Leadership and Management Test #3

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A nurse wants to become involved in community disaster preparedness and is interested in helping set up and staff first aid stations or community acute care centers in the event of a disaster. Which organization is the best fit for this nurses interests? a. The Medical Reserve Corps b. The National Guard c. The health department d. A Disaster Medical Assistance Team

A ~ The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) consists of volunteer medical and public health care professionals who support the community during times of need. They may help staff hospitals, establish first aid stations or special needs shelters, or set up acute care centers in the community. The National Guard often performs search and rescue operations and law enforcement. The health department focuses on communicable disease tracking, treatment, and prevention. A Disaster Medical Assistance Team is deployed to a disaster area for up to 72 hours, providing many types of relief services.

The hospital administration arranges for critical incident stress debriefing for the staff after a mass casualty incident. Which statement by the debriefing team leader is most appropriate for this situation? a. You are free to express your feelings; whatever is said here stays here. b. Lets evaluate what went wrong and develop policies for future incidents. c. This session is only for nursing and medical staff, not for ancillary personnel. d. Lets pass around the written policy compliance form for everyone.

A ~ Strict confidentiality during stress debriefing is essential so that staff members can feel comfortable sharing their feelings, which should be accepted unconditionally. Brainstorming improvements and discussing policies would occur during an administrative review. Any employee present during a mass casualty situation is eligible for critical incident stress management services.


-American Association of Colleges of Nursing. -The Nursing national voice for higher nursing education (bachelors and graduate). -Accredits bachelor's and graduate educational programs. -Sets the standards for the educational curriculum of its member nursing programs. -Promotes instructional development, research, organizational leadership, faculty practice, and other services. -Works to advance public policy related to nursing education, research, and practice.


-American Nursing Association -Mission: Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for all. -Created the nursing code of ethics. -Created the standards of nursing practice. -Promotes rights of nurses in the workplace. -Projects a positive, realistic view of nursing. -Helps to lobby congress, and federal regulatory agencies on healthcare issues that affect nurses and the health of Americans.


-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. -The federal agency and public funding system that is responsible for administering Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. -One of the 11 operating divisions of the DHHS. -Administers the nation's major healthcare programs. -Works to eliminate fraud and abuse within the American healthcare system.


-Clinician Outreach Communication activity program. -A two way communication between clinicians and the CDC about emerging health threats such as pandemics, natural disasters, and terrorism. -Ensures that clinicians have up to date information.


-Department of Human and Health Services -The principal Federal Health agency with 11 operating divisions (CDC, NIH, CMS, FDA). -Administers more grant dollars than all other federal agencies combined. -HHS programs: improve maternal & infant health, protect mental health, promote better nutrition and physical activity, prevent and manage the impact of infectious and chronic disease and conditions.

What is the ANAs position on nurses' emergency and disaster responsibilities?

-Do the greatest good for the greatest number of casualties. -They will be working under intense time restraints, care for each patient quickly, and move on. -Don't use their time to provide care that will be of minimal or questionable benefit. -Be constantly aware of their defined scope of practice and not exceed it even if circumstances seem to dictate it.

Vulnerable populations during an emergency

-Elderly: chronic disease, necessary medications, need for oxygen, limited mobility, diminished sensory awareness, inadequate thermoregulation, social and economic limitations. -Children: parents need to do all they can to keep children safe from any unsafe areas following a disaster (floodwaters, electrical lines, portable generators). News/media might be scary for kids so monitor the amount they are exposed to. -Homeless: live in the exposure, no medical care, insufficient food, mental health, drug use (withdrawal).

How a law is passed

-Federal: a bill becomes a law when it is passed by votes in both houses of Congress and are signed into a law by the president. -States: a bill is introduced by the house or the senate and is signed by the governor. Once a law is passed, and executive branch agency of the federal (such as the CDC) or state government (state health departments, Boards of nursing) is responsible for administering it.

How to protect patients in the hospital with severe weather

-Have a plan and know possible hazards. -Be decisive -Know where to get up to the minute information from a single reliable source and assess it frequently. -Know who is in charge during an emergency and they should be able to provide staff with accurate and timely information. -Have a backup electrical plan and know whom to call to get power. -Know how long your facility can run without power. -Identify resources necessary to maintain and restore critical functions. -Learn from the experience (what worked and what didn't) and update your plan for the next time.

Health department services

-Injury, disease prevention and education -Poisoning prevention -Programs to provide infant car seats & bike helmets at not cost. -Free clinics (dental and TB) -Sexual health education, HIV/AIDS testing -Child care center sanitation -Retail food establishment safety (food safety) -Responsible for administration of Medicaid, CHIP and WIC programs.

NLN accreditation

-NLN commission for Nursing Education Accreditation. -Was established in 2013 -Accredits programs across the academic spectrum. -LPN, LVN, Associate RN, BSN, masters and clinical doctorate degree programs.


-National Institutes of Health -One of the 11 operating divisions of the DHHS. -The nation's medical research agency. -They seek to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.


-National League for Nursing -Promotes excellence in nursing education to prepare nurses to meet the needs of a diverse population in a changing health care environment. -First nursing organization was founded in 1893. -Membership in the NLN nursing education program includes practical nursing, RN, BSN, Masters, and doctoral programs. -They offer the following: student exam services, educator certification, networking, professional development, and research.


-National Student Nursing Association -Mentors nursing students preparing for their initial license. -Fosters professional development of nursing students. -Provides opportunities for workshop participation, networking, scholarships, and career planning. -Accepts associate, bachelors, diploma, and pre-licensure graduate programs.


-Occupational Safety and Health Administration -A federal health agency that is tasked with ensuring the health and safety of Americans in the workplace. -Covers most private sector employers and their workers. -Also covers some employers and their workers in the public sector. -They provide assistance to employers who are responsible for providing a safe work environment. -They help employers to reduce or eliminate workplace hazards.

Stakeholders job in policy making

-Public policy is subject to be influenced by many different stakeholders. - -INSIDE government stakeholders: legislators, bureaucrats, president or governor's staff, and the courts. -OUTSIDE government stakeholders: interested citizens, institutions, professional associations, and other special interest groups.

Nurses role in an emergency

-Triage, perform first aid, stabilize patients in preparation for advanced care or transport. -They also have to decide whether to assist during a disaster or not. -They are never expected to jeopardize their own safety or that of their families. -Allocate scarce resources and supplies. -Make unbelievably difficult patient care decisions while they triage victims. -Must understand the ethics associated with these decisions. -must be aware of their employer's response plan and have a sense of how their state and local community will operate. -must be aware of scope of practice and stick to it. -Know s/sx of bioterrorism agents and how they are transmitted. -Know vulnerable populations.

What is reverse triage?

-When the most severely injured or ill victims who require the greatest resources are treated last to allow the greatest number of victims to receive medical attention. -START color classification system. -Red (Immediate) see first. Victim can be helped with immediate intervention and transport. Includes compromises to ABCs. -Yellow (delayed) see second. Victims transport may be delayed. Includes serious and potentially life-threatening injuries but can wait to be helped (30 min-2hr). -Green (minor) Victims have relatively minor injuries and seem likely to deteriorate over several days. -Black (emergent) treated last because the victim is not likely to survive given the severity of their symptoms. Provide palliative care and pain relief.

Federally funded health care programs

1) Medicare - for clients 65 years or older, patients with permanent disabilities, end-stage renal disease, or ALS -4 parts: Part A) Hospital insurance. Part B) Medical insurance, preventative care. Part C) Advantage plans (combined with private plans). Part D) Prescription -Does not cover long-term care, dental, vision, hearing aids, or cosmetic surgery. 2) Medicaid - for clients with low incomes; State determines eligibility requirements -Jointly funded and administered by states and the federal government. -Each state sets its own eligibility standards. 3) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) -Federal and State public assistance program funded by general taxes. -Used to help disabled, blind, and aged people who have little or no income. -Provides cash for basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing. 4) Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) -Jointly funded by the federal and state. -Provides health insurance to children under the age of 19 whose families earn more than the Medicaid limits but cannot afford to purchase private insurance. -Each state determines the design of its program (eligibility, benefits, payment levels for coverage, and administration).

What patients should be discharged first

1. Ambulatory and self care patients. 2. If more patients still need to be discharged, you then move onto the stable patients (who still need care) but only if higher acuity patients need to be admitted.

The CDC has assigned the highest priority to biological agents that can what?

1. Be easily transmitted from person to person. 2. Cause a high mortality rate. 3. Have a significant impact on public health. 4. Can cause a public panic. 5. Disrupt society and government.

A hospital responds to a local mass casualty event. Which action should the nurse supervisor take to prevent staff post-traumatic stress disorder during a mass casualty event? a. Provide water and healthy snacks for energy throughout the event. b. Schedule 16-hour shifts to allow for greater rest between shifts. c. Encourage counseling upon deactivation of the emergency response plan. d. Assign staff to different roles and units within the medical facility.

A ~ To prevent staff post-traumatic stress disorder during a mass casualty event, the nurses should use available counseling, encourage and support co-workers, monitor each others stress level and performance, take breaks when needed, talk about feelings with staff and managers, and drink plenty of water and eat healthy snacks for energy. Nurses should also keep in touch with family, friends, and significant others, and not work for more than 12 hours per day. Encouraging counseling upon deactivation of the plan, or after the emergency response is over, does not prevent stress during the casualty event. Assigning staff to unfamiliar roles or units may increase situational stress and is not an approach to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder.

A nurse wants to become part of a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) but is concerned about maintaining licensure in several different states. Which statement best addresses these concerns? a. Deployed DMAT providers are federal employees, so their licenses are good in all 50 states. b. The government has a program for quick licensure activation wherever you are deployed. c. During a time of crisis, licensure issues would not be the governments priority concern. d. If you are deployed, you will be issued a temporary license in the state in which you are working.

A ~ When deployed, DMAT health care providers are acting as agents of the federal government, and so are considered federal employees. Thus their licenses are valid in all 50 states. Licensure is an issue that the government would be concerned with, but no programs for temporary licensure or rapid activation are available.

7) The nurse understands that some factors affect health care delivery by creating new opportunities for the healthcare sector. Which of the following would affect healthcare delivery? A) Advances in technology requiring specialized personnel B) Healthcare literacy programs C) Changing demographics that increase the need for new jobs D) Managed care frameworks that coordinate clients and insurance plans

A) Constant change is the new norm in medicine. Scientific knowledge related to health care is rapidly increasing and leading to more sophisticated technology. Information management systems have been created and are continually being refined. Such systems support bedside charting, monitoring, laboratory testing, and use of online evidence-based guidelines to provide appropriate care. New discoveries often modify how and where care may be provided. Many advances in technology require specialized personnel, creating new opportunities for individuals seeking employment in the healthcare sector.

6) The nurse knows that communication among healthcare team members is essential during mass casualty events. Which factors are the most important for nurses in order to foster better communication? A) Concise, accurate, timely information B) Preparing for ethical challenges C) Documenting to prevent legal issues D) Coordinating care between management and clinicians

A) Nurses face ethical and legal issues associated with the provision of care in mass casualty events (MCE). They are also challenged as they decide what care to provide to the patients they are caring for during a disaster. Communication among the various emergency team members must be concise, accurate, and timely during an MCE. Nurses must use their knowledge to foster better communication.

9) A nursing student is preparing to compose a paper. She has chosen to research an organization that promotes excellence in all levels of nursing education. The nursing student would research which organization? A) National League for Nursing (NLN) B) National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) C) American Nurses Association (ANA) D) American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)

A) The NLN was the first nursing organization in the United States and was founded in 1893. Part of the mission of the NLN is to promote excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce. The NSNA is a nonprofit organization that mentors nursing students who are preparing for initial licensing as a registered nurse. The ANA fosters high standards of nursing practice, promotes the rights of nurses in the workplace, projects a positive and realistic view of nursing, and lobbies Congress and regulatory agencies on healthcare issues affecting nurses and the public. The AACN is the national voice for America's baccalaureate and graduate nursing education programs.

7) A student nurse will be attending clinical at the local health department. The student nurse is aware that which potential programs are offered by local health departments? Select all that apply. A) Injury prevention campaigns B) Lead poisoning prevention efforts C) Nutritional programs D) Disease prevention efforts E) Workplace safety inspections

A, B, C, D) Local health departments oversee a variety of health policies and the respective regulations. Typical programs include injury prevention campaigns; lead poisoning prevention efforts; and making safety equipment such as smoke detectors, children's bicycle helmets, and infant car seats available to families at no cost. Local departments of health usually administer the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) supplemental nutrition program, which provides food assistance to pregnant women and children under age 5 who are at risk for malnutrition. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that works to ensure the health and safety of Americans in the workplace. It provides training, outreach, and education to employers and employees, and encourages improvement of workplace safety and health.

4) A nurse educator is discussing the different entities that offer accreditation to healthcare professional programs. Which types of programs can receive accreditation from the National League of Nursing (NLN)? Select all that apply. A) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs B) Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN) programs C) Medical Assisting programs D) Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) programs E) Dental Assisting programs

A, B, D) The NLN accredits nursing programs at all levels, including BSN, LPN, and LVN programs. Medical Assisting and Dental Assisting programs would not be eligible for NLN accreditation.

What primary agents does the CDC see as potential bioterrorist threats?

Anthrax Botulism Plague Smallpox Tularemia Viral hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola, Marburg) Arenaviruses (Lassa, Machupo)

After a hospital's emergency department (ED) has efficiently triaged, treated, and transferred clients from a community disaster to appropriate units, the hospital incident command officer wants to stand down from the emergency plan. Which question should the nursing supervisor ask at this time? a. Are you sure no more victims are coming into the ED? b. Do all areas of the hospital have the supplies and personnel they need? c. Have all ED staff had the chance to eat and rest recently? d. Does the Chief Medical Officer agree this disaster is under control?

B ~ Before standing down, the incident command officer ensures that the needs of the other hospital departments have been taken care of because they may still be stressed and may need continued support to keep functioning. Many more walking wounded victims may present to the ED; that number may not be predictable. Giving staff the chance to eat and rest is important, but all areas of the facility need that too. Although the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) may be involved in the incident, the CMO does not determine when the hospital can stand down.

2) A local health system has implemented a number of health promotion policies and plans to prioritize health problems. The system must now evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. Which groups are stakeholders in this initiative and would be involved in this process? A) Only consumers who were directly affected by the services provided B) Consumers, community leaders, and politicians C) Only hospital and clinic personnel who administered healthcare needs D) Healthcare providers employed by other health systems

B) Community leaders, politicians, and consumers all would be stakeholders and would be included in the evaluation process. Healthcare providers employed by other health systems would not be stakeholders in this initiative and would not need to be included in the evaluation process. Because policy changes are made by the health system, the hospital and clinic personnel employed there would not evaluate the effectiveness of policy without participation by the community. Consumers are part of the process, but would not be the only evaluation group.

5) A nursing student is talking to the instructor about developing professional behavior. In order to access information that may be useful in developing professional demeanor, the instructor recommends that the student do which of the following? A) Join the America Nurses Association (ANA). B) Join the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). C) Read the Nurse Practice Act. D) Use the Internet to obtain information.

B) The NSNA is an organization specifically for student nurses with a goal of assisting the student to foster their professionalism. Nurse practice acts do need to be read by students, but they denote laws, not professionalism. The ANA is for members practicing nursing, not students, although students may join. The NSNA focuses on students and is a better resource. The Internet is good for obtaining information and for networking but is not necessarily a help to the student who wishes to increase professionalism.

3) A student nurse is completing a community assessment with a group of fellow students. The student must research the location of the main healthcare facilities and the number of health professionals in the community. Which would be the best source for this information? A) Police department B) Local health department C) State census data D) City health planning board

B) The local health department would be able to supply information about location of health facilities, occupational health programs, numbers of health professionals, numbers of welfare recipients, and so on. The police department has statistics regarding incidence of crime, vandalism, and drug addiction. The city health planning board has information about health needs and practices. The state census data describe population composition and characteristics.

A nurse cares for clients during a community-wide disaster drill. Once of the clients asks, "Why are the individuals with black tags not receiving any care?" How should the nurse respond? a. To do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, it is necessary to sacrifice some. b. Not everyone will survive a disaster, so it is best to identify those people early and move on. c. In a disaster, extensive resources are not used for one person at the expense of many others. d. With black tags, volunteers can identify those who are dying and can give them comfort care.

C ~ In a disaster, military-style triage is used; this approach identifies the dead or expectant dead with black tags. This practice helps to maintain the goal of triage, which is doing the most good for the most people. Precious resources are not used for those with overwhelming critical injury or illness, so that they can be allocated to others who have a reasonable expectation of survival. Clients are not sacrificed. Telling students to move on after identifying the expectant dead belittles their feelings and does not provide an adequate explanation. Clients are not black-tagged to allow volunteers to give comfort care.

A nurse is caring for a client whose wife died in a recent mass casualty accident. The client says, "I cant believe that my wife is gone and I am left to raise my children all by myself." How should the nurse respond? a. Please accept my sympathies for your loss. b. I can call the hospital chaplain if you wish. c. You sound anxious about being a single parent. d. At least your children still have you in their lives.

C ~ Therapeutic communication includes active listening and honesty. This statement demonstrates that the nurse recognizes the clients distress and has provided an opening for discussion. Extending sympathy and offering to call the chaplain do not give the client the opportunity to discuss feelings. Stating that the children still have one parent discounts the clients feelings and situation.

8) A newly licensed nurse has been hired at a local hospital and completed the hospital orientation program. The newly licensed nurse would be aware that which regulatory agency works to ensure the health and safety of Americans in the workplace? A) Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) B) National Institutes of Health (NIH) C) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) D) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

C) OSHA works to ensure the health and safety of Americans in the workplace. The DHHS is the federal government's principal agency for the protection of the health of all Americans and the provision of essential human services for those least able to care for themselves. The NIH is a branch of the DHHS that is responsible for health research and the provision of health-related information. The CMS is responsible for healthcare financing.

6) A 67-year-old client has experienced an extended hospitalization due to a chronic illness. The client asks the nurse how he will afford to pay for the hospitalization plus all the extremely expensive drugs he now has to take. What is the most appropriate response by the nurse? A) "I'll have someone from the business office come and talk to you about your bill." B) "You need to focus on recovering and stop worrying about money." C) "Much of your care will be covered by Medicare." D) "Don't worry. I'm sure everything will work out okay."

C) The Medicare amendment to the Social Security Act provided a national and state health insurance program for older adults. By the mid-1970s, virtually everyone over 65 years of age was protected by hospital insurance under Part A. In 1988, Congress expanded Medicare to include extremely expensive hospital care, "catastrophic care," and expensive drugs. Ignoring the client's concerns by telling him not to worry is not therapeutic communication and does little, if anything, to confront the client's concerns. Giving the concern to the business office is merely "passing the buck." Nurses should have some knowledge about the payment sources of their clients, especially those who have automatic coverage with Medicare because of their age.

What program is designed to provide two-way communication between clinicians and the CDC about emerging health threats such as pandemics, natural disasters, and terrorism? a. FEMA b. COCA c. American Red Cross d. CERT

Clinician Outreach Communication Activity (COCA)

A client who is hospitalized with burns after losing the family home in a fire becomes angry and screams at a nurse when dinner is served late. How should the nurse respond? a. Do you need something for pain right now? b. Please stop yelling. I brought dinner as soon as I could. c. I suggest that you get control of yourself. d. You seem upset. I have time to talk if you'd like.

D ~ Clients should be allowed to ventilate their feelings of anger and despair after a catastrophic event. The nurse establishes rapport through active listening and honest communication and by recognizing cues that the client wishes to talk. Asking whether the client is in pain as the first response closes the door to open communication and limits the clients options. Simply telling the client to stop yelling and to gain control does nothing to promote therapeutic communication.

A nurse is field-triaging clients after an industrial accident. Which client condition should the nurse triage with a red tag? a. Dislocated right hip and an open fracture of the right lower leg b. Large contusion to the forehead and a bloody nose c. Closed fracture of the right clavicle and arm numbness d. Multiple fractured ribs and shortness of breath

D ~ Clients who have an immediate threat to life are given the highest priority, are placed in the emergent or class I category, and are given a red triage tag. The client with multiple rib fractures and shortness of breath most likely has developed a pneumothorax, which may be fatal if not treated immediately. The client with the hip and leg problem and the client with the clavicle fracture would be classified as class II; these major but stable injuries can wait 30 minutes to 2 hours for definitive care. The client with facial wounds would be considered the walking wounded and classified as nonurgent.

An emergency department (ED) charge nurse prepares to receive clients from a mass casualty within the community. What is the role of this nurse during the event? a. Ask ED staff to discharge clients from the medical-surgical units in order to make room for critically injured victims. b. Call additional medical-surgical and critical care nursing staff to come to the hospital to assist when victims are brought in. c. Inform the incident commander at the mass casualty scene about how many victims may be handled by the ED. d. Direct medical-surgical and critical care nurses to assist with clients currently in the ED while emergency staff prepare to receive the mass casualty victims.

D ~ The ED charge nurse should direct additional nursing staff to help care for current ED clients while the ED staff prepares to receive mass casualty victims; however, they should not be assigned to the most critically ill or injured clients. The house supervisor and unit directors would collaborate to discharge stable clients. The hospital incident commander is responsible for mobilizing resources and would have the responsibility for calling in staff. The medical command physician would be the person best able to communicate with on-scene personnel regarding the ability to take more clients.

How should nurses prepare for bioterrorism?

They must be aware of the early signs and symptoms of the primary agents as well as how they are transmitted. -Anthrax can be treated well with ciprofloxacin 400mg IV every 12 hours. -There are no affective therapies for most other primary agents. -The strategic national stockpile is designed to ensure that there is immediate availability of medical materials are available if there is a large-scale chemical or biological attack.

2. In which circumstance is a change in patient confidentiality permitted? a. Family reunification. b. High census at a hospital. c. Media requests. d. Non-emergent nursing home evacuation.

a. Family reunification.

22. Which section of the Incident Command System (ICS) is responsible for the appropriate documentation of time, expenses, and claims? a. Finance/Administration. b. Logistics. c. Operations. d. Planning.

a. Finance/Administration.

11. Exposure to toxins and mold is an example of: a. an environmental health consequence. b. collateral damage. c. poor planning. d. risk mitigation.

a. an environmental health consequence.

4. What is an example of a natural threat? a. Aircraft incident. b. Animal disease outbreak. c. Hazardous material release. d. Workplace violence.

b. Animal disease outbreak.

19. During a disaster, the person responsible for leading the response effort is the Incident: a. Chief. b. Commander. c. Director. d. Officer.

b. Commander.

5. Which is an example of a health-hazard notification tool? a. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) monitors disease patterns throughout the nation. b. Emergency Alert System (EAS) addresses the public on short notice. c. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides guidance for healthcare professionals. d. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides routine weather information.

b. Emergency Alert System (EAS) addresses the public on short notice.

15. Which is the guiding document used to coordinate response and recovery actions? a. Community Comprehensive Plan. b. Emergency Operations Plan. c. Risk Management Plan. d. Standard Operating Procedures.

b. Emergency Operations Plan.

3. Which is an individual health consequence during an extremely high-temperature condition? a. Adequate hydration. b. Heat exhaustion. c. Hyperactivity. d. Uncontrollable chills.

b. Heat exhaustion.

21. What phase of emergency management includes exercises and drills? a. Mitigation. b. Preparedness. c. Recovery. d. Response.

b. Preparedness.

13. Disaster recovery efforts include: a. conducting a hazard vulnerability analysis. b. reconnecting displaced populations with essential health and social services. c. strategies for reducing the impact of disasters. d. training responders to strengthen capabilities.

b. reconnecting displaced populations with essential health and social services.

1. What is an appropriate strategy for responding to an individual experiencing acute distress? a. Have the individual list everything that they lost in the disaster. b. Have the individual receive disaster preparedness training. c. Have the individual state their most urgent needs. d. Have the individual think about what they will need in the future.

c. Have the individual state their most urgent needs.

9. Which is characteristic of a mass casualty incident (MCI)? a. Decreased demand on neighboring healthcare facilities. b. Demand for resources is equal to supply. c. Healthcare system is disrupted. d. Precise inter-agency communication.

c. Healthcare system is disrupted.

23. Which is a Medical Countermeasure (MCM)? a. Covering mouth when coughing. b. Hand Hygiene. c. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). d. Social distancing.

c. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

17. Which is an accurate definition of individual resilience? a. Maintaining safety of infrastructure. b. Sustained action taken to eliminate the long-term risk. c. The ability to adapt to changing conditions. d. The capability to equitably meet the vital human needs.

c. The ability to adapt to changing conditions.

7. The Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) is a national cache of: a. blankets and clothing. b. emergency vehicles and personnel. c. medication and medical supplies. d. storage containers and evacuation signage.

c. medication and medical supplies.

6. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), stored food and water in a home disaster supply kit should be changed every: a. two months. b. three months. c. six months. d. twelve months.

c. six months.

14. A Continuity of Operations Plan requires: a. that ancillary departments remain open for business. b. the avoidance of facility evacuation. c. the continuation of mission essential functions. d. the reduction in the standards of care.

c. the continuation of mission essential functions.

8. Data collected through disease surveillance to help guide the response is distributed: a. in the professional literature. b. throughout the organization and widely to the public. c. to the management chain and other stakeholders. d. within media channels.

c. to the management chain and other stakeholders.

20. To be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), what is a permissible question that a healthcare professional can ask about a service animal? a. "Do you have the animal certification papers? b. "Does your animal have a vest or tag identifying him as a therapy animal?" c. "Is the animal certified as a therapy pet?" d. "What task has the animal been trained to perform?"

d. "What task has the animal been trained to perform?"

24. What reference must be accessible at every workplace for each hazardous substance? a. Emergency Response Guide. b. Hazard Diamond Graphic. c. Package Insert. d. Safety Data Sheet.

d. Safety Data Sheet.

16. Which activity must be completed before on-scene triage? a. A Joint Information Center (JIC) has been established. b. Incident Commander must be in place. c. Privacy is assured. d. Scene safety has been assured.

d. Scene safety has been assured.

18. Which method is most effective for the decontamination of individuals? a. Bleach and water. b. Charcoal. c. Dry brush. d. Soap and water.

d. Soap and water.

10. Which disaster planning target group includes the homeless and individuals with limited English-language proficiency? a. Immediate treatment area patients. b. Low-socioeconomic populations. c. Under-represented populations. d. Vulnerable populations.

d. Vulnerable populations.

12. Federal assets are deployed through: a. Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM). b. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU). c. the American Red Cross. d. the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

d. the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

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