Leadership - Chap 1 - Dubrin

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Leadership Irrelevance

Leadership is irrelevant to most organizational outcomes. Rather it is the situation that must be carefully analyze. For example, sale of smart phones is higher then the sale of laptops and tablets and this is nothing to do with inspirational leadership but with demand for telecommunications technology

Where is leadership found/Needed?

Leadership is needed at all levels of the organization and can be practiced to some extent even by a person not assigned to formal leadership position.

Leadership as a relationship

Leadership is not a trait or a behavior of an individual, but a phenomenon generated in the interactions among people acting in a given setting. Social skills, social interactions, will always be essential and needed. Creativity, innovation and relationships come face to face meetings and discussions.

Leader characteristics and behavior

refer to the inner qualities such as self-confidence and problem-solving abilities to help a leader function effectively.

Group Member Charactetistics

refers to the attributes of the group member that could have a bearing on how effective the leadership attempt will be.

Distinction between management and leadership

- Mgmt produces order, consistency and predictability. - Leaders (L) produce change and adaptability - L: in contrast to management, involves having a vision of what the organization can become and mobilizing people to accomplish it - L: produce change, often to a dramatic degree, such as by spearheading the launch of a new product or opening a new market for and old product - Leaders transform organizations, create vision. Managers maintain/manage organizations and implement vision

Examples of substitute leadeship

1 Closely knit team of highly retrained individuals: when this type of group is focused on the goal they require no leadership to accomplish their task. 2 Intrinsic satisfaction: these type of employees are self-motivated intrinsically satisfied and require minimal to no leadership 3 Information technology: this technology can provide workers at all levels with you so performance feedback enabling them to guide their own productivity 4 Professional norms: and example of this is a group of certified professional accountant which do not need visionary leadership to inspire them to do A good job auditing books and checking for tax fraud

Leadership Roles

1- Figurehead 2- Spokesperson 3- Negotiator 4- Coah and Motivator 5- Team builder 6- Team Player 7- Technical problem solver 8- Entrepreneur 9- Strategic planner 10- Executer

Satisfaction of leaders

A feeling of power and prestige A chance to help others grow and develop High income Respect your status Good opportunities for advancement Feeling of being in on things An opportunity to control money and other resources

Team builder

A key aspect of the leaders role is to build an effective team. Ensure that team members are recognized for their accomplishment, initiate activities that contribute to a group morale, holding periodic staff meetings to encourage the members to talk about problems in achievement.

Collaboration between leaders and followers

A key role for followers is to collaborate with leaders in achieving organizational goals as reflected in the emphasis or collaborative leadership. This is when High level leaders do not make all the decisions, but solicit input from knowledgeable group members.

Coach and motivator

An effective leader takes the time to coach and motivate team members, and sometimes to inspire large groups of people inside the organization. This role includes five specific behaviors: Recognize achievements, provide feedback, inform of what team can improve, implement rewards and punishments, inspire your team


Are super engaged to the point that they are willing to go down for their own cause , or willing to oust the leader if they feel he or she is headed in the wrong direction. Diehards can be an asset or a liability to the leader. Diehards have an even stronger tendency to be whistleblowers than do activists.


As an intrapreneur they have to read trade publications a professional journals to keep up with what is happening in the industry or profession. Talking with customers are others in the organization to keep aware of the changing needs and requirements.


As of spokesperson the leader keeps five groups of people informed about activities, plans, capabilities and possibilities: upper-level management, clients or customers, important outsiders such as labor unions and professional colleagues.


Carrying out the executor wrote the leader makes things happen often helping translate plans into action

Where does change needs to come from?

Change needs to come from leaders at the lower level, rather than relying exclusively on leadership from the top.

Substitutes for Leadeship

Competent leadership is not necessary and incompetent leadership can be counterbalance by certain factors in the work situation in this case leadership itself is of little consequence to the performance and satisfaction of a team

Essential qualities of effective followers

Effective followers share for essential qualities : Self management, commitment, competency and focus, courage.


Entertaining clients or customers making, one self available to outsiders as a representative of the company, service as an the official representative of the organization, escorting official visitors

Irrelevante Leader

In the modern organization, effective leadership means widespread collaboration in obtaining ideas, rather than the heroic leader doing all the innovating. Instead of central life leadership in the hands of a few, authority and power are shared, and people lead themselves.

The internal and external environment

Internal external environment also influences leadership effectiveness

Type of followers

Isolates, bystanders, participants, activist, and diehards

Framework to Understanding Leadership

L= f(l,gm,s) This means that the leadership if a function of the leader group members and others situational variables. Leaders genetics it in the abstract but takes into account factors related to the leader the person or persons being lead in a variety of forces in the environment.

Key variables of leadership

Leadership Effectiveness Leader characteristics and behavior, Leader behavior and style, Group Member Characteristics The internal and external environment

Leadership and Organization Performance

Leadership actions can affect performance, but only if the leader is perceived to be responsible and inspirational. Such behavior includes engaging employees in the company's vision and inspiring employees to elevate their goals

Flexible leadership Theory

One position of the theory is that, organizational performance is stronger when the influence of middle and lower level leaders on important decisions is commensurate with their unique relevant knowledge. Flexible leadership theory describes a method of leadership that functions in 2 ways: 1.- three behavioral attributes: task, relationships and change 2.- how decisions are made


Planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Leading is a major par of a manager's job, yet a manager must also plan, organize and control.

Leadership Effectiveness

Refers to attaining desirable outcomes such as productivity, quality, and satisfaction in a given situation.


Show enough engagement to invest some of their own time and money to make a difference, such as taking the initiative to learn new technology that would help the group. Participants are sometimes for, and sometimes against, the leader and the company.


The ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals. A process in which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.

Formal leadership Does Not Make a Difference

The anti-leadership argument holds that the impact of the leader on organizational outcomes is smaller than the impact of forces within the situation. How well a group performs could be attributed as much as to their talent and tick economic conditions as to your leadership


The negotiator you have to bargain with your superiors for funds, facilities, equipment and other form of support. Bargaining with other units for the use of staff facility equipment and other support. Bargaining with suppliers and vendors and bargaining with job candidate for compensation and benefits

Strategic planner

The strategic role is concerned with shaping the future of the organization or unit within it. They set the vision and direction for the organization and providing innovative ideas, Helping the firm deal with the external environment, helping develop organizational policies.


They are considerably engage heavily invested in people and processes and you got to demonstrate their support for opposition. They feel strong either positively or negatively about their leader and organization and they act accordingly

Technical problem solver

They serve us technical experts or advisors and performing individual contributor test on a regular basis such as making sales calls or repairing machinery

Team player

Three behaviors of a team player are: Displaying appropriate personal conduct Cooperating with other units in the organization and display in the oil he does it. By fully supporting their plans and decisions

Dissatisfaction and frustration of leaders

Too much uncompensated overtime Too many headaches Facing a perform or parish mentality Not enough authority to carry out responsibility Loneliness Too many problems involving people Too much organizational politics The pursuit of conflicting goals Being perceived as unethical especially if you're a corporate executive Job fatigue and burn out as a result of preceding nine problems


are completely detached and passively support the status quo by not taking action to bring about changes. They do not care much about their leaders and just do their job without taking an interest in the overall organization. Isolates need coaching, yet sometimes firing them is the only solution.


are free riders who are typically detached when it fits their self-interests. At a meeting, a bystander is more likely to focus on the refreshments and taking peeks at his or her personal text messages. Bystanders have low internal motivation, so the leader has to work hard to find the right motivators to spark the bystander into action.

Emergent leaders

are group members who significantly influence other group members even though they have not been assigned formal authority. YOU can exert some leadership by being and influential coworker.

Leader behavior and style

refers to the activities engage in by the leader and including characteristics approach that relate to his or her effectiveness.

Collaborative Leadership

the hyper-connected organizational world fostered by email and social media, along with globalization.

Skill development and leadership

Leadership Skills needed or should develop: * Conceptual information and behavioral guidelines * Conceptual information demonstrated by example and brief description of leaders in action * Experiential exercise * Feedback on skill elevation of performance for mothers * Practice in natural settings

Leadership vs Management

leadership deals with the interpersonal aspect of a managers job; planning, organizing and controlling is the administrative part. Leadership deals with change, inspiration, motivation and influence. Managers must know how to lead as well as manage.

Leadership Role

leadership role within a team is seldom the responsibility of one person. Rather, several individuals within the team may serve as leaders, both by formal and informal assignment.

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