Leadership - Ch 8 - MGMT-5370-W01 - SEMINAR

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personal magnetism

A captivating, inspiring personality with charm and charismatic-like qualities Possessing personal magnetism makes it easier for the leader to inspire people.

upward appeal

A type of influence in which someone with higher authority or expertise is called upon in reality or symbolically to support the influencer's position.


An influence tactic in which the requestor clearly explains why performing the request will benefit the target personally

Possible outcomes of power and influence (3)

Commitment -The target of the influence attempt is enthusiastic about carrying out the request and makes a full effort, and is therefore fully engaged. Compliance -The target person is apathetic about carrying out the request and makes only a modest effort. Resistance -Includes making excuses for why the task cannot be carried out, procrastinating, and outright refusing to do the task.

LO: Identify a set of dishonest and unethical influence tactics.

Essentially dishonest and unethical tactics were deliberate Machiavellianism, gentle manipulation of people and situations, undue pressure, and debasement.

LO: Describe how implicit leadership theories are related to a leader's ability to influence group members.

Implicit leadership theories are personal assumptions about the traits and abilities which characterize an ideal organizational leader. Implicit leadership theories are personal assumptions about the traits and abilities that characterize an ideal organizational leader. -Prototypes are positive characterizations of a leader. -Antiprototypes are traits and behaviors group members do not want to see in a leader.

LO: Identify a set of influence tactics relatively neutral with respect to ethics and honesty.

Influence tactics essentially neutral with respect to ethics are ingratiation, joking and kidding, upward appeal, and co-opting antagonists.

Influence tactics are moderated, or affected by (3)

Leader's traits -An extroverted and warm leader who has charisma can more readily use some influence tactics than a leader who is introverted and cold. Leader's behaviors -Setting high standards facilitates making an inspirational appeal. Situation -Partly determines which influence tactic will be effective. -Organizational culture or subculture is one such key situational factor.

LO: Describe the relationship between power and influence.

Leadership is an influence process Influence is the ability to affect the behaviors of others in a particular direction. Power is the potential or capacity to influence. A leader's influence outcomes of commitment, compliance, or resistance are a function of the influence tactics used.

LO: Identify a set of honest and ethical influence tactics.

Some influence tactics are ethical; some are neutral; some are unethical. The essentially ethical tactics are leading by example and respect; using rational persuasion; telling true stories; explaining the benefits to the target; personal appeal; being an SME; exchanging favors and bargaining; legitimating a request; making an inspirational appeal; being charming, and emotional display; consulting with others; forming coalitions, being a team player; and practicing hands-on leadership.

LO: Understand how influence tactics should be sequenced.

The sequencing and direction of influence tactics is important. A leader might do the following to bring about change as well as ensuring that a healthy corporate culture is maintained: -Serve as a role model for the desired attitudes and behaviors. -Impose a new approach through executive edict. -Establish a reward system that reinforces the culture. -Foster understanding and conviction by helping people throughout the organization understand why the change is necessary. -Hold people accountable for the changes in behavior that support the cultural shift. -Select candidates for positions at all levels whose values mesh with the values of the desired culture. -Sponsor new training and development programs that support the desired culture. An important consideration in using influence tactics is the sequence or order in which they should be applied: -Begin with the most positive, or least abrasive, tactic. -If you do not gain the advantage you seek, proceed to a stronger tactic. -For example, try rational persuasion. If persuasion does not work, move on to exchanging favors. Use a more abrasive tactic such as upward appeal only as a last resort. Sequencing of tactics can also be considered in terms of cost and risk. (Begin with low-cost, low-risk tactics.)


The state of being lowered in quality, value, or character; degradation A subtle manipulative tactic is debasement, demeaning or insulting oneself to control the behavior of another person. Dishonest and unethical approach


is the ability to affect the behavior of others in a particular direction.


is the potential or capacity to influence.

Rational Persuasion (Influence Tactic)

presenting logical arguments and factual evidence to demonstrate a request is reasonable

prototype theory

the "best" or "most typical" member of a category


the degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means Machiavellians tend to initiate actions with others and control the interactions. They regularly practice deception, bluffing, and other manipulative tactics.


the use of strategies, such as flattery, by which people seek to gain another's favor Can be directed upward and downward.

Legitimating a request

verify that an influence attempt is within your scope of authority and is proven to be consistent with the organizational policies, practices, and expectations of professional people Essentially ethical and honest.

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