Law Quiz 1

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Albert read ElectroCorp's ad in the local newspaper advertising a music system for $89. Albert rushed to the store to buy the system only to be told by the salesperson that the ad was a misprint and the price should have been $289. Albert gave the salesperson $89 plus sales tax and demanded the music system.

Albert is merely making an offer to ElectroCorp to buy the music system for $89 plus sales tax

Alice says to Brian, "If I decide to buy a word processor next year, I will buy it from you." This is an example of:

An illusory promise

A bank robbery has occurred, and the banker's association has offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the robber. Several people are claiming to be entitled to the money. Which of them is eligible?

An off-duty deputy sheriff from a county other than the one where the arrest occurred

Pat and Sally started a charcoal fire for Sally's backyard barbecue and left it uncovered. Then Sally went into the kitchen to make hamburger patties. While Sally was inside, Pat backed up to catch a football and hit the grill, knocking the coals onto his feet. In a pure comparative negligence state, who is liable?

Sally is liable for Pat's injuries in proportion to the degree of fault or negligence found against her

Al, a cross-country bus driver, kisses Susie, a passenger, while she sleeps. Al could be sued for battery.


Tim and his friend are playing catch in the back yard when Tim suddenly throws the ball over the fence into the neighbor's yard where it breaks the window. This is trespass to real property, even if Tim himself does not go onto the property to get the ball.


Jason's mother would like him to go to college, so in June he enrolls at the local university. He also quits his job and tells his mother his plans to take classes. His mother says, "I'm so happy that you are going to college that I want to pay for your books." Jason then sends her a bill for $485. Jason's mother's promise is:

Unenforceable, because Jason had already enrolled in school when she made the statement that she wanted to pay for his books, and there is no consideration

Tim mails an offer to Brian on June 15. Brian receives the offer on June 16. Tim mails a revocation of the offer on June 17. Brian mails a letter of acceptance on June 18. Brian receives the revocation on June 19. Tim receives the letter of acceptance on June 20. Was a contract formed?

Yes, on June 18

Cameron doesn't like Bradley, so at a cocktail party he spread untrue rumors about Bradley's lifestyle. These rumors harm Bradley's reputation in the community.

Cameron is guilty of slander

Samuel Tate enters into a contract with Bill Smith under the terms of which Smith is to pay Tate $7,000 and Tate is to build a garage, repair a boat, and build a doghouse. If the doghouse has not yet been built, which term describes the type of contract in existence?

Executory contract

A tiger gets loose from the tent of a circus and mauls a passerby. The circus claims it has always treated the animal well and that it was not at all negligent in its handling of the animal. The circus has no liability for the injury caused by the animal.


Derrick borrowed $500 from Carl and is past-due on paying him back. Derrick sees Carl in a bar and says, "All I have is $400, take it or leave it!" Carl takes the $400 and replies, "Well, it's better than nothing!" Carl cannot sue Derrick for the remainder of the debt because of the rule of accord and satisfaction.


X knows that Y has offered to sell wheat to Z at a certain price per bushel. Hoping to get Z for a customer, X offers Z wheat at $.50 less a bushel than Y offered. X gets the contract. X is liable to Y for the tort of interference with contractual relations.


James threatens to hit Kenneth in the head with a baseball bat unless Kenneth signs a contract agreeing to pay James $400 for his saw. Because of the threat, Kenneth signs the contract.

James has committed physical duress against Kenneth

Morris interviewed for a job as plant manager at Northland Bearings and was offered a two-year contract if she could relocate and start the new job within three weeks. Morris agreed. Northland promised to follow up the oral agreement with a written contract setting forth all the agreed terms, but the contract had not arrived within several days. Morris wanted to give two-weeks' notice to her present employer, so she called Northland to check on the written contract and was told it was ready to be sent to her and assured her the job was hers. She gave notice of her intention to quit her present job and moved two states away to the Northland location. When Morris arrived for her first day of work, she was told someone else with better qualifications had been found and hired for the position. Morris:

May be entitled to good-faith reliance damages under the doctrine of promissory estoppel to avoid injustice

If Janice, while driving her car, negligently runs into Paul, a pedestrian who is carefully crossing the street, Janice is liable for:

Physical injuries Paul sustains from the collision because Janice's negligent conduct proximately caused harm to a legally protected interest

Arnold wrote a defamatory letter regarding Bill which he did not show to anyone, but which he posted on a bulletin board in the laundromat. Arnold has committed:

The tort of libel

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