Larynx Study Guide Questions

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How many muscles of the larynx adduct the vocal folds?

3: Lateral Cricoarytenoid, transverse arytenoids, Oblique arytenoids.

From which branchial arches are the muscles of the larynx derived?

Branchial arch 4&6

What vertebral levels correspond to the larynx?

C3-C6 Vertebrae

Which cranial nerve supplies the parasympathetic innervation for the larynx?

CN X Vagus

Which laryngeal muscle is responsible for changing the pitch of the voice?

Cricothyroid raises pitch. Thyroarytenoid and vocalis lower pitch.

What are the structures that contribute to the internal anatomy of the aryepiglottic folds?

Cuneiform cartilage, corniculate cartilage, aryepiglottic ligament & quadrangular membrane.

What are the primary functions of the larynx?

Guards airway against swallowing food. Production of vocalization or phonation.

What nerve(s) are responsible for providing sensory innervation to the area above the vocal folds?

Internal laryngeal n.

What is the name of the entrance to the larynx? What structures surround the entrance?

Laryngeal inlet (or aditus). Epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold, & laryngopharynx.

Which muscle(s) abduct the vocal folds?

Posterior Cricoarytenoid only

What role do the vestibular folds play?

Protective function. Also called false vocal cords.

Which nerve(s) provide sensory innervation for the mucosa below the vocal folds?

Recurrent Laryngeal n.

Which nerve lies deep to the piriform recess? Why does this make the nerve vulnerable to injury?

Recurrent Laryngeal n. Food (fish bones) can get stuck there, pierce the mucosa

What arteries supply blood to the larynx? Which nerves do they travel with?

Superior laryngeal a. (br. Of superior thyroid a.) and inferior laryngeal n. (br. Of inferior thyroid a.). Superior laryngeal a. travels with internal laryngeal n. while inferior laryngeal a. travels with recurrent laryngeal n.

What is the position of the vocal folds while swallowing? While breathing? While vocalizing?

Swallowing: fully adducted (closed). Breathing: fully abducted (open). Vocalizing: thin slit opening to allow audible vibrations in the air

Which muscle of the larynx is not innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve? What effect does it have on the vocal folds?

The cricothyroid muscle. Tighten vocal cords -> raise pitch

Which muscle(s) cause the vocal folds to relax?

Thyroarytenoid & Vocalis muscles

What are the ligaments and membranes that are found on the anterior surface of the larynx?

Thyrohyoid membrane, cricothyroid ligament, cricotracheal ligament, first ring of tracheal cartilage.

What are the 9 cartilages that make up the laryngeal skeleton?

Thyroid, Cricoid, epiglottic, arytenoid, aryepiglottic ligament (superior ridge from arytenoid cartilage to epiglottic cartilage), quadrangular membrane (membranous material that fills in space between epiglottic cartilage, arytenoid cartilage, and aryepiglottic cartilage), corniculate cartilage (horn shaped structure on end of arytenoid cartilage), lateral cricothyroid ligament (runs from vocal ligament to cricoid cartilage), and vocal ligaments (form vocal cords)

Which structures make up the conus elasticus? What is the role of that structure?

Vocal ligaments and the lateral cricothyroid ligament. Provide tensile strength for the valve function of the larynx.

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