Leadership and Change Midterm (Chapters: 1-7)

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Care-based thinking

"do what you want others to do to you" -It is like the Golden rule of conduct common in some form to many world religions

The veterans


The baby boomers


The Gen Xers

1961-1981 clearly different view of authority than previous generations



Strong situations that are governed clearly specified rules, demands, and organizational policies maximize the effects that personality traits have on behavior (true or false)


Five Factor OCEAN model

Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism


a lack of trust leads to self protective efforts to control and verify each other's behaviors

Action observational reflection model

a model used to learn from experiences by thinking about them


a person's all-around effectiveness in activities directed by thought modified with education and experience

Moral person

a principled decision maker who cares about people and the broader society

Creative intelligence

ability to produce novel and useful work

Conflicts of interest

adversely impact ethical judgements and bias our perceptions of situations

Survey of Organizations Questionnaire

asses the degree to which leaders exhibit the four dimensions of leadership behaviors

Principle Centered Leadership

assets a fundamental interdependence between the personal, interpersonal, managerial, and organizational levels of leadership

Short term vs. long term

balancing spending time with family against making career investments for future benefits

Authentic leadership

based on the notion of "to thine own self be true" -self aware and self consciously align their actions with their inner values

According to the five-factor model or ocean model of personality, leaders who score high in openness to experience tend to

be big picture thinkers

The first 90 days

before you start the first day the first two weeks the first two months the third months


being a trustworthy person in terms of both character and competence

Individual vs. community

compromising the rights of an individual for the good of the community

Moral efficacy

confidence in one's capability to mobilize personal, interpersonal, and other external resources to persist despite moral adversity

Which leadership quality is not connected to trust?


Rule based thinking

consistent with Kantian philosophy and is characterized as "following the highest principle or duty"


constructs representing generalized behaviors or states of affairs that are considered by the individual to be important


core ideology is congruent with all public and private actions throughout the organization


creativity requires that the organization's structure, systems (training, reward, communication), strategy, and vision be aligned and mutually supportive

Ends based thinking is often characterized as

do what's best for the greatest number of people

Ends based thinking

do what's best for the greatest number of people (aka: utilitarianism)


empowering others requires a trusting relationship, team building, delegation, communication, negotiation, and self-management

Ethical climates

ethical standards/norms are consistently and clearly communicated, embraced, and enforced by organizations

Justice vs. Mercy

excusing a person's behavior due to extenuating circumstances or convicting to teach a lesson

Sources of power

expert referent legitimate reward coercive

Advantageous comparison refers to the process of using cosmetic words to defuse or disguise the offensiveness of otherwise morally repugnant or distasteful behavior -true or false


Analytic intelligence is more concerned with knowledge and experience than is practical intelligence (true or false)


Smart but inexperienced leaders tend to be more effective in stressful situations than less intelligent, experienced leaders (true or false)


Tests of divergent thinking usually have a single best answer, whereas tests of convergent thinking have many possible answers (true or false)


Moral ownership

felt sense of responsibility not only for the ethical nature of one's own behavior but also one's commitment not to allow unethical things to happen with one's broader sphere of influence

Ability Model

focuses on how emotions affect the way leaders think, decide, plan, and act

Steinberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

focuses on what the leader does when solving complex mental problems

formal ethics policies and procedures

formal statements of ethical standards/policies, reporting mechanisms, disciplinary procedures, and penalties

Leadership behaviors

function of intelligence, personality traits, emotional intelligence values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, and experience

Analytic intelligence

general problem solving ability

Strong situations

governed by specific rules, demands, or organizational policies, which can minimize the effects that traits have on behavior

An authentic leader will most likely

have a realistic self-perception

Which is NOT used to build an ethical climate?

hierarchy structure

Truth vs. Loyalty

honestly answering a question that may compromise confidentiality


how friendly and supportive a leader is toward subordinates; leader support and interaction facilitation

Process focus

how goals are achieved is as important as achievement

Initiating Structure

how much a leader emphasizes meeting work goals and accomplishing tasks; goal emphasis and work facilitation


how people see or define themselves

Dr. Jonathon realizes that his patient is suffering from a highly contagious disease that is likely to pose a threat to the entire city. However, he is uncertain about sharing this information with city officials to protect his patient's privacy. In this scenario, which of the following ethical dilemmas does the doctor most likely face?

individual vs. community

Key concepts of the Cognitive Resources Theory

intelligence experience stress group performance

Which is not an ability of emotional intelligence

intelligent emotions

Strength of the relationship between personality traits and leadership effectiveness is _________ related to the relative strength of the situation


In-group favoritism

involves doing acts of kindness and favors for those who are like us

over-claiming credit

involves overrating the quality of our own work and contributions

What are the steps for developmental planning?

know what to change motivated to change have a plan opportunity to practice held accountable

Practical intelligence

knowing how things get done and how to do them

What are the aspects of the interactional framework for analyzing leadership?

leaders, followers, and situation

Moral manager

makes ethics an explicit part of the leadership agenda by communicating messages of ethics and values and by modeling ethical behavior

Dual Process Theory of Moral Judgement

moral judgements dealing with rights or duties are made by automatic emotional responses while those made a utilitarian basis made more cognitively

Double loop learning

occurs when error is detected and corrected in ways that involve the modification of an organization's underlying norms, policies and objectives

Psychology typologies

often expressed in terms of polar opposites

core ideology

organization's purpose, guiding principles, basic identity, and most important values

Structural reinforcement

organization's structure and systems encourage higher ethical performance and discourage unethical performance


personal relationship in which more experienced mentor acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protege

Common value systems

pervasive influences of broad forces at a particular time -this may contribute to misunderstanding and tension during interactions between older leaders and younger followers

Single loop learning

present when goals, values, frameworks, and, to a significant extent, strategies are taken for granted


principles of right conduct or a system of moral values

Moral Reasoning

process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and unethical behaviors (ex: how they solve moral dilemmas)


process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop and become more successful

Cognitive Resources Theory

provides a conceptual scheme for explaining how leader behavior changes under stress levels to impact group performance

Unlike leaders who score low in conscientiousness, those who score high in conscientiousness

rarely get in trouble


recurring regularities or trends in a person's behavior

Terminal values

refer to desired end states (family security, social recognition)

Instrumental values

refer to modes of behavior (being helpful, being responsible)

moral courage

refers to the fortitude to face risk and overcome feats associated with taking ethical action

Values are learned through ________________.

socialization, become internalized, and affect behavior

Implicit prejudice

subconscious prejudices that affect our decisions without us being aware of them


tend to put people into discrete psychological categories and emphasize the similarities among people in the same category and the differences between people of difference types of regardless of actual score

divergent thinking

tests that assess this type of thinking have many possible answers

convergent thinking

tests that assess this type of thinking have one single best answer

According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, creative intelligence is

the ability to produce work that is both novel and useful

Which of the following theories explains the interesting relationships between leader intelligence and experience levels, and group performance in stressful vs. nonstressful conditions

the cognitive resources theory


the explanations we develop for characteristics, behaviors, or actions to which we attend

public reputation

the imperession a person makes on others

Perceptual set

the tendency to interpret things in a certain way based own previous experiences

Fundamental attribution error

the tendency to overestimate the dispositional causes of behavior and underestimate the environmental causes when others fall

Most research about the relationship between personality and leadership success and effectiveness is based on ____________________.

the trait approach


thought of as relatively discrete categories

Trait approach

traits are useful for explaining why people act consistently in different situations

Managers with a theory x orientation rely heavily on coercive, external control methods to motivate workers, such as pay, punishments, and threats - true or false


Moral reasoning refers to the process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and unethical behaviors -true or false


Research has shown that openness to experience is an important component of leadership effectiveness and seems particularly important at higher organizational levels or for success in overseas assignments (true or false)


The ultimate test of a servant leader's work is whether those served develop toward being more responsible, caring, and competent individuals -true or false


Unethical climate

unethical behavior exists with little corrective action, and misbehavior may be even be condoned

Action learning

use of actual work issues and challenges as the developmental activity itself

Four quality of leadership engender trust:

vision empathy consistency integrity

Self-fulfilling prophecy

when our expectations or predictions play a casual role in bringing about the events we predict

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