Lesson 1.1

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The color section allows you to select a color scheme for the start menu or to change the color or size of other desktop elements.


term x64 is commonly used to denote operating systems that can run on 64-bit processors. This is also commonly referred to as AMD64, because AMD defined the 64-bit instruction set used today.


Allow end users to access information and run applications on server operating systems as well as independently run applications locally. The operating system is optimized for foreground processes, such as the GUI. Background sharing is usually limited to specific number of users workstation versions of Microsoft windows are limited to 10 concurrent users.


Mobile operating systems are found on mobile devices such as phones and tablets. The mobile operating system is generally optimized for touch-based devices where one program is used at a time


One that is written to uttilize the instructions possible with 64-bit processors. More common with servers than desktops originally, ubiquitous with both intel and AMD processor in the market. You cannot mix 64-bit software with 32-bit hardware.


The themes section allows you to select a theme to customize the look and feel of to use your machine quickly. All of these options can individually be personalized, but changes multiple things, such as look of icons, sounds to use, etc.


any group of computers that have a communication link between them. Networks allow computers to share information and resources quickly and securely

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Used to describe the amount of memory installed and accessible for an operating system. Operating system uses RAM to hold its operating system code, as well as the programs you open on the operating system. Each program you install will have a minimum RAM requirement and recommended RAM requirement. Most computer systems on the market today are sold with minimum at least 4 gigabytes of RAM. Upgrade to 8 gb gigabytes is common.


the current release of an operating system generally on a one- to two- year release cycle for the future version of the current operating system.

Menu Bar

used to present useful commands within an application in an easily accessible format. Clicking one of the menu choices displays a list of related options from which you may choose.

Any program that accesses files through windows must follow these rules

1. Each file has a filename of up to 255 characters 2. Certain characters, such as a question mark, slash, or /, \, are not allowed. Periods are used to separate. 3. Filename extension can be added to identify the files type 4. Filenames are not case sensitive. cannot have working.txt and WORKING.TXT

Changing a desktop

1. Rich-click the desktop 2. Choose personalize from the context menu. 3. Click the lock screen on the left side. 4. Scroll to the bottom and select screen saver settings. 5. Choose a screen saver from the drop-down menu. 6. Click preview to view how the screen saver will look. 7. Click ok to exit the settings window.

Capabilities of Explorer

1. View files and directories 2. Open programs or data files 3. Create Directories and Files 4. Copy objects to other locations 5. Move objects to other locations 7. Delete or rename objects 8. Change file attributes

Three Ways Restore Points are Created

1. Windows creates them automatically by default 2. You can manually create them yourself (highly recommended before you make significant changes) 3. During the installation of some programs, a restore point is created before the installation that way, if the install fails you can "roll back: the system to a pre-installation configuration.


A program that runs on top of the OS and allows the user to issue commands through a set of menus or another interface (can be graphical or not be graphical.) Makes an OS easier to use by changing the user interface. Explorer is the name of the shell used with the Windows Operating System since Windows 95.

Windows 7 System Requirements

Processor: 1ghz Memory: 1GB for 32-bit; 20 GB for 64-bit Freehard disk space: 16 GB for 32-bit; 20 GB for 64-bit CD-ROM or DVD drive: DVD-ROM Video: DirectX 9 With WDDM 1.0 (or higher) driver Mouse: Required but not listed Keyboard: Required but not listed Internet access: Not listed


The ability of a single application to have multiple requests in to the processor at one time. This results in faster application performance because it allows a program to do many things at once.

Operating System Life Cycle

The time an operating system is introduced to the time an operating system is no longer supported. As a computer technician you should pay close attention to when its end of date it for receiving support and or updates is.


term ARM is commonly used to denote operating system that can run on Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) processors. ARM operating system use a reduced instruction set computing (RISC) instruction set commonly found on tablet and phone processors. ARMv8-A processor can support 64-bit operating systems, so you will find 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems


term x86 is commonly used to refer to operating systems intended to run on the intel processor. Intel finally identified its 32-bit processors with numbers ending in 86 prior to switching to the Pentium line.


the operating system that is a new breed of operating systems emerged from the mobile computing era. Cloud-based operating systems are also considers state-less operating systems, since personal data is not primarily stored on the device but in the cloud. Mobile operating systems can be considered cloud-based operating systems. Dual role of defining a category and where data is stored.

Resources the operating system interacts with

Processor Storage Devices Input/Output Memory

Following Tasks Before Installing An Operating System

1. Determine hardware compatibility and minimum requirements. 2. Determine installation options. 3. Determine the installation method. 4. Prepare the computer for installation.

Microsoft Windows Tablet

2012, with release of tile-based windows 8 operating system, Microsoft released the Surface tablet, with an ARM-based processor, but mainly has intel-based processers to compete.


32-bit operating system is one that can not only run on a 32-bit processor, but can utilize the capabilities of the processor, which took many years. You cannot use 64-bit software on 32-bit operating systems; the instructions sets are functionally different.

Graphical User Interface

A graphical user interface, or GUI is what people use to communicate with a computer using graphical images, icons, and methods other than text. GUIs allow a user to use a mouse, touchpad, or another mechanism, to interact with the computer to issue commands.


Allows you to review any font installed on the operating system. Used by applications that allow changing of fonts.


Allows you to set the options for the start menu, such as showing the most used apps or recently added.


An operating system in beta is a second draft of an operating system. This stage of an operating system means most of the bugs have been discovered and are avidly being patched. This stage is typically used to discover missing features and new bugs. Some operating system developers require an op-in to run a beta operating system, and some require invites to a beta program that mandate participation.

Chrome OS

An operating system that is designed around the Chrome web browser by Google, released in 2011 on the hardware platform known as the Chromebook, one of the first Ultrabooks. True cloud-based operating system, all data stared in the google drive cloud-based storage system. Since the release of the Chromebook, workstation-type devices called Chromebooks have been released to market. Applications, which are really just web plug-ins, can be installed from the chrome web store. The applications are written in HTML, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, which allow cross-platform support between Chrome OS and the Chrome web browser installed on a PC or Mac.

Title bar

Area between control box and the minimize button. States the name and sometimes info about particular document being accessed by that program.


Apple created the iOS operating system as a tile-based mobile operating system. Originally release the first iPhone in 2007, iOS came slowly after with the iPod. iPhone and iPad further furnish iOS. iOS version 12 is current. Apple's strong support for accompanying hardware makes it popular. It also creates a strong ecosystem for downloading, installing and purchasing applications books, music,and video for the iOS operating system.

Screen Saver

Can be configured to automatic display on your screen if your computer has been inactive for a certain period of time. Used to prevent burn-in of monitors, now used for entertainment. Lock screen under personalization and then clicking screen saver settings.


Can be used interactively, identical function to a maximized windows, but doesn't take up the entire screen, can be any size.

Minimize and Maximize/Restore Buttons

Changes state of the window on the desktop

Resources the operating system organizes

Disk Storage and File Management Device Access Memory Management Output Format

Close Button

Ends program and return to any resource that it was using to the system. Something as double clicking the control box but with one fewer click.


First draft of an operating system. Previews, commonly in open-source communities, such as Linux operating systems. However, it is uncommon to find a corporate-based operating system in alpha.

The Recycle Bin

Icons represent files ,directories, and programs as objects. It removes the ability of the system to access the information or application that the object represents in a special folder where all the deleted files are replaced.

Service Pack

Generally Associated with updates, but usually describes a milestone in the life cycle of an operating system. When this is released, it adds major features as well as patches for security and functionality. In windows 8 this is just an update, but many systems still use the service pack.


Google created the Android operating system as a tile-based mobile operating system. Android was originally released in 2007, with HTC Phones then Android tablets 2011. Application ecosystem from google store, enables users to purchase, download, install applications, books, music, and video for the iOS operating system.

Mainstream Support

Hotfixes, security updates, feature updates, and general support for the operating system is released. When the mainstream support ends for an operating system, it is no longer supported or enters into an extended support period.

The Computer Icon

If you double-click the computer icon, it displays a list of all the disk drives installed in your computer. It displays a list of devices attached, and sorts it into categories.


Linux is free, open-source, created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds to mimic the design of MINIX-UNIX operating system. Workstation operating system and a server operating system depending on its installation nd configuration

Shut down command

Many times files can get corrupted if you just turn off the power switch. The shut down command under the start menu helps with this. Submenu of sleep, shutdown, and restart.

32- bit operating system ram limit

Minimum of 4 Gbs of Ram

Microsoft Windows Phone

Microsoft purchased Nokia 2013 to produce platform for the Windows Phone, alike tile based Windwos 18. Support ended 2019. Mobile operating system-based platform.

Cooperative Multitasking

Multitasking method that dfepends on the application itself to be responsible for using the processor and then freeing it for access by other applications. This way very early versions of Windows managed multiple applications. Any application locked up while using the processor, the application was unable to free the processor to do other tasks and the entire system locked, usually forcing a reboot.


Nothing but an icon and title on the taskbar, not usable until maximized or restored.


Particular revision of a piece off software normally described by a number that tells you how new the product is in relation to other versions of the product.

The Three Clicks In Windows

Primary Mouse Click Double-Click Secondary Mouse Click

Operating System

Provides a consistent environment for other software to execute commands. Proves users with an interface with the computer so that they can send commands (input) and recieve feedback or results (output).


Server operating systems allow for the sharing of information and applications by workstation operating systems. The operating system is optimized for background processes used for access by clients, as opposed to the foreground processes, such as the GUI.


Shortcuts that allow a user to open a program or a utility without knowing where it is located or how it needs to be configured.

Extended Support

Sometimes called the long-term support (LTS) period, for an operating system is the final state of an operating system's life cycle, For example, during this time hotfixes and features will no longer be supported, but critical security updates will be supported with Microsoft operating systems. Additional purchased may be required if hotfixes are required, and an administrators should upgraded all system to the current operating system by the end of the extended support date.


Specific software write for the purpose of instructing a particular OS on how to access a piece of hardware. Each modem or printer has a unique configuration settings or features and the driver allows the OS to understand how the hardware works and what it is able to do,

Microsoft Windows

The Microsoft Windows operating system is one of the most popular operating systems for business and personal use, currently Windows 10. Workstation OS


The background section is used to select a picture to display on the desktop, can select group

Release Candidate

The final stage before it is released to market. During the release candidate stage administrators are urged to install and use the operating system as thought it were the final release. The benefit is the administrator can get a previewed look at the operating system while helping to polish the final product, also called the release to market (RTM). An operating system in this stage is generally stable with few bugs.


The maximized window takes up all available screen space. In front of other programs, is the only thing visible. Preferred for word processing, graphics-creation and other types of user applications

Standard Desktop Icons

The number of icons is placed directly on the desktop in windows. The recycle bin icon is one of these icons, along with the recycle bin icon, the computer icon is usually found on the desktop.

File Management

The process by which computers store data and retrieve it from storage.


The source code is the actual code that defines how a piece of software works. Computer operating systems can be open source, meaning that the OS can be examined modified by anyone, or they can be closed source, meaning that only an owner or developer can modify or examine the code.

The Desktop

The virtual desk on which all your other programs and utilities run. Contains the start menu, the taskbar, and a number of icons. The desktop can contain additional elements, such as shortcuts or links to web page content.

Active Window

The window that is currently being used. Has two attributes, any keystrokes entered are directed into the active window by default, and any other windows that overlap the ACTIVE window are pushed behind it.


Used for a particular task; software written to supplement the commands available to a particular OS. Each one is compiled / configured for the OS is runs on. Applications rely on the OS to do many of its basic tasks. Complex programs, when accessing devices or memory, can request the OS does it for them, saving programming overhead by using executable code that is shared, and written into the operating system and can be used by multiple applications running on that OS.


Virtual desktop assistant introduced in Windows 10 that is default enabled.

Lock Screen

Windows 8 and above allows you to easily change the lock screen wallpaper as well as the applications that are displayed on the lock screen

Help and Support

Windows has a very good help system, especially with cortona.

Run command

You can run commands and utilities from the cortona search box or from the run dialog box. To access the run dialog box in windows 10, press the windows key, and the r key at the same time. To execute a particular program, type its name in the open field. If you don't know the exact path, you can browse and find it.

Preemptive Multitasking

a multitasking method in which the OS allots each application a certain amount of processor time, and then forcibly takes back control and gives another application or task access to the processor. This means that if an application crashes, the OS takes control of the processor away from the locked application and passes it on to the next application, which should be unaffected. Although unstable programs still lock, only the locked applications will stall, not the entire system. This is what is used today in modern operating systems.


a thin line that surrounds the window in its restored down state and allows it to be resized

Control Box

located in the upper-left corner of the window, the control box is used to control the state of the application, and can be used to maximize, minimize, and close the application.

Apple Macintosh OS

macOS is the current version for Apple Macintosh latop and computer hardware plattforms. macOS is the original operating system name from back in the 1980s. 1999 - 2015 was called Mac OS X. Considered a workstation OS.

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