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The National rifle campaign to arm EVERY MAN, AND CHILD IN AMERICA (1) received a setback when the president came out for fun control. But the GUN PUSHERS (2) know this is only a SMALL SKIRMISH IN A BIG WAR (3), over guns in America. They can give up some of their more COP-KILLER BULLETS (6), and still win on the one that counts: regulation of manufacture and sale of handguns.

1 Hyperbole 2 Dysphemism 3 Rhetorical analogy 4 Dysphemism 5 Downplay 6 Dysphemism

Our intellectual, cultural, and political elites are today engaged in one of the most audacious and ambitious experiments in history. They are trying to transform Western Christian republic into an egalitarian democracy made up of all the tribes, races, creeds, and cultures of planet earth. They have dethroned our God, purged our faith from public life, and repudiated the Judeo-Christian moral code by which previous generations sought to live.


Nobody has proved ghosts don't exist; therefore they do.

Appeal to ignorance

Jane is the best qualifies candidate because she is out of work and desperately needs a job.

Appeal to pity

Do you think Apple doesn't know it hires 12-year-old children to make its electronics? You think it isn't aware it pays them slave wages and has them work in buildings without heat or air conditioning? It knows. Apple products can't be any good.

Argument from outrage

Not only have I seen you drive and text, but just last week you were saying it isn't dangerous to do that. What do I think about the president's proposal for immigration reform? It's ridiculous. He just wants Latino votes. You can forget what Father Tennessee said about the dangers of abortion, because Father Hennessy is a priest and priest are require to hold such views.

Argumentum ad hominem

I really really hope I did not miss class as many times as the professor says I did. Therefore I'm sure I didn't miss class that many times.


Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour!"

Does not fit any catergories

The idea is absurd. It's just something the Tea Party put out there. Where on earth did you hear that? On talk radio? God is just an idea people came up with way back before they had science.

Genetic fallacy

The average GPA of graduating seniors at Georgia state is 3.25, as compared with 2.75 twenty years ago

Good- The grading system has changed in twenty years. This does not mean that today's students are better.

What an arid place to live. Why, they had less rain than in the desert.

Good-Which desert is being compared

You think waterboarding is torture? That sounds like something these left-wing college professors would say. -The speaker wants listeners to dismiss the idea that waterboarding is torture. So he/she tries to taint that idea by associating it with "left wing college professors", people he or she thinks listeners don't like or trust.

Guilty by association

What a brilliant season! Attendance was up 25 percent over last year.

How was last season? It may not be better due to season. The impact could be from economic changes.

The democrats want everyone on welfare Nobody in the Tea Party likes African Americans To convince his girlfriend he really loves her, a young man may state that he loves her more than anyone has ever loved anyone.


You want to have two guys making out in front of your 4-year-old? It's OK with them. A guy smoking a joint, blowing smoke into your little kid's face? OK with them. And I'm not exaggerating here. This is exactly what the secular movement stands for.


Identify these passages as ridicule/sarcasm, hyperbole, or proof surrogates


Ladies and gentlemen, I am proof that at least one candidate in this race doesn't make up stuff. Jim: Is Ralph telling the truth? Joe: Yes, this time. She's just the aerobics instructor, at least that's what he's telling his wife. He thinks he made a good speech


Critique these comparisons, using the questions about comparisons discussed in the text as guides.

Instructions for the following

Identify any stereotypes, innuendo, or loaded questions you find in the following text.

Instructions for the following

Identify each of the following as either a rhetorical explanation, rhetorical analogy, or rhetorical defintion

Instructions for the following

I don't think I missed too many classes to pass. My attendance has been much better lately. -An improvement in attendance doesn't show you didn't miss too many classes to pass This new Honda gets better mileage than any other car in its class. After all, Honda has completely redesigned the engine.

Irrelevant conclusion

You can't say exactly when a video game is too violent; therefore no video game is too violent. Poverty isn't a problem in this country, after all, when is a person really poor? You can't say exactly.

Line-drawing fallacy

Have you ever stopped beating your wife? Why does the president hate rich people? Have you always loved being in debt?

Loaded question

They keep coming


Yes a lot of innocent civilians are being killed by the bombing in both North and South Vietnam, but do remember that Asians do not believe in the importance of individual lives like we do. Life just doesn't mean as much to them.


Barack Hussein Obama (emphasis on the middle name)

Otherizing; fostering xenophobia

Obviously the federal government must cut spending. You agree with the rest of us on that, I assume.

Peer pressure fallacy-scare tactic

A single English course won't make anyone a great writer, so I don't see why we have to take one. Drilling for oil in the Gulf won't give us independence from OPEC; therefore we shouldn't drill.

Perfectionist fallacy

You can forget what Father Hennessy will say this evening about abortion because father Hennessy is a priest and priest are required to think that abortion is a mortal sin. -Father Hennessy has not spoken so the writer wants us to dismiss any ideas we will think before he even speaks.

Poisoning the well

Obviously there is global warming; no responsible climate scientist disputes that.

Proof of surrogate

Anybody who understands how alcohol works can tell you that three drinks is enough to make that guy seriously impaired.

Proof surrogate

That the president is a Marxist simply cannot be denied by any serious observer of contemporary politics.

Proof surrogate

Use "informed sources say", it's obvious that, it's clear to everyone, as we all know, studies show, every reason to believe

Proof surrogate

New improved Morning Muffins! Now with 20 percent more real dairy butter!

Twenty percent more what? Was the product fake prior to the change?

Why should I tell them they undercharged me? You think they would say something if they overcharged me? -The speaker is trying to justify not doing anything about having been undercharged

Two wrongs make a right

Up to five miles per gallon Some doctors are unconvinced that aspirin is related to Reye's syndrome Perhaps, possibly, maybe, may be, and among others


I really really hope I will be the next American Idol. Therefore I will be.

Wishful thinking

Hey Professor, do you give extra credit? I missed a few classes, but I want to major in English. I love your class!

appeal to emotion

Acid indigestion, if untreated, might burn a hole in your stomach lining. Get Pepcid AC

appeal to emotion-scare tactic

Armed guards in public schools? You think that's the solution to gun violence? That's just something the NRA put out there.

argumentum ad hominem-genetic fallacy

Drinking wine is good for you? Who came up with that idea, Gallo?

argumentum ad hominem-genetic fallacy

This pamphlet is put out by the people who have been trying to suppress minority voters. You won't find a word of truth in it.

argumentum ad hominem-genetic fallacy

You know, when you say things like that, I think you've been hanging out with the Sierra Club or something.

argumentum ad hominem-guilt by association

Aryan superiority is demonstrated, if a demonstration is even needed, by the manifest inferiority of the other races.

begging the question

She is trustworthy; after all, she swears she is, and you can't doubt that.

begging the question

Staring at the sun will hurt your eyes. If you weren't for that, you could try it yourself and find out

begging the question

You can't believe in three religions, because that is the same as not believing in one of them

begging the question

Planned Parenthood is badly named. "Planned Population Control" is more like it. The head of that outfit has said that she'd be for killing any infant that survived an abortion, and that's murder! These are true fiends, I tell you! And they give hundreds of presentations a year in Los Angeles schools. They are insinuating their foul views for humanity into out own children!

demonizing, otherizing, and fear or hate mongering

"It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution this idea of the separation of church and state."


Republicans stand on principle against the schemes of the environmental extremists.


There, there; it could be worse


This president wakes up every morning and pretends to speak for the people


Charles, be sure to tinkle before we leave!


Excuse me, Dear. I must powder my nose.


The key principle is 'responsible energy exploration.' And remember, it's NOT drilling for oil. It is responsible energy exploration."


Has Harry been a faithful husband? Well, he's not been through a Tiger Woods phase.


No, I'm sure you'll enjoy playing tennis with Jerome. He gets around pretty well for a guy his age.


Devon is total jock. Don't go making him your study partner.


Cutting back on salt does not sound like a good idea. A person has to eat some salt, you know.

straw man

Sure it sounds good in theory, but curbing violence in movies doesn't make sense. It's crazy to think they should only make movies for kids

straw man

Sure, a cruise would be nice, but we can't spend every last cent on vacation.

straw man

What, more shoes? C'mon, nobody needs a thousand pairs of shoes!

straw man

Obviously the president told the truth about Benghazi. He wouldn't lie to us about it. That God exists is proved by scripture, because scripture is the word of God and thus cannot be false. Women should not be allowed in combat, because it is prohibited by the Defense Department.

Begging the question

Don't mind what Mr. Pierce says; he thinks he's an educator. Don't mind what Mr. Pierce says; he's just another educator. Kim tells you that her sister has a mere green belt in Pujo (martial arts) She got her "degree" from a correspondence school


Instead of saying very wealthy it is worse to say obscenely rich Instead of saying eating meat it is worse to say eating animal flesh Instead of saying conservative it is worse to say "far-right"


Detainee: actually means prisoner Waterboarding: actually is a torture technique Career enhancement opportunity: nice way to say you have been fired


Identify rhetorical devices you find in the following

Euphemisms, dysphemisms, weaselers, downplay

You tell me it's dangerous to text when I'm driving, but I have seen you doing it.


We either eliminate Social Security or the country will go bankrupt. Therefore we must eliminate Social Security. -The speaker does not present all the options. He ignores other things such as cutting other spending or raising the age of eligibility Either we allow the oil companies to drill for the Gulf or we will be at the mercy of OPEC. Therefore we shouldn't prevent the oil companies from drilling for oil in the Gulf. "Look, either we clean out the garage, or this junk will run us out of a house and home

False Dilemma

"Liberal soccer moms are precisely as likely to receive anthrax in the mail as to develop a capacity for linear thinking."

Rhetorical analogy

"Republicans believe every day is the 4th of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15."

Rhetorical analogy

"The New York Times editorial page is like a Ouija board that has only three answers, no matter what the question. The answers are higher taxes, more restrictions on political speech, and stricter gun control"

Rhetorical analogy

Hearing that Social Security compared to a Ponzi scheme Barack Obama compare him to Abraham Lincoln You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than winning the lottery Now 25 percent larger

Rhetorical analogy

Three people are dividing pie. The Conservative is someone who takes all but one and then asks the other two, "Why is that guy trying to take your piece of pie?"

Rhetorical analogy

Defining abortion as "the murder of an unborn child" Rhetorical explanations: use the language of standard explanations to disguise their real purpose which is to express or elicit an attitude.

Rhetorical defintions

The proposal isn't bad when you consider it comes from a group of knuckle-dragging morons


Medical school, huh? Right. You and your fancy 2.9 grade point are going into a fine medical school alright.


Rick Santorum doesn't like sex. He doesn't like the pill. He really does not like condoms. He said if men are going to pull something on to prevent procreation, nothing works better than a sweater vest.


Everything about the Left is perception, manipulation, and lies. Everything is 'Wag the Dog'. Everything is structured deception.


You really should get a Prudential life insurance policy. What would happen to your spouse and children if you die? Remember, you are the main source of income. Would they be forced to move?

Scare tactic

What do I think about outlawing large ammunition clips? I think the idea of disarming everyone is ridiculous and dangerous. You: I think we should legalize medical marijuana Friend: Maybe you think everyone should go around stoned, but I think that's absurd.

Straw Man

Before any more of my tax dollars go to the military, I'd like answers to some questions, such as why are spending billions of dollars on weapons programs that don't work.

a loaded question

Studies confirm what everyone knows: smaller classes make kids better learners.

a proof surrogate

The obvious truth is that bilingual education has been a failure. In this statement the "obvious truth" might best be viewed as:

a proof surrogate

If you don't support same sex marriage, then you are a homophobe that flat out hates gays

false dilemma

Is the EPA trying to ruin the oil industry or is it just planned incompetent?

false dilemma

Save your money. Nothing will make your teeth perfectly white.

false dilemma-perfectionist fallacy

Crime is going to get nothing but worse with the growth in population, and neither your family nor your property is safe anymore. There have been break-ins, home invasions, and muggings right here in our town. Get an alarm system. Better yet get a gun.

fear or hate mongering

Bill: Students these days are lazy and shiftless. They don't care about learning. Jill: Are you just saying that, or do you have evidence? Bill: Well, remember how hard we worked when we were students.

irrelevant conclusion

The Republican budget can be all bad, when you consider the Democrats haven't proposed a budget in four years.

irrelevant conclusion

The idea will never work. Of course, the mainstream media like it, but they are known for liberal bias.

irrelevant conclusion

Who do you like better, me or Sydney?

loaded question

Why did Obama fail to act swiftly to end the BP oil spill?

loaded question

Don't you have anything better to wear than that?

loaded questions

Public schools are unfixable. Prove me wrong.

misplacing the burden of proof

About 47 percent of the American public receive benefits from the government and about the same percentage pay no income tax. They are takers, not like you or me.


They aren't from around here. You know just by looking at them


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