Lower body Palpation Final Study Guide

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What is the normal range of motion for eversion?

10 to 15 Degrees

What is the normal range of motion for knee flexion?

135 Degrees

Which ligament prevents anterior movement of the tibia in relation to the femur?

ANterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

Your client complains of pain, pressure and swelling in the front and lateral portion of his lower leg. on questioning him, you learn that he has recently added an uphill run to his exercise routine, which condition do you suspect?

Anterior compartment Syndrome

Which condition is commonly caused by running or walking downhiill?

Anterolateral shin splints

Which test involves the client lying prone with knee flexed at 90 degrees and the therapist gently lifting the tibia away from the femur and slowly rotating it?

Apley distraction

Ankle joint play, involving compression, distraction, traction and dorsiflexion of the ankle is also known as which of the following?


Which muscle is a knee tibial lateral rotator?

Biceps femoris

Which condition involves a bony bump on the joint at the base of the big toe?


When performing the myofascial release technique to the sternoclediomastiod, which aretery should you be careful to avoid?


Which test indicates hypermobility or rupture of a ligament caused from trauma to the neck?

Cervical compression/decompression test

Which condition involves degeneration of cartilage on the underside of the patella resulting in pain and a grating sensation?


Taking your clients cranium through increasingly larger circular movements in either a clockwise or contercolcokwise direction is known as which of the following?


Placing a bolster under a clients hips during pelvic stabalization achieves which of the following?

Decompresses the lumbar spine

Which motion is used as a part of a client self care strengthening exercise to prevent anterior compartment syndrome?


Which movement of the ankle joint involves the dorsal surface of the foot moving toward the anterior surface of the leg?


A tight quadratus lumborum will tend to do which of the following?

Elevate the hip.

The sensation felt at the end of accessory motion of the joint is called what?

End Feel

Which group of muscles run from the sacrum to the occiput along the spine and extend the laterally flex the vertebral column?

Erector spine

Which movement of the ankle joint involves the plantar surface of the foot moving away from the midline of the body?


Which of the following will increate the accuracy of the tests to the MCL and LCL?

Flexing the knee to approximately 15 to 20 degrees

When performing myfoascial release of the soleus, which muscle must you move medially laterally out of the way to affect the soleus.


Which of the following is true of iliotibial band friction syndrome?

Going up and down stairs causes pain

Which muscle group extends the hip, flexes the knee, and posteriorly rotates the pelvis?


A disc in which the nucleus pulposus or spongy center of the disc extrudes into the spinal canal is known as which of the following?

Herniated disc

Which muscle originates on the iliac fossa and inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur?


You are working with a client who is experiencing anterior pelvic tilt and sacroiliac joint pain which muscle should you suspect is involved?


Pain on the lateral side of the knee is caused by excessive stress or when which muscle is tight and contracted?

Iliotibial band

Where is plantar fascitis pain usually felt?

In the heel

For which condition should you use ice on a muscle belly?


Which movement of the ankle joint involves the plantar surface of the foot moving toward the midline of the body?


Which of the following is the most common ankle sprain?


Which of the following is true of achilles tendinosis?

It involves tearing of the tendon fibers

Which test is used to determine the stability of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

Lachman Test

which ligament is also known as the fibular collateral ligament?

Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)

The end feel during the quadriceps stretch should be which of the following?


Which of the following muscles is involved in flexing the neck?

Levator scapula

The Valgus stress test is done to determine damage to which ligament?

Medial collateral ligament (MCL)

Which of the following is a cartilage disc in the knee joint between the tibia and femur?


When strengthening the peroneals, if the client does not feel a burn, he or she should do which of the following?

Move the feet further apart

Protrusions or enlargments of bone and cartilage that develop in an degenerative joint are known as?


Which of the following symptoms is an indication that the therapist should not perform cervical work on the client and should refer him or her to a specialist?

Pain or discomfort to pressure

Which test is used to detect chondomalacia?

Patello femoral compression test

The key to structural balance is most likely which of the following?

Pelvic Stabilization

OFten, symptoms of patellar tendinosis do not surface until the client performs which of the following?

Performs a weight bearing test of the quadriceps

To perform the psoas release, the therapist should do which of the following?

Pin the psoas with the finger pads and help the clients push the heel down onto the table into hip extension.

which lateral hip rotater lies above and can compress the sciatic nerve when tight?


Which of the following should you do when performing myofascial release of the upper thoracic area?

Place the knuckles of your index and middle fingers in each lamina groove

When performing lateral flexion/facet joint mobilization on your client which of the following should you do?

Place your middle fingers in the lamina groove between C7 and C6

Which condition resutls from overuse, improper froces to the foot and fallen arches?

Plantar fascilitis

Which movement of the ankle joint involves the foot moving away from the anterior surfaces of the leg?

Plantar flexion

Which muscle originates on the lateral epicondyle of the femur and inserts on the calcaneus?


Which muscle initates the knee flexion by the medially rotating the knee?


Which ligament prevents posterior movement of the tibia in relation to the femur?

Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)

Where does the quadratis lumborum orginiate?

Posterior iliac crest

Which of the following is an overuse condition common among runners that causes pain in the lower leg?

Posteromedial shin spints

Which muscle group should be addressed first in pelvic stabilization?

Psoas major, illacus (Iliopsoas) and joint Capsul

Which of the following muscles is a member of the quadriceps group?

Rectis femoris

A client comes in complaining of whiplash like symptoms in her neck after a car wreck she was involved in. she would like you to work on her neck to ease the pain. which of the following would be the best course of action for you to take?

Refer the client to a physician for evaluation before working on her

you have a client who has a hypermobile knee, which of the following actions should you take?

Refer the client to his or her position

Which step in the quadriceps protocal has as its goal to assess whether there is a patellar tendon strain present and if so where it is located?

Resisted Range of motion

The strong fibrous band that holds the tendons in place in the anterior ankle is known as what?


To asses resisted range of motion in a clients levator scapula, you do which of the following?

Rotate the neck 45 degrees and gently laterally flex the neck

A positive sign on which test indicates extreme knee instability and the need to refer your client to an orthopedic surgeon?

SAG test

In addressing clinical conditions of the lower leg? Which of the following should the therapist focus on first?

Short, contracted muscles limiting movement

The number one cause of achilles tendinosis is which muscle being shortened and contracted?


Which muscle laterally flexes the head to the same side and rotates the head to the opposite side and is attaches behind the ear at the mastoid process and at the clavicle and sternum?


Which muscles are almost always contracted to compensate for the forward head posture in order to keep the eyes level?


Inversion and eversion occur at which joint?

Subtalar Joint

Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion occur at which joint?

Talocrural Joint

The medial hip rotaors include the adductors, along with gleutes medius, gluteus minimis and which other muscle?

Tensor fasciae latae

Which of the following can be used as a massage tool to soften and mobilize deep fascial adhesion's of the hip joint capsule.

The head of the clients femur

Which of the following is involved in performing the iliacus release?

The therapist pins the fascia directly onto the inside of the ilium.

Which technique is used on the upper trapezius and cervical muscles to soften and mobilize the connective tissue and better affect the deeper muscle

The velvet glove myofascial release technique

Which of the following is true of menisci?

They are C shaped

Which of the following is true of the intertransversarii?

They help you laterally flex your head

Which of the following is true of the interspinales muscles?

They help you nod your head

Which muscle is primarily involved in posteromedial shin splints?

Tibialis posterior

Why is the quadriceps stretch performed passively?

To prevent the hamstrings from cramping

Which technique should be performed repeatedly throughout the cervical to create space and improve vascular circulation?


Which technique involves gently moving the clients cervical vertebrae side to side to improve joint alignment and join play?


Which test involves gently lifting and tractioning the clients head and then gently pressing down with both hands on the top of the head?

Transverse alar ligament test

Which test is performed to determine damage the lateral collateral ligament?

Varus stress test

Which technique is used to reduce lateral shearing forces, where the c1 cervical vertebra slides slightly lateral to one side?

Velvet glove myofascial release technique

When is plantar fascitis pain usually the worst?

When getting out of bed in the morning

In which situation is a client most likley to experience pain behind the knee?

When standing up from a seated position

A condition in which articulating bones at a joint are not moving properly is known as which of the following?


Which of the following is true of the approach a therapsit should take in working with client with a cervical spine condition?

Work the nonrestricted side first, working down the neck

When performing the essentric scar tissue alignments, the therapist should say which of the following to the client?

barley resist, but let me win

Which of the following is true of the levator scapula?

it helps elevate your scapula

Which protocal is critical to perfrom before the knee protocal?

pelvic stabilization

What is the normal range of motion for knee extension?

0 to 10 Degrees

What is the normal range of motion for dorsiflexion?

20 to 30 Degrees

What is the normal range of motion for plantar flexion?

20 to 30 Degrees

What is the normal range of motion for cervical rotation?

30 to 40 Degrees

What is the normal range of motion for cervical flexion?

45 to 50

Ideal range of motion at the hip is _______ degress of internal hip rotation and _____ degress of external hip rotation?


What percentage of adults will expirence back or neck pain?


Which of the following can the client use to perform the quadriceps and distal hamstring stretches?

A belt

The term ascending syndrome refers to which of the following?

A condition of unrelieved air pressure in the ear canal caused by ascending in an airplane

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