpm -e mplayer.

LAB 6.3.5 Use apt Your company wants to implement a local search engine for your intranet. The htdig software found in the repositories will provide the needed functions. Complete this lab from the Terminal. In this lab, your task is to: Check for updates. Install the latest version of htdig on your Debian-based machine.

apt update apt install htdig Type Y

PQ 6.3.6 MC You are working on a Debian distribution of Linux. You need to install a package, but you do not want to manually install all the dependencies for the package. Without using any command options, what command should you use?


PQ 6.3.6 MC Which of the following statements are true regarding the apt-get utility? (Select two.)

apt-get is similar to the yum utility on an RPM distribution. apt-get uses /etc/apt/sources.list to find information about the application repositories.

PQ 6.3.6 MC You have installed a package called mathpac with apt-get. After a system upgrade, the package is not working correctly. Which of the following commands is the MOST correct method to get the package to work?

apt-get upgrade mathpac

PQ 6.3.6 MC Which of the following Debian package management utilities provides the front end for APT?


LAB 6.2.5 Use DNF to Install an RPM Package The IT manager in your organization has asked you to install an open-source volume control and audio effects tool named PulseAudio-Equalizer. In this lab, your task is to: Install the pulseaudio-equalizer.noarch package.

dnf install pulseaudio-equalizer.noarch Press Y

PQ 6.2.7 T You used DNF to list the Ruby packages that are available to install. You see there is a package available called ruby. What DNF command do you use to install this Ruby package?

dnf install ruby

PQ 6.2.7 T You have users who need to do some programming projects in the Ruby programming language. What DNF command can you use to find out whether there is a Ruby package available for installation on the Linux server?

dnf list ruby

PQ 6.2.7 MC You need to remove an RPM package from your system. Which of the following commands could you use?

dnf remove

LAB 6.2.6 Use DNF to Remove an RPM Package RunSnakeRun is a Python GUI package installed on the server. Since this utility is no longer being used, the IT manager has asked you to uninstall the package. Complete this lab from the Terminal. In this lab, your task is to: Use the dnf command to uninstall the RunSnakeRun.noarch package.

dnf remove RunSnakeRun.noarch Press Y

PQ 6.3.6 T What dpkg command would you enter at the command prompt to list information about a currently installed Debian package?

dpkg -p

PQ 6.1.8 MT You are working with the RPM package acroread-8.1.3-51.6.i586.rpm. Match the naming convention term on the left with the associated file name segment on the right.

i586 Architecture type 8.1.3 Version number acroread Package name 51.6 Release number

PQ 6.4.4 MC Which of the following commands reloads the libraries for the /bin/bash executable but does not update the cache?

ldconfig -N /bin/bash

PQ 6.4.4 MC Which of the following commands can you use to change the location of the default file used to search for libraries?

ldconfig -f

PQ 6.4.4 T What would you enter at the command prompt to display the shared library information for executables?


PQ 6.4.4 MC Which of the following commands displays all of the shared library information for the /bin/bash executable?

ldd -v /bin/bash

PQ 6.2.7 MC Which of the following DNF options will display whether updates are available for RPM packages?

list updates

PQ 6.2.7 MC Which of the following YUM options will display whether updates are available for RPM packages?

list updates

PQ 6.1.8 MC Without installing an RPM package, you want to check for all of the package's uninstalled dependencies. Which of the following commands should you use?

rpm --test

PQ 6.1.8 T What command will upgrade an RPM package only if an earlier version is already installed on the system?

rpm -F

PQ 6.1.8 MC You have an RPM package called mathpac that is not working correctly. You have downloaded the latest package. Which of the following commands should you use to install the latest mathpac package?

rpm -U mathpac

PQ 6.1.8 MC You need to install the package Which of the following commands will perform the installation? (Select two.)

rpm -Uh rpm -ih

LAB 6.1.6 Update an RPM Package There is a kernel tools package installed on the server. The IT manager in your organization has asked you to upgrade the package using the new package version, kernel-tools-10.21.2015-54.fc21.rpm, located in the /root directory. Complete this lab from the Terminal. In this lab, your task is to upgrade the kernel tools package using the new package version, kernel-tools-10.21.2015-54.fc21.rpm.

rpm -Uv kernel-tools-10.21.2015-54.fc21.rpm

PQ 6.1.8 T What would you enter at the command prompt to have rpm perform an MD5 checksum on the myapp5.4.rpm package?

rpm -V myapp5.4.rpm

LAB 6.1.5 Remove an RPM Package There is a C debugger package installed on the server that your organization is no longer using. The IT manager in your organization has asked you to uninstall the ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 package. Complete this lab from the Terminal. In this lab, your task is to: Uninstall the ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 package. Verify that the ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 package is uninstalled.

rpm -e ddd-C-Debug rpm -q ddd-C-Debug

PQ 6.1.8 MC Which of the following commands queries the system for all installed RPM packages?

rpm -qa

PQ 6.1.8 MC You need to determine which files are associated with the metacity RPM package. Which of the following commands should you use?

rpm -ql metacity

LAB 6.1.4 Install an RPM Package The IT manager in your organization has asked you to install the fontconfig-3.10.87-5.fc24.rpm package. Complete this lab from the terminal. In this lab, your task is to: Switch to the root user using a password of 1worm4b8. Install the fontconfig-3.10.87-5.fc24.rpm package.The package is located in the /home/wadams/Downloads directory. Verify that the fontconfig package has been installed.

su - 1worm4b8 rpm -ivh /home/wadams/Downloads/fontconfig-3.10.87-5.fc24.rpm rpm -q fontconfig

PQ 6.3.6 MC Which of the following apt-cache options shows the missing dependencies in the package cache?


PQ 6.3.6 T Which apt-get option upgrades all installed packages to the latest versions using the information in /etc/apt/sources.list?


PQ 6.4.4 MC A system administrator is configuring a package manager to access packages from a local repository and take advantage of a local repository's transfer speed. Which of the following commands can be used to pull packages from an online repository? (Select three.)

wget curl rsync

PQ 6.2.7 MC You need to remove an RPM package from your system. Which of the following YUM commands could you use? (Select two.)

yum erase yum remove

PQ 6.2.7 MC You have installed a package called mathpac with yum. After a system upgrade, the package is not working correctly. Which of the following commands should you FIRST try to get the package to function?

yum update mathpac

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