LSTD chapter 23,24,25

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A choice of ______ clause in an international contract predetermines which nation's laws will be used in a potential dispute.


A real word that is part of a mark, but has nothing to do with the word's literal meaning is called a(n) _____ mark


An original work of authorship is a work that is original to the _______


Comity is rooted in the theory of _____


Continuous possession for adverse possession purposes means that the adverse possessor cannot ______ the property in question for a period of time.

It requires no formal registration.

How is trade secret protection different from other forms of intellectual property?


If an individual is affected by a zoning regulation, he or she may be entitled to due _____ protection


Literary works, dramatic works, and sound recordings are examples of works that can be protected by ______


Most common law systems are based on _____ common law principles.

$20,000, $30,000

One intellectual property law firm estimated that legal fees and application fees related to obtaining a patent ranged from _______ to ________.


Personal and real property are forms of ______ property.


Real estate and goods are examples of _____ property

Accommodations Transportation

Service marks are typically associated with ____ and _____


Suppose Dwayne tosses an old cell phone charger in the trashcan that is waiting to be picked up in front of his home. Tom, who is looking for valuables in the neighborhood garbage, finds the charger. In this scenario, the cell phone charger would be characterized as ______.

maintain a place of business in one of the signatory countries

The CISG covers parties that _________.


The CISG does not apply to transactions in which one of the parties is a ______

Missing terms

The CISG exists to provide which of the following for contracts for the sale of goods?


The centerpiece of the FCPA is its __________ provision.


The doctrine of equivalence came about due to the abuse of the rule of ______

first inventor-to-file

The idea that the first inventor to file a patent application is given the patent is the ______ rule.


The key to determining whether the property is lost or mislaid is the element of:

state statute.

The primary source of law governing real property ownership is:


There are ______ INCO terms total.


There are ______ stages of patent prosecution.

fails to take reasonable steps to keep the information secret

Trade secret protection is lost if the owner:

blurring; tarnishment

Trademark dilution occurs either through ______ or _____


Trademark dilution through ______ occurs when the distinctive quality of a mark is identified with goods that are not alike.


Trademark protection is based on ___


True or false: Registration of a mark is automatic.


True or false: Reverse engineering of a product constitutes misappropriation of a trade secret.


True or false: Subsurface rights can be separated from the landowner's rights and sold to a third party.


True or false: Under the FCPA, any item of any value can be construed as a bribe.

Swineburne has an express easement to use the driveway. Blago had reason to know of the easement at the time of purchase (via the easement statement recorded on the deed) therefore he must honor Swineburne's easement

WHAT IS SWINBURNE'S OWNERSHIP INTEREST? Swineburne approaches Carrol with a request that Carrol allow Swineburne to have use of the driveway of a commercial office building owned by Carrol, which is on a parcel of property adjacent to Swineburne's charity soup kitchen. the driveway would allow easier access for trucks delivering supplies to the soup kitchen. Carrol executes and records a new deed with the statement, " on the parcel of my commercial office building, I convey an easement for the use of the driveway to Swineburne." Carrol subsequently sells the property to Blago, Blago informs Swineburne that he may no longer use the driveway.

Swineburne's interest is in the form of a periodic (month to month) tenancy. therefore, Carrol must give Swineburne at least one month's notice before terminating the lease.

WHAT IS SWINBURNE'S OWNERSHIP INTEREST? Swineburne approaches Carrol with the idea of starting a charity soup kitchen. Carrol agrees to rent a parcel of real estate to Swineburne for $1 a month on a month to month basis. the next day, Carrol gets an offer to purchase the real estate parcel for twice its market value on the condition that Carrol convey the real estate within 5 days. Carrol tells Swinburne to vacate the premises immediately

Swineburne owns the property in fee simple absolute and is permitted to use the property for any lawful use, including a luxury resort

WHAT IS SWINBURNE'S OWNERSHIP INTEREST? Swineburne approaches Carrol with the idea of starting a charity soup kitchen. Carrol denotes a parcel of real estate to Swineburne by providing this agreement: "I convey this parcel to Swineburne in fee simple." Swineburne uses the property to build a luxury resort hotel.


Which of the following distinguishes an easement from a license?

Fee simple absolute

Which of the following means that rights are generally unrestricted, infinite in duration, and inheritable by the owner's heirs?


Which of the following occurs when a landowner gives permission to another to use property, but the use may be revoked at the owner's discretion?


______ international law addresses the regulation of individuals and business entities.


______ law is the most widely used religious-based legal system in the world.


______ regulations typically establish districts for property use.


_______ are anything affixed to a structure.


_______ patent applies to the invention of any new or useful process, machine or article of manufacture.


_______ patent covers the invention or discovery of asexually or sexually reproducible plants.

This type of customer data is protectable as a trade secret because of its potential value to a competitor

which of the following are protectable as a trade secret? a list of customers complied by a firm that includes buying patters, purchaser contact info, and preferred products of each customer

Software source coding is protectable

which of the following are protectable as a trade secret? new software that helps a manufacturer speed up the design process for new products


A mark falling into the ______ classification cannot be registered.


A trademark holder acquires rights through use in commerce or by registering the mark with the ______


A trademark that identifies the source of a particular product is said to be ______

bundle of rights.

As it relates to personal property, title is thought of as a: ______.


Cities, boroughs, and townships are examples of ______ governments.


Copyright protection is a _____ right

adverse possession.

Exclusive and actual possession is a requirement of: ______.


Failure to give notice of patent protection may result in the inability to collect _____ against patent infringers.


If the consuming public primarily associates a mark with a particular product and not any alternate meaning, the mark is said to have _____ meaning

Recording Industry Association of America.

Individuals who engage in Illegal file sharing have been pursued by the ______

A neutral third party

Mediation and conciliation use which of the following to resolve a conflict?

World War II.

Most modern-day treaties were created after ______


Once a trademark is registered, the holder has rights where


One who actively induces infringement of a patent is considered a(n) ______


Patent rights are created by _____

open and notorious

Paying taxes on property and paying maintenance fees are examples of ____ and ___ possession.


The CISG generally covers contracts for the international sale of goods between ______


The CISG term that means the seller provides transportation at the seller's expense only to the buyer's carrier is _______.

United Nations

The __________ was created to facilitate common international concerns on defense, trade, and human rights.

state statutes and state common law.

Trade secrets are usually protected by _____ and _____


Using the transformative factor, the courts will look at ______ to see if the new work infringes on the copyrighted work.


Using the word "patent" or placing the patent number on a particular article are ways to inform users that an article is _______

European Court of Justice

Which of the following sits in Luxembourg and is composed of judges from each member country?


______ marks are used to identify business services.


______ protection is designed to prevent others from fooling customers into thinking that a product is produced by the mark holder.


a(n) _____ is an exception to a zoning ordinance.

Unless the process is highly unique, it is not protectable because it is based on a public source

which of the following are protectable as a trade secret? the process used by an accounting firm to draft financial statements in accordance with a generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)

violates FCPA's prohibition of the after the fact (ratification) payments related to the permit application

which proposed transactions violates the FCPA? Widget co applies for a permit to do business in Venezuela. the government denies the permit so widget co hires a consultant in Venezuela who is the brother of the government official and pays a reasonable dee for services plus reimbursement of traveling expenses. when the permit is finally approved widget co executives send the consultant a case of California wine as a thank you gift

Transaction costs

The costs of defining, monitoring, and enforcing property rights.


The doctrine of ________ allows courts to find patent infringement when an invention, compared with a patented device performs, substantially the same function in substantially the same way to achieve the same result.

tenancy for years.

The landlord-tenant agreement evidences a: ______.


The period of time personal property must be held for adverse possession purposes is set by: ______.

life tenant

The person who has a life estate interest is known as the _____


The privilege to use an easement acquired through adverse possession is known as:


The settlement date for a sale of real estate is usually referred to as the ______ date.


The use of a trade secret by one who knows or has reason to know that the secret was acquired by improper means is

unique; original

To be granted a patent, the invention or process must be ______ and ______.


To gain title to a parcel of land through _____ possession, the one claiming title must have occupied the property for a certain period of time.

secondary meaning.

To get protection under the Lanham Act, the holder of a descriptive mark must prove that the mark has _________

substantial similarity standard.

To help define the term "copy" as it pertains to copyright laws, courts have developed the ________


To prevent the loss of trade secret protection an owner must take ______ steps to keep the information secret.


To protect product _____ through trademark protection laws, a business must overcome any notion that the design purpose was to allow the product to function properly rather than as a distinctive trademark.


To receive copyright protection, the work must be in ______ form, such as writing, digital, video, and so forth.


True or false: All prominent bodies that administer international arbitration use the same arbitration rules.


True or false: All types of trade secrets are protected by either patent or copyright laws.


True or false: Copyright holders have complete and exclusive rights to their protected work.


True or false: Multilateral agreements used as a form of protection of intellectual property rights are mandatory.

foreign official

Under the FCPA, any officer or employee of a foreign government or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof is a __________.


Under the _____ Act, more distinctive marks are provided with greater protection.

Swineburne was a life tenant, so all ownership interests are extinguished upon his death. Carrol Jr is then the owner in fee simple absolute and has the right to terminate Swineburne Jr's use of the real estate

WHAT IS SWINBURNE'S OWNERSHIP INTEREST? Swineburne approaches Carrol with the idea of starting a charity soup kitchen. Carrol denotes a parcel of real estate to Swineburne by providing this agreement:"I convey this parcel to Swineburne for his life, and then to Carrol Jr in fee simple absolute." Swineburne uses the property to start a soup kitchen but dies shortly after . Swinburne Jr continues the soup kitchen. Carrol Jr then informs Swineburne Jr that he is selling the real estate and there Swineburne Jr must vacate

Swineburne's ownership was in fee simple defeasible (restricted by Carrolls "provided that" language in the agreement) when he violated the restriction, the ownership rights reverted back to Carrol

WHAT IS SWINBURNE'S OWNERSHIP INTEREST? Swineburne approaches Carrol with the idea of starting a charity soup kitchen. Carrol denotes a parcel of real estate to Swineburne by providing this agreement:"I convey this parcel to Swineburne in fee simple provided that it be used for charitable purposes." Swineburne uses the property to build a luxury resort hotel.


Water contained in soil is called

real property.

Water rights, airspace rights, subsurface rights, and the rights of use and enjoyment are typically thought of as rights associated with the ownership of:

police power

Wetland preservation ordinances that restrict a landowner's right to develop, fill or dredge land are legitimate exercises of a state's: ______.


What type of relationship is created when the owner of personal property entrusts another party to temporarily hold the property for a purpose that is for the mutual benefit of both parties?


When property reverts back to the original owner because certain restrictions have been violated, the original owner is said to have the right of: ______.


When the infringing device does more than is described in the patent application of the protected invention, the rule of _______ applies


Which UCC article governs leases for personal property?


Which level of government is generally responsible for zoning ordinances?


Which of the following INCO abbreviations means that the seller will not deliver or transport the goods?

Police power

Which of the following constitutional provisions gives local governments the power to pass ordinances?

Design patents

Which of the following covers the invention of new ornamental designs for manufacture?


Which of the following creates a monopoly right that allows an inventor the exclusive entitlement to make, use, license, and sell an invention for a limited period of time?

Mixed legal system

Which of the following describes a legal system where a combination of traditional legal systems are used?


Which of the following describes the relationship where the owner of personal property gives the leasing party the exclusive right to possession and use of the personal property in question for a fixed period of time?

No Electronic Theft Act

Which of the following imposes criminal sanctions for violations of the Copyright Act?

Life estate

Which of the following is an ownership interest that lasts for the lifetime of a particular person?


Which of the following is defined as any agreement between two or more nations to cooperate in a certain manner?

International law

Which of the following is the area of law influenced by a combination of law, religious tenets, and diplomatic relations between nations?

Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

Which of the following is the federal statute that prohibits United States courts from rendering judicial actions against foreign nations or their government officials?


Which of the following is the least common patent?

Fair use

Which of the following is the most common defense to a claim of copyright infringement?

Paris Convention

Which of the following offers international policy and protection for inventions?

Leasehold estate

Which of the following offers the least amount of rights because it allows only a qualified right to use real property in an exclusive manner for a limited period of time?


Which of the following patents are intended to protect inventors for any new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture?

Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards

Which of the following provides for widespread enforcement of an international arbitration award in many major countries?

Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property

Which of the following provides minimum requirements and standards for protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights in the international setting?

Article 96 declaration

Which of the following under the CISG allows individual countries to impose a writing requirement?

World Trade Organization

Which of the following was established in part to have some authority over trade barrier disputes?

International Monetary Fund

Which of the following was established in part to promote stability of world currencies?

London Court of International Arbitration

Which of the following, according to its rules, is exclusively allowed to appoint arbitrators?

First sale doctrine

Which of the of following allows the owner of a copyrighted work to resell or gift the work to another without the permission of the copyright owner?

Not covered by fair use. Market effort in commercial nature of the use what excluded from the fair use defense

Which of these situations would constitute fair use? A company buys one copy of a training manual from a publisher And then distributes photocopies of several chapters to its workforce

Probably not fair use. The market effect would determine this question, But the commercial nature and the Fact that it is the entire DVD Woodway against fair use as a defense

Which of these situations would constitute fair use? And executive rents a DVD on motivation from her local DVD store. The next day she shows the DVD during work hours to her management team in order to inspire the Team members to adopt a certain leader ship practice

Not fair use. Commercial nature, profit motive, amount of substantially used, and market affect would bar any use of the fair yeast offense in this case

Which of these situations would constitute fair use? Are you firm that arranges corporate training sessions buys A DVD that features former General Electric CEO Jack Welch speaking on problem-solving skills for executives. The firm shows 30 minutes of this DVD at the beginning of each of its eight hour training sessions called "solutions for solving" For which it charges $500 per person for the entire session

Covered by fair use. Limited amount used, non-commercial use, and minimal market effect support the fair use defense

Which of these situations would constitute fair use? A manager a photo copies an article of interest From the wall street journal and distribute it to three coworkers who also may be interested


Which primary source of international law follows the principle that individual conduct is permitted unless expressly forbidden?

Civil law systems

Which type of legal system relies heavily on written code law?


_____ is the notion that nations will defer to and give effect to the laws and court decisions of other nations.


_____ proceedings are typically invoked to enforce the power of eminent domain.


_____-based legal systems are based on religious beliefs and ideas.


______ possession applies to personal property held for the required statutory time period.

good faith

a(n) __________ purchaser is one who purchases personal property without knowledge that the property was stolen.


in ______ proceedings, the government must prove that its action of taking private property is rationally related to a public purpose.


is permission to use property, but such permission can be revoked by the owner at any time.


the ____ Protocol provides a uniform, single-source process for trademark protection.


the _____ Convention is considered the most important multilateral agreement on patents.


the ______ sale doctrine allows the owner of a copyrighted work to resell or gift the work to another without the permission of the copyright holder.

This system is probably not protectable because it is something highly unique. But the basis of scheduling medical appointments is not typically protectable

which of the following are protectable as a trade secret? a system used by a medical practice for scheduling patients for a doctor's visit

Formulas are protectable

which of the following are protectable as a trade secret? the formula for a new brand of fruit drink at a beverage supply company

violates FCPA's prohibition of paying cash equivalents (travel) in connection with the permit

which proposed transactions violates the FCPA? Widget co applies for a permit to do business in Venezuela. the government denies the permit so widget co hires a consultant in Venezuela who is the brother of the government official and pays a reasonable dee for services plus reimbursement of traveling expenses. the consultant submits a handwritten invoice for the reimbursement totaling $100000

violates FCPA's prohibition of offering anything of value (a meal at a four star restaurant) with intent to obtain the permit

which proposed transactions violates the FCPA? Widgetco applies for a permit to do business in Venezuela. the government denies the permit and a widget co executive pays of r lavish meal at a four star restaurant while discussing the permit application with the official

violates FCPA's prohibition of paying a third party to pay off the government official (a consultant)

which proposed transactions violates the FCPA? widget co applies for a permit to do business in Venezuela. the government denies the permit so widget co hires a consultant in Venezuela who is the brother of the government official. Widget co pays the consultant $100000 to handle the permit process although the permit itself costs only $1000


A business method may be patentable so long as it accomplishes a useful purpose in a(n) ____ and nonobvious way.


A choice of _____ clause in an international contract predetermines which nation's court system will apply.


A current trend in strategic business planning is to trademark product ______ as a form of trade dress.

actual owner.

A finder of lost property typically obtains title by possession, except as it relates to the: ______.


A foreign _______ under the FCPA is any officer or employee of a foreign government or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof.

'valid title

A good faith purchaser will only acquire valid title to personal property when the seller has: ______.


A mark is considered which of the following if imagination, thought, and perception are required to understand how it is tied to the underlying product or service?


A mark that centers upon a word made up with the intention of being used as a distinctive term is considered ______

ten years

A mark's initial registration period is:


A patent infringer acting in bad faith may have to pay the prevailing party's _____ fees

Prejudgment Interest

A patent infringer is subject to a(n) _________ when it is proven that revenue from possible sales have been withheld from the patentee for a long period of time.


A patent of an invention lasts for _____ years from the date of filing.


A patent will not be given for a relatively obvious improvement under the _____ standard


A patent will not be given for a relatively obvious improvement under the ______ standard


A privilege to use the real estate owned by another is referred to as a(n):


A regulation that completely deprives a landowner of all the economic value of his or her property will require just compensation under the power of ______ domain

Takings Clause

A regulatory taking that deprives a landowner of all of the economic value of her property and grants her just compensation is called the: ______.


A titleholder of personal property typically has _______ use of the personal property.


A(n) _____ meaning is created when the consuming public primarily associates a trademark with a particular product, rather than an alternate meaning.


A(n) ______ can be renewed an unlimited number of times so long as the holder pays the registration fee.

unreasonable condition

A(n) ______ that affects a landowner's use and enjoyment of her land is a nuisance.

the true owner.

Adverse possession allows for the possessor of goods to be protected from any suit to recover the property, except against: ______.


An agreement between a landlord and a tenant is referred to as a(n):


An association arising from the similarity between a mark or trade name and a famous mark that harms the reputation of the famous mark with something that a consumer might find objectionable or unflattering is dilution by _______


Arbitration is considered __________ if the parties to the arbitration are of different nationalities or the subject matter of the dispute involves a state other than the country in which the parties are nationals.

direct infringer.

Before pursuing a theory of indirect infringement, the copyright owner must first identify the ________


Building public highways and public hospitals are examples of ______ use.


CISG provides that the seller has the right to _______ a delivery of nonconforming goods, even if the time for performance is past due.


Civil law systems are mostly influenced by ______ law.

a sale

Commercial real estate is usually transferred by: ______.


Common law jurisdictions adhere to the concept of judicial __________, whereby a court may strike down a law passed by the legislature if the law is found to violate some other overriding principle of law (such as the United States Constitution).

fair use

Copyright owners do not enjoy unlimited rights to their work; rather, the law balances public interests with the property rights of copyright owners. The most common and powerful defense to a copyright infringement claim is _______

Copyright Act.

Copyrights are regulated by the ______

customers create a link to a particular product.

Designs, colors, and shapes of products help ______

take tangible form.

Durable medium means that the work must ______


Employers will typically be responsible for the unauthorized use of copyrighted material by an employee under the theory of ______ infringement.

substantial; legitimate

Environmental laws and regulations are typically lawful so long as they advance a(n) ______ and _______ state interest.

free carrier

FCA under the CISG stands for _______.


Fundamentally, the Berne Convention agreement requires that foreigners from signatory countries must be granted protection via __________ (known as national treatment) under the copyright laws of any other member country.


If Amanda leaves a restaurant but forgets her cell phone on the table she was sitting at, the cell phone is characterized as:

public domain

If a copyright has expired, works fall into the _______


If a mark is no longer used in commerce for ______ years, the rights are lost through abandonment.


If a seller does not cure, the CISG allows the buyer to pursue __________.


If the government and private property owner cannot agree on the sales terms regarding real estate, the government will institute ______ proceedings.


In a bailment relationship, the owner of the personal property is the: ______.


In a landlord-tenant agreement, the landlord gives the tenant a qualified right to possess and use the real estate for a specified period of years that is often spelled out in a written ______


In an equipment lease, the party with the exclusive right to possess and use the equipment during the lease term is the: ______.

open and visible possession

In the context of adverse possession, building a fence on property or other enclosure around property are examples of: ______.


Indirect infringement is also known as ______ infringement

trade secret

Information or articles that are to be kept secret because of their particular value are _______


Land and structures, plant life, and the vegetation attached to it are classified as ______ property.


Land and the structures attached to it are _____ property


Law that addresses the relationship between individual countries and international organizations is known as _____ international law.

Rules and Principles

Legal sources define modern international law as a body of ____ and _____ of action binding on countries, international organizations, and individuals in their relations with one another.


Mark holders must protect their rights by _____ their marks.


Marks that require no leap of imagination to connect to the product are called ______ marks


Marks that suggest the product or service without literally describing it are considered highly _____


Mediation has grown in popularity as a method to resolve conflict due to decreased time commitments as well as a decrease in _______


Most state statutes define misappropriation as the term is defined in the _______


No infringement occurs when the alleged infringing invention lacks an essential element of the patent holder's claims in the patent application. This is known as the rule of ______


Noises and foul odors are common types of _____


One who makes, uses or sells a patented invention without permission is guilty of patent ______


Open and notorious possession that is visible and exclusive and for a continuous period of set time is ______ possession.

creative element.

Original work, in order to receive copyright protection, must contain some ______


Patents are classified as ______ property.


Potential tax advantages and the right to exclusive use without the expense of purchase are typically advantages in a lease agreement for the: ______.


Private international law addresses the regulation of private ______ and business entities.

substantial similarity

Proof of copied plots and structures could satisfy the _________ standard

tangible and intellectual.

Property is typically categorized as:


Property that can be touched and physically possessed is ______ property, and it includes real property and personal property.

lasts for as long as the firm exists.

Protection against trade secret misappropriation ______

trade dress.

Protection for a product's shape or the color of its packaging is called


Public international law addresses the relationship between individual ____ and international organizations.

fair use.

Reasonable educational use of copyrighted material is usually recognized under the defense of ______


Registration of copyrighted work allows the owner ______ methods for enforcing the copyright.


Retail, industrial, and residential are examples of: ______.


Rights are lost through ______ when a word becomes too generic to the point where it has lost its distinctiveness,


Rights to soil or minerals or oil within the soil are considered ______ rights.


Rights to streams, lakes, and groundwater are examples of ______ rights.


Rights to the space above one's property are referred to as ____ rights


Sharing control of the land in question would negate the ______ possession requirement of an adverse possession claim.


Sovereign __________ allows for nations to be exempt from jurisdiction in other nations' courts.

real property ownership.

State statutes and common law principles are the primary sources of law governing: _____.


Textures, shapes, and color combinations have been given trade ______ protection

commercial transactions.

The European Court of Justice primarily decides issues and procedures dealing with _____


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was enacted to primarily combat the ______ of foreign officials by American corporations.

World Court.

The International Court of Justice is also known as the _____

the Netherlands.

The International Court of Justice is based in _____

United Nations

The International Court of Justice is the judicial branch of the ______

copyright laws

The RIAA enforces:


The World International Property Organization creates a(n) ______ center for disputes involving patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

intellectual property rights

The World International Property Organization creates an arbitration center for issues related to __________.

Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

The _____ exists to fill in the terms of a sale of goods contract when the parties in ratifying countries have not otherwise reached agreement.


The ______ factor allows a court to first analyze whether the work in question has added new expression or meaning to the copyrighted work.


The _______ Amendment prevents government regulators from denying mark registration because the mark is likely to offend others.

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