Legal Requirment, HACCP, and inspections

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which agency's primary food safety concern is the prevention of foodborne disease outbreaks?


which document contains the federal government's "best advice" for minimizing the incidence of foodborne illness?

-FDA food code

which three statements correctly describe HACCP?

-HACCP programs are mandatory for most food manufacturers -some states have mandated the HACCP system approach at the retain level, and conduct HACCP-based inspections in food establishments -a HACCP plan is a food safety management system that focuses on the control of hazards throughout the food flow rather than focusing only on sanitization

which agency inspects and grades domestic and imported fish and fish products prior to sale?


which agency is responsible for inspecting and grading domestic and imported food and food products derived from domesticated animals like cattle and chicken?


which three groups work with the FDA to create its Food Code?


which three statements about food safety inspection reports are correct?

-a poor inspection report can jeopardize the financial health of your food establishment -they let you know how well your establishment is following standard food safety practices -an excellent report is an effective form of advertisement

which four statements about violations found during traditional inspections are correct?

-a time limit-usually 48 hours or less-is set for the correction of priority item or priority foundation item violations -one to two points are subtracted for core item violations -fines or closure may result if violations still exist when the establishment is inspected again -four to five points are subtracted for priority item or priority foundation item violations

which four statements pertain to establishing a documentation and record-keeping system?

-accurate records and documentation are essential for verification and auditing -records and documentation are useful for demonstrating that food safety is being managed -the amount and type of peperwork should be proportionate to the type and size of food business and to the risks involved -a management system needs to be in place to ensure HACCP documentation and records are up to date and effective

which type of establishment is subject to inspection?

-any establishment that serves food to the public

what is not a best practice you should follow during an inspection?

-appoint a staff member to act in your absence -be prepared to provide documentation -do a test run

what are four examples of supportive documentation or useful records for a HACCP program?

-audit reports -details of prerequisite programs such as pest management -records of customer complaints -a floor or room plan

which three best practices should you follow before an inspection?

-be prepared to provide documentation -do a test run -appoint a staff member to actin your absence

which three statements are correct about food safety regulations at the local level?

-city and country health departments conduct the bulk of inspections at food establishments -inspections and their frequency can vary by city and/or county -the local health authority is the place to start with questions about the regulations that affect your establishment

what four items are covered in the compliance and enforcement topics of the FDA food code?

-code applicability -plan submission and approval -permit to operate -inspection and correction of violations

which monitoring method would address staff understanding of the importance of CCPs, monitoring, target values, and critical limits

-competency testing

which description is not correct about the end-product testing done for food safety prior to HACCP?

-control was proactive

which four best practices should you follow before and during an inspection?

-cooperate -don't refuse an inspection -ask to see the inspector's credentials -clarify the purpose of the visit

what are four of your responsibilities with regard to preparing for inspections?

-determine how often your establishment is subject to inspection -find out what type of inspection your establishment is subject to -implement a self-inspection system for your establishment

which three statements apply to food safety regulations at the state level?

-each state decides whether to adopt the FDA food code in its entry, in a modified form, or not at all -states dont always revise their food safety regulations with each update of the FDA food code -the types of food establishments subject to inspection and the frequency of inspection differ from state to state

what is not your responsibility in regard to government food safety regulations?

-finding out which inspectors are more lenient and dealing only with them

what four things should you look for when you perform a daily check or inspection of your food establishment?

-food and equipment temperatures are satisfactory -premises and equipment are clean and in good repair -signage is satisfactory both in staff and public areas -food is in good condition and within shelf life

what are four examples of potential critical control points?

-food pH and water activity -hot and cold holding temperatures -cooling times -final cooking temperatures

which four topics are covered in the FDA food code?

-food preparation and handling -compliance and enforcement -equipment, utensils, and linens -water, plumbing, and waste

what are two examples of core item violation in a risk-based inspection?

-general physical facility conditions -general work practices

which four criteria are covered in the food preparation and handling topics of the FDA food code?

-handling -serving -storing -receiving

what should you not do during a test run before an inspection?

-identify ways to hide potential violations

what three purposes does a monitoring system have?

-identifying breaches of target levels -identifying deviations and triggers corrective actions -providing records for verification or to investigate complaints

what are two best practices you should follow after an inspection?

-implement new procedures or revise existing procedures to avoid repeat violations -act on the inspector's report

for which two reasons may an establishment with multiple violations receive the same total score as an establishment with a single violation in a traditional inspection?

-inspectors dont subtract points for each instance of the violation -inspectors subtract points for each broad violation

how does a HACCP-based inspection differ from a traditional inspection?

-it assesses the control of hazards throughout the food flow

which three statements about a traditional inspection are correct?

-it results in a number or letter grade, or both -it usually uses a number-based system for scoring -the highest possinle score is usally 100 points

which three statements apply to the history of the HACCP program

-it was started in the 1960s for NASA's Apollo space program -it was a project of the pillsbury company -astronauts suffering from diarrhea or vomiting in a zero-gravity environment were a major concern

what is not a best practice you should follow during an inspection?

-make sure the inspector knows wen you disagree

which four items are included in the HACCP plan?

-monitoring and record-keeping procedures -critical limits, target values, and corrective actions -details of the HACCP team and its responsibilities -hazard analysis, including products or process descriptionss

which four statements apply to establishing a monitoring system?

-monitoring methods include competency testing -monitoring methods include smell, touch, and sight -monitoring must permit rapid detection and correction -monitoring can be continuous or at set frequencies

which two actions are your responsibilities in regard to the FDA food code?

-obtain the most recent issue of your state food code -familiarize yourself with all topics covered in your state food code

what is the HACCP approach considered to be by many regulations?

-our nation's best defense of the food chain "from farm to fork"

what are four steps involved in conducting a hazard analysis?

-perform a risk assessment to determine potential hazards -brainstorm potential hazards -prepare and validate flow diagrams of any processes -determine which products are processes to examine

which four criteria determine whether a high-risk establishment needs more frequent inspections?

-previous compliance history -establishment size -susceptibility of clientele -food service

what are four characteristics of a risk-based inspection?

-priority item or priority foundation item violations are those that could cause or contribute to foodborne illness -this type of inspection is recommended by the FDA -the establishment is assessed as "in" or "out" of compliance -core item violations of good retail practice are those that do not directly impact food safety

which three statements correctly describe a suspension that results from failing an inspection?

-public notice is usually posted on the front door of the suspended food establishment -a hearing can be requested to dispute the suspension -it requires the approval of the local health department

which three actions are responsibilities of the FDA?

-regulating the medicines and feed consumed by food animals -inspecting food service operations that cross state borders -inspecting food-processing plants to ensure compliance with sanitation, labeling, and other quality standards

which four statements apply to the documentation you should be prepared to provide to an inspector?

-review your company's policy regarding confidential information -be aware that documentation provided during an inspection may become public -figure out which documents are not appropriate to provide -be prepared to provide records concerning food purchases, pest control, or chemical use as they may be requested

what are food establishments required to provide in order to protect the public's health?

-safe food

which monitoring method provides a rapid assessment of food safety, spoilage, or tainting?

-smell, touch, sight

which three statements correctly describe inspection frequency?

-some regulatory authorities inspect all food establishments on the same schedule -high-risk food establishments may be inspected more frequently -inspection frequency varies by jurisdiction

which three statements correctly describe HACCP?

-some states have mandated the HACCP system approach at the retail level, and conduct HACCP-based inspections in food establishments -a HACCP plan is a food safety management system that focuses on the control of hazards throughout the food flow rather than focusing only on sanitization

which statements is not accurate regarding food safety regulations at the state level?

-state regulatory authorities rarely conduct inspections in a small city or a rural area

which four items are covered in the management and personnel topics of the FDA food code?

-supervision -hygienic practices -employee health -personal cleanliness

what term describes specified values for control measures that eliminate or reduce hazards at CCPs?

-target levels

which four statements pertain to the CFP?

-the CFP is a nonprofit organization formed in 1971 -the CFP presents their findings to the FDA for consideration in the FDA food code -the CFP seeks to create an equitable partnerships among food industry regulators, professionals, academics, and consumers -the goal of the CFP is to identify problems, formulate recommendations, and develop practices to ensure food safety

which two statements about the FDA food code are accurate?

-the FDA amends the food code every two years with the release of a supplement -the FDA issues the food code every four years

which two statements apply to conducting a hazard analysis?

-the choices made during the hazard analysis determine the scope and success of your HACCP program -all other HACCP principles depend on the hazard analysis

which statements is most accurate?

-there are no federal food safety regulations that apply to the majority of food establishments

what is the goal of establishing verification procedures?

-to create a system that confirms that the HACCP program is working

which three stages are included in the verification process?

-validation -review -ensuring that the HACCP system is satisfactory

which four types of information must be documented for each corrective action?

-who is authorized to stop and restart production or sales -who should be notified -the person responsible for taking action -the action to be taken

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