Lifespan development revel and blackboard questions

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Blindness, the most serious visual impairment is defined as visual acuity below _______ after correction a. 20/500 b. 20/70 c. 20/100 d. 20/200


Humans have approximately ____________ genes. a. 5000 b. 100,000 c. 50,000 d. 25,000


The average annual weight gain for both boys and girls in middle childhood is ________. a. 3 to 6 pounds b. more than 10 pounds c. 8 to 10 pounds d. 5 to 7 pounds

5 to 7 pounds

How are assimilation and accommodation similar?

Both are ways to bring about cognitive development

Shalise believes that child development is a process of continuous change. Her classmate Evan says that development follows a pattern of discontinuous change. Who is correct? A. Shalise B. Evan C. Both D. Neither

Both: a child's development is marked by both continuous and discontinuous change

Which statement best represents the view of developmentalists? a. Growth and change occur in all aspects of a persons life across their lifespan b. Growth and change occur primarily in children and adolescents c. Growth and change occur primarily in some aspects of a persons life d. Growth and change are less important to study than stability

Growth and change occur in all aspects of a persons life across their lifespan

which perspective contends that people have a natural capacity to make decisions about their lives? a. cognitive perspective b. psychodynamic perspective c. Humanistic perspective d. behavioral perspective

Humanistic perspective

Which statement regarding infant mortality in the United States is true? a. infant mortality is very low in the United States because low-birthweight deliveries are so rare. b. compared to all other countries, the United States has the lowest infant mortality rate. c. compared to all other countries, the United States has the highest infant mortality rate. d. Infant mortality is higher in the United States than some countries due to having higher rates of low-birthweight deliveries

Infant mortality is higher in the United States than some countries due to having higher rates of low-birthweight deliveries

Who is considered the predominant theorist in the area of cognitive development? a. Jean Piaget b. Sigmund Freud c. Albert Bandera d. Erik Erikson

Jean Piaget

Because the genetic makeup of_________________ twins is nearly identical, researchers can conclude that variations in their behavior is probably due to environmental factors. a. Monozygotic b. heterozygous c. dizygotic d. homzygous


In the __________, an orally administered test, young children may be asked questions about their everyday activities or asked to copy complex figures. a. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children b. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale c. Raven Progressive Matrices Test d. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

Which of the following is an advantage of group-administered tests over individually administered tests? a. The content of their questions is less limited and restricted. b. Outside factors are less likely to distract test-takers. c. They are more efficient and less expensive to administer. d. Children taking them tend to be more motivated.

They are more efficient and less expensive to administer.

The key symptom of presbycusis, which is common in middle adulthood is ___________ a. constant low buzzing or ringing in the ears b. inability to locate the source and direction of sounds c. a decline in the ability to hear high-pitched sounds d. a feeling of heaviness or blockage in the ears

a decline in the ability to hear high-pitched sounds

Which of the following is an important legacy left by Alfred Binet's work on intelligence testing? a. using theory to develop assessment measures b. emphasizing cultural sensitivity in intelligence testing c. a focus on linking intelligence with academic success d. establishing a firm theoretical basis of developmental stages

a focus on linking intelligence with academic success

What is the key factor guiding developmental perspectives that consider the relationships between individuals and their physical, cognitive, personality, and social worlds? a. contextual factors b. genetics c. habituation d. conditioning

a. contextual factors

Shawna's gifted and talented program permits her to move through the curriculum at her own pace and even to skip a grade, if she shows the ability to do so. Her program uses the __________ approach. a. individualized b. enrichment c. acceleration d. mainstreaming


An assessment of a student's knowledge of the Spanish language is an example of a(n) __________ test. a. intelligence b. achievement c. aptitude d. developmental


One advantage of measures of information processing in infants, such as speed of processing and visual recognition memory, over developmental measures is that information processing assessments __________. a. reveal whether children are falling behind their peers b. are better predictors of future IQ scores c. include physical as well as mental abilities d. are more gender-neutral

are better predictors of future IQ scores

Piaget's two basic principles of growth in children's understanding of the world are___________ and ___________ a. reward and punishment b. schemas and assessment c. assimilation and accommodation d. cognition and behavior

assimilation and accommodation

The presence of an extra X chromosome in male babies produces ____________, a disease characterized by genetic abnormalities. a. fragile X syndrome b. Klinefelters syndrome c. sickle cell anemia d. Tay-Sachs disease

b. Klinefelters syndrome

As Juanito looks back over his long life, he feels a sense of unity in his life's accomplishments. He can be said to be in Erikson's __________ development. a. industry vs. inferiority b. ego integrity vs. despair c. identity vs. role diffusion d. generatively vs. stagnation

b. ego integrity vs. despair

The most informative way that researchers can learn about the different effects of nature and nurture on human development is through studies of_________. a. non related children raised in the same household b. identical twins raised separately c. primates and other animals similar to humans d. siblings separated by divorce while still young

b. identical twins raised separately

When a cluster of cells in the ovum splits off within the first two weeks after fertilization and forms two nearly identical zygotes, the result is_______________. a. dizygotic twins b. monozygotic twins c. quadruplets d. premature birth

b. monozygotic twins

Projections suggest that by 2050, people age 65 and over will account for nearly _________ of the population. a. one-tenth b. one-quarter c. one-half d. one-third

b. one-quarter

____________ is a childbirth technique based on the principle that giving birth should be as natural as possible and should not involve the use of medications of medical interventions a. water birthing b. the Bradley method c. the lamaze technique d. hypnobirthing

b. the Bradley method

______________ is a formal technique for promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones. a. punishment b. reinforcement c. classical remediation d. behavior modification

behavior modification

Proponents of which major theoretical perspective believe that the keys to understanding development are observable behavior and outside stimuli in the environment? a. psychodynamic b. behavioral c. cognitive d. evolutionary


During the preschool period, a child's _________ grow(s) faster than any other part of the body a. muscles b. heart c. brain d. lungs


Advances in gross motor skills during the preschool years are related to _________ in areas of the brain related to balance and coordination. a. lateralization and subcortical levels b. temperamental factors and lateralization c. brain development and myelination of neurons d. brain development and plasticity

brain development and myelination of neurons

Which statement describes the difference between classical conditioning and operant conditioning? a. Classical conditioning involves cognitive responses and operant conditioning involves behavioral responses b. Classical conditioning involves voluntary responses and operant conditioning involves automatic responses c. Classical conditioning involves automatic responses and operant conditioning involves voluntary responses d. Classical conditioning involves behavioral responses and operant conditioning involves cognitive responses

c. Classical conditioning involves automatic responses and operant conditioning involves voluntary responses

Jean Piaget's perspective on cognitive development assumes that thinking undergoes_________ advances, whereas the information-processing approach assumes that development is marked by ___________ advantages. a. quantitative; qualitative b. quantitative; discontinuous c. qualitative; quantitative d. continuous; discontinuous

c. qualitative; quantitative

During the end of her pregnancy, Betsy's fetus was in the breech position, so the doctors decided to surgically remove the baby from the uterus. What type of birth did Betsy and her baby have? a. uterine b. transverse c. umbilical d. cesarean


Researchers in the early learning department of a university are conducting a long-term study to see how problem solving skills change over time as students move from elementary school to high school to college. What type of development are the researchers most likely studying? a. cognitive b. personality c. social d. physical


which perspective emphasizes how people internally represent and think about the world? a. cognitive perspective b. psychodynamic perspective c. evolutionary perspective d. behavioral perspective

cognitive perspective

A group of people who are born around the same time in the same place is called _________. a. race b. cohort c. ethnic group d. normative group


One problem with using cross-sectional studies to investigate intelligence across different ages is that results may be skewed by __________. a. attrition in the sample b. practice effects c. experimenter bias d. cohort effects

cohort effects

Which perspective specifically focuses on the relationship between individuals and their physical, cognitive, personality, and social worlds? a. humanistic b. contextual c. cognitive d. behavioral


Benito conducts an experiment in which group A is exposed to a particular treatment and group B is given no treatment. If group A is designated as the treatment group then group B is the ___________. a. independent variable b. dependent variable c. control group d. treatment group

control group

What type of research design is used when people of different ages are compared at the same point in time? a. longitduinal b. sequential c. correlational d. cross-sectional


When it comes to intelligence, some people say there is no substitute for experience. Which concept reflects this perspective? a. emotional intelligence b. crystallized intelligence c. fluid intelligence d. cultural intelligence

crystallized intelligence

Schaie's study of intelligence in older people found that, in general, as people age __________. a. fluid intelligence improves steadily b. crystallized intelligence declines sharply c. crystallized intelligence remains steady d. fluid intelligence remains steady

crystallized intelligence remains steady

What is the best type of study to determine if daily reading with a parent can increase the speed at which a child learns to read independently? a. hypothetical b. correlational c. theoretical d. experimental

d. experimental

Which of the following is an environmental factor that may influence the intelligence of a child? a. spatial skills b. father's intelligence c. genetic makeup d. friendships with intelligent peers

d. friendships with intelligent peers

Development that occurs in distinct steps or stages with each stage bringing about behavior that is assumed to be qualitatively different from behavior at earlier stages is called _________ change. a. discontinuous b. continuous c. critical d. natural


The use of _________, which is designed to increase the size of the opening of the vagina, has filled into disfavor in recent years and is diminishing in frequency a. induced labor b. episotomy c. a Braxton hicks contraction d. oxytocin


Which developmental research strategy is borrowed from the field of anthropology and used to investigate cultural questions? a. ethnography b. survey research c. psychophysiological research d. experimentation


The_______________ perspective identifies behaviors that are the result of genetic inheritance a. psychodynamic b. contextual c. cognitive d. evolutionary


Which perspective seeks to identify behavior that is the result of our genetic inheritance? a. cognitive perspective b. psychodynamic perspective c. evolutionary perspective d. behavioral perspective

evolutionary perspective

When an investigator devises different conditions and then compares the outcomes of the participants exposed to those different conditions in order to see how behavior is affected, this is called__________. a. hypothesis b. experiment c. theory d. treatment


__________ research is designed to discover causal relationships between various factors. a. correlational b. hypothetical c. experimental d. theoretical


One major personality trait that has even linked to genetic factors is _______________, defined as the degree to which a person is outgoing and seeks contact with others. a. extroversion b. friendliness c. neuroticism d. introversion


Freud believed that if children are either unable to gratify themselves during a particular stage of development, or if they are over gratified during a particular stage of development, _________may occur. a. fixation b. conflict c. stages d. patterns


Noticing that their baby daughter seems to love singing and dancing, her nonmusical parents stream music into the house constantly and purchase a piano and child-sized guitar. this is an example of_____________. a. the inheritance of a personality trait b. genes influencing the environment the phenotype influencing the genotype d. nurture influencing nature

genes influencing the environment

Theresa has been described as "a natural athlete." Her room at home is full of soccer balls, basketball nets, softball bats, and similar sports items. This is an example of how _____ can influence the _____. a. genes; the environment b. the phenotype; the genotype c. the environment; genes d. nurture; nature

genes; the environment

During the _______ stage of rental development , the fertilized egg, or blastocyst, attaches itself to the wall of the uterus a. zygotic b. germinal c. fetal d. embryonic


Which eye disease occurs when pressure in the fluid of the eye increases? a. Conjunctivitis b. tinitus c. glaucoma d. presbycusis


Research on giftedness has found that gifted people tend to be __________ than their non-gifted peers. a. less popular b. healthier c. less happy d. more awkward


The financial crisis of the 2010's exerted what type of cohort of children growing up during this period? a. age graded influences b. non-normative life event influences c. history graded influences d. sociocultural-graded influences

history graded influences

Which theoretical perspective argues that people have a fundamental ability to control their behavior and make rational decisions about their lives? a. psychoanalytic b. behavioral c. humanistic d. social-cognitive learning theory


In the procedure known as______________, a man's sperm is used to fertilize a woman's ova in a lab a. Reproductive intervention b. artificial insemination c. surrogate motherhood d. in vitro fertilization

in vitro fertilization

During an experiment, researchers manipulate the __________ and measure the __________. a. dependent variable; independent variable b. independent variable; dependent variable c. control group; treatment group d. treatment group; control group

independent variable; dependent variable

The ability of young infants to make fine discriminations between sounds is particularly important in the development of the ability to understand a. language b. music c. syntax d. voices


As children grow, the two halves of the brain become increasingly differentiated and specialized in a processionals called ______. a. hemispheric preference b. lateralization c. sequential processing d. resiliency


Which of the Bronfenbrenner's levels provides the connections between the various aspects of the person's life? a. exosystem b. mesosystem c. microsystem d. macrosystem


A(n)_____________ occurs when pregnancy ends before the developing child is able to survive outside the mother's womb. a. premature birth b. ectopic pregnancy c. stillbirth d. miscarriage


The fact that many human traits are determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors is referred to as_______________. a. joint evolution b. natural selection c. multifactorial transmission d. binary influence

multifactorial transmission

The _______ approach to perception considers how information that is collected by various individual sensory systems is integrated and coordinated. a. conditional b. holistic c. affordance d. multimodal


A baby is born 39 weeks after conception and weighing 3400 grams would be characterized as ___________. a. both preterm and small-for-gestational-age b. small-for-gestational-age only c. preterm only d. neither preterm or small-for-gestational-age

neither preterm or small-for-gestational-age

Each human parents usually contributes ________ to the developing zygote. a. 23 X chromosomes and 23 Y chromosomes b. one of the two chromosomes in each pair in 23 c. 23 genes c. 46 genes

one of the two chromosomes in each pair in 23

A form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weaker by its association with positive or negative consequences is called _________. a. the behavioral perspective b. the psychodynamic perspective c. operant conditioning d. classical conditioning

operant conditioning

A study that seeks to examine how stable shyness is across the life span is focused on _________ development a. personality b. social c. physical d. cognitive development


__________ is an example of fine motor skills that infants typically master within the first year a. wiggling the fingers b. picking up small objects c. lifting the head d. walking with support

picking up small objects

Most traits are governed by a combination of gene pairs. This is called____________. a. dominant traits b. behavioral genetics c. polygenic inheritance d. X-linked genes

polygenic inheritance

The intellectually disabled with the lowest intellectual score (IQs below 20 or 25) and adaptive abilities are classified as having a __________ intellectual disability. a. severe b. mild c. moderate d. profound


Advocates of the __________ perspective argues that much of behavior is motivated by inner forces, memories, and conflicts about which a person has little awareness or control? a. psychodynamic b. psychosocial c. behavioral d. sociolcultural


Proponents of which major theoretical perspective believe that behavior is largely motivated by subconscious inner forces and memories? a. psychodynamic b. behavioral c. cognitive d. evolutionary


According to Sigmund Freud, the series of stages that children progress through in which pleasure and gratification are focused on a particular biological function is called________. a. psychosexual development b. the psychosocial revolution c. psychodynamic awareness d. psychoanalytical growth

psychosexual development

Erik Erikson proposed a _________theory, which emphasized that society and culture influence shape us. a. psychosocial b. Psychodynamic c. psychoanalytic d. behavioral


Erikson's_____ theory was created as an alternative psychodynamic view emphasizing social interaction with other people. a. social-cognitive b. psychosocial development c. humanistic potential d. behavioral perspective

psychosocial development

Which technique ensures that personal characteristics that might affect the outcome of an experiment are scattered among research participants in the different groups, thereby making the groups roughly equivalent? a. dependent recursion b. random assignment c. independent assignment d. regression to the mean

random assignment

A test is considered to have __________ when it produces consistent results each time it is administered. a. reliability b. validity c. cultural fairness d. accuracy


One of the most important ways behavior becomes integrated is through the development of various body______________, which are repetitive, cyclical patterns of behavior. a. rhythms b. movements c. synapses d. states


The infants tendency to turn its head toward things that touch its cheek is known as the ___________ reflex. a. Babinski b. cuddling c. rooting d. Moro


A parent who provides less and less guidance each time a child tries a puzzle is using.....


Dr. Sardonicus wants to examine the effectiveness of different teaching techniques. Her 9:00 AM class will be exposed to a new method of viewing online instructional videos while her 10:00AM class will be exposed to traditional lectures. She will assess the student's memory for the information across six sessions. What method is the professor using to test her ideas? a. intuitive b. sociological c. anecdotal d. scientific


Although young adults are generally healthy, by their early 20's, __________, a natural physical decline brought by increasing age, haas already begun. a. senescence b. senility c. debilitation d. maturation


Sara contracted rubella in the eleventh week of her pregnancy. Emily contracted rubella during the thirtieth week of he pregnancy. The difference in the way rubella would affect an unborn child at these two times is an example of _______. a. continuous change b. discontinuous change c. critical period d. sensitive period.

sensitive period

Which learning approach emphasizes the importance of modeling? a. classical conditioning b. behavior modification c. social cognitive learning d. operant conditioning

social cognitive learning

One of the major body rhythms, the degree of awareness to both internal and external stimulation, is known as an infant's ____________. a. state b. autostimulation c. pattern d. active-quiet transition


A language arts test that uses examples of bus and subway schedules to measure reading comprehension is likely to favor members of which group? a. students from educated families b. students from rural communities c. students from affluent families d. students from urban communities

students from urban communities

The____________ is Freud's representation of incorporating the distinction between right and wrong a. conscious b. id c. superego d. unconscious


When a group of people are chosen to represent a larger population and are asked about their attitudes, behaviors, or thinking on a given topic, this is considered _________ research. a. ethnographic b. case study c. experimental d. survey


A person's __________, defines as enduring patterns of arousal and emotionality in an individual, has a strong genetic basis, but it can be influenced by environmental factors such as family traits and behaviors. a. character b. sensitivity c. reactivity d. temperament


_____________ emphasizes the processes that allow people to know, understand, and think about the world. a. classical conditioning b. the psychodynamic perspective c. Operant conditioning d. the cognitive perspective

the cognitive perspective

one factor in the increased reliance on cesarean delivery in the US is ________________. a. the higher incidence of breech births b. the greater use of fetal heart monitors c. wider awareness of the health benefits of the procedure for the mother d. wider awareness of the health benefits of the procedure for the baby

the greater use of fetal heart monitors

How are sperm and ova alike? a. they are created at about the same time b. they both enter the fallopian tube c. they are about the same size d. they are about the same number of both

they both enter the fallopian tube

The ________ pair of chromosomes determines the sex of the child. a. twenty-third b. fourth c. forty-sixth d. first


The noninvasive prenatal testing procedure that is commonly used to determine the size and shape of the baby and to monitor developmental patterns is called ____________. a. an Apgar screen b. chronic villus sampling c. ultrasound sonography d. amniocentesis

ultrasound sonography

Freud believed that the ___________ contains infantile wishes, desires, demands, and needs that are hidden from conscious awareness because they are disturbing. a. superego b. conscience c. ego d. unconscience


Secondary sex characteristics are the _________ that do not include the sex organs directly. a. visible signs of sexual maturity b. changes in brain structure c. hormone-induced mood swings d. changes in height and weight

visible signs of sexual maturity

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