lesson 7 quiz

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When did Great Britain abolish slavery in its empire?


Who questioned President Polk's right to declare war by introducing a resolution to Congress requesting that the president specify the precise spot where blood had first been shed?

Abraham Lincoln.

During the first two years of the war, Union forces were generally:

more successful in the West than in the East.

"Fifty-four forty or fight" referred to demands for American control of:


At Antietam:

the nation suffered more casualties than on any other day in its history.

Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren rejected adding Texas to the United States because:

the presence of slaves there would reignite the issue of slavery, and they preferred to avoid it.

Both the Confederacy and the Union violated their citizens' civil liberties during the war.


Remaining loyal to the Union was a dangerous stance in the Confederate South, as Georgia in 1861 passed a law making this act punishable by death.


The Free Soil idea in the West appealed to racist northerners who worried about competing against black laborers.


The New York City draft riots, begun as an attempt to resist the draft, turned into an assault on the city's black population.


The issue of Texas annexation was hotly linked to slavery and affected the nominations of presidential candidates in the 1840s.


With the Union victory at Glorieta Pass, the Confederate attempt at extending slavery west of Texas ended.


Which event sparked Abraham Lincoln's reentry into politics?

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Which 1854 document called for the United States to seize Cuba?

The Ostend Manifesto.

The famous Lincoln-Douglas debates took place during the campaign for:

U.S. senator from Illinois in 1858.

During the Civil War, northern white women:

began obtaining jobs as government clerks.

The Dred Scott decision of the U.S. Supreme Court:

declared that Congress could not ban slavery from territories.

"King Cotton diplomacy" led Great Britain to:

find new supplies of cotton outside the South.

What could be one possible reason that Robert E. Lee invaded the North in 1863?

He hoped to deliver a knockout blow to the Union.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, what view did Stephen Douglas take?

If each state, slave or free, worried only about its own status, then there should be harmony.

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