linux test 3

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Which option to the dpkg command can be used to list the files that comprise a package?


A system administrator wants to allow most users to be able to run cron jobs, but wants to specifically prevent a couple of users from doing so. Which of the following files could the administrator edit to disallow these users from creating cron jobs?


Most log files on the system are found in which directory?


Which of the following commands can be used to remove the test DPM package, including any test configuration files?

apt purge test

Which of the following can be used preceding a command to prevent a process from terminating when the parent process terminates?


Which command would you use to unlock a user account?

passwd -u username

Which of the following commands can be used to terminate a process by the process name?


As daemon processes are not associated with terminals, you must use an option such as -e alongside the ps command to view them. True or False?


Most source code is typically available on the Internet in tarball format or as a git repository. True or False?


Which option to the rpm command can be used to remove a package from the system?


Which dump level indicates a full backup?


Which of the following commands will show the current user cron jobs that have been created for the currently logged in user?

crontab -l

After a background process has been started, what command below can be used to move it to the foreground?


Which of the following commands can you use to view events within the journald database?


Which of the following log files contains information and error messages generated by the Linux kernel?


Which command entered without arguments is used to display a list of processes running in the current shell?


Which of the following commands will show a list of process names along with their process ID (PID)? (Choose two.)

ps top

Which of the following is the highest value that can be set for the nice value which would result in a greater chance of a lower priority?


In which directory would a system administrator store scripts that should be run monthly by the cron daemon?


Which of the following files contains the list of shared libraries?


Which file contains default information such as UID and GID ranges and minimum password length to be used at user creation?


What is the name of the file that contains a listing of all users on the system and their home directories?


Where are individual user tasks scheduled to run with the cron daemon stored on a Fedora system?


If a process state is currently showing as uninterruptible sleep, which letter will show in the output of the ps command?


Which of the following statements is true? (Choose all that apply.)

If /etc/at.allow exists, only users listed in it can use the at command. If /etc/cron.allow exists, only users listed in it can use the cron command. If /etc/cron.deny exists and /etc/cron.allow does not exist, any user not listed in /etc/cron.deny can use the cron command.

When you run the ps command, how are daemon processes recognized?

There is a question mark in the TTY column.

Which of the following is a tool that can be used to search Internet software repositories for RPM packages that map to your system's architecture, and automatically install or upgrade those packages on your system?


Which of the following commands will display a list of the pending jobs to be run? (Choose all that apply.)

at -l atq at -q

Which of the following commands extracts an archive?

cpio -vicdu -I /dev/fd0

What is the name given to a process not associated with a terminal?

daemon process

Which of the following commands can be used to remove a group from a Linux system? (Choose all that apply.)

groupdel delgroup

Which of the following commands can a user run to display the groups that they are a member of?


Which process has a PID of 1 and a PPID of 0?


A runaway process that is faulty and consuming mass amounts of system resources ________.

is a rogue process

Which of the following commands can you use to send a print job to printer1? (Choose all that apply.)

lp -d printer1 mydocument.txt lpr -P printer1 mydocument.txt

The process of sending print jobs from the print queue to the printer is called _____.


Which of the following commands will install an RPM package while ignoring any other packages that it may be dependent upon for proper operation?

rpm -ivh --nodeps package.rpm

Which of the following commands will install a package using the Red Hat Package Manager, showing all information, while printing pound signs to show the progress of installation?

rpm -ivh packagename.rpm

The at command is used to _______________.

schedule processes to run at a single instance in the future

Which of the following options for the tar command will create an archive that is also gzipped while displaying all of the work in progress to the terminal screen?

tar -czvf

Which of the following commands can be used to delete a user account?


Files that have been compressed using the xz utility typically have the ______ extension.


In which file can you configure rules for logging on a Linux system?


What kill level signal cannot be trapped?


Which of the following environment variables can you change the value of to set the default printer on a Linux system? (Choose two.)


Which of the following commands can be used to back up files in case of system failure, supports long filenames, and can also back up device files?


Which of the following is the log file where Dandified YUM writes its log entries?


When referring to the /etc/rsyslog.conf file, __________ specifies information from a certain area of the system, whereas ________ is the level of importance of that information

facility, priority

Which of the following commands will send a process's resources to /dev/null to kill the process for process ID 1357?

kill -9 1357

What is the name of the utility used to rotate log files?


Every process has a process ID and a_______.

parent process ID

The -9 option to the gzip utility results in a higher compression ratio. True or False?


Nice values are used to affect process priorities using a range between _____________.

-20 and 19

What option can be added to the dpkg command to remove a specified package from the system, including any configuration files used by the package?


Which of the following options can be used with the usermod command to change the description of the user account that is stored in the GECOS field?


What option can be used with the ps command to display an entire list of processes across all Terminals, including daemons?


When using the compress command to archive a set of files into a single file, which of the following options will display the compression ratio of the individual files making up the new compressed file?


When compiling source code into a binary program, which command performs a system check and creates the Makefile?


Which of the following file extensions are used by the Debian Package Manager?


The System Log Daemon, rsyslogd, creates a socket for other system processes to write to. What is the path to this socket?


Which of the following files stores information about failed logins on a Linux system?


Where are scheduled commands stored on Ubuntu Linux systems?


You have created a full backup and four incremental backups. In which order must you restore these backups?

0, 1, 2, 3, 4

If no level of compression is specified, the gzip command assumes what compression level?


Which kill signal terminates a process by taking the process information in memory and saving it to a file called core on the hard disk in the current working directory?


The pkill command terminates _________.

all instances of a process with the same name matched by a regular expression

Which of the following commands can be used to install the latest versions of all packages currently installed on the system from the sources configured in sources.list?

apt upgrade

Which of the following commands can you use to search available repository information? (Choose two.)

apt-cache apt

Which of the following Debian Package Management commands will install the newest versions of all packages that are currently installed on a system?

apt-get upgrade

You use lpstat and determine that a user named User1 has placed two large print jobs in the queue for Printer1 that have yet to start printing. They have print job IDs of Printer1-17 and Printer1-21, respectively. Which command would you use to remove these two jobs from the print queue?

cancel Printer1-17 Printer1-21

Which of the following will show account aging information for a user such as the date of the last password change, when the password expires, and the number of days of warning before the password expires?

chage -l jsmith

What command is used to view and modify user jobs scheduled to run with cron?


You have run the top command successfully, but realize that the q key on the keyboard has suddenly stopped working. What is another way that you can exit out of the top program?


Which of the following commands can be used to pause a printer named Printer1?

cupsdisable Printer1

Which command can be used to create an image backup of a partition?


Emily accidentally created a new user account on the wrong server. Which of the following commands could she use to delete the account she created? (Choose all that apply.)

deluser userdel

Which of the following commands can be used to modify configuration options for DPM packages after they have been installed?


Which of the following is the log file where the Debian Package Manager writes entries for actions taken and packages installed?


Along with a listing of user accounts, the /etc/passwd file contains information on account expiry. True or False?


The Debian Package Manager (DPM) is the default package manager used by Fedora 28. True or False?


The bzip2 and gzip utilities use similar compression algorithms. True or False?


To install a new program from RPM software repositories on the Internet, you can use the dnf update programname command. True or False?


Which command can be used to see processes running in the background?


Which of the following commands can be used to only show jobs that have been paused.

jobs -s

What command can you use to view journald log entries on a system that uses Systemd?


Which of the following commands should be run following the installation of a shared library to update the /etc/ and /etc/ files?


Which of the following commands will list missing libraries as not found if a necessary library is not installed?


Which command can be used to send a print job to the default printer named Printer1? (Choose all that apply.)

lp -d Printer1 file lp file

Which of the following commands can be used to set the default printer for all users on a Linux system where printer1 is the name of the printer?

lpoptions -d printer1

Which of the following commands can be used to see files that are currently being used by a specific process ID (PID)?


What command looks for a Makefile and uses the information within it to compile the source code into binary programs using the appropriate compiler program for the local hardware architecture?


When compiling source code into a binary program, which command does the compiling using the GNU C Compiler?


After compiling source code, which command still needs to be run in order to copy the newly compiled binaries into a directory listed in the PATH variable as well as copy supporting files (such as man pages) to the correct location on the filesystem?

make install

Which command can be used to temporarily alter the primary group associated with a given user?


What command is used to display the lineage of a process by tracing its PPIDs until the init daemon?


Which of the following characters, when pressed while the top program is running, will allow you to change the niceness of a process?


While the top command is running, what key can be pressed to change the nice value of a process?


Which of the following commands will most likely increase the chance of a process receiving more time slices?

renice -12

Which of the following hashing algorithm commands reduces the chances of collisions due to the bit length of the message digest?


Which of the following two commands can be used to add custom log file entries to the journald database? (Choose two.)

systemd-cat logger

Which of the following commands creates an archive?

tar -zcvf /dev/st0 *

When a printer is disabled, ________.

the print queue accepts jobs into the print queue and holds them there until the printer is enabled again

When a printer is rejecting requests,____________.

the print queue does not accept jobs and sends a message to the user noting that the printer is unavailable

Which command is used to delete a user account?

userdel username

Which command can you use to lock a user account?

usermod -L username

Which of the following commands can be used to set the number of days until user account jsmith with an expired password is disabled?

usermod -f 15 jsmith

Which of the following is the first field of the /etc/passwd file?


Which of the following commands can be used to schedule very frequent recurring tasks, such as running once every minute?


Which of the following can be used at the command line to download a file using the HTTP protocol? (Choose two.)

wget curl

Which of the following is a special group that provides its members with the ability to run the su and sudo commands?


Which of the following states describe a process that is waiting for a parent process to release its PID?


The SUSE and openSUSE Linux distributions use an alternative to yum but that provides the same functionality. What is the name of the command they use?


Which filename extension indicates a tarball?


Which of the following is not a valid compression file extension for the Linux operating system?


You have started a job running in the background that you want to now bring to the front so that you can watch it execute. Which of the following commands can be used to display the job's output to the terminal?


Which of the following package managers are used to install RPM packages on the SUSE or openSUSE distributions by default?


Which of the following entries could be added to the rsyslog.conf configuration file to have all syslog messages displayed to console 10?

*.* /dev/tty10

Which of the following RPM options will update a software package to the newest version, or install the package if it does not already exist on a system?


Which of the following is the full path and file name where the Debian Package Manager repositories can be configured?


In which of the following directories can you place files that will be copied to new user directories when new users are created?


What is the path to where the journald.conf file is located?


How can you bypass the wait function and send a user process to the background?

You can use the Ctrl+z key combination and the bg command.

A system administrator wants to schedule a task to run at 11 pm, but knows that she will not be in the office at that time. Which of the following commands can she use to schedule this task to run that night while she is at home?


Which of the following command can be used to remove a job from the list of pending jobs? (Choose all that apply.)

atrm at -r at -d

What is the term used to describe a user providing a user name and password to log in to a system?


Which of the following will display the contents of the /etc/shadow file? (Choose all that apply.)

cat /etc/shadow getent /etc/shadow

To kill a process running in the background, you must place a % character before its process ID. True or False?


UIDs and GIDs are unique to the system and, once used, can never be reused. True or False?


A process spawning or initiating another process is referred to as _____.


Which of the following commands will display the print jobs in the print queue for printer1 only?

lpstat -o printer1

Which of the following commands can be used to list the files contained within an installed RPM package?

rpm -ql packagename

Which command is used to gain real-time information about processes running on the system, with the most processor-intensive processes listed at the beginning of the list?


You can clear a log file simply by redirecting nothing into it. True or False?


You can lock a user account by changing the default login shell to an invalid shell in /etc/passwd. True or False?


Which of the following commands can be used to search for packages that contain the word oobla on RPM software repositories?

yum search oobla

What command can be used to display the contents of a file that was compressed with the compress utility?


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