Law Quiz 1

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The "Takings Clause" of the USA Constitution prevents the government from taking private property for any reason.


If the California court turns to prior court opinions to determine if it should dismiss the suit, it is looking for _________. The system of prior court opinions is called ______ ______

1. Precedent 2. Case Law

Joan's lawyer, Albert, feels pretty good about the chances of winning Joan's case. He has found a case directly on point, which means it has the same issue and very similar facts. If the court follows the decision in the case Albert found, then Joan will win her case. Albert argues Joan's case to the trial court, and the trial court decides for Joan. The fact that the trial court decided the case in Joan's favor is an example of:

stare decisis.

Rhea, a 45-year-old supervisor in a women's retail clothing store, recently learned that a younger co-worker was promoted to a position she had applied for. Rhea has more experience and more time with the company and has always gotten excellent scores in her annual reviews. Rhea files an action with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for age discrimination. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) issues an order in favor of Rhea. This decision of the ALJ is:

the final order in the case unless the store appeals.

Federal courts have exclusive subject matter jurisdiction over which of the following? Choose 2 answer choices.

-Bankruptcies -Patent/trademark/copyright cases

Substantive due process places which requirements on all governmental infringements of rights, whether those rights are fundamental or not? Choose 2 answer choices.

-Legislation must be fair and reasonable in content. -Legislation must further a legitimate governmental objective.

What is true of corporate political speech? Choose 2 answers.

-Political donations are protected by the First Amendment as types of corporate political speech. -Corporate political speech is protected by the First Amendment.

Which classification or scrutiny would be appropriate for a court to use to examine a state law regulating the price of milk. Choose 2 answer choices.

-Rational Basis Test -Minimal Scrutiny

What restrictions on business speech are allowed by the First Amendment? Choose 2 answer choices.

-Some advertising venues for tobacco -Limitations on advertisements for alcohol

What authority does the federal government have under the Commerce Clause? Choose 2 answer choices.

-To regulate international commerce -To regulate commerce on the national and local levels

What are the three steps of a civil trial? Choose 3 answers.

-presentation of testimony and evidence -opening arguments -closing arguments

This case would be a case of _______in California. Without the prior guidance, the California courts likely would look to _________ authorities to help them reason through a decision.

1. First Impression 2. Persuasive

n deciding whether to dismiss the suit, the court in California first should look to ________ sources of law, or sources that establish the law. Another resource for the court are the ________ passed by the United States ________ and the state _________ . If the court cannot find any sources of law that establish or direct their decision to dismiss the suit, the court should then turn to __________ sources of law for guidance.

1. Primary 2. Statutes 3. Congress 4.Legislatures 5. Secondary

What situation would NOT be regulated by the federal government under the Commerce Clause?

A state requiring lawyers practicing in the state to be licensed

What is the role of an administrative law judge (ALJ)?

An ALJ is an employee of the agency bringing the charges.

Which of the following statements correctly reflects the role of a federal administrative law judge (ALJ)?

An ALJ presides over an administrative hearing and issues an order that, when final, may be reviewed by a court.

The law of which country provided the roots for USA law?


Common law is a body of cases decided by legislatures.


Generally, administrative agencies do no make the rules they enforce.


The largest source of new law in the USA is court decisions.


The primary methods of alternative dispute resolution include litigation and mediation.


What is preemption in the Supremacy Clause?

Federal law is supreme over state law.

Under the common law, which of the following is true?

In a case of first impression, a judge may use persuasive authorities rather than precedents.

Which classification or scrutiny would be appropriate for a court to use to examine a state regulation requiring firefighters to be men because of the demanding physical requirements of the job?

Intermediate Scrutiny

Which of the following lists the steps of a trial in the correct chronological order from beginning to end?

Jury selection, opening statements, plaintiff's case, defendant's case

The belief that as humans we are all entitled to certain fundamental rights is a component of which school of thought?

Natural Law

Roger has worked for an agency, the Federal Reserve, for ten years. Recently, Roger has heard rumors that multiple employees have contracted COVID-19, a highly contagious and potentially dangerous disease, although they have recovered completely. Nevertheless, Roger is still concerned about being around these people, so Roger asks his employer, the Federal Reserve, for a list of these employees. The Federal Reserve refuses, so Roger files a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the information. Under the FOIA, will the Federal Reserve provide Roger this list?

No, this information is confidential and personal.

What business speech is protected by the First Amendment?

Some types of advertising

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is the federal law that does which of the following?

The APA sets out the rule-making process for administrative agencies.

What are the benefits of the exhaustion doctrine?

The exhaustion doctrine requires resolution of disputes within the agency without involving the court system, except when necessary.

The president signs an executive order declaring that any president may now run for three terms of office instead of two. How could his/her power be checked by the legislative branch?

The legislature could impeach him/her.

A summons is a notice to appear in court.


Generally, Constitutional restrictions apply only to government actions.


If President Biden vetoed a bill and later both houses of Congress (the House and the Senate) repass the bill by a two-thirds margin, the bill becomes law.


In order for a federal court to have jurisdiction, the case must either involve a federal question or be a diversity case, with at least $75,000 in dispute.


The primary sources of contemporary law are: constitutions, statutes, common law, administrative law.


The principle that precedent is binding on later cases is stare decisis.


The trier of fact can be either a judge or a jury.


Which of the following is the supreme law of the land?

U.S. Constitution

Sofia works in the advertising department of Energy First, a company that manufactures a vitamin supplement that allegedly boosts a person's energy level. Sofia creates an advertisement for the product that states that Energy First has been clinically proven to boost energy levels when she knows that no such study has occurred. Can the government prevent Sofia from making such claims in her advertisements?

Yes, the government has a substantial interest in protecting the health of the public, and the restriction on these claims advances that interest without going any further than necessary.

Rando and Shania are involved in an automobile accident. Rando decides to sue Shania for his injuries, so he files a complaint, a formal pleading that starts the lawsuit and sets out the allegations that Rando has against Shania. Rando has the complaint, along with a summons, served on Shania to give her notice of the lawsuit. If Shania does not respond to the complaint:

a default judgment may be entered against her.

In 1998, the President of the USA and other world leaders signed an agreement on global warming called the Kyoto Protocol. Subsequently, the US Senate was asked to ratify the agreement. The Kyoto Protocol is:

a treaty

Which of the following are discovery methods?

all of the above.(. 1. Interrogatories 2. Requests for production of documents 3. physical or mental exams)

The United States has taken a position that legal issues are best resolved by lawsuits involving the parties with conflicting interests presenting their cases. Because of this, the legal system is considered to be:

an adversary system.

When the parties in a dispute present their arguments and evidence to a neutral third party who then renders a decision, it is called:


Andre is involved in a business dispute with his former partner, Ned. Instead of filing a lawsuit, Andre and Ned decide to use alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to settle their dispute. Andre and Ned choose to present their case to a neutral third party, and that third party will decide the case. The form of ADR that Andre and Ned have decided to use is:


The role of a mediator is to:

assist parties in a dispute in resolving their differences out of court.

Steps for creating a statutory law include filing a bill in the legislature, debating and voting on the bill in committees and in the legislative assembly, and ultimately:

becoming an act when signed by the president or state governor, or if vetoed, when the veto is overridden.

Which of the following types of law originated from early English history in an effort to provide a body of law that applied to the entire English realm?

common law

What is the system of government called in which states form a union and share sovereign power with the central government of the union?


An arbitrator is different than a mediator because an arbitrator:

has the authority to make a binding award.

For the past year, Zegrida has been writing a historical fiction novel based on the experiences of her family as they immigrated to the United States from Latvia during World War II. When finished, she contacted a publisher and was shocked to discover that her book had just been published two weeks ago with Fran, a business acquaintance of Zegrida, listed as the author. Two months ago, Zegrida had asked Fran to review the book and give feedback, but instead, Fran published the book under her own name. Zegrida plans to sue Fran for copyright infringement and is trying to decide in which court to sue. Zegrida must sue Fran:

in federal district court because the suit involves a copyright issue.

If the U.S. Supreme Court determines that a state or federal law violates the U.S. Constitution, it may:

invalidate the law.

Legal realists would claim:

it doesn't matter what the law says, but who enforces it.

Judge Jasper and his friend, Judge Judy, were debating the philosophical theories of jurisprudence. Judge Jasper believes that law is just one of many institutions in society and that it is shaped by social forces and needs. Judge Jasper believes in the theory of jurisprudence called:

legal realism.

Which branch of government creates statutory law?


Which branch of government has the authority to enact law?


The argument that a law should not be followed because it violates the inherent rights of human beings follows which theory of jurisprudence?

natural law

Vivian is a strong swimmer. One afternoon, she was having a picnic at a lake and saw a man she did not know drowning. Generally, Vivian had:

no legal duty to rescue the man.

When a party wishes to excuse a potential juror without giving a reason, the party may exercise a:

peremptory challenge.

What is a document called that is filed with the court to state the position of the plaintiff or the defendant in a lawsuit and ask for relief from the court?


Which theory of jurisprudence holds that the written law of a government is the highest law?


The concept of stare decisis focuses most on:


What is the lowest level of review by a court to determine whether a government action unconstitutionally infringes on protected rights?

rational basis review

Civil law:

regulates the rights and duties between parties.

Mary and Hanna, who are Tennessee residents, were traveling through Mississippi when they were involved in an automobile accident with Franco, who is a resident of Mississippi. Franco sues Mary, who was driving the car, in federal court in Mississippi and asks for $100,000 to reimburse him for his medical bills and lost wages. In deciding the case, what law will the federal district judge apply?

state law

Elton is a state representative for the North Dakota legislature. Recently, Elton and his colleagues in the legislature proposed a law that would increase the penalty drivers would have to pay if they pass a stopped school bus. The type of law that Elton and his colleagues will enact is known as:

statutory law.

After all pleadings are filed and discovery is completed, a party may ask the judge to rule in their favor on the basis that there are no genuinely disputed facts and the judge need only rule on the law. The motion asks the court for a:

summary judgment.

Which of the following is the provision of the U.S. Constitution that establishes federal law precedence over state law?

the Supremacy Clause

Courts have ruled that Fundamental Rights include all of the following except:

the right to drive.

Congress has the right to pass laws, as long as:

they do not conflict with the United States Constitution.

The federal and most state judicial branches have at least these three levels in the court system:

trial court, intermediate appellate court, and highest appellate court.

What is the process of interviewing prospective jurors and either approving of or challenging a person's impartiality toward service on a particular jury?

voir dire

Harold is the owner of Fairway Lawn Service, which provides lawn-care services to residential and commercial customers. Harold regularly sprays his customers' lawns with a pesticide that contains glyphosate. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issues a citation to Harold for commercial use of the pesticide. The EPA says glyphosate can only be used in residential applications. Harold knows that this has not been the law in the past, so he searches the EPA website for information about glyphosate. Harold finds nothing that indicates glyphosate cannot be used in commercial applications, so Harold demands a hearing to dispute the citation he has been issued. Harold will probably:

win because the EPA did not give notice of the rule change regarding glyphosate.

What are two types of challenges an attorney can make during voir dire?

-Challenge for cause -Peremptory challenges

A woman wants to attend an all-male publicly supported college. She claims the college is violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution by refusing to consider her application. Which level of scrutiny will the court use when deciding this case?

intermediate scrutiny

The California court will follow the decision of the United States Supreme Court because of the doctrine of ________. The United States Supreme Court decision is ________ on the California courts. Because of the United States Supreme Court opinion and the prior California cases regarding clauses of this type, the California court _______ enforce the clause in the contract. Because of the precedent set, the California court ________ dismiss the suit and the case will be heard in ___________. .

1. Stare Decisis 2. Binding 3. will not 4. will not 5. California

Which of the following is a true statement of the powers of a branch of the federal government?

The power to enact laws is vested in the legislative branch.

In contrast to federal courts, state courts have what kind of jurisdiction?


The principle of stare decisis does which of the following?

creates predictability in the legal system

During the pandemic of 2020, the City of Mayberry passes an ordinance that requires all citizens to wear a face mask in public. Addison believes that the government cannot regulate his personal behavior and refuses to wear a mask; he says that forcing him to wear a mask violates his constitutional rights! A police officer stops Addison on the street and arrests him for violating the city ordinance. Can Addison successfully challenge the mask ordinance on constitutional grounds?

No, requiring people to wear a face mask during a pandemic is a valid exercise of the state's police power.

Mexico, the United States and Canada entered into the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in 2020. One provision of the USMCA prevents any party from passing laws that restrict the cross-border flow of data. Mexico passes a statute that restricts the cross-border flow of data from England. Is the Mexican statute a violation of the USMCA?

No, the Mexican statute is not a violation of the USMCA because England is not a signatory to the USMCA.

Congress passes a law making it a crime to use marijuana. The judiciary can check the power of Congress by:

declaring the law unconstitutional.

The judicial branch of the US Government:

interprets laws

A court has personal jurisdiction over a party in which of the following circumstances? Choose 2 answer choices.

-When a party brings a case in its court -When the party's property at issue in the case exists within the geographic boundaries of the authority of the court

Which of the following are sources of administrative law? Choose 3 answers.

-agency regulations -executive orders -agency opinions

A party may challenge a potential juror for cause if the party believes the potential juror: (Choose 3 answers.)

-is biased. -is a friend or relative of one of the parties. -has prior knowledge of the facts of the lawsuit.

The judicial branch may limit an administrative agency's actions by which of the following? Choose 2 answers.

-judicial review of the agency's regulations -judicial review of the agency's orders on appeal

In a civil case, the plaintiff must prove the case:

by a preponderance of the evidence.

A restriction on commercial speech will be valid if it meets three criteria. What are they? Choose 3 answers.

-It must seek to implement a substantial government interest. -It must not be overly restrictive to meet its objectives. -It must directly advance a government interest.

Which of the following are the TWO types of ADR that results in parties voluntarily signing a settlement agreement rather than proceeding to trial? Choose 2 answer choices.

-Negotiation -Mediation

Nevada passes a statute that any 18-wheel truck passing through Nevada must meet a Clean Fuel Fleet Exhaust Emission Standard of no more than 2.8 nitrous oxide (NOx). The federal statute requirement for such trucks is no more than 3.8 NOx. Carlton is driving his 18-wheeler cross-country to deliver a load and stops at a Nevada weigh station. The weigh station officer inspects Carlton's documents, notes that Carlton's truck has a 3.4 NOx emission level, and issues a citation. On what grounds might Carlton fight this citation?

The federal statute preempts the state statute under the Supremacy Clause.

Where are fundamental rights protected specifically in U.S. law?

Under substantive due process

Curtis filed a lawsuit against Thomas for failure to repay a $1000 loan according to the terms of a promissory note. The trial ended before it began when the trial judge granted a motion for judgment on the pleadings in Curtis' favor. Thomas appealed the ruling and the Court of Appeal remanded the case. This means:

We don't know who wins yet because the case is being returned to the trial court so new information can be presented.

Sanchez and Yan entered into a contract that required Sanchez to deliver twenty textbooks to Yan's bookstore every month by the 15th raised to the th power of the month. Six months after Sanchez and Yan entered into this contract, Sanchez breached the contract by not delivering the textbooks to Yan's bookstore. After Sanchez breached the contract, Yan sued Sanchez for her damages. Yan must choose the appropriate court in which to file her lawsuit. To do this, Yan needs to be sure the court has:

both subject matter and in personam jurisdiction in the case.

The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is:

to give citizens, businesses and organizations access to information that federal agencies are using.

Which of the following statements explains the formation and purpose of a federal administrative agency? Choose 2 answers.

-An administrative agency is formed by enabling legislation that also provides the authority to establish regulations that will implement and enforce the law. -Most federal administrative agencies are subject to the authority of the president, but some are independent.

Which of the following is a correct statement of federal preemption of state law under the Supremacy Clause? Choose 2 answers.

-A state law that requires documentation of citizenship is preempted by the National Voter Registration Act because the act only requires a statement under oath. -A state's attempt to regulate television and radio is preempted by federal law because the federal government has regulated the entire field.

Court orders may: (Select two)

-prohibit a party from doing something. -compel a party to do something.

Sandra sued her employer, claiming that she was sexually harassed on the job. This is a criminal lawsuit.


What type of speech does not receive First Amendment protections? Choose 3 answers.

-threats to the president of the United States -speech that incites lawlessness -obscenity

Esther is pulled over for crossing the yellow line with her automobile. The officer suspects Esther is intoxicated, so she administers a field sobriety test. Esther blows a .16 on the test, so the officer arrests Esther for DWI. Esther decides to fight the charge. Her defense is that she is an alcoholic, and the laws against driving while intoxicated unconstitutionally discriminate against her and other alcoholics. Does Esther have a valid defense to her DWI charge?

No, she does not because laws that regulate economic or social issues are presumed valid, and the courts will apply minimum scrutiny in evaluating whether such laws discriminate against people.

Who is authorized to enter into treaties under the Constitution?

The president

Agency rules are similar to statutes because of which one of the following?

They are legal requirements and binding as if Congress has passed them.

In what situations does federal law preempt state law? Choose 2 answer choices.

When Congress passes a law and creates an agency to enforce that law When Congress passes very detailed laws

Tillie is served with a lawsuit to collect a debt Tillie allegedly owes to Big Ben Clocks. The summons attached to the lawsuit says that Tillie has thirty days to answer the complaint. Fifteen days later, Tillie receives a copy of a default judgment in the mail, directing Tillie to pay $1000 to Big Ben Clocks. Does Tillie have any grounds on which to have the default judgment set aside?

Yes, it is a violation of procedural due process.

The U.S. Constitution impacts state sovereignty by requiring states to honor the public acts of another state through:

full faith and credit.

When an appeal is filed with the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS), the court:

has complete discretion as to which cases it hears.

What is the medium level of scrutiny, sometimes called heightened scrutiny, that a court will use when deciding a case that involves a quasi-suspect class?

intermediate scrutiny

Wyatt is arrested under a federal statute that makes using marijuana illegal. The state that Wyatt lives in allows recreational use of marijuana. Wyatt challenges the federal statute on the grounds that it is time for the law to change. Wyatt's argument is that recreational marijuana use is now legal in eleven states and medical marijuana use is legal in 34 states; therefore, it is time for the federal government to come into the 21st century and make the use of marijuana legal throughout the United States. Judge Sanderson is the district court judge hearing the case, and he rules that the law should not be overturned. Judge Sanderson is a proponent of the legal positivism school of legal thought. Therefore, Judge Sanderson believes that:

judges should defer to existing laws because there is no law higher than the laws created by a national government.

Dion is head of the National Security Agency, a subagency of the Department of Defense. Dion has held the position for years and feels comfortable that he is secure in his position. However, after Dion holds a press conference where he directly contradicts a statement the president made, he receives a letter from the president removing him from his position. Dion objects to the firing, stating that he can only be removed from office "for good cause." If Dion sues for being wrongfully removed from office, he will:

lose because the president has the power to appoint and remove officers of executive federal agencies.

If a trial court judge is deciding an issue that has never come before the court (a case of first impression), they:

may create new precedent.

Civil law regulates:

the rights and duties between persons in our society.

Historically, the common law developed from:

the unification of local customs and laws in feudal England.

The U.S. Constitution does which of the following? (Choose 3 answer choices)

-It creates three branches of government. -It divides ruling authority between a state and the federal system. -It provides for the fundamental rights of citizens.

What must a party do before appealing an agency action in the court system? Choose 2 answer choices.

-Must follow the agency appeal process. -Must show direct harm.

Which of the following statements are applicable to the doctrine of stare decisis? Choose 2 answers.

-Stare decisis is a principle that arose out of the common law. -A lower court must follow the precedent of a decision made by a higher court in the same jurisdiction.

When an agency needs to enforce the law or its regulations, it may exercise which of the following powers? Choose 3 answers.

-issue a subpoena -conduct a hearing to obtain a final order -investigate complaints and possible violations of its regulations or the law

What are the three levels of scrutiny used by courts to determine the constitutionality of a government action? Choose 3 answers.

-rational basis review -strict scrutiny -intermediate scrutiny

Which statement is correct concerning judicial review of an administrative agency's action?

Courts usually accept the facts of the case as determined by the agency and often defer to the agency's interpretation of its rules and laws.

Obscenity and commercial speech have no protection under the First Amendment.


The idea that each person has intrinsic biases that impact their decisions is a component of which school of thought?

Legal Realist School

If there is a conflict between state and federal laws, generally the federal law will prevail because of the:

Supremacy Clause.

Maverick Manufacturing creates dress slacks for men and women. Maverick's decides to expand its business by opening a new manufacturing plant in China to create slacks that will be sold in China as well as in the United States. Maverick will hire both American and Chinese employees to work in the plant. Maverick's upper management thinks that the same laws that protect U.S. employees should apply to the Chinese workers as well. Maverick's upper management subscribes to the:

natural law school of legal thought.

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