LAN 382- Chapter 5 Key terms

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developmental bilingual education (DBE)

A form of bilingual education for ELLs, who initially receive about 90% of content-area instruction in their home language and 10% of content-area instruction through sheltered instruction. Home language instruction decreases slowly as sheltered English instruction increases as students move up in grade level. Instruction continues in both languages until the end of the program, even after students attain proficiency in English, to ensure that students attain strong bilingual and biliteracy skills. Also referred to as maintenance late-exit bilingual education.

Transitional Bilingual Education

A program model for ELLs in which home language content-area instruction is provided for the first few years of the program, in addition to sheltered English content area instruction and ESL. The amount of native-language instruction decreases as sheltered English immersion increases. Students are transitioned to mainstream classrooms after just a few years in the program.

Pull-out ESL

A program model for ELLs in which students are placed in mainstream or sheltered English immersion classrooms but are regularly pulled out of class for English as second language lessons taught by an ESL taught.

sheltered English immersion (SEI)

A program model in collaboration with the students, constructs an enlarged test. students suggest sentences and revisions and the teacher models the use of a variety of writing strategies students are expected to use it their writing.

dual language programs

A variety of bilingual program models for ELL and English proficient students designed to help them become bilingual and biliterate. In a 50/50 model, half of the students are fluent English speakers and half are ELLs, and 50% of instruction is in English and 50% in the home language of the ELLs. In the 90/10 model, for the first few years, 90% of instruction is in the non-English language and 10% is in English. Instruction gradually reaches 50% in each language. Other variations exist. Also called two-way immersion.

pull-in ESL

An ELL program model in which the English as a second language (ESL) teacher goes into the regular classroom to work with the classroom teacher and her ELLs.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

An academic subject, course, or program designed to teach English to students who are not yet proficient in the language.

English Language development

An alternative label for English as a second language (ESL) programs and instruction, commonly used at the elementary school level.

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)

An instructional model and tool for planning, implementing, and evaluating sheltered English content-area instruction developed by Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2013).

Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (S.D.A.I.E.)

Another term for sheltered instruction, preferred in California and other states because it places emphasis on the fact that such instruction is academically rigorous but specially designed to match the linguistic needs of the students.

Newcomer Program

For beginning-level ELLs who have been in the United States for only 1 or 2 years. Programs typically provide intensive English instruction and may include some home language instruction and ample primary language support.

bilingual immersion programs

For language minority students who are English dominant and native English speakers who desire to become bilingual. students are initially instructed 90%-100% in the non-English target language for the first 2 years of the program. instruction evens our gradually to 50% instruction in English and 50% in the non-english language as students move up in grade level.

Sheltered Instruction

Grade level content-are-in-instruction provided in English in a manner that makes it comprehensible to ELLs while supporting their language development.

heritage language programs

Programs for language minority students to develop or maintain their heritage language; includes bilingual programs for ELLs, foreign language classes targeting native speakers in K-12 and post-secondary education, and community-based after-school or weekend programs.


The process of placing ELL students in a mainstream classroom where they do not receive any ESL, sheltered content instruction, or primary language support. Also called "sink-or-swim."

home language instruction

The teaching of literacy or content-area instruction in the home language of ELLs.

primary language support (PLS)

Using a student's home language during English as a second language (ESL) or sheltered-English content-area instruction to make the English instruction more comprehensible.

monoglossic perspective

Views monolingualism as the norm and treats the languages of bilinguals as two separate distinct systems, as if students are two monolinguals in one (double monolingualism).

heteroglossic perspective

views bilingualism as the norm and treats the languages of bilinguals as co-existing.

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