Learning Post Midterm

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Two observers counted the number of times that Fearsome Freddy hit another child. Observer One counted 15 hits, and Observer Two counted 20 hits. Compute the reliability: ______________%. Is this adequate? ________(yes, no)

75%, no

Define stimulus/response chain

A sequence of two or more responses in which the last leads to reinforcement and each prior response produces an SD for the following responses

Describe the rate of responding with a fixed-ratio schedule and a variable-ratio schedule

A variable-ratio has a higher rate than fixe-ratio

Bev learned to cube the number 5 by the sequence of multiplying 5 x 5 to get 25. This 25 was then an SD for multiplying by another 5 to get the answer 125. Her teacher always praised her final answer. Bev's behavior in this example constitutes a(n) _______________

Chain or stimulus/response chain

Darlene praised her daughter for saying "crow" when shown a picture of the large black bird and ignored her for saying "crow" when shown a picture of a small black bird. What behavioral procedure was Darlene using? ______________________

Discrimination Training

Donna used to be confused about what constituted a straight in poker. Her husband often asked her two questions : "What is 'four-five-six-seven-eight' called?" and "What is five hearts called?" he praised her when she said straight to the first question but not when she said straight to the second question. Gradually, she came to say "straight" only when asked the first question. Her behavior of saying "straight" is called _______________?

Donna used to be confused about what constituted a straight in poker. Her husband often asked her two questions : "What is 'four-five-six-seven-eight' called?" and "What is five hearts called?" he praised her when she said straight to the first question but not when she said straight to the second question. Gradually, she came to say "straight" only when asked the first question. Her behavior of saying "straight" is called _______________?

Ann pointed to the table and asked Shigura, "What is this?" and than said the word "table" so he could hear it. She praised him when he also said the word '"table." Gradually, she said the word more and more softly. What behavioral procedure did Ann use to teach Shigura to label this table correctly? _______________________


Fran taught Jimmy to write P when shown a P but not when shown B. Fran drew some light dashed lines that Jimmy drew over. She made the dashes fainter until they were no longer needed. What behavioral procedure did Fran use? ____________________


The gradual elimination of a prompt when teaching a discrimination is called _____________________.


The teacher praised Juanita if she said "car" when he showed her the word "car," but not when he showed her the word "cat." To help her learn "car," he put a picture of a car next to the word. He gradually made the picture smaller and smaller until Juanita could no longer see it. What behavioral procedure was the teacher using? _______________________


Explain why being reinforced every 10 minutes isn't necessarily a fixed interval schedule

Fixed interval involves reinforcement for making the first response after a fixed period of time from the prior reinforcement. Otherwise it is a superstitious reinforcement procedure.

Mawhinney and associates (1971) tested students at three-week intervals. Their study behavior would be on what schedule of reinforcement? ______________

Fixed interval or FI-3

What two types of intermittent schedules produce a tendency for people to stop responding after reinforcement? _______________ and _____________

Fixed ratio, fixed interval

Bob showed Tom a big red ball and asked, "What is this?" When Tom answered "ball," Bob gave him a tiny candy. After many trials, Tom would always say "ball." Next Tom held a little green ball up many time, asked what is was and gave Tom a candy when he said "ball." When Bob held up any kind of ball after that, Tom always called it a ball. What behavioral procedure did Bob use to teach Tom the idea of "ball"? ___________________

Generalization Training

Name the four principles that govern effectiveness of a reinforcer.

Immediacy, size, contingent, deprivation

Tactic #7 in using the reinforcement strategy for solving human problems is to reduce reinforcer frequency with a(n) ________________ schedule.


Define generalization training.

Reinforcing a behavior in each of a series of stimulus situations until it generalizes member of that same stimulus class

Professor Tod always made positive comments about statements Gene made. Professor Rose rarely had a reaction. Gene talked a lot to Professor Tod, and he talked only a little to Professor Rose. Professor Rose is what kind of stimulus for talking to him? _________________


A stimulus that occurs before a behavior and increases the rate of the behavior of the behavior is called a(n) _______________. A stimulus that occurs after a behavior and increases the rate of behavior is called a(n) _____________.

SD or discriminative stimulus, reinforcement

A prompt is an added __________________ that increases the probability of a person's making the correct response in the presence of a novel stimulus.


Define stimulus control

The increased probability of a discriminated behavior that is exerted by a stimulus (the SD)

Define the procedure of programming.

The temporary use of a prompt to establish a generalization

A schedule in which a person is reinforced for the first response that he or she makes after differing periods of time is called a(n) ______________ schedule.

Variable interval

If a response produces reinforcement after differing periods of time, we say that response is being reinforced according to a(n) _____________________schedule (two words).

Variable interval

When Danny gets in the car to go on a trip (no matter how long), he immediately begins asking, "Are we there yet?" Sometimes the trips last just 3 minutes to the corner market, and other times they last 30 minutes to a nearby lake. Assuming that having one of his parents say, "Yes, we are there" is a reinforcer, Danny is on what schedule of reinforcement for his questions? _______________

Variable interval

Karen was into target shooting with a .38 magnum. She found that from 50 feet she could hit a bull's-eye about once in 10 tries, sometimes more, sometimes less. If hitting the bull's-eye is the reinforcer for shooting, what schedule is her shooting on: ____________.

Variable ratio or VR-10

The principle of size: The more worthwhile the _____________ of a reinforcer, the more effective the reinforcer.


Ms. Whalen walked through the room while the children were working on their math. She marked all correct work with a big, red C. Each child was allowed to play outside for 10 minutes after he or she gotten ten Cs. She found that the rate of work in the class went up dramatically as a result of this approach. Call "playing outside" a(n) ___________________ reinforcer.


The fifth tactic in using the stimulus the stimulus control strategy for solving human problems is to make reinforcement more practical by creating _________________ reinforcers.


When towels were no longer backed up with social attention by Allyon and Michael (1963), the towels lost their effectiveness as reinforcers. Thus, towels should be considered to be a(n) ________________reinforcer


Members of the Utopian Village agreed to rely on expressions of love to maintain work behaviors in their community. The members provided each other with these expressions immediately after work behaviors. They also provided these expressions after goofing off behaviors. These expressions of love were extremely important to every member of the group, and no one ever got too many o them. What principle of effective reinforcement, if any, did they neglect? ______________


Staats and associates (1964) found that reading acquisition responses could be increased by delivering a marble after every response. What is the label for the generic schedule of reinforcement they were using?


Maria's parents put her on the well-designed chore system. She was paid right after correctly doing a chore and only for doing it correctly. She felt the amount of money was plenty for the work. But Maria already earned more money than she could spend by babysitting. They were weakening the money reinforcer by ignoring the principle of ________________________.


Mary and Ken played tic-tac-toe in class. Mary was apparently reinforced by the challenge of Ken's responses. He made his mark immediately after she made her mark. He made a mark only when she made a mark. By the twentieth game, they were tired of tic-tac-toe. what principle of effective reinforcement accounts for their getting tired o the game? ____________________


The principle of deprivation: The more ____________ the person is of a reinforcer, the more effective the reinforcer.


Kenny had trouble learning how to pronounce 1776, so his teacher praised "seventeen seventy six" and ignored "seventy seventy six." In a few days, Kenny was saying it right. What procedure is the teacher using to teach Kenny the correct pronunciation? __________

differential reinforcement

Ted ignored Dick when he pronounced Aaron Burr's name as "Brr" and praised him when he said "Bur." Pretty soon Dick always pronounced it as "Bur." What procedure is Ted using? _________________

differential reinforcement

The Spanish Club met or lunch each day. Members passed you the ice cream i you ask for it in Spanish but not if you asked for it in English. Members soon used the Spanish word or ice cream and stopped using the English word. What procedure was the Club using to increase asking or ice cream in Spanish rather than English? ____________________

differential reinforcement

Adolf had 100 flash cards with German words like und, der, and kopf written on their fronts and the translations written on their backs. Adolf looked at the front of each card and said the English translation. Then he turned the card over to see if he was right. He was always after about a month. Suppose when the card reads "und," the English word and is reinforced, while other words are extinguished. Suppose when the card reads "der," only the is reinforced. What procedure is at work here? _________________

discrimination training

Doug got a lot of attention if he was reading a mechanics book, but his father ignored him if he was reading anything else. Doug became an avid reader of mechanics books. What procedure increased Doug's reading of mechanics books? _______________

discrimination training

Jonah had three goldfish. He played a game with his friend Robert to see if Robert could name his goldfish. If he called the big goldfish "Whale," Jonah praised him but ignored him if he called the big goldfish "Tiny." If he called the small goldfish "Tiny," Jonah praised him but not if he called the small goldfish "Whale." What procedure was Jonah using? ________________

discrimination training

Professor Brainbuster usually got a smile when he called the student in the front row "Ted" but not if he called him "Dan." Likewise, he usually got a smile when he called the burly athlete in the back row "Dan" but not if he called him "Ted." What behavioral procedure are these guys unknowingly applying to the prof's behavior? _____________________

discrimination training

A schedule of reinforcement in which the response is never reinforced is called a(n) _____________________ schedule.


If a person's behavior is no longer reinforced and its rate decreases, what schedule of reinforcement is it said to be on? __________________


Larry often forgot to wear safety goggles when using the chain saw. Dad reminded him by putting on his own goggles. Dad later reminded Larry by simply putting his own goggles on his forehead but not slipping them over his eyes. Still later, Dad reminded Larry by simply picking up his goggle without putting them on. Finally, Dad was able to stop giving any hint because Larry always put on his safety goggles when operating the chain saw. What behavioral procedure did Larry's father use to teach him to wear safety goggles? __________________


The author of a behavior analysis textbook sits in his office hour after hour typing new examples. His writing is reinforced by finally finishing the twentieth example for a lesson. If typing out one example is the response, what is the schedule of reinforcement is his writing on? ______________

fixed ratio or FR-20

Angie seemed to have a hearing problem. She never answered a question the first time it was asked of her. She always said "What?" to the questioner and then would answer the second time it was asked. What is the name of the schedule that the questioner is on? ________________


Rich agreed to paint the house as part of his chores if he could have a rest break after every 100 brush strokes. After he counted 100 strokes, he got a drink of water and took a brief break. What schedule of reinforcement is his painting on? ______________________


Deprivation refers to the ________ with which a person has received a reinforcer in the recent past. Satiation refers to the _________ of deprivation.

frequency; opposite

A reinforcer associated with many other reinforcers is called a(n) __________________ reinforcer.


If Danny is reinforced for calling the giant old tree in front of his house a "tree," he might see the giant oak down the street and cal it a tree also. If he does, the occurrence of his labeling behavior for the second tree is called ____________.


One day Mary wore her hair loose. That day, Kevin stopped and talked with her for the first time ever. Dan also stopped to talk with her, and he complimented her on her hair. When she went home for Thanksgiving break, she again decided to wear her hair loose. If home is a situation where she has not been reinforced for wearing her hair loose, then occurrence of wearing her hair loose at home is an example of what behavioral ________________.


The Klines praised little Sarah when she called their dog "doggy." One day she called her neighbor's dog "doggy" also. What behavioral process occurred? ___________________


Peggy never volunteered to answer a question in class. However, a question arose one day in one of her classes concerning her greatest love, classical art, and she got so excited she volunteered. The teacher praised her for having the right answer. She volunteered often in that class in the future. Somewhat later, the same thing happened in another class, and again she volunteered and had the right answer. After that, she started to volunteer in all of her classes. even though no one was intentionally arranging it, Peggy's behavior changed as a result of what procedure? _______________

generalization training

Sally was a health food nut. Whenever Ralph ate healthy food at home, she praised his diet. Later, she praised him whenever he ate healthy foods no matter where he ate. What behavioral procedure did Sally use? ________________

generalization training

The second tactic in using the stimulus control strategy to help people is to broaden stimulus control through __________________.

generalization training

Marlin's teachers gave him a button every time he picked up his toys after he was finished playing. Marlin could use the button to get a snack, a story, or a long walk. If these three events are reinforcers, you would call the button a(n) _________________reinforcer.


Hall and his colleagues (1972) gave Jerry 25 cents at the end o the month or each time that he was observed wearing his braces (and only for wearing his braces). The money permitted him to buy things that he wanted., and he never seemed to have too much money. What principle of effective reinforcement, if any, did they violate? ____________________


Maria's parents had her on a well-designed chore system. They checked carefully to see if she did the chore. They kept careful record of her chore behavior. They paid her at the end of the week. Maria seemed to like the amount of money they paid her. They weakened the effectiveness of the money be ignoring the principle of _______________________.


Professor King gave Margo, the star basketball player, the assignment of composing a poem to hand in every day of the semester. He read the poem and returned it with praise for good aspects of it the next class period. He praised only the good features of the poems. He was careful not to provide too much praise. His praise seemed to be very important to Margo. In spite of his careful procedure. Margo's poetry writing did not improve. What principle of effective reinforcement, if any, did he neglect? _________________


The principle of immediacy: The more _____________ the delivery of the reinforcer after the behavior, the more effective.


To decide whether the principle of immediacy was followed, ask, "Was the event delivered within __________ of the behavior?'


Carey tutored Dave, the star football tackle, in poetry by having him compose short poems on a blackboard while she watched. She reserved her praise for the good aspects of his compositions. She gave her praise as soon as he wrote a line. She kept the sessions short so he wouldn't tire of the tutoring. To her surprise, her praise was very important to him. What principles, if any, did she omit in her procedure? _____________________


Sally tried to teach Harry how to throw a Frisbee. She praised him right after every correct throw and only when he threw it well. Harry was very turned on by Sally so her praise was really important to him. He never seemed to get too much of it. What principles of effective reinforcement, if any, did Sally fail to employ? ______________


Any stimulus in whose presence a behavior has not previously been reinforced is called a(n) _____________ stimulus.


Generalization is defined as the occurrence of a behavior in the presence of a(n) _______________.

novel stimulus

The principle of contingency states that the reinforcer should be delivered __________________ when the behavior occurs.


The principle of contingency states that you must deliver the event ____________ when a desired behavior occurs.


To decide whether the principle of contingency was followed in a specific case, ask, "Was the event given ____________ for a desired behavior?"


The temporary use of a prompt to establish a generalization is called ______________________.


In Programmed Reading, the child is shown a picture of a girl in a bag and then required to fill in the blank "That is Ann in the ba--." Showing one or more letters contained in the correct answer is called a(n) _________________.


To use the stimulus control strategy to help solve human problems, (3) create new stimulus control by temporarily using ________________.


To decide whether the principle of deprivation was followed, ask, "Has the reinforcer __________ been delivered?"


If a person is required to make a high number of responses for each reinforcement, his responding may decrease because of what is called _________________.

ratio strain

If every hundredth response is reinforced, the person may stop responding or start responding irregularly. The effect o such a large ratio is known as ____________________.

ratio strain

If the author of a book were to put his or her climatic scenes too far apart in the book, the readers might quit reading even though they were still being reinforced occasionally. This would be an example of ________________.

ratio strain

The procedure Larry used is _________.


If she's right, what would you call the candy: a(n) ____________.


Tactic #5 in using the reinforcement strategy to solve human problems is to us the principles of _______________ effectiveness.


The Barker Street baby-sitting club awards 10 points to any mother who takes care of another club member's child for an hour and charges 10 points to a mother whose child is cared for. Marge's rate of baby-sitting for another club members increased after she joined the club and was awarded points. The points would be called a(n) ____________________.


This "behavioral momentum" is the result of the delivery of many recent and frequent ____________.


If a stimulus that precedes a behavior is present only if extinction will occur for that behavior, it is called a(n) ________________.


Carey earned a point for every page of the SRA Reading Program that she finished. She could trade each point for one cookie. Carey's parents noted that she usually earned a few points early in the morning and then quit working for that day. The points probably lost their effectiveness as a conditioned reinforcer because Carey soon becomes ________________ with cookies.


Mr. Mack wanted to teach Ken, his infant son, to sit up before any other children his age. So, when Ken was 4 months old, Mr. Mack designated the half hour after dinner as time to reward Ken for sitting up by giving him a spoon of applesauce. Ken didn't seem interested in the applesauce. A behavior analyst would guess that the applesauce did not work very well because Ken was already ______________________ on food (use the technical term).


Judy encouraged Tom to read by patting his head. She patted while he was reading. She patted only when he was reading. Attention was important to Tom because Judy gave him few pats or other attention. However, because each pat lasted about a second, he didn't even seem to notice. Tom soon stopped reading. What principle of effective reinforcement, if any, does Judy's procedure omit? _____________________


If you think that an example involves a ratio schedule, ask, "If the person makes the response very rapidly, will the next reinforcer arrive _____________?"


Miller and Weaver (1974) showed students a series of examples of extinction. If you regard each example as a stimulus, then the collection of all examples of extinction would be termed a(n) _______________.

stimulus class

After much practice, Xavier had learned the square root of many numbers. If his teacher asked him, "What is the square root of eighty-one?" he promptly said, "Nine." But he did not "nine" as the square root of any other number. The increased probability of saying "nine" when asked the square root of 81 means that the question has come to exert ________________ over that behavior.

stimulus control

The increase probability of a discriminated behavior that is produced by a stimulus is called _______________.

stimulus control

Jane's brother wasn't a very warm person. She decided to praise him only he stood close to people. Then, she praised him only when he stood close and touched them briefly on the arm. Finally, she praised him only when he also hugged them. Because her goal was to have him stand close and hug people, standing close to someone would be called a(n) ____________________.

successive approximation

Shaping involves the differential reinforcement of a series of responses that are successive approximations to a(n) ____________________

target behavior

Bernie's mother used to remind him to start his homework as soon as he got home from school. But she stopped doing it last month, and Bernie almost never starts his homework right after school like he used to. What behavioral procedure did his mother use to produce this disastrous change in behavior? ____________________


Katherine got fed up with Gladys's lack of enthusiasm, so she had a long talk with Gladys one day and told her to act more enthusiastic. Gladys became a changed person, acting much more enthusiastic as a result. What behavioral procedure did Katherine use to increase Gladys's enthusiasm? _____________________


In most joke books, an average of only 1 in 10 jokes is hilarious, and the rest are terrible. But most people will plow through all the jokes looking for the good ones. What schedule of reinforcement is a joke reader on? _________________

variable ratio or VR-10

If the military used schedules of reinforcement to maintain attending by vital radar operations, which schedule would produce a constant rate of attending: ___________.


Bob lived near the common phone in the dorm, so he had to answer it much of the time. Furthermore, most of the dorm members didn't bother to thank him for answering it. He found that, on the average, he got thanked only once in four times. His phone answering was reinforced according to what schedule? _________________


Sarah sold Tupperware to Barbara but Barbara usually would not buy the newest item on the first try. Usually Sarah had to try many times (2, 3, 4, or 5 times), but Barbara always bought the new item eventually. What schedule is Sarah's selling behavior on? ___________________


What schedule of reinforcement would you use in order to maximize the length of time that it takes a response to extinguish after reinforcement is stopped? ___________________


To decide whether the principle of size was followed, ask, "Was the amount of the event used _________?"


The principle of size states that you must be sure to give the person enough of the reinforcer to be ____________________.


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