LAST SELU Chapter Quiz

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28. Although France granted full independence to Morocco and Tunisia in 1956, it attempted to retain its dominion in

*a. Algeria.

1. Eastern Europe was the first area of disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union after the end of World War II.

*a. True

10. A leading voice in the postwar women's liberation movement was Simone de Beauvoir, author of The Second Sex.

*a. True

11. Betty Friedan founded the National Organization for Women (NOW).

*a. True

3. After the construction of the Berlin Wall, East Germany developed the strongest economy among the Soviet Union's Eastern European satellites.

*a. True

3. The Cold War spread from Europe with the establishment of a Communist regime in China in 1949.

*a. True

5. The United States involved itself in the fate of Vietnam soon after the close of World War II by supporting French efforts to take back Vietnam as a colony.

*a. True

7. The American president who did the most to escalate the U.S. presence in Vietnam was Lyndon Johnson.

*a. True

8. The work of Jacques Derrida demonstrated the dependence of Western culture on binary opposition, noting that the privileged depends on the inferior.

*a. True

25. The West German chancellor whose policy of Ostpolitik improved relations with East Germany was

*a. Willy Brandt.

37. Khrushchev's unpopularity with the Communist Party reached its apex

*a. after his rash plan to place missiles in Cuba.

59. American motion pictures in the postwar years have

*a. been the primary vehicle for the diffusion of American popular culture throughout the world.

16. The Truman Doctrine did all of the following EXCEPT

*a. condemn the victory of the Communists in the Chinese civil war.

13. In the 1960s, college and university students complained and demonstrated against all of the following EXCEPT:

*a. declining enrollments.

50. In the postwar world, Canada

*a. experienced many of the same developments as the United States.

26. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 concluded with

*a. improved communications between the US and the Soviet Union to prevent nuclear war.

17. Student protests in Europe backfired to an extent as

*a. some people detested what they saw as the lawlessness of the privileged.

54. Following World War II, the country that dominated the art world was

*a. the United States.

27. The origins of the Vietnam War, in part, lie in the process of decolonization because

*a. the division of Vietnam into antagonistic northern and southern states occurred after Vietnamese military forces had defeated the French, former governors of the region.

57. Existentialism stressed

*a. the need for people to create their own values and give their lives meaning.

44. One country that was NOT an original member of the European Coal and Steel Community was

*b. Britain.

1. Mikhail Gorbachev became the head of the Soviet state immediately following the retirement of Nikita Khrushchev in 1964.

*b. False

10. Popular music of the 1960s without exception emphasized a withdrawal from rather than commentary on social issues of the day.

*b. False

12. The American president Jimmy Carter proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), nicknamed "Star Wars."

*b. False

2. The Berlin Air Lift was initiated by the Soviet Union to provide provisions to East Berlin after a blockade by the United States, Great Britain, and France.

*b. False

2. While the United States experienced economic hardships during the 1970s, European economic growth and good times continued.

*b. False

4. In 1961, the West constructed the Berlin Wall to prevent East German communists from emigrating to western Europe.

*b. False

4. Unlike America's Ronald Reagan, Britain's Margaret Thatcher had little interest in foreign policy or international affairs.

*b. False

5. Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark remained separate from the European Community throughout the 1970s.

*b. False

6. The Reagan Revolution extended welfare benefits to the poor and balanced the federal budget.

*b. False

6. The partition of the Indian subcontinent into the states of India and Pakistan in 1947 was accomplished with almost no violence or bloodshed.

*b. False

7. The Hungarian revolt in 1956 resulted in political reforms and independence under the leadership of Janos Kadar.

*b. False

8. France's Fourth Republic collapsed, and Charles de Gaulle came to power in 1958 because of disastrous French defeats in Vietnam.

*b. False

9. Author Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being emphasizes the despair caused by political repression as capable of crushing the human spirit.

*b. False

9. The postwar emergence of the British welfare state included a variety of social welfare policies, but the Labour Party was unable to create a program of socialized medicine.

*b. False

32. The Indonesian president who was suspicious of the West, sought economic aid from China and the Soviet Union, and relied at home on a native communist party was

*b. Sukarno.

28. In 1965, President Charles de Gaulle of France called the United States "the greatest danger in the world today to peace" because of U.S. policy in

*b. Vietnam.

20. The Communist military response to the formation of NATO was the

*b. Warsaw Pact.

18. Truman and his Western European allies responded to Stalin's blockade of Berlin in 1948 by

*b. airlifting supplies into Berlin.

24. The policy created in 1947 and used by the Americans against Communism was called

*b. containment.

39. In 1956 in Poland, Wladyslaw Gomulka

*b. declared his nation's right to follow its own socialist path.

35. The doctrine that eased Cold War tensions in the 1970s is known as

*b. detente.

23. The East German leader Erich Honecker was most noted for

*b. establishing a virtual dictatorship by using the Stasi or secret police in the 1970s and 1980s.

42. As president of France, Charles de Gaulle's position in the Cold War was to

*b. make France the "third" nuclear power and pursue a largely independent political course.

31. After his election to the presidency in 1968, Richard Nixon pursued a "southern strategy" by creating policies designed to appeal to

*b. southern whites.

17. The belief that Communist aggression fed off of economic turmoil was instrumental in the formulation of

*b. the Marshall Plan.

40. Under the U.S. presidency of Jimmy Carter, a major goal of American foreign policy was

*b. the protection of human rights globally

15. The Truman Doctrine was a consequence of Truman's alarm over

*b. the weakness of the British in the eastern Mediterranean.

53. In her path-breaking , The Second Sex, the influential French feminist author Simone de Beauvoir argued that

*b. women were always and wrongly defined by their differences from men and consequently seen as second-class beings.

52. All of the following statements regarding women in the post-war era are correct EXCEPT

*b. working women received equal pay with men by the 1960s.

34. By the mid-1960s, the primary concern of the United States was

*c. China

34. The Great Leap Forward was

*c. Mao Zedong's effort to achieve a classless society and the final stage of communism.

31. The one issue on which the Arab states were united was

*c. Palestine.

24. The Romanian secret police force was called the

*c. Securitate.

14. A key factor contributing to the development of the Cold War in Eastern Europe was

*c. Stalin's desire to establish pro-Soviet governments in the countries of Eastern Europe to serve as a buffer zone against possible western attacks on the Soviet Union.

23. The Warsaw Pact included all of the following nations EXCEPT

*c. Yugoslavia.

21. The resignation of Antonin Novotny in Czechoslovakia was precipitated by a. a mass protest in Prague.

*c. a writers' rebellion.

47. The Common Market was

*c. founded for economic reasons, including to promote free trade among member nations.

39. The 1975 Helsinki Agreements

*c. recognized all borders in central and eastern Europe established since World War II, thereby acknowledging a Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe.

29. The Vietnam War

*c. showed the limitations of American power, leading to improved Soviet-American relations.

30. The economic problems of the United States in the 1970s have been labeled

*c. stagflation.

58. The horrors of two world wars, the Cold War, and attendant socio-cultural upheavals have also stimulated a late twentieth-century religious revival exemplified in the works of Karl Barth, who has argued

*c. that the sinful and imperfect nature of humans means that they can know religious truth not through reason but only through the grace of God.

12. At the close of World War II, the European tradition of power politics was inherited by

*c. the Soviet Union and the United States.

46. Postwar Italian politics was characterized by

*c. the hegemony of the Christian Democrats with backing from the Catholic Church.

38. Yugoslavia from World War II through 1960 was characterized by

*c. the leadership of Tito, who asserted Yugoslavia's independence from the Soviet Union.

21. An overall effect of the Korean War on the Cold War was

*c. the reinforcement of the American determination to "contain" Soviet power.

15. Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man

*c. theorized that unindoctrinated students could liberate the masses from their elite oppressors.

22. In Czechoslovakia, the "Prague Spring"

*c. was brought to an abrupt end by the Red Army.

19. The founding members of NATO included all of the following EXCEPT

*d. Albania.

14. The song "The Times They Are A-Changin'" was written by

*d. Bob Dylan.

13. The first area of conflict in the unfolding of the Cold War was

*d. Eastern Europe.

27. Eurocommunism was most successful in

*d. Italy.

43. The first chancellor and "founding hero" of the West German Federal Republic was

*d. Konrad Adenauer.

29. In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek transferred the Chinese Nationalist government from the mainland to

*d. Taiwan.

26. Great Britain under Margaret Thatcher experienced

*d. a large military buildup and hard-line approach against communism.

22. The Cold War policy adopted in the mid-1950s by the Eisenhower administration was

*d. massive retaliation.

41. By 1950 Western Europe saw the political comeback of

*d. moderate political parties.

36.The "four olds" targeted during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution included all of the following EXCEPT

*d. old rulers.

38. An appropriate symbol of detente between Russia and America was the ABM Treaty of 1972 that

*d. pledged the two nations to limit their development of anti-ballistic missile systems, thus avoiding anew arms race.

49. The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s included all of the following EXCEPT

*d. saw the Supreme Court approve the concept of "separate but equal" in public schools.

48. All of the following is characteristic of the United States in the 1950s EXCEPT

*d. the collapse of labor unions.

25. An American-supported invasion of the Bay of Pigs in 1961 had as its mission

*d. the overthrow of Fidel Castro in Cuba.

56. The philosophical doctrine of existentialism, with its emphasis on God as a fiction, no preordained human destiny, and the human creation of all values

*d. was best expressed in the works of the French writers Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre.

55. The American artist Jackson Pollock was most noted for

*e. Abstract Expressionist paintings.

16. The author of The Feminine Mystique who was also a founder of the National Organization of Women was

*e. Betty Friedan.

30. The Middle Eastern political leader who promoted Pan-Arabism and who advocated a sharing of Middle Eastern oil wealth equally among the Arab states was

*e. Gamal Abdul Nasser.

18. The Ohio National Guard killed four student protesters in 1970 at

*e. Kent State University.

33. The American president who made the decision to bomb North Vietnam and who significantly increased the number of American troops in the Second Vietnam War was

*e. Lyndon Johnson.

37. The American president who journeyed to the People's Republic of China in 1972 was

*e. Richard Nixon.

45. Which of the following statements concerning postwar Great Britain is FALSE?

*e. The Conservative party in the 1950s and 1960s revoked nearly all of the welfare legislation passed by the Labour party in the 1940s.

33. Following World War II, India

*e. became two new countries, one Hindu and one Muslim.

36. At the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party in 1956, Khrushchev

*e. condemned Stalin.

35. The economic policies of Stalin

*e. emphasized the development of heavy industry and the production of modern weapons and space vehicles.

32. The issue that led to Jimmy Carter's defeat in 1980 was

*e. his inability to gain the release of American hostages held in Iran.

41. The policies of Ronald Reagan

*e. more than doubled the national debt.

19. Under the Brezhnev Doctrine

*e. the Soviets declared the right of intervention if a socialist state were threatened.

20. The Solidarity movement in Poland

*e. was outlawed in 1981 and its leaders arrested.

51. The social structure of the postwar European society has been greatly affected by a dramatic increase in the number of

*e. white-collar management and administrative personnel.

11. Despite World War II's devastating impact on the countries, cities, peoples, and cultures of Europe, Europe's industrial and agricultural output was 30 percent higher than prewar levels by

.*b. 1950.

40. Due to its strong democratic traditions, the last Eastern European country to fall under Soviet, one- party domination after World War II was


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