Learning - Operant Conditioning

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Janette comes home too late after her high school party. She loses her driving privileges for two weeks. A month later, Janette is at another party and she is supposed to be home in a half hour. The loss of driving privileges is a

Negative Punisher

What is the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment?

In negative reinforcement you are taking away an undesirable stimulus in order to increase the frequency of a certain behavior (e.g., buckling your seat belt stops the annoying beeping sound in your car and increases the likelihood that you will wear your seatbelt). Punishment is designed to reduce a behavior (e.g., you scold your child for running into the street in order to decrease the unsafe behavior.)

Dylan and Trenton's parents are happy that their children are playing together. They want to increase the likelihood that Dylan and Trenton will play together in the future. Which types of operant conditioning could Dylan and Trenton's parents use to increase the amount of time their children play together?

Negative & Positive Reinforcement

Which is an example of negative reinforcement?

buckling your seatbelt to remove the "beep, beep, beep" sound in your car


implementation of a consequence in order to decrease a behavior


implementation of a consequence in order to increase a behavior

Tabish and Frida are taking their child, Aleena, on a hiking trip to the mountains. To their dismay, Aleena has a bad habit of running ahead of them. They would like to devise a plan to teach Aleena to stop running ahead on the hiking trails. Using operant conditioning, which of the following principles could be applied?

positive punishment

Which type of reinforcers have innate reinforcing qualities that are not learned?


Reinforcement differs from punishment in that ________.

reinforcement is any outcome that leads to an increase in a behavior and punishment is an outcome that leads to a decrease in a behavior

Sean wants to teach his dog to turn the light on. What would be the best way to train his dog, utilizing the idea of shaping? What might he do that using the concept of shaping?

reward his dog when the dog looks at the light switch, when she touches the lightswitch, when she pushes it, and when she turns it on by command

Slot machines reward gamblers with money according to which reinforcement schedule?

variable ratio

The purpose of (1) is to decrease behavior. The purpose of (2) is to increase a behavior. Positive punishment works by (3) an adverse stimulus in order to (4) a behavior. Negative reinforcement works by (5) an adverse stimulus in order to (6) a behavior. Positive (7) works by (8) a stimulus in order to increase a behavior.

1.) Punishment 2.) Reinforcement 3.) Adding 4.) Decrease 5.) Removing 6.) Increase 7.) Reinforcement 8.) Adding

________ is well known for his research on animals and pigeons. He even created an operant conditioning chamber designed to reward animals for specific behaviors.

B.F. Skinner

Emily's mouth starts to water whenever she gets ready to eat fresh baked pizza. Recently she noticed that she now salivates when she drives past her favorite pizza shop on the way to school even though she cannot see or smell the pizza from inside the car.

Classical conditioning

Frank goes out with some friends to a new restaurant near campus. He gets fish-and-chips, but he also drinks a few too many mixed drinks and gets sick. The next time he goes to the restaurant, he avoids the fish-and-chips because the very thought of them makes him feel nauseous.

Classical conditioning

Erma sells hotdogs for one dollar each in the stands at the local professional baseball stadium. For every hotdog she sells, she puts 25 cents in her pocket and 75 cents in her boss's change purse.


Ben has a job with a landscape service. He works about 35 hours each week. He is always paid on Friday afternoon, and his salary is always the same.

Fixed interval

Sue makes simple fabric dolls for a local craft store. The store only takes the dolls in sets of 25. For every 25 dolls she delivers, the store pays her $10.

Fixed ratio

Trenton and Dylan are playing in the snow. Dylan wants Trenton to play with him, but Trenton is building a snowman. Dylan starts yelling "Trenton, play! Trenton, play!" He continues to yell until Trenton comes over to play with him. Which type of conditioning is Dylan using to increase Trenton's time playing with him?

Negative Reinforcement

Dave has a splitting headache. He decides to go for a run, and like magic, the headache disappears. The next time he has a headache, he goes for a run again. The disappearance of the headache is a

Negative Reinforcer

Tabish and Frida decide to sit Aleena in time out each time she runs ahead on the hiking trail. They believe this will teach Aleena to stop this undesirable behavior. What type of operant conditioning are they using?

Negative punishment

________ is when you take away a pleasant stimulus to stop a behavior.

Negative punishment

Last week, little Jack got a bag of cookies from the cabinet and ate them all. When his mother found out, she didn't let him watch television that evening as punishment. The next day, Jack thinks about having cookies, but decides that it is not a great idea.

Operant conditioning

Mittens the cat just happened to brush against the refrigerator when Jana, her owner, was in the kitchen. Jana said, "Oh, you want some milk!" and gave her a little bowl. Mittens started hanging out near the refrigerator more often, which meant she brushed against it more often. Jana thought it was cute, so she gave her milk every time she brushed the refrigerator. Soon, mittens learned that brushing against the refrigerator was a sure way to get some milk.

Operant conditioning

Terry keeps interrupting the teacher during spelling instruction. The teacher says he has to write each spelling word ten times for extra homework. The next day, Terry interrupts the teacher again. The extra homework is a

Positive Punisher

Aleena has been in time out three times today for running on the hiking trails. Her parents decide to pop her hand each time she runs ahead of them on the trails. They hope that adding this adverse stimulus will teach her to stop running ahead. What form of operant conditioning are they using?

Positive Punishment

While he is at a meeting, Rubin tells a joke, and everybody laughs. Now he is at another meeting and telling another joke he heard. Everybody laughing at his joke at the first meeting is a

Positive Reinforcer

Don does remodeling for an old man who lives in the big house. He has been working there for eight months, and always puts in 25 hours a week. He is never sure when he is going to get paid. Sometimes the old man pays him twice in a single week and other times he doesn't give him anything for three weeks. On the average, he gets paid about every 10 days.

Variable interval

Myron is a waiter in a college restaurant. Sometimes he gets a tip and sometimes the students leave nothing. Whether the night is busy (Friday) or dead (Tuesday), on the average he gets a real tip from about 50% of his customers, but some nights everyone is generous and other nights everyone is stingy.

Variable ratio

Negative punishment refers to a situation where ________.

a behavior decreased because something desirable was eliminated through engaging in the behavior

positive reinforcement

adding a desirable stimulus to increase a behavior

positive punishment

adding an undesirable stimulus to stop or decrease a behavior

fixed interval reinforcement schedule

behavior is rewarded after a set amount of time

variable interval reinforcement schedule

behavior is rewarded after unpredictable amounts of time have passed

law of effect

behavior that is followed by consequences satisfying to the organism will be repeated and behaviors that are followed by unpleasant consequences will be discouraged

Which of the following is an example of a variable interval reinforcement schedule?

checking your Facebook account at random times throughout the day

If Jamal is teaching his son to say please and gives him a high-five each time he says it, then he is reinforcing his behavior on a ________ reinforcement schedule.


operant conditioning

form of learning in which the stimulus/experience happens after the behavior is demonstrated

Which of the following is an example of fixed ratio reinforcement schedule?

getting five bucks from your parents every time you learn 3 new songs on the violin

primary reinforcer

has innate reinforcing qualities (e.g., food, water, shelter, sex)

secondary reinforcer

has no inherent value unto itself and only has reinforcing qualities when linked with something else (e.g., money, gold stars, poker chips)

Which of the following is not an example of a primary reinforcer?


A rat is placed in an environment where the floor gives the rat small electric shocks. The only way to get rid of the shocks is to press a lever in the corner of the box. The rat quickly learns to press the lever. This is an example of

negative reinforcement

variable ratio reinforcement schedule

number of responses differ before a behavior is rewarded

continuous reinforcement

rewarding a behavior every time it occurs


rewarding successive approximations toward a target behavior

Stickers on a sticker chart are an example of which type of reinforcer?


fixed ratio reinforcement schedule

set number of responses must occur before a behavior is rewarded

Rewarding successive approximations toward a target behavior is ________.


Rewarding successive approximations towards a target behavior is known as


negative punishment

taking away a pleasant stimulus to decrease or stop a behavior

negative reinforcement

taking away an undesirable stimulus to increase a behavior

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