LECOM Bradenton Anatomy Perineum

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where is the perineal membranes free margin

at the line that separates the urogenital and anal triangle which is between the ischial tuberosities

Why does blood not travel all the way to the posterior body wall during urinary extravasation

because colles fascia tightly adheres to the perineal body which stops its movement

Where would one see the perineal body

between the external genitalia and the anus

What does the sympathetic nervous system cause with regards to ejaculation

they cause peristalsis to move semen into ejaculatory ducts and they close the internal urethral sphincter to prevent seminal backflow into bladder

What are the margins of the urogenital triangle

Ischial tuberosities marks posteroinferior border and each is a point of the triangle they converge at the pubic symphysis

When would a doctor utilize a pudendal nerve block

During childbirth to relieve perineal pain

What are the two corpora cavernosa wrapped in, is the corpus spongiosum also wrapped in this

Tunica albuginea spongiosum also is wrapped in this but it is much thinner

What is Scarpa's fascia continuous with?

colles fascia and dartos fascia

What is the perineal body

convergence of muscle fibers that helps support pelvic viscera

What glands lie within the deep perineal pouch

cowpers glands

What are the erectile masses of the penis

2 corpora cavernosa and 1 corpus spongiosum

What two structures should lie in the same plane in anatomical position

ASIS and pubic tubercle

What is the urogenital hiatus

a gap in levator ani that allows passage for the urethra and the vagina in females

What is a common malady of the ischioanal fossae

an abcess that can lead to a fistula via inflammation

where is the superficial perineal pouch

between the perineal membrane and colles fascia

How does the internal pudendal artery descend to the perineum

branches of internal iliac exits through greater sciatic foramen wraps around ischial spine enters lesser sciatic foramen enters alcocks canal branches into other arteries in anal triangle and moves to urogenital triangle

What structures exist in the superficial perineal space

erectile tissues that form the penis and clitoris

What is scarpas fascia tightly adherent to

fascia lata

How does a doctor find the pudendal nerve for the nerve block

he inserts his fingers into the vagina and palpates for the ischial spine which is where the pudendal nerve is wrapping around

What is bartholinitis

infection of the Bartholin glands

Where do superficial pelvic structures drain lymph

into superficial nodes

What marks the boundaries of the anal triangle

ischial tuberosities mark the anterior border and corners coccyx is the apex of the triangle

What does NO do to helicine arteries

it causes them to dilate and fill the corpora cavernosa with blood

How does the pudendal nerve descend into perineum

it follows the route of the internal pudendal artery

What kind of nerve is the pudendal nerve

it is a somatic nerve

What is the erectile reflex

sensation from the penis are carried in the dorsal nerve of the penis which branches from the pudendal parasympathetics travel to cavernous nerves which stimulate erection via AcH and NO release

is the superficial perineal space large

no it is a potential space

What autonomics does the pudendal nerve contain


what muscles are in the free penis


What is bicycle seat neuropathy

numbness and impotence as a result of compression of the pudendal nerve at alcocks canal

Where are Bartholin glands

on the ends of the bulb of vestibule

Where does scrotal cancer cells first metastasize to

superficial inguinal nodes

What are the symptoms of bartholinitis

swelling, redness and pain of vagina

What is the free part of the penis called

the body

What does the bulbospongiosus muscle cover in the male

the bulb of the penis

What do the ischiocavernosus muscles cover in the male

the crura of the corpora cavernosa

What is the name of the space within the perineal membrane

the deep perineal pouch

What sphincter is in the deep perineal pouch

the external urethral sphincter

What is the clitoris the homologue to

the glans penis

What nerve is the most important with regards to scrotum innervation

the ilioinguinal nerve

What lies directly beneath the skin in the anal triangle

the levator ani muscle

What structure spans the urogenital triangle

the perineal membrane

What nerves innervate the bulbospongiosus and the ischiocavernous muscles

the perineal nerve which branches from the pudendal nerve

Where does the root of the penis attach

the pubic arch of the perineal membrane

What structure marks the outer boundary of the anal triangle

the sacrotuberous ligament

What is the labia majora the homologue to

the scrotum

Where does the perineal membrane attach

to the ischial tuberosities

What muscles are around the external urethral sphincter

transverse perineal muscles

What are ischioanal fossae

two openings that are caused by the free margin of the perineal membrane and the curved nature of the levator ani muscle

What is an episiotomy

when the doctor surgically places a small incision between the vagina and anus to mitigate any tearing during delivery

What is peyronies disease

when the tunica albuginea bends

What can happen if you damage the pudendal nerve with regards to the penis

you will have penile insensitivity but can still get erections from psychogenic pathway

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