LSAT Logical Reasoning

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The argument requires the assumption that

Assumption Necessary STEPS: - The correct answer does not have to guarantee the conclusion but the conclusion cannot logically follow from the evidence if the correct answer is not true - Both mismatched concepts and overlooked possibilities will appear - The Denial Test Because the correct answer to a Necessary Assumption question must be true for the argument to be valid it can be useful to evaluate the answer choices by denying them. - When you deny the correct answer to a Necessary Assumption questions the argument falls apart. Denying the wrong answer does not destroy the argument

Which one of the following is an assumption required by the argument?

Assumption Necessary STEPS: - The correct answer does not have to guarantee the conclusion but the conclusion cannot logically follow from the evidence if the correct answer is not true - Both mismatched concepts and overlooked possibilities will appear - The Denial Test Because the correct answer to a Necessary Assumption question must be true for the argument to be valid it can be useful to evaluate the answer choices by denying them. - When you deny the correct answer to a Necessary Assumption questions the argument falls apart. Denying the wrong answer does not destroy the argument

Which one of the following, if assumed, enables the economics professor's conclusion to be properly drawn?

Assumption Sufficient STEPS: - Calls for an unstated premise that, when added to the evidence, guarantees that the author's conclusion is properly drawn

The conclusion of the argument is properly drawn if which one of the following is assumed?

Assumption Sufficient STEPS: - The correct answer when added to the evidence guarantees the conclusion - The correct answer combines mismatched concepts- a term in the conclusion and one in the evidence that are just dangling there

Which one of the following would be most useful to know in order to evaluate the support for the archaeologists hypothesis?

Evaluate the Argument STEPS: - Identify the conclusion and evidence - Identify the central assumption - The hypothetical response to that question will make the conclusion either more or less likely to be true based on the given evidence

Which one of the following most accurately expresses a flaw in the argument's reasoning?

Flaw STEPS: - Identify its conclusion and evidence and what the author is taking for granted - The correct answer will describe why the evidence fails to logically lead to the conclusion

The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that the argument

Flaw STEPS: - Identify its conclusion and evidence and what the author is taking for granted - Use that to look for the answer choice that describes why the conclusion does not logically follow from the evidence

The science writer's statements, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?

Inference STEPS: - Look for a statement that must be true based on the stimulus

Which one of the following most logically completes the argument?

Inference STEPS: - The right answer will follow unequivocally from the information given - Look for a way to combine the statements and find an answer that follows from those facts

Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the information above?

Must be True Inference STEPS: - Accept each statement as valid and look for ways to combine statements that use the same terms and concepts - The correct answer will be directly based on this information

Which one of the following if true most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy describe above?

Paradox STEPS: - Look for two seemingly contradictory ideas in the stimulus and find an answer that reconciles the apparent conflict between them

Which one of the following, if true, does most to explain why the estimates remain virtually unchanged?

Paradox STEPS: -Find the apparent contradiction or seeming inconsistency

The pattern of flawed reasoning in which one of the following arguments is most similar to that in the argument above?

Parallel Flaw STEPS: - Identify the flawed reasoning pattern in the stimulus argument - Find the one answer choice that commits precisely the same mistake

Which one of the following arguments exhibits a pattern of reasoning most similar to that exhibited by the journalist's argument?

Parallel Reasoning STEPS: - Compare conclusion in the stimulus to the conclusions in the answers - Eliminate any choices in which the conclusions are different in type or strength - Compare evidence in the remaining answer choices against that in the stimulus if need be

Gaby's and Logan's comments provide most support for the claim that they disagree about

Point at Issue STEPS: - Summarize both speakers arguments - Look for an answer with which one speaker would agree and the other would disagree

The principle stated above, if valid, most helps to justify the reasoning in which one of the following argument?

Principle STEPS: - The specific example in the correct answer will logically apply the principle in the stimulus - Acts like an Inference question - The correct answer must be true based on the statements in the stimulus

The principle stated by the lawyer most strongly support which one of the following judgements?

Principle STEPS: - This is an "Apply the principle question" - Usually involve conditional statements - Use the same skills you would to answer an Assumption or Strengthen question but phrase your prediction to the correct answer as a broad general rule

The conclusion of the judge's argument is most strongly supported if which one of the following principles is assumed to hold?

Principle (Strengthen) STEPS: - The correct answer will be a broader version of the specific assumption

Which one of the following most accurately describes the role played int the argument by the claim that the best jazz singers use their voices much as horn players

Role of a Statement

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to support the science writer's argument?

Strengthen STEPS: - Bracket the conclusion, paraphrase the evidence and articulate the author's assumption - Then predict a fact that would make the assumption more likely to be true

Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument?

Strengthen STEPS: - Break it down to its evidence and conclusion - Correct answer will validate the assumption that connects those two pieces

Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the columnist's argument?

Weakening STEPS: - Look for a fact that makes the author's central assumption less likely to be true

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