last exam ch 15

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Which of the following is the first to come into contact with light? A) rods B) bipolar neurons C) cones D) ganglion cells


The outer covering of the eye is called the _____.


What happens when the ciliary muscles relax?

The suspensory ligaments pull and the lens flattens.

The auditory tube acts to equalize pressure between the middle ear and _____. A) throat B) inner ear C) outer ear D) cochlea


1. What is the role of suspensory ligaments?

a. Adjust the shape of the lens to make it curved b. Decreases or increase the refraction of light

The process of adjusting vision from a near to a distant object is called _____.


The purpose of the auricle is to _____sound waves.

act as a collector of

The receptor cells for hearing are located on the upper surface of what membrane?


Movement of the _______ membrane causes hair cell microvilli to bend back and forth.


Tears drain into the openings of the _____.


Clouding of the lens occurs in which of these eye disorders?


A sty is an inflammation of what type of gland associated with follicles of the eyelashes?

ciliary gland

Contraction of which of the following muscles is involved with changing the shape (thickening) of the lens?

ciliary muscles

Aqueous humor is secreted by the __________; it flows out of the posterior chamber through the pupil into the anterior chamber where it is reabsorbed at a ring-like blood vessel called the __________.

ciliary process; canal of Schlemm

The portion of the inner ear, which detects sounds, is the _____.


Which type of photoreceptor is best able to process bright light and color?


1. Which eye structure easily transplanted?


Image formation depends on refraction, the bending of light. At which location does the greatest amount of refraction occur?


The transparent anterior portion of the outer eye coat, which allows light rays to enter the interior of the eye is the


What is the primary (most powerful) focusing structure of the eye?


Light passes through the following structures in which order?

cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor

Which cranial nerve innervates four of the six extraocular muscles (medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique)?

cranial nerve III

A "cataract" is an opacification of which eye structure?

crystalline lens

All of the following are part of the cochlea EXCEPT A) cochlear duct B) scala tympani C) scala vestibuli D) utricle


The following belong together except which one? A) incus B) tympanic cavity C) middle ear D) cochlear duct


The membranous labyrinth contains _____fluid.


What is the name of the short tube that conveys sound waves to the tympanic membrane?

external auditory meatu

Identify the three layers of the eye in from the outer most layer to the inner most layer.

fibrous tunic, vascular tunic, nervous tunic

What is the point of sharpest, most distinct visual acuity within the eye?

fovea centralis

Which of the following is the location in the retina at which the sharpest images are produced?

fovea centralis

Axons of which of the following type of cells exit the eye in the optic nerve?


The only retinal cells that produce action potentials are the

ganglion cells.


hardened gives eye the shape

Damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve would result is some loss of

hearing and balance

The colored (blue, brown, green) portion of the eye, as seen in an anterior view, is which of the following?


Which eye structure determines a person's eye color?


Which of the following pairs of structures are involved in regulating the amount of light that enters the eyes?

iris and eyelids

The watery fluid we call "tears" is secreted by

lacrimal glands

The suspensory ligaments attach to the _____.


The stapes sends its vibrations to the _____.

oval window

Vibrations from the _____ reach the scala vestibuli first.

oval window

The term for eyelid is _____.


a. nasolacrimal duct

passageway for tears from the lacrimal sac into the nose

What fluid is located between the bony and membranous labyrinths within the inner ear?


If the ciliary muscles contract, the suspensory ligaments __________ and the lens __________.

relax; thickens

Which eye structure is comparable to the film of a camera because it senses light focused on it?


Which layer of the eye contains the photoreceptor cells?


What eye layer is referred to in the quote "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes"?


Which of the following would NOT be part of the nerve pathway involved in conducting sensory impulses to the auditory cortex? A) medulla oblongata B) midbrain C) spinal cord D) thalamus

spinal cord

Which auditory ossicle causes the oval window to move in and out, setting fluid in the inner ear in motion?


Which of these extrinsic eye muscles is NOT controlled by the oculomotor nerve?

superior oblique

Which of these extrinsic eye muscles is controlled by the trochlear nerve?

superior oblique

The auditory perception center is located within the _____.

temporal lobe

The sensation of hearing occurs when sensory impulses from the ears are transmitted to the auditory cortex in the __________ lobe from the __________ nerve.

temporal; vestibulocochlear


the transparent layer forming the front of the eye.

The first structure to vibrate in response to sounds is _____.

tympanic membrane

The vitreous humor, which occupies about 80% of the eye's interior, is composed mostly of what?



Contains sensory receptors that process visual information and sends it to the brain


Delicate membrane lining the eyelids and covering the eyeball

Which muscle raises the upper eyelid when it contracts?

levator palpebrae superioris

Which of the following is located within the vestibule of the ear?


Which auditory ossicle is attached to the tympanic membrane?


Identify the correct order in which vibrations travel through the auditory ossicles.

malleus, incus, stapes


middle, vascular layer of the eye, between the retina and the sclera

An eye that is too long, or "oval," results in poor distance vision, a disorder called nearsightedness or


After washing across the eyes, "tears" enter the nasal cavity through which of the following?

nasolacrimal ducts

Movement of the eyeball is effected by muscles innervated mainly by the _____nerve.


When light strikes, the visual pigment rhodopsin is activated, which then activates _____ thus resulting in the ____ of the rod cells.

opsin, depolarization

At which of the following locations do blood vessels and nerves enter or exit the eye?

optic disk

Which of the following is commonly called the "blind spot" of the eye because it lacks photoreceptor cells?

optic disk

Which muscle closes the eyelid when it contracts?

orbicularis oculi

The receptor cells for hearing, hair cells, are located within the

organ of Corti

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