Logical Reasoning

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The educator's reasoning provides grounds for accepting which one of the following statements?

~MBT: Must be very stingily supported by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be true). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

The statements above best illustrate which one of the following generalizations?

~MBT: Must be very stingily supported by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be true). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?

~MBT: Must be very stingily supported by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be true). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

Which one of the above judgements most closely conforms to the principles stated by the moralist?

~MBT: Must be very stingily supported by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be true). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

Which one of the following can be reasonably concluded from the information above?

~MBT: Must be very stingily supported by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be true). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

Which one of the following most logically completes the argument?

~MBT: Must be very stingily supported by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be true). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

If Murray and Jane are both sincere in what they say, then it can be properly concluded that they agree that

AGREE: Paraphrase the point of agreement. Look for a statement about which the two speakers share the same opinion. There needs to be an agreement about the truth of a premise, conclusion, or a phenomenon that is occurring (even if they disagree about the cause or extent)

Kim's and Hampton's statements most strongly support the claim that both of them would agree with which of the following?

AGREE: Paraphrase the point of agreement. Look for a statement about which the two speakers share the same opinion. There needs to be an agreement about the truth of a premise, conclusion, or a phenomenon that is occurring (even if they disagree about the cause or extent)

"Must be true EXCEPT" is the same as...

Could be false (eliminate must be true)

"Must be false EXCEPT" is the same as...

Could be true (eliminate must be false)

Lahar's argument does which of the following?

DESCRIBE: ID an answer that accurately describes how the argument is structured.

The advertisement employs which one one of the following argumentative strategies?

DESCRIBE: ID an answer that accurately describes how the argument is structured.

The argument proceeds by

DESCRIBE: ID an answer that accurately describes how the argument is structured.

Which of the following most accurately describes the method of reasoning?

DESCRIBE: ID an answer that accurately describes how the argument is structured.

Which one of the following techniques of reasoning is employed in the argument?

DESCRIBE: ID an answer that accurately describes how the argument is structured.

Raphala and Edward disagree about the truth of which one of the following?

DISAGREE: Find the statement about which the two speakers have conflicting opinions. It's a disagreement about either a premise, the conclusion, a cause, or evidence. DON'T incorporate any additional knowledge OR pick the answer which the speakers could or do agree about.

Which one of the following most accurately characterizes a point of disagreement between the critics and the writers?

DISAGREE: Find the statement about which the two speakers have conflicting opinions. It's a disagreement about either a premise, the conclusion, a cause, or evidence. DON'T incorporate any additional knowledge OR pick the answer which the speakers could or do agree about.

Which one of the following most accurately expresses the point at issue between Juan and Michiko?

DISAGREE: Find the statement about which the two speakers have conflicting opinions. It's a disagreement about either a premise, the conclusion, a cause, or evidence. DON'T incorporate any additional knowledge OR pick the answer which the speakers could or do agree about.

The editorial's argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it

FLAW: ID the conclusion and premises. Ask why the conclusion does not necessarily follow the premises. Paraphrase the fallacy in your own words. CORRECT ANSWER: a description of the fallacy committed in the stimulus. the answer must describe reasoning that is actually fallacious (some choices describe reasoning that there's nothing wrong with) AND the described reasoning must match something that occurred in the stimulus (some choices describe reasoning that is fallacious but that didn't occur in the stimulus)

Which one of the following most accurately describes an error in the argument's reasoning?

FLAW: ID the conclusion and premises. Ask why the conclusion does not necessarily follow the premises. Paraphrase the fallacy in your own words. CORRECT ANSWER: a description of the fallacy committed in the stimulus. the answer must describe reasoning that is actually fallacious (some choices describe reasoning that there's nothing wrong with) AND the described reasoning must match something that occurred in the stimulus (some choices describe reasoning that is fallacious but that didn't occur in the stimulus)

Each of the following principles is logically consistent with the columnist;s conclusion EXCEPT:

MBF: answer must be 100% proven false by the statements of the stimulus. Eliminate the answers if you don't have any evidence that it HAS to be 100% false. Look for strong statements in stimulus (EX: Everybody must...)

If the statements above are true, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:

MBF: answer must be 100% proven false by the statements of the stimulus. Eliminate the answers if you don't have any evidence that it HAS to be 100% false. Look for strong statements in stimulus (EX: Everybody must...)

If the statements above are true, then which one of the following must be false?

MBF: answer must be 100% proven false by the statements of the stimulus. Eliminate the answers if you don't have any evidence that it HAS to be 100% false. Look for strong statements in stimulus (EX: Everybody must...)

If the statements above are true, which one of the following CANNOT be true?

MBF: answer must be 100% proven false by the statements of the stimulus. Eliminate the answers if you don't have any evidence that it HAS to be 100% false. Look for strong statements in stimulus (EX: Everybody must...)

The claims made above are compatible with each of the following EXCEPT:

MBF: answer must be 100% proven false by the statements of the stimulus. Eliminate the answers if you don't have any evidence that it HAS to be 100% false. Look for strong statements in stimulus (EX: Everybody must...)

Which one of the following employee behaviors most clearly violates the company policy cited above?

MBF: answer must be 100% proven false by the statements of the stimulus. Eliminate the answers if you don't have any evidence that it HAS to be 100% false. Look for strong statements in stimulus (EX: Everybody must...)

Which one of the following, if each is a principle about consumer surveys, is violated by the survey described?

MBF: answer must be 100% proven false by the statements of the stimulus. Eliminate the answers if you don't have any evidence that it HAS to be 100% false. Look for strong statements in stimulus (EX: Everybody must...)

A consequence of the view above is that...

MBT: Must be definitively proven true by the information in the stimulus (incorrect answers could be false). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE

If the following statements are true, which of the following must be true?

MBT: Must be definitively proven true by the information in the stimulus (incorrect answers could be false). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE

If the statements above are all true, which one of the following must also be true on the basis of them?

MBT: Must be definitively proven true by the information in the stimulus (incorrect answers could be false). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE

If the statements above are true, it can be concluded on the basis of them that...

MBT: Must be definitively proven true by the information in the stimulus (incorrect answers could be false). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE

Which one of the following can be logically concluded from the information above?

MBT: Must be definitively proven true by the information in the stimulus (incorrect answers could be false). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE

Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the information above?

MBT: Must be definitively proven true by the information in the stimulus (incorrect answers could be false). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE

Which one of the following claims follows logically from the information above?

MBT: Must be definitively proven true by the information in the stimulus (incorrect answers could be false). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE

Smith's statements can most directly be used as part of an argument for which one of the following views?

MP: Look for key words that indicate premise (since, because) and conclusions (therefore, thus, hence, so, it follows that). Look for the main conclusion of the argument. Correct answers include expressions of the author's attitude or prescriptive statements (should, ought).

The argument leads to the conclusion that

MP: Look for key words that indicate premise (since, because) and conclusions (therefore, thus, hence, so, it follows that). Look for the main conclusion of the argument. Correct answers include expressions of the author's attitude or prescriptive statements (should, ought).

Which one of the following is the main point of the argument?

MP: Look for key words that indicate premise (since, because) and conclusions (therefore, thus, hence, so, it follows that). Look for the main conclusion of the argument. Correct answers include expressions of the author's attitude or prescriptive statements (should, ought).

Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main point of the argument?

MP: Look for key words that indicate premise (since, because) and conclusions (therefore, thus, hence, so, it follows that). Look for the main conclusion of the argument. Correct answers include expressions of the author's attitude or prescriptive statements (should, ought).

Which one of the following most accurately expresses the conclusion of the argument?

MP: Try to ID the author's attitude and paraphrase the main point of the argument. Why does the answer choice have to be true? OTHER INFO MUST SUPPORT IT-> the answer must not support anything else.

"Could be true EXCEPT" is the same as...

Must be false (eliminate could be true)

"Could be false EXCEPT" is the same as...

Must be true (eliminate could be false)

The argument depends on assuming which one of the following?

NECESSARY ASSUMPTION: A necessary assumption must be true in order for an argument's conclusion to ever be properly inferred. The correct answer choice doesn't guarantee the argument is valid, but without it the argument would be invalid. The correct answer choices tend to be WEAK (weaker than what is required to prove the conclusion). If a necessary assumption of an argument is denied or taken away, the argument is invalid.

The explanation offered by the author of the passage makes the assumption that

NECESSARY ASSUMPTION: A necessary assumption must be true in order for an argument's conclusion to ever be properly inferred. The correct answer choice doesn't guarantee the argument is valid, but without it the argument would be invalid. The correct answer choices tend to be WEAK (weaker than what is required to prove the conclusion). If a necessary assumption of an argument is denied or taken away, the argument is invalid.

Which of the following is an assumption made by the argument?

NECESSARY ASSUMPTION: A necessary assumption must be true in order for an argument's conclusion to ever be properly inferred. The correct answer choice doesn't guarantee the argument is valid, but without it the argument would be invalid. The correct answer choices tend to be WEAK (weaker than what is required to prove the conclusion). If a necessary assumption of an argument is denied or taken away, the argument is invalid.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

NECESSARY ASSUMPTION: A necessary assumption must be true in order for an argument's conclusion to ever be properly inferred. The correct answer choice doesn't guarantee the argument is valid, but without it the argument would be invalid. The correct answer choices tend to be WEAK (weaker than what is required to prove the conclusion). If a necessary assumption of an argument is denied or taken away, the argument is invalid.

Which one of the following must the television station assume in order to conclude that the plan will meet its stated purpose?

NECESSARY ASSUMPTION: A necessary assumption must be true in order for an argument's conclusion to ever be properly inferred. The correct answer choice doesn't guarantee the argument is valid, but without it the argument would be invalid. The correct answer choices tend to be WEAK (weaker than what is required to prove the conclusion). If a necessary assumption of an argument is denied or taken away, the argument is invalid.

Which one one of the following is an assumption required by the economist's argument?

NECESSARY ASSUMPTION: A necessary assumption must be true in order for an argument's conclusion to ever be properly inferred. The correct answer choice doesn't guarantee the argument is valid, but without it the argument would be invalid. The correct answer choices tend to be WEAK (weaker than what is required to prove the conclusion). If a necessary assumption of an argument is denied or taken away, the argument is invalid.

The flawed reasoning in the argument above most closely parallels that in which one of the following?

PARALLEL FLAW: Find the flaw and diagram any conditional statements. Look for an argument that commits the same fallacy that is committed in the stimulus. THE ANSWER (like the stim) WILL NOT BE A VALID ARGUMENT

Which one of the following contains flawed reasoning most similar to the flawed reasoning above?

PARALLEL FLAW: Find the flaw and diagram any conditional statements. Look for an argument that commits the same fallacy that is committed in the stimulus. THE ANSWER (like the stim) WILL NOT BE A VALID ARGUMENT

The reasoning in the passage is most similar to that in which one of the following?

PARALLEL: First, is the argument valid or invalid? DIAGRAM! LOOK FOR: An argument that has the same logical structure as the argument in the stimulus (sam # of premises, same # of terms, same validity status, and a conclusion with the same modality, quantifier, and logical structure).

Which one of the following arguments is most similar in its reasoning to the argument above?

PARALLEL: First, is the argument valid or invalid? DIAGRAM! LOOK FOR: An argument that has the same logical structure as the argument in the stimulus (sam # of premises, same # of terms, same validity status, and a conclusion with the same modality, quantifier, and logical structure).

Which one of the following is most closely parallel to the reasoning in the argument above?

PARALLEL: First, is the argument valid or invalid? DIAGRAM! LOOK FOR: An argument that has the same logical structure as the argument in the stimulus (sam # of premises, same # of terms, same validity status, and a conclusion with the same modality, quantifier, and logical structure).

The assertion that insects do not literally breathe figures in the argument in which one of the following ways?

ROLE: Try to characterize the statement's relationship to the argument (is it a specific part of the argument or separate from the argument?). CORRECT ANSWERS: 1. A premise that isn't supported by anything else in the argument 2. A subsidiary conclusion that is supported and is used to support the main conclusion 3. The main conclusion 4. Background information that isn't actually a part of the argument 5. A claim the argument is intended to refute

Which one of the following most accurately describes the role played in the passage by the claim that non marine animals have scales?

ROLE: Try to characterize the statement's relationship to the argument (is it a specific part of the argument or separate from the argument?). CORRECT ANSWERS: 1. A premise that isn't supported by anything else in the argument 2. A subsidiary conclusion that is supported and is used to support the main conclusion 3. The main conclusion 4. Background information that isn't actually a part of the argument 5. A claim the argument is intended to refute

Each of the following, if true, provides additional support for the dermatologist's diagnosis EXCEPT:

STRENGTHEN:Determine whether the conclusion asserts a causal relationship. Look for new information that provides additional support for the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES.

The reasoning above most closely conforms to which one of the following principles?

STRENGTHEN:Determine whether the conclusion asserts a causal relationship. Look for new information that provides additional support for the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES.

Which one of the following principles, if established, most helps to justify Sharon's position?

STRENGTHEN:Determine whether the conclusion asserts a causal relationship. Look for new information that provides additional support for the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify drawing the conclusion in Bethany's argument?

STRENGTHEN:Determine whether the conclusion asserts a causal relationship. Look for new information that provides additional support for the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES.

Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conservationist's argument?

STRENGTHEN:Determine whether the conclusion asserts a causal relationship. Look for new information that provides additional support for the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES.

Which one of the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument?

STRENGTHEN:Determine whether the conclusion asserts a causal relationship. Look for new information that provides additional support for the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES.

Which one of the following, if true, strengthens the argument?

STRENGTHEN:Determine whether the conclusion asserts a causal relationship. Look for new information that provides additional support for the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES.

The conclusion of the argument follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

SUFFICIENT ASSUMPTION: A sufficient assumption guarantees that the conclusion of an argument is properly inferred. The correct answers to SA are very STRONG and often take the form of conditional statements. LOOK for an answer that guarantees the conclusion in the stimulus is validly drawn. Locate the conclusion, octal the premises that support it, and bridge the gap between the two. *WRONG ANSWERS; are weak (may, might, can, could, some, possibly). EX: All 6th graders are insecure. Therefore Mark must be insecure. VALID SUFFICIENT ASSUMPTIONS: Mark is in 6th grade, Everyone on the planet is in 6th grade, If your first name starts with "M", then you must be insecure. IT'S OK FOR SA TO BE STRONGER THAN WHAT IS REQUIRED TO PROVE THE CONCLUSION

Which one of the following, if assumed, would allow the conclusion to be properly drawn?

SUFFICIENT ASSUMPTION: A sufficient assumption guarantees that the conclusion of an argument is properly inferred. The correct answers to SA are very STRONG and often take the form of conditional statements. LOOK for an answer that guarantees the conclusion in the stimulus is validly drawn. Locate the conclusion, octal the premises that support it, and bridge the gap between the two. *WRONG ANSWERS; are weak (may, might, can, could, some, possibly). EX: All 6th graders are insecure. Therefore Mark must be insecure. VALID SUFFICIENT ASSUMPTIONS: Mark is in 6th grade, Everyone on the planet is in 6th grade, If your first name starts with "M", then you must be insecure. IT'S OK FOR SA TO BE STRONGER THAN WHAT IS REQUIRED TO PROVE THE CONCLUSION

Which of the following most undermines the reasoning in the argument above?

WEAKEN: Look for new information that provides evidence against the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES

Which one of the following, if true, is a response Robert could make that would counter Samantha's argument?

WEAKEN: Look for new information that provides evidence against the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES

Which one of the following, if true, most calls into question the view above?

WEAKEN: Look for new information that provides evidence against the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES

Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the argument?

WEAKEN: Look for new information that provides evidence against the conclusion drawn in the stimulus. LOOK FOR STRONG ANSWER CHOICES

Which one of the following claims can most justifiably be rejected on the basis of the statements above?

~MBF: Must be very stingily false by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be false). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

Which one of the following is best illustrated by the information above?

~MBT: Must be very stingily supported by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be true) WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

The biologist's view, if true, provides the most support for which one of the following?

~MBT: Must be very stingily supported by the information in the stimulus (DOESN'T absolutely NEED to be true). WEAK ANSWER CHOICE -Look for "most" and "..ly" in prompt

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