Logic Gates Practice
NOT gate - Definition
A logic gate that takes in 1 input & outputs the opposite
NAND Gate - Scenario
If I feel sick AND I have a low fever, I will not go to practice.
XOR Gate - Scenario
If a team that win one of their two games, they will go to wildcard play-off. (If they win both, they are in the final)
NOT Gate - Scenario
If it is light outside, my light will not be on.
OR Gate - Scenario
If it is warm or smelly, the fan should turn on.
AND Gate - Scenario
If it is warm outside and dry, then I will wear my shorts to school.
NOR Gate - Scenario
If it the temperature is below -15℉ or the windchill below -30℉, there will be no school.
NOR Gate - Definition
Outputs 0 when any input is 1. (NOT + OR)
NAND Gate - Definition
Outputs 0 when both inputs are 1. (NOT + AND)
XOR Gate - Definition
Result is true (1) if either input is true, but not if both inputs are true.
OR gate - Definition
The output of this circuit is true (1) if one or both of its inputs are true (1).
AND gate - Definition
The output of this circuit is true (1) when both of the inputs are true (1).