LGAV MIdterm

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DDG stands for a. Designated Design Goals b. Dispatch Deviation Guide c. Deferral of Deteriorating Governors d. Development of Destination Grounds


MSG-3 is a consequence of failure approach. In other words, it focuses on a. The failure or deterioration of a system or component b. How a failure affects the aircraft operation c. Monitoring the time intervals between each maintenance overhaul or replacement d. All of the above


Reliability of a system is also referred to as the: a. Reduction in maintenance service b. Design-in level of perfection c. Attainable level of entropy d. None of the above


The CQI concept in aviation a. Complements the ATA and IATA philosophies b. Seeks continuous quality improvement in aviation c. Is regulated through the FAA's Principal Maintenance Inspector (PMI) d. None of the above


The _________ check established under the Maintenance Steering Group (MSG)-3 is an observation to determine if an item is fulfilling its intended purpose a. Operational b. Visual c. Functional d. Lubrication


The _________approach to maintenance is primarily used by airlines for their new aircraft a. Process-oriented b. Task-oriented c. Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) d. Mechanical Reliability Testing


What certificates are required for full aircraft certification? a. Pilot license, medical certificate, & Type rating b. Type, production, & airworthiness certificate c. Airplane Maintenance Manual, Minimum Equipment List, & Airworthiness Directive d. A & B e. A & C


What is the role of the mechanic? a. To design systems with minimum entropy b. To combat the continual increase in entropy during the life of the equipment c. To provide systems analysis to diagnose the level of entropy d. To continually advance the level of entropy in a system


In the ATA handbook, maintenance manual information can be found in the same location regardless of __________. a. Part type b. Malfunction c. Mechanic's background d. Aircraft type


Maintenance can be scheduled daily, every flight, or every 100 cycles. A cycle is: a. Revolutions per minute b. An hour c. Every time and engine is shut down d. A takeoff and landing


The materiel section of the maintenance program includes a. Purchase and warehousing b. Parts and supplies c. Data collection and software mining d. A & B e. A, B & C


The planning section of the maintenance program includes a. Unscheduled maintenance b. Vehicle tracking c. Personnel training d. None of the above


The___________ gives a general maintenance schedule outline a. RII Schedule b. Maintenance Logbook c. Director of Maintenance d. MRB report


Which of the following are goals of an airline maintenance program? a. To deliver airworthy vehicles to the flight department to meet the flight schedule b. To deliver vehicles with all necessary maintenance actions completed or properly deferred c. To deliver complete maintenance of an aircraft at a minimum total cost d. A & B e. A, B & C


Who is responsible for all engineering functions within the M&E organization? a. Director of Maintenance b. FAA c. VP of M&E d. Manager of engineering


A ___________ document one that is used for operation and/or maintenance of the aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations a. Controlled b. Uncontrolled c. Nonroutine d. Airworthiness


Airworthiness Directives are mandatory FAA regulations which a. Corrects an unsafe condition in a product b. Relate to the certification and operation of large, commercial aircraft c. Amends an FAR d. Gives the primary maintenance procedures to be followed for an airlines M&E operation


An Airworthiness certificate will remain in effect indefinitely as long as certain conditions are met a. True b.False


An operating certificate (OC) issued by FSDO allows a carrier to operate under Part 121 or Part 135. a. True b. False


Many small airlines do not do their own hangar maintenance and do not need their own hangar maintenance department A.True B. False


Operational checks a. Operate the equipment to determine if it is fulfilling its intended purpose b. Test the equipment for erroneous readings or malfunctions c. Are classified under a type of transit check and includes a general visual inspection d. Are quantitative checks designed to validate the inherent reliability of a component.


Restoring safety and reliability levels after deterioration has occurred is preformed through a. Unscheduled maintenance b. Process-oriented maintenance c. FAA regulation and inspection d. All of the above


The airline maintenance manual (as required by AC 120-16D) describes a. How maintenance will be conducted and how the program will be monitored and improved b. How the airline maintenance is organized, including hierarchy and accompanying responsibility c. Which suppliers and manufacturers are approved to enter contract with d. All of the above


The concept of entropy is a measure of Selected Answer: a. Unavailable energy or imperfection b. Heat c. Power d. Repair Time


Under the MSG-3 approach, failures are divided into 'safety' and 'economic' categories and are used to determine if a failure a. Is evident to the flight crew, or hidden from them b. Is essential to operation, or non-essential c. Requires Category A, B, C or D maintenance d. Should be addressed during a transit, 48 hour, or letter check


_________ confirms that the aircraft has been inspected, conforms with its type certificate, and is in airworthy condition. a. Airworthiness certificate b. Airworthiness directive c. Type certificate d. Production certificate


A _________ check requires specialized test equipment or tools for measurement. a. Letter b. Functional c. Transit d. Operational


Because each manufacturer published their own maintenance manuals, the ATA sought to reduce maintenance confusion by a. Publishing the FRM as a guideline for airline mechanics b. Standardizing the format of maintenance manuals to increase compatibility c. Identifying standard MSG-3 thought processes to detect common malfunctions d. A &B e. A & C


When should the owner or operator apply Objective 4? a. When a maintenance program is being adjusted or optimized b. When a maintenance program or mechanic's work cannot be improved c. When costs excessively outweigh the benefits of increased reliability d. When the component is subject to unpredictable failure rates and requires unscheduled maintenance.


Engine, electrical, and mechanical shops are all composed in the a. QC b. VP of M&E c. Overhaul shops directorate d. Director of Flight Operations


QA, QC, Reliability and Safety programs all constitute the core of a. Grouping of similar functions b. M&E c. CASS d. Director of Maintenance responsibilities


The Kinnison defines maintenance as a. Inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and replacement of parts b. The action necessary to sustain or restore the integrity of the airplane c. The process of ensuring that a system continually performs its intended function at its designed-in level of reliability and safety. d. A science, an art, and a philosophy


The Ops Specs document includes a focus on Quality Assurance or CASS. What is CASS? a. Concurrent Auxiliary System Scrutiny b. Completely Automated Security Screening c. Continuing Analysis and Surveillance Systems d. Comprehensive Aircraft System Servicing


The manager of _____ is responsible for conducting routine inspections of maintenance and repair work, certification, and managing RII a. QA b. Safety c. QC d. Reliability


The task-oriented approach to maintenance uses _________ to avoid in-service failures a. The Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) b. Equipment Redundancies c. Tasks d. Transit checks


What are the three types of structural inspection techniques? a. Obvious visual, Irregularity, & Intensive detailed b. Constructive, Destructive, & Nondestructive c. General visual, Detailed, & Special detailed d. General, Specific, & Detail oriented


Which Materiel Directorate controls the flow and stock of supplies? a. Purchasing b. Stores c. Inventory Control d. Shipping and Receiving


Airlines often use _______ as optional modification of a system which will improve safety a. Technical Policies and Procedures Manual (TPPM) b. Airworthiness Directives (AD) c. Advisory Circulars (AC) d. Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) e. Service Bulletins (SB)


Equipment redundancy, LRUs, and MELs are designed to a. Stabilize the erratic nature of maintenance workload b. List the configuration differences between different aircraft c. Minimize maintenance delays d. A & B E. A & C


Summarized, and airline's maintenance program Objective 5 a. Optimizes scheduled maintenance b. Plans unscheduled maintenance c. Completes data collection d. Focuses on editing and improving the maintenance program e. Recognizes that maintenance should be a company asset through necessary and effective maintenance


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