LinkedIn Checkpoint Quiz
Your About/Summary section should start with...
An engaging hook that catches the reader's attention
For the Experience section on LinkedIn, you should...
Copy your bullet statements from your resume
It is required that I join the following LinkedIn groups for the LinkedIn Profile Assignment:
Nebraska College of Business LinkedIn group The Official University of Nebraska-Lincoln Alumni Association LinkedIn group
Which of the following should be included in your Intro section on LinkedIn: (Select all that apply)
Professional profile picture Headline that describes your experience, employment, and/or what you are seeking Professional banner photo Name pronunciation (must be completed in the app) Your email as part of the contact information Industry and location
Every graduate of the College of Business at UNL earns a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree, and it should be listed as such on your LinkedIn profile
You can copy the Online Summary assignment that you did in BSAD 222 and use that for your LinkedIn About/Summary section
I feel ready to finish and turn in my LinkedIn assignment, and/or if I have questions, I will reach out to my group moderator ahead of time
I have reviewed the LinkedIn Profile Assignment instructions and rubric to see what is required in the other sections of my LinkedIn profile