Luoa World History II Semester Exam

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Why was Portugal in no hurry to colonize Brazil? [choose all that may apply]

Portugal was acquiring a lot of wealth in Africa. Portugal was acquiring a lot of wealth in India. Dense jungle and vegetation made settling in Brazil difficult.

Identify the two individuals who played a critical role in the development of the scientific method.

Rene Descartes Sir Francis Bacon

Who lead the way in the preservation and expansion of knowledge in the Middle Ages?

The Church

What was significant about the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain? [Choose all that apply.]

They united the nation under their leadership when they married. They completed the reconquest of Spanish lands from the Moors. They supported Columbus's New World exploration.

Where were the nobility in Italy?

They were intermarried with wealthy merchants.

The Tudors were _____________.

an English royal family

The term "Renaissance" means what?


Which percentage of African slaves did not survive the Middle Passage?


In 1660, the king of England established the Royal _________ Company with the goal of shipping more slaves to the Americas.


Which of the following describes the Spanish encomienda system in the New World? [choose all that may apply]

After receiving the land and work forces, Spanish colonists were expected to treat the Native Americans well and to teach them about Christianity, which rarely happened. A Spanish governor gave Spanish colonists a work force of Native Americans. A Spanish governor gave Spanish colonists land in the New World.

Out of Zwingli's ideas came which group?


Which Portuguese explorer was the first to sail around the southern tip of Africa in 1488?

Bartolomeu Dias

Match each item below to its region of origin.

China porcelain India spices Middle East mathematics Africa gold

Which of the following describes the positive connection between Christianity and scientific learning? [Choose all that apply.]

Christianity depicts God as a rational, responsive, dependable, and omnipotent Being, whose Creation is orderly and structured. Christian teachings reject the idea that God is an impersonal force, and His creation is mostly unknowable. The laws of nature exhibit order, pattern, and regularity since they are established by an orderly God. In addition, the physical universe is knowable because God created us to know Him and the rest of Creation.

Because power had shifted from the local lords to the kings and queens of Europe, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain were able to sponsor ____________ expensive voyage across the ocean in 1492.

Christopher Columbus's

If the city of ____________ (which also served as the capital of the Christian Byzantine Empire) fell to Muslim forces, Europe would likely lose access to the overland trade route to Asia.


What was the capital of the Incan Empire?


Who argued that God does not exist since man cannot experience Him with the senses?

David Hume

The Catholic Church originally gave Henry VIII which title?

Defender of the Faith

__________________laid the egg that_________________hatched.

Desiderius Erasmus Martin Luther

Who developed the vaccination for smallpox after conducting a series of experiments that included an eight-year-old boy and his 11- month-old son?

Edward Jenner

Under which English monarch did the Church of England become definitively Protestant?

Elizabeth I

Which was one reason the Reformation started in Germany

Emperor Charles V's reign

John Wycliffe was located in which area of Europe?


Which two passages influenced Luther's view that it was one's faith in Christ that saves, not doing good works? [Choose all that apply.]

Ephesians 2: 8-9 Romans 1:7

Who laid the groundwork for the Reformation by compiling sources and making an edition of the Greek New Testament available?

Erasmus of Rotterdam

How did the Atlantic slave trade begin? [Choose all that apply.]

Europeans turned to African slaves to solve their labor shortages in the New World. The Native American population was dying from European diseases. The Europeans needed workers for their large plantations in the Americas.

Which Spanish ruler(s) defeated the last Muslim kingdom in Spain in 1492, successfully ending the 700-year Reconquista?

Ferdinand and Isabella

Identify the skeptical ruler(s) who agreed to pay for Columbus's voyage.

Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

Which of the following were dominant Italian states? [Choose all that apply.]

Florence Venice Piedmont

When war erupted between France and England in 1754 for control of North America, which side did most Native Americans join?


Who oversaw the Spanish Inquisition?

Francisco Jimenez de Cisneros

Royal courts across Europe adopted which language and culture during the Enlightenment?


Who supported the monarchy and wanted the Revolution to end?

French Royalists

Which famous astronomer used a telescope to confirm the theories of Copernicus and Kepler and later got into trouble with the Catholic Church for writing a book that criticized the geocentric theory and mocked the pope's intelligence?


In the American War for Independence, who led the British offensive in the North?

General Burgoyne

Who is considered the first important Renaissance painter?


Which of the following statements best describes Adam Smith's idea of laissez-faire?

Government should not interfere with the economy, which will allow hard-working individuals to prosper.

Why did John White leave the Roanoke Island Colony and return to England?

He needed to return to raise support and supplies for the colony.

Which of the following was king of England in 1500?

Henry VII

Which are true of Queen Isabella of Spain? [Choose all that apply.]

Her reform caused the Inquisition. he was concerned with the excess of the clergy.

Which Spanish explorer landed in Central America in 1519 with the goal of conquering the Aztec Empire?

Hernan Cortes

The ultimate goal of Portugal was to reach which country in Asia first?


Which was the religion of the Ottoman Empire?


Which best describe the Council of Trent? [Choose all that apply.]

It addressed corruption in the Church. It established Catholic orthodoxy.

Which of the following were true at the height of the Mughal Empire? [Choose all that apply.]

It saw massive population growth because of increased agricultural production. It enjoyed an economy that was the second largest in the world. It encompassed most of the Indian subcontinent.

Which of the following were true of the Great Ming? [Choose all that apply.]

Its bureaucracy was based on Confucian principles. It rebuilt and fortified the Great Wall of China. The people practiced multiple religions.

Which Russian monarch declared sovereignty over all Russian people and lands and set the precedent for further expansion in the 16th century?

Ivan III

Which early French explorer sailed to Newfoundland and up the St. Lawrence River in 1534, claiming the region for France?

Jacques Cartier

After the death of Elizabeth I, who became ruler of England?

James I

Identify the first permanent and successful English settlement in North America.


In 1497, which explorer sailed from England, crossed the Atlantic, and explored the eastern coast of Canada?

John Cabot

Which English settler did the Native American princess Pocahontas marry?

John Rolfe

Who told the colonists at Jamestown that they would not eat if they did not work?

John Smith

Which are some of the names of royal families in Europe? [Choose all that apply.]

Lancaster Bourbon Hapsburg

Wycliffe's followers went by which nickname?


Who was king of France in 1500?

Louis XII

During the Age of Discovery, the Mississippi River Valley region was renamed ________ in honor of King Louis XIV of France.


Jan Huss supported whch ideas? [Choose all that apply.]

Man does not need a priest to help him read the Bible. Wycliffe's views on theological issues Man can understand the Scriptures for himself.

Which Venetian merchant revealed to Europeans the goods and culture of the Chinese?

Marco Polo

Under whom did the Songhai Empire reach its height?

Muhammad Ture

Identify the largest Dutch settlement in North America.

New Netherland

Why couldn't the College of Cardinals remove a bad or unstable pope? [Choose all that apply.]

No man could judge a pope. The pope was considered God's representative on Earth, and he carried God's authority. There was no rule or precedent that allowed it.

Which explorer discovered and claimed Brazil for Portugal while trying to round Africa to India?

Pedro Cabral

Of the Italian authors, which Renaissance writer promoted the philosophy that man should be concerned with salvation but also enjoy the world?


Which country was able to establish a monopoly on trade coming from Africa and India and, as a result, became one of the richest countries in Europe during the early years of the Age of Discovery?


Which of the following is NOT true regarding the role of the Church in the Hundred Years' War?

Priests and clerics took up arms in their own bid for Roman supremacy.

In the Thirty Years' War, the __________________ and the ___________________were pitted against one another.

Protestants , Catholics

Who were Britain's allies on the Continent in the Age of Napoleon before 1806? [Choose all that apply.]

Prussia Austria Russia

Where was the traditional center of power for the Roman Catholic Church?


Which French explorer was called the Father of New France and founded the important French settlement of Quebec in 1608?

Samuel de Champlain

John Knox is best associated with the Reformation in which nation?


Which was the official religion of the Safavid Persian Empire?

Shia Islam

The development of the scientific method is best associated with whom?

Sir Francis Bacon

Who promoted humanism in England?

Sir Thomas More

What was the reception of James I? [Choose all that apply.]

Some thought he was arrogant. Many liked him. He was pro-Catholi

In 1492, which country finally agreed to sponsor Christopher Columbus's expedition?


Which European country benefited the most from the Treaty of Tordesillas?


The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement between which two countries to split ownership of the New World?

Spain and Portugal

Why were the English late arriving to the New World?

Spain was threatening to invade England.

Which Christian Native American helped the Pilgrims grow food and establish their settlement in Plymouth?


Ulrich Zwingli is best associated with the Reformation in which nation?


Which of the following is another name for the Enlightenment?

The Age of Reason

For Martin Luther, what was the final authority for religious truth?

The Bible

Which are the reasons for the end of the Italian Renaissance? [Choose all that apply.]

The Catholic Reformation created a need in the Church to become more conservative. Trade routes shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.

Why did the Separatists (Pilgrims) want to leave the Church of England?

The Church of England retained too many Catholic traditions.

Which of the following statements best describes how the Crusades laid the foundation for the Age of Discovery?

The Crusades increased the power of the kings, who could now mobilize the wealth of an entire country to pay for the expensive voyages of exploration.

Which of the following political statements best describes Maya government?

The Maya were not a unified nation but instead were a collection of city-states.

Which were some advantages of finding a sea route to Asia instead of using the traditional overland route? [Choose all that apply.]

The cargo hold of ships could hold substantially more trade goods than could be transported on wagons. The Europeans could bypass the land controlled by the Ottoman Empire. Using the sea route would speed the trip by weeks or even months.

Which of the following best describes why the original Jamestown settlers came to the New World?

They came to the New World seeking wealth.

During the High Middle Ages, centers of learning moved away from monasteries and toward _________, which the Christian Scholastics established in an effort to better understand the world God had created.


In 1498, which Portuguese explorer was the first European to sail around Africa and reach India?

Vasco da Gama

In 1519, which explorer became the first European to discover the Pacific Ocean?

Vasco de Balboa

Who was the first English child born in the New World?

Virginia Dare

List and describe four of the six results of the Reformation. (Write a minimum of two sentences for each result.)

Your Answer: It fractured Christianity. most people split off into: Lutherans, anglicans, presbyterians, calvinists, anabaptists, catholic and Protestant. It also brought religious reform, most of the Catholic churches errors were fixed thanks to the reform. All of the leaders of the catholic church sat down and discussed what needs to change and they changed it! This is known as the Council of Trent. It also increased the importance and availability of education, the reformers worked to build more schools and even universities! And lastly, it facilitated the rise of the modern nation state, people rejected the authority of the pope with their lives, this separated the monarchs from the church.

One of Luther's greatest contributions to the Reformation while in hiding was what?

a German translation of the Bible

Which of the following is NOT considered a change that occurred during the Renaissance?

a change in military tactics and the power of law Below are changes that occured: a change in architecture changes in themes and styles of art a change of focus to humanism and individualism

What is a tariff?

a tax on imported goods from other countries, which encourages the local population to buy products made at home since they are cheaper

Which instrument was used to determine location by measuring the distance between the stars and the horizon?

an astrolabe

As the Aztecs migrated south looking for a new homeland, for which sign were they looking that would tell them where to establish their new home?

an eagle eating a snake on a cactus

What was a result of the defeat of the Spanish Armada?

an opened door to exploration

Over which aspects of everyday life did the Catholic Church exhibit some type of control? [Choose all that apply.]

birth marriage death

As the Age of Discovery ended, which economic system began to replace mercantilism in many parts of Europe?


Before the arrival of the Europeans, Native Americans had never seen _______________________________.

cows, pigs, or chickens

Which of the following means that truth and knowledge come from the senses and experiences?


The Incas were primarily _________________.


Bartolome de las Casas is known for what?

fighting for fair treatment of the Natives

To what did the Enlightenment apply scientific reasoning? [Choose all that apply.]

government economics education

Which of the following describes the positive contributions of the ancient Greek philosophers and why the Church adopted their ideas? [Choose all that apply.]

hey taught that the universe was structured and orderly. They believed in eternal ideas such as truth and goodness. They criticized those who placed too much value in earthly possessions and pleasure.

Which ideology focuses more on mankind's ability and contributions?


Which of the following is a characteristic of the Enlightenment?


Thomas Hobbes believed that the government should wield absolute power like which powerful beast?


According to the Declaration of Independence, which of the following are the "unalienable rights" with which every person is born?

life Liberty Pursuit of Happines

Where was Maya civilization located?

on the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America

During the Age of Discovery, the Portuguese established large ___________ in Brazil. Originally, the Portuguese used Native Americans as a workforce, but after disease and mistreatment killed most of them, Portugal began using slaves from ________.

plantations, Africa

What did the Preferential Treaty stipulate for Spain?

preference of trading with England

For what is Copernicus known?

reviving the theory that we live in a sun-centered universe

Louis XIV of France did what with the Edict of Nantes?

revoked it

Muslim caravans in Africa traded not only in gold but in


Which devastating disease did the Spanish bring to Central America that killed thousands of Aztecs?


"L'etat, c'est moi" means, "I am the ______________.


Before arriving in the New World, Europeans had never seen ____________________________.

strawberries and chocolate

Which of the following were trade goods from Asia that the Dutch sold in Europe? [choose all that may apply]

tea silks spices

What did the True Law of Free Monarchies argue? [Choose all that apply.]

that the king should be free of Parliament, Church, and Law that kings should be revered as gods for the consolidation of power in one monarch

Which mountain range did the Proclamation Act of 1763 forbid colonists to cross?

the Appalachian Mountains

Which Mesoamerican group dominated Central America during the 1400s?

the Aztecs

Prior to 1500, Western European cities developed trade based on shipping routes around which sea?

the Baltic Sea

Thomas Cranmer's greatest contribution to the English Reformation was what?

the Book of Common Prayer

Which group controlled 40% of France's wealth in 1500?

the Catholic Church

Which committee did Maximilien Robespierre lead after the king's execution?

the Committee of Public Safety

Which granted toleration to French Calvinists known as Huguenots?

the Edict of Nantes

Before the arrival of the Europeans, which native civilization dominated much of western South America during the 1400s?

the Incas

What is another name for the Dutch Republic? [Choose all that apply.]

the Low Countries United Provinces

Which large river in North America did Louis Joilet and René-Robert Cavelier de La Salle explore and claim for France?

the Mississippi River

Which institution brought the people of Europe together following the fall of the Roman Empire?

the Roman Catholic Church

Which was the most powerful economic force in Europe during the Late Middle Ages?

the Roman Catholic Church

Whereby ________________________________ primarily drive(s) mercantilism to increase a nation's power, ________________________ seeking to make a profit drive capitalism .

the government; individuals and companies

Which Renaissance invention helped spread ideas quickly?

the movable type printing press

What were important technological innovations that traders brought from the Middle East? [Choose two.]

the waterwheel the windmill

Which cash crop did John Rolfe plant in 1610 and 1611 that turned Jamestown into a financial success?


Who reigned during the English Civil War?

Charles I

What attracted the French to explore? [Choose all that apply.]

furs fish

The Aztecs were _______________.


What did Napoleon find upon taking the city of Moscow? [Choose all that apply.]

winter beginning no food or supplies no people

Who was the advisor to Louis XIV?

Cardinal Marazin

Who was the Father of the Age of Reason?


Who defeated Charles I?

Oliver Cromwell

Which of the following corresponds to this statement: "Kings are placed in their positions by God to rule"?

divine right of kings theory

Which philosophe influenced the founders of the United States with his belief that government should have limited power and that power should be divided into three separate branches?

Baron de Montesquieu

By 1778, which cities did the British control in the North? [Choose all that apply]

Boston New York

Who laid the foundation for absolutism in France?

Cardinal Richelieu

The English Civil War pitted ___________________ against______________________. (nicknames)

Cavaliers against Roundheads

Why was James II placed on the throne after the death of Charles II? [Choose all that apply.

Charles II had no heir. He was the Duke of York

Which is a common analogy of Deism?

God is a clockmaker who wound the clock and let it loose.

Which are beliefs of Deism? [Choose all that apply.]

God is the sole Creator of the universe. God set the universe in motion. God abandoned the universe.

Who joined Descartes in using reason to glorify God?

Gottfried Leibnitz

Which of the following is a belief Jean-Jacques Rousseau held

He believed that people should place their trust in government for their salvation and be willing to surrender some of their freedoms for government to end inequality.

Which statements are true of the right of Asiento? [Choose all that apply.]

profiting from the sale of slaves to Spanish colonies selling slaves to Spanish colonies

Which of the following means reason is the primary source of knowledge and truth?


Which were some ways Napoleon helped the economic woes of France? [Choose all that apply.]

reformed the tax system to repay debt established the Bank of France

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of royal authority in the Age of Absolutism?

service-minded (this is what they were: paternal responsible only to God subject to reason)

Who personally surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown?

the second-in-command to Cornwallis

Who mostly ruled the Italian city-states?

the wealthy upper class

How long after the Battles of Lexington and Concord did the Continental Congress pass the Declaration of Independence?

15 Months

When was the Treaty of Westphalia signed?


When did Napoleon attempt to invade Russia?


What was the result of the restriction of religion after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes?

200,000 Huguenots fled France.

Which of the following describes the positive legacy of the Enlightenment? [Choose all that apply.]

Emphasis was placed on the importance of equality. Emphasis was placed on the importance of respecting different points of view. Emphasis was placed on the freedom of speech.

During the Enlightenment, Denis Diderot compiled much of the knowledge of the world at that time into one work, which he called the ________________.


Which Crusade betrayed the Byzantines and captured their city of Constantinople?

Fourth Crusade

Why is Charles V significant? [Choose all that apply.]

He ruled the Hapsburg Netherlands. He wrestled control of the Italian states from France. He asserted dominance in the Holy Roman Empire.

What happened to Charles I when he was defeated? [Choose all that apply.]

He was beheaded. He was found guilty of treason.

Why did the people hope James II's daughter Mary would be the queen? [Choose all that apply.]

Her father was a devout Catholic. She was a Protestant.

Who was the ruling family at the time of the French Revolution?

House of Bourbon

What were some differences between the Holy Roman Empire and the Italian city-states? [Choose all that apply.]

Italy featured more powerful cities. The Holy Roman Empire was less regionally powerful within its borders.

Which philosopher believed emotions, feelings, and passion were just as important as reason?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Which philosopher argued that, if rulers violate the natural rights of the people, they (the people) have the right to overthrow the government?

John Locke

Which philosopher believed that all people are born with natural rights and that the government receives the power to rule from the people?

John Locke

"Lassiez faire" means what?

Let you do, as in, government hands off

As the Committee of Public Safety took power, it centralized power back to itself. Which response did this cause?

Localities responded by trying to regain power.

Who succeeded Henry IV?

Louis XIII

Who was the king of France during the French Revolution?

Louis XVI

By the 1400s, which city replaced Kiev as the most important city in Russia?


After years of chaos, the French were willing to give up the little freedom they had in exchange for order and stability. In November of 1799, the government was handed over to a French general, ____________________________, who promised peace and prosperity. The French Revolution was over.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Which of the following is NOT a cause of the French Revolution?

Napoleon seizing control of France through a military takeover Below are what caused the French Revolution: bad weather and food shortages high taxes and debt ideas of the Enlightenment

Which city became the philosophical center of the Enlightenment?


In the divine right of kings theory, the king does not answer to the people . The king answers to God .

Parliament and God

Up to the time of the Crusades, why did local lords have more power than most kings in Europe?

People turned to local rulers rather than their distant king for protection against swift-moving, invading groups like the Vikings and horseback-riding Magyars.

Which Russian ruler traveled to Europe in an effort to find ways to modernize Russia?

Peter the Great

What did Peter the Great gain from defeating Sweden in the Great Northern War (1700-1721)?

Russian annexed territory that gave Russia a warm-water port.

Which recognizable church in Moscow did Ivan the Terrible build to honor his victory over Kazan?

St. Basil's Cathedral

How did House of Hohenzollern get control of Prussia?

The Holy Roman Emperor gave it the land for helping defeat the Turk

Which of the following statements best describes the connection between the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery?

The Renaissance created a curiosity about the unknown, including if it was possible to sail west to reach the Far East.

How could ordinary people in France get hereditary titles of nobility?

by purchasing a title for as much as 60,000 livres

Believing that Russia should continue the legacy of Rome and Constantinople, Ivan began referring to Moscow as the "_______ Rome."


Place each of the following in the correct order of estate: Peasants: Nobility: Lawyers: Shop Owners Clergy:

Third Estate Answer 2: Second Estate Answer 3: Second Estate Answer 4:Third Estate Answer 5:Third Estate Answer 6:First Estate

Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

What was Louis XVI's crime to warrant execution?


Which document served as an inspiration to the United States' Declaration of Independence?

Two Treatises on Government

Which pope received a letter from the Christian Byzantine Empire in 1095, asking for help against the Muslim Turks?

Urban II

Where did George Washington earn the undying loyalty of his men because he endured what they endured (including starvation, freezing temperatures, and illness)?

Valley Forge

Which famous philosophe possessed a combination of brilliance, wit, and brutal sarcasm and used his sharp mind and tongue to criticize anyone who or any institution that criticized the values of the Enlightenment?


Which of the following was developed in the 15th century that helped spark exploration?

a caravel

The English Civil War featured clashes between which two groups? [Choose all that apply.]

aristocracy versus rising middle class Puritans versus Catholics

What was Napoleon doing in France at the time the French Revolution started?

attending a military academy

Which of the following were characteristic of the arts during the Age of Reason? [Choose all that apply.]

balance harmony control realism

What would have prevented Napoleon from rising in the ranks before the French Revolution?

if he had lacked social status

According to the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which is the cause of public disorder and government corruption?

ignorance and disregard for the natural rights of the people

The Thirty Years' War had two main parts. Which were they?

local and religious; national and political

Which of the following BEST describes the Holy Roman Empire?

loose confederation of smaller kingdoms

Which is the governing body who presided over smaller districts in France before the French Revolution?


What was the strategy behind Napoleon's first victory?

placing cannons to aim at key points of the city

Which is a characteristic of the Storm-and-Stress period of literature?

stressing about changes in communication

Which treaty ended the Thirty Years' War?

the Treaty of Westphalia

Which of the following describes the negative legacy of the Enlightenment? [Choose all that apply.]

the belief that God does not exist emphasis on human reason alone to solve all of mankind's problems the rejection of absolute truth

Which branch of government is responsible for making laws

the legislative branch

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