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What is adiophora? Biblical principles guiding in that

"- Adiaphora is used to describe those areas of personal liberty, wisdom, prudence, and judgement that are not explicitly determined by God's Word. Paul speaks of such things in 1 Cor 6:12-13, when he says that "All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful." - Paul also covers this in Rom 14. Paul lays out the principles of: - Helpfulness Not being dominated Using things for their designed purpose Not to quarrel over "Opinions" (Rom 14:1) Pursue what is loving and for the mutual upbuilding (Rom 14:19)"

Outline of Galatians

"1 -2 Apostolic Defense 3-4 J by F 5-6 Live by Spirit not Flesh "

How does Christ fulfill atonement

"1 Cor 5:7 "Christ, our passover lamb" Lev 16 Is 53"

Outline 2 Tim

"1 Exhortation to Tim 2 Mark of a Faithful Servant 3-4 Follow the Scriptures and Paul's Teaching"

Outline 1 Tim

"1 Exhortation to Tim 2-5 Instructions for Officers - the Church 6 Closing exhortation"

Outline 2 Thessalonians

"1 Opening and Thanksgiving 2 Man of Lawlessness 3 Dealing with Idleness"

Outline Titus

"1 Qualifications for Elders 2 Sound Teaching 3 Good Conduct"

Outline 1 Thessalonians

"1 Thanksgiving 2-3. Defense and thanksgiving - Tim's mission 4-5 Exhortation"

Outline Philippians

"1 Thanksgiving & Missionary Report 2 Call to Sanctification 3 Judaizers 4 Exhortation and Encouragement"

Outline Colossians

"1-1:14 Opening Thanksgiving 1:15- Ch 2 Supremacy of Christ 3-4 Sanctification and Instruction"

Outline Ephesians

"1-3 Doctrine: Christ and the Church 4-6 Exhortation: Life in light of the doctrine"

Outline 1 Corinthians

"1-6 Dealing with Verbal Reports 7-15 Dealing with letter 16 Closing"

Outline 2 Corinthians

"1-7 Defense and Glory of Paul's ministry 8-9 Upcoming Collection 10-13 Apostolic Defense"

Outline Romans

"1A Opening Thanksgiving 1b-5 Justification 6-8 Sanctification 9-11 Has God's purpose with Israel Failed 12-14 Exhortation 15-16 Travel Plans - Greeting - Closing"

Definitive Sanctification

"2 Cor 5:7: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. 1 Cor 1:2 "sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints" "

Active and Passive obedience of Christ

"Active obedience: his performing the righteous requirement of the Law. Passive Obedience: His taking to himself of the penalty of the Law (Heb 2:9). Rom 10:4 "Christ is the end (fulfillment, telos) of the law to everyone who believes" Rom 5: By one man's sin, many were made sinner, through one man's righteousness, many were made righteous. Matt 3:15. "It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness" 2 Cor 5:21 Matt 5:17 "I came not to abolish, but to fulfill the law. "

Archetypal Theology vs Extypal Theology

"Archetypal theology is to Ectypal theology as the Source is to the stream. Archetypal theology is God's perfect, self-existent knowledge, out of which flows ectypal theology, which is his self-revelation to his creatures. Biblical Basis: 1 Cor 2:11: the Spirit of God alone knows the thoughts of God. His independence (Acts 17)"

"What is the threefold division of the Law Defend this distinction"

"Ceremonial: Leviticus and the day of atonement Civil: Exodus 21 and the laws about slaves Moral: Exodus 20 The Moral law is distinct, written with the finger of God (Ex 24) The Ceremonial Law passes away in the vision of Peter (Acts 10), the ceasing of circumcision (Acts 15). Judicial Law ceases with the cessation of Israel as a nation state"

What are the purposes of marriage?

"Companionship (Gen 1) Godly Offspring (Mal 2) The mitigation of sexual temptation (1 Cor 7) - preventing uncleanness."

Defend Infant Baptism from the Scriptures

"Continuity of Covenant of Grace - God's faithfulness to 1000 generations. Acts 2:39 | The promise is for us and our children Acts 16 | Household baptism of Lydia Eph 6:1 Addresses children as in the Lord, indicating their inclusion in the New Covenant people. "

Prove from the Scriptures that the Holy Spirit is a Person

"Designations due a person are given him: i.e. "Parakletos" Jn 14:26 He possesses personal characteristics: intelligence (John 14:26) will (Acts 16:7), and affections (Eph 4:30). He is spoken of as "possessing power" not BEING a power (Luke 1:35). "

Please distinguish between the decretive and the preceptive will of God. Give an example in Scripture where the preceptive will was violated, and the decretive upheld.

"Deut 29:29 speaks about both, and makes this distinction Secret (decretive) will: the expression of God's perfect sovereign plan (or eternal decree), which will infallibly come to pass. Revealed (preceptive) will: the expression of God's perfect moral character (or good pleasure), which his creatures can (and often do) act contrary to. (1 Thess 4:3) EXAMPLE: Acts 3:18; Gen 50"

Ebionite Christology VS Gnostic

"Ebionite: he was mere man, and not God Gnostic: He only seemed a man"

Steps in Ordo Salutis + Scripture

"Effectual Calling (1 Cor 1:9) Regeneration (John 3, Titus 3) Justification by Faith (Rom 4-5, Galatians 3) Adoption (Gal 4; Rom 8) Sanctification (1 Thess 4; Rom 6) Perseverance (Rom 8, Philippians 1, 1 Pet 1) Glorification (1 Cor 15)"

What is the Internal Cognitive principle of knowledge?

"Faith in the Word of God, worked by the illumination of the Holy Spirit. "no one says Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit" 1 Cor 12:3 He will bear witness about me" John 15:26; No one can come to me unless the Father draws him" (John 6:44 ) External: The Scriptures are the external cognitive principle of knowledge. 2 Tim 3:16-17 1 Thess 2:13 2 Peter 1:21 "

The successive administration of the Covenant of Grace

"Gen 6 & 9 | Noahic Covenant Gen 12,15,17 | Abrahamic covenant Exodus 20 | Mosaic Covenant 2 Samuel 7 | Davidic Covenant Jeremiah 31, Luke 22 | New Covenant "

"Principle acts of Saving Faith AND Distinguish from General Faith"

"General Faith is belief in everything that God has revealed in his word. Distinguished from the principle acts of Saving Fiath, which are recieving and resting on Christ alone for our Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification. "

What is Faith? Relate to the Principal acts of Saving Faith.

"General Faith: Belief unto the saving of our souls, wrought by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the word, and increased and strengthened by the Sacraments and prayer. Principal acts: 1. Accepting, receiving and resting on Christ alone for our justification, sanctification, and eternal life."

Difference between Special and General Revelation

"General revelation refers to those attributes of God revealed in nature, namely his goodness, wisdom and power (Rom 1). It is not able to reveal the way of salvation. Special revelation refers to God's condescension in speaking directly to us, and revealing the way of Salvation. This has taken many forms, from theophany, prophecy, the casting of lots, Urim and Thummim, but in these last days God speaks to us by his Son (Heb 1), and particularly in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, those former ways passing away. "

Why did God choose some and not others?

"God chooses some out of his "mere love" and "the praise of his glorious grace" (WLC 13; Eph 1:4-6), arising out of the unsearchable counsel of his own will. It is not because he foresees any righteousness in us, or anything deserving of salvation. As to why he does not choose others, he makes all things according to his purpose, even the wicked for the day of doom (Prov 16:4). He has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills (Rom 9:18)."

What is the difference between God's necessary and free knowledge. Relate this to "middle knowledge".

"God's necessary knowledge includes his knowledge of those things that are self-evidently (necessarily) true: of mathematics (2+2), logic (the whole is greater than the part). God's free knowledge is his knowledge of that which he freely decrees, whatsoever comes to pass according to the counsel of his will. Middle knowledge (Molinism) attempts to say that God knows absolutely, because he has foreseen every possible outcome due to human choice. It attempts to carve a path between his necessary knowledge and his free knowledge, by positing an indeterministic human will. CONCLUSION: The problem with this is that it is unecessarily speculative, violates God's providence, for it allows men to potentially resist the will of GOd. "

Why is it necessary that Christ be both God and man?

"God: that he might render perfect obedience That he might endure the infinite wrath of God That the fruits of his accomplished work might be applied Man: that he be a fitting representative, tempted as we are and yet without sin. It is necessary that man bear the sin of man, and all of the misery of that condition That he might "advance our nature" That he might be a sympathetic high priest (Heb 4:15) That he might be a perfect human example to us (Philippians 2; 1 Peter 2:21)"

What is "good and necessary consequence." Give an example of a doctrine that is taught by good and necessary consequence in Scripture

"Good and necessary consequence (WCF 1.6) is a phrase that applies to what can be deduced from Scripture. Another way of saying it is "what Scripture implies, Scripture teaches." An example of a doctrine that is formulated by good and necessary consequence is the Trinity."

Specify the Ground, Instrument, and Timing of our Justification

"Ground: The righteousness of Christ imputed to us Instrument: faith in Jesus Christ Timing: At the moment of saving faith"

Ways that the Word of God evidences itself as such:

"Heavenliness of the Matter Efficacy of the doctrine Majesty of the style Consent of the parts Scope of hte whole Full discovery it makes of hte only way of Man's salvation Perfection thereof Our full assurance is the inward work of the Holy Spirit -1 Thess 1:5 -1 John 2:20, 27 "you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you have knowledge.""

"When is Jesus coming back? What will happen when Jesus comes back? "

"I don't know. There will be a general resurrection of the dead, both the just and the unjust, both unto incorruptible life (John 5:27-29). The bodies of the Just will be made like that of Christ, while the bodies of the wicked will be raised to dishonor. Whereupon will proceed the day of judgment (Matt 25:33), wherein the righteous will be acknowledged and acquited (2 Tim 4), and the wicked judged with everlasting hell (Rev 20:11-15)"

What is the communicatio idiomatum?

"In reformed theology, the Communicatio Idiomatum states that the attributes of Christ's two natures can be predicated of Christ's person. By each nature he does what is proper to each nature (ie. Col 1:15 Creating; i.e. John 11 being deeply moved) Yet by reason of the unity of his person, what is sometimes proper to one nature is attributed to the person denominated by the other nature (Acts 20, Luke 1:43, 1 Cor 2:8, Acts 3:15)"

What is the difference between the inspiration of Scripture and it's illumination

"Inspiration refers to an objective reality within the Scriptures and their authors - God's word is God-breathed (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21) Illumination refers to a subjective reality; the Spirit working within us to testify to us (Rom 8) of its veracity and truth John 15. "

What is the Doctrine of Perseverance and how would you defend it? Can you defend it via another doctrine?

"It is the teaching that those who are elect from all eternity, and who in time are effectually called by the Holy Spirit cannot lose their salvation, but will persevere into Glory. Scripturally: John 6, Phil 1:6, Rom 8, 1 Peter 1:4 Theologically: The benefits of Christ in the Ordo Salutis are coextensive You can defend it via the doctrine of election, as well as God's immutability. "

What are we to believe concerning the final resurrection?

"Jesus will call the dead from their graves General resurrection of the dead, the just and the unjust (John 5, Acts 24) The spirits of the dead will be reunited with their selfsame bodies The bodies of the righteous will be raise in power to be like Christ's glorious body The bodies of the unjust will be raised to dishonor Immediately after which the final judgement will proceed."

Defend Irresistable Grace

"John 6:37: Whoever the Father gives to me WILL COME to me Acts 16: The LORDS opened Lydia's heart Eph 2: We were dead in trespasses and sins"

Can you think of examples of God ordaining things that did not relieve the responsibility of the creature?

"Joseph being sold into slavery (Gen 37) and his saying: "what you meant for evil, God intended for good" (Gen 50). The crucifixion of Christ, which Peter pins on the Jews (Acts 3:14-18) and yet says that God foretold it by the mouth of the prophets and so fulfilled it (v. 18)."

Reconcile James and Paul on Justification

"Justification by Faith in Paul is specific and technical: it is forensic, imputational justification. Justification by works is a general sense of the word, simply meant as a demonstrations of the truth of one's faith. Both James and Paul are affirming the necessity of faith, but James is combatting a dead faith. "

What are miracles? Do they occur today?

"Miracles are those times that God work against his ordinarily ordained secondary causes; i.e. raising men from the dead. These certainly do happen today, in answer to prayer or otherwise, but they are not normative, nor do they function as the ordinary execution of God's will. However, the regular work of making dead men spiritually alive, ala Eph 2:1-10, is a miracle no less glorious than God's making all things from nothing. "

Distinguish between Oaths and Vows

"Oaths are made unto men, calling God as witness to the truth or performance of some promise. Vows are made as unto God. "

By whom is the word of God to be preached?

"One might say that in a general sense, there is a duty of every believer to proclaim the excellencies of Christ (1 Peter 2), and be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in them (1 Peter 3:15) But the formal sense, it belongs to those who are sufficiently gifted and duly ordained to the task (2 Tim 2:2, Eph 4, Rom 10)"

"What do we mean when we speak of ontological and economic perspectives on Trinity scripture basis for economic and ontological Trinity "

"Ontological Trinity refers to God in se, as he relates to himself, ad intra. The economic perspective on the trinity refers to God as he relates to us, his creatures, ad extra. Scriptural basis: Inferred from... His unity: Deut 6:4 His independence: Acts 17:23, Jer 10:6, Ps 86:8-10 He relates to us: Ps 86:11"

Analogy of Faith vs. Analogy of Scripture

"Principle that states: Scripture is a unified whole, and that the parts of Scripture must be interpreted according to the whole - the unclear interpreted by the clear - Scripture interpreting Scripture. "

Why are church censures necessary?

"Reclaiming and regaining of offending brethren Preserving the peace and purity of the church - cleansing the leaven of sin Deterring others from like offenses Vindicating the honor of Christ Preventing the wrath of God"

"Historia Salutis vs Ordo Salutis AND How do they function when preaching the Gospel"

"Redemption accomplished in the life of Christ vs redemption applied by the work of the Holy Spirit. AND We preach that the events of Christ's death and resurrection are ours by the Spirit's work. Rom 6:10-11 speaks of the same spirit present in Christ is present in us. "

What changed abut the administration of the Covenant of Grace since the OT

"Same: Substance is Christ (Col 2) Conditions are the same (Rom 4, Gal 3, cf Gen 15) Same people (Gal 4:28) Difference The administration: under the law it was administered particularly to the Jews through... Promises Prophecies Sacrifices Circumcision Paschal Lamb Shadows & Types ....Which were at that time ""SUFFICIENT and EFFICACIOUS througgh the Spirit to instruct and build up' Under administration of the New Covenant, the ordinances are fewer in number and administered with more simplicity and less outward glory, yet it is helfd forth in more fullness, evidence, and spiritual efficacy to all nations. These two are not different covenants, but one and the same, under differing dispensations. "

What are the three uses of hte Law

"THe law as a curb, preventing men from being as evil as they could possibly be Law as a mirror, exposing our sin and driving us to Christ Law as a guide to the Christian Life. "

What does Baptism Signify and Seal?

"The Covenant of Grace Our Engagement to be the Lord's Regeneration and Renewal Remission of Sins"

Defend the Covenant of Works from Scripture

"The Covenant of Works bears the mark Promises and conditions Blessings and curses Haggai 6:7: "They, like Adam, transgressed the covenant." Logic of Federal (two head) theology: Rom 5 and 1 Cor 15"

What is the aseity of God

"The aseity of God is a term that describes God's sufficiency to himself, and independence from anything outside of himself. Bavinck: "God is whatever he is by his own self or of his own self." (Quoted from Frame on aseity in TGC) SCRIPTURE: Acts 17:24-26: [24] The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, [25] nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. [26] And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, (ESV) Rom 11:36: For from him and through him, and to him are all things, to him be the glory forever." "

"Compare and contrast the church visible and the church catholic? Defend the distinction using Scripture"

"The church invisible is the total number of the elect, past present and future who will, in time, be effectually called by the Holy Spirit unto salvation. The church visible consists of all those throughtout the world who profess the true religion, to which belongs the ministry of the word, the ordinances , and outside of which there is no ordinary possibility of salvation. "

What is the Church?

"The church is the bride of Christ, his body (Eph 1, 5), those people which he has called to be his own people (Ex 19: 1 Peter 2:4), and who call upon his name. We can distinguish between the invisible church, which is comprised of the elect in Christ from every age, who are in time effectually called by the Holy Spirit, AND THE VISIBLE CHURCH: that visible society throughout the world that professes "the true religion", to whom belong the "ministry, oracles, and ordinances," the preaching of the word and the sacraments, outside of which there is no ordinary possibility of salvation. Scriptural defense of that distinction: Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13)"

What is meant by "common operations of the Spirit"

"The common operations of hte Spirit refer to those who may hear the Gospel preached, make momentary profession of Faith (Matt 13), but whose profession is revealed to be false and they are not of us (1 John 2). Matt 7:22: Those who cry Lord Lord, and yet are cast out because Christ declares that he never knew them. "

Explain and defend the Doctrine of God's decrees, from the Scriptures

"The doctrine of God's decrees states that God, according to the counsel of his own will, has, for his own glory, foreordained whatsoever comes to pass. Is 14:25: "As I have purposed, so shall it stand" Eph 1:11-12 "being predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will." Rom 9:17: For this purpose I have raised you up... so he has me4rcy on whomever he wills, and hardens whomever he wills.." "

Defend the doctrine of Hell

"The doctrine of Hell from the lips of Jesus Matt 25; Matt 10:28; Matt 13 Luke 16 It's taught in Paul 2 Thess 1 2 Tim 2 It's taught in John: Rev 20 Conceptually: It is necessary because of the perfection of God's justice, that no wicked thing will go unpunished (Prov 11:21), that he will repay men according to their deeds (2 Tim 4:14, Rom 2:6). "

Explain the doctrine of the Trinity, and defend from Scripture

"The doctrine of the Trinity states that we worship one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. SCRIPTURE: Matt 3: of Jesus and distinct acts of each person Matt 28:19: Great commission in the singular "name" of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Eph 1:1-11 2 Cor 13:14: Paul's benediction"

What are the personal properties of the Godhead

"The father is unbegotten, and proceeds from nothing: he is the fontal source or head of the Godhead The Son is eternally begotten of the Father. The Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. "

"Describe the Hypostatic Union, defend it from Scripture? What church councils upheld it?"

"The hypostatic union refers to our doctrine of Christ, specifically that he is one person in two natures, at once fully divine and fully human, without conversion, composition, or confusion of these two in any way. This doctrine is observed in John 1:1, 14 Phil 2:7-8 Hebrews 2 & 4 Gal 4:4-5 Councils: Ephesus 431, Chalcedon 451"

What is the order of decrees vis a vis the Infra-Supra debate

"The infra-Supra debate concerns itself with the LOGICAL ordering of the decrees. Supralapsarian: God decrees to glorify himself both through grace and justice -> The decree of predestination includes the decree to election and reprobation -> the decree to permit them to fall -> and the decree to justify the elect and condemn the non elect in time. Infralapsarian: The decree is to create man in blessedness and holiness -> decree to permit men to fall by the self-determination of their own will -> Decree to save some -> decree to leave others in sin. BETTER SUMMARY: Supralapsarianism: God decrees creation and permission of the fall, with his decree to elect prior to these decrees. Infralapsarianism: the personal element of election occurs logically after the decree to create and permit the fall. SUPRA: Election -> Creation -> Fall INFRA: Creation -> Fall -> Election"

"What are the keys of the Kingdom, and where in Scripture do we go to explain that? To whom have they been entrusted."

"The keys of the Kingdom are... Entrusted to the officers of the Church, by which they.... Retain and remit sins Shut the kingdom against the impenitent, both by word and censures Open it to the penitent through the Gospel, and absolution from censures. "

Define Scriptures Sufficiency, and any doctrines or practices that should be ruled out by it?

"The sufficiency of Scriptures states that all things that are necessary for life and salvation are plainly and perspicuously laid forth in the Scriptures. The scriptures are the "only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy" God. This doctrine excludes private revelations or personal prophecies, practices common in the charismatic or pentecostal movement. "

Please describe the threefold office of Christ, and give a Scriptural reference for each.

"The threefold office of Christ as our mediator refers to his fulfillment of the priestly, prophetic, and kingly work He executes the office of a priest in his humliation by his once offering up of himself a a sacrifice for sins, and reconciling us to God, and in his making continual intercession for us. (Hebrews 7, 10) He executes the office of a king in his subduing us to himself, in ruling and defending us, and in restraining and conquering all his and our enemies. (Eph 1:20; Col 1:13) He executes the office of a prophet in revealing to us, by his word and Spirit, the will of God for our salvation. (Heb 1; Luke 4; John 15)"

What is meant by Sacramental Union?

"There is a spiritual relation between the sign and the thing signified, so that the names and effects of one are attributed to another. 1 Cor 10, Titus 3, 1 Peter "

Who is to be baptized?

"Those who profess faith and new obedience unto Christ The children of believing parents"

Please name three of his communicable attributes and three of his incommunicable attributes, and explain the difference between them.

"Three communicable attributes: Love, mercy, holiness. CAVEAT: we possess these imperfectly and in part, God possesses these as perfections. Three incommunicable: Infinity, Omnipresence, aseity He possesses these perfectly. Communicable are those attributes of God that he shares or communicates to his creatures, and incommunicable attributes are those attributes that he does not share with his creatures. "

Define and defend TULIP Scripturally

"Total Depravity (Gen 6; Rom 3) Unconditional election (Rom 9; Ephesians 1-2; Deut 7) Limited Atonement (John 10, 17) Irresistable Grace (John 6:37 "He who the father gives to me shall come to me") Perseverance (Rom 8)"

What is Union with Christ, and relate it to our sanctification

"Union with Christ describes a doctrine found throughout the New Testament, prominently in John 15, Eph 4&5, Colossians 2&3, and Rom 6, wherein true believers are united to Christ spiritually, vitally, and mystically, as well as federally (Rom 5, 1 Cor 15). This union is the work of the Holy Spirit, as he unites us to Christ in our effectual calling. RELATIONSHIP TO SANCTIFICATION: Union with Christ grounds our sanctification, Rom 6 says, so that we "put on Christ" (Col 3). "

Vicarious Penal Atonement

"Vicarious Penal Atonement specifies that Christ took upon himself the full penalty of our sin (Is 53), propitiating the wrath of God (1 John 2&4) and expiating our guilt (1 Cor 5:7; Lev 16), so that we might be delivered from the debt of our sin. "He made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." -2 Cor 5:21"

Proper Grounds of True Assurance

"WCF 18.2 says founded upon the divine truth of the promises of salvation the inward evidence of those graces unto which these promises are made [and] the testimony of the Spirit of adoption" (WCF 18.2). "

What do the Ten Commandments Guard us in

"WLC 95: Knowledge of God's moral will Of our duty Humility in our need for Christ"

What is the doctrine of providence

"WSC 11: God's works of providence are his most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all of his creatures and all of their actions. WCF 5.1: This is according to the free and immutable counsel of his will, and to the praise of his glory. WCF 5.7: notes that though God's providence extends to all of his creatures, it in a special manner takes care of his church, and disposes all things to the good thereof. "

How does Christ do the work of a Priest in his Humiliation and Exhaltation:

"WSC 25: Christ executeth the office of a Priest in his once offering up of himself a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice and reconcile us to God (Humiliation), and in making continual intercession for us (Exaltation). Humiliation: Heb 10:12 Exhaltation: Rom 8:24, Heb 7 & 9"

"Does man have free will? Does it differ in various states"

"Yes, God has endued man with a will with a natural liberty, nor by any absolute rule of nature is it bound to do good or evil. Innocence: Man had the power to will what is good and pleasing to God, though mutably so. Sin and Misery: The inability to do any spiritual Good whatsoever, but only evil Salvation: We are freed from that natural bondage of sin (Gal 5), though able to do what is evil Glorification: Unable to do anything except that which is good. "

What are the criteria for good works

1. They are prescribed by God 2. Proceed from a heart purified by faith 3. Done to his glory

What is Malachi about?

A covenant complaint by God against a spiritually lazy people, and prophecy of the coming of God into his temple.

How should we observe the sabbath?

A holy resting all that day from our worldly employments and recreations, and devotion of the whole time to the public and private worship of God, excepting those works that are of either necessity or mercy.

What is Obadiah about?

A judgment against Edom for their treachery.

What is a Sacrament?

A sacrament is a holy ordinance instituted by Christ, in which, by sensible signs, Christ and the benefits of the New Covenant are represented, sealed, and applied to believers.

Does God suffer on the Cross?

Affirming impassibility (I the Lord do not change; Mal 3:6, James 1;&), NO (against Theopaschitism & Patripassianism). The second person of the Trinity suffers qua his human nature.

What doctrines of men are we free from?

Any as are contrary to the word of God, or besides it in matters of faith and worship.

What is vicarious penal atonement

Christ's restoration of the elect unto God, by his willing sacrifice on their behalf, bearing the penalty and punishment for our sins.

What is meant by general equity

General equity is speaking particularly of the civil law, and it's ongoign significance, which is not found in straightfoward application, but in discerning the wisdom and justice of Old Testament case law.

What are the limits of General revelation

General revelation is able to reveal God's power, goodness, and wisdom, but not that which is necessary unto salvation.

List the books of Scripture

Get good at this.

Scriptural teaching on election

God chooses some out of his "mere love" and "the praise of his glorious grace" (WLC 13; Eph 1:4-6), arising out of the unsearchable counsel of his own will. It is not because he foresees any righteousness in us, or anything deserving of salvation.

What is God?

God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, Goodness, and truth.

If God has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass, how is he not the author of sin?

God is not the author of sin because he has "ordered things to fall out according to the nature of second causes, either necessarily, freely, or contingently" (WCF 5.2), so that "the sinfulness thereof proceedeth only from the creature." (WCF 5.4)

What is Jonah about?

God's mercy on an repentant Gentile people - the Assyrian Ninevites.

Why has God predestined some unto salvation and not others.

God's predestining of some unto everlasting life, and not others, proceeds out of his "mere good pleasure", according to the counsel of his will. It is no foreseen faith, or cause found in man, that God predestines some - he simply has mercy on whom he has mercy (Rom 9, Deut 7).

What is Ezekiel about?

God's purposes in the Babylonian exile, and promise of coming renewal, when his glory will return to his temple.

What are God's works of Providence

God's works of providence are his most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all of his creatures and all of their actions.

What is Amos about?

He prophesied against the oppression of the poor by the rich, and the decadence and apostasy of Israel and Judah.

What is the duty of the Christian to the magistrate

Honor, obey, pay taxes (Rom 13, 1 Peter 2) Pray for them (1 Tim 2)

Is there a final justification?

I am led to understand in some of my reading of Gaffin, Mark Jones, and others, that there are reformed theologians who attest to a double justification, or a final justification based on works (from Rom 2:6 and elsewhere), but I don't quite understand the argument at the present time, so I prefer to rest on the word "vindication", so as not to equivocate and confuse.

Angel of the Lord

I've heard arguments that it is a manifestation of the preincarnate Christ, at the least a theophany (Zech 12:8; Joshua 5; Judges 13:22). I don't know that I have a definitive answer to that, and would like to study that further.

Explain Christ's presence in the Supper

In the Lord's Supper, we feed on Christ's body and blood, not after a corporeal or carnal manner, but spiritually and mystically. Christ's body dwells in heaven, and yet it is presented to us who feed on him by faith, as truly as the outward elements are presented to our senses.

What is Hosea about?

Israel's unfaithfulness, represented in Hosea's taking a prostitute as a wife.

What is Jeremiah about?

Jeremiah's lament in the face of Judah's destruction, and anticipation of the New Covenant.

What is "binding on the conscience"

Jesus Christ is Lord of the Conscience (WCF 20.2), and therefore he alone can bind it through his word, and has otherwise left it free from the commandments of men which are in anything contrary to his Word, or besides it, in matters of Faith and worship.

What is lamentations about?

Lamentation over the destruction of Jerusalem.

Are visible representations of the Trinity and - or Christ lawful

No, per the second Commandment (Ex 20).

Is divorce permissable

Only on the condition of sexual immorality (Matt 19) or abandonment (1 Cor 7)

What are the elements of worship - what are the parts of the ordinary religious worship of GOd?

Prayers, Songs, the reading and preaching of the word, the sacraments, oaths, vows, and on special occasions, thanksgivings and fasts

Relate Repentance and the Gospel

Repentance is an evangelical grace, whereby a sinner comes to a holy hatred of his sin, as well as an apprehension of the mercy of Christ, and so turns from his sin unto God, with fresh endeavor after and purpose of new obedience. It is not to be rested in as satisfaction for sin, but yet it is of such necessity, that none may expect pardon without it.

Are all sins equally sinful

Some sins in themselves, or by want of several aggravations, are more sinful in the sight of God than others.

Define Divine Simplicity

That God is not a composite being; that is, he is not composed of body, parts or passions. His essence and attributes are identical - All that is in God is God, as he possesses his attributes as perfections, that are not distinct from him.

Regulative Principle of Worship

That the elements of worship must be prescribed and warranted by the Holy Scriptures alone, and not the imaginations or devices of men (Lev 10, Ex 20, 32)

What is the communion of the Saints?

The Communion of the Saints is that doctrine of the church where she is described as one body, with Christ as her head (Eph 4), and thereby share in each other's gifts and graces (1 Cor 12). We are to build each other up and conduct ourselves for the mutual edification of each other (Gal 6, Eph 4, Rom 14, 1 Cor 12).

What does the confession mean by spiritual Union?

The Confession speaks of Spiritual union in the context of the sacraments, speaking of the way that the sign and the signified are so joined, such that the names and effects of the one are attributed to the other. EXAMPLES: "Baptism saves" (1 Peter 3:21); God saying that circumcision IS the covenant (Gen 17), Jesus saying this IS my blood.

What is Zephaniah about?

The coming day of the Lord, and the saving of a remnant.

What is Joel about?

The coming day of the Lord, represented in terrible plagues.

What is Nahum about?

The coming judgment upon Ninevah

What is Daniel about?

The coming of the Kingdom of God, and of the Son of Man into Power.

What is Micah about?

The coming peace of the Royal deliverer, who will bring peace upon the nations

Does infallible assurance belong to the essence of faith

The confession of faith says NO.

What are the decrees of God?

The decrees of God are his eternal purpose, according to the counsel of his will, whereby, for his own glory, he hath foreordained whatsoever comes to pass.

What does the image of God consist of?

The image of God, as the catechism says, consists of "knowledge, righteousness and holiness, with dominion over the creatures." The first three describe God's attributes that man possesses in his nature, while the fourth describes his office - he is vice-ruler and subcreator.

With which nature does Christ's personality derive

The preexistent divine nature.

What is Habakkuk about?

The question of God's justice in bring judgment upon Judah through a wicked nation.

What is Haggai about?

The rebuilding of the temple and restoration of God's presence amongst his people

What is Isaiah about?

The warning of God's coming judgment, during the decline of Israel in the shadow of Assyria

What is the necessity of Scripture

Though Creation and General revelation do manifest God's goodness, wisdom, and power (Rom 1), these things are not sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and of his will, that is necessary to salvation. And so God has been pleased to reveal these things which pertain to salvation in the Scriptures, for the better preserving and propagating of them, for the sure "establishment and comfort of the church against the corruption of the flesh, the malice of Satan, and the world," as the confession says.

Is Mary the Theotokos?

Yes, per Ephesus and Chalcedon

Does baptism save?

Yes, when it is received by faith, though it's efficacy is not inseperably joined to the moment of its administration.

Was Adam a historical person?


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