M5 Inquizitive

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(13,non-map) The_____prohibited not only spying and interfering with the draft but also "false statements" that might impede military success. That was followed in 1918 by the_____, which made it a crime to make spoken or printed statements that intended to cast "contempt, scorn, or disrepute" on the "form of government," or that advocated interference in the war effort. The most prominent victim of the repressive laws was_____, jailed for delivering an antiwar speech. Espionage Act of 1917 Seditious Immigrant Act Public Speaking Prohibition Act of 1918 Sedition Act Newspaper Control Act Walter Lippman Eugene V. Debs

(1) Espionage Act of 1917 (2) Sedition Act (3) Eugene V. Debs

(1,map) The following map depicts the United States' involvement in the Caribbean between 1898 and 1941. Using the information on the map, place the following events in chronological order.

(1) The United States secures the Panama Canal Zone. (2) The United States purchases the Virgin Islands from Denmark. (3) The United States withdraws troops from the Dominican Republic.

(8,non-map) Complete the following passage about the United States' involvement with Mexico during the 1910s. In 1913, _____ broke out in Mexico. Three years later, the war spilled across the border into the United States. President _____ sent 10,000 American soldiers under the command of John Pershing to defeat Mexican raiders under the command of _____. The American expedition to arrest the leader of this uprising ultimately proved _____ successful. World War I Venustiano Carranza Theodore Roosevelt successful civil war Woodrow Wilson Pancho Villa unsuccessful

(1) civil war (2) Woodrow Wilson (3) Pancho Villa (4) unsuccessful

(10,non-map) Read and analyze the "Voices of Freedom" primary source document titled "War Message to Congress" (1917) by Woodrow Wilson. In his message to a special session of Congress, Wilson indicated that the United States_____to conquer territories; it sought to vindicate the principles of self-government and establish a platform of peace that was being threatened by_____governments. In doing so, the world would be made safe for_____nations. did not desire monarchical colonial autocratic intended democratic

(1) did not desire (2) autocratic (3) democratic

(8,map) Woodrow Wilson's moral imperialism produced more military interventions in Latin America than the foreign policy of any president before or since. In 1915, for example, he sent marines to occupy Haiti after the government refused to allow American banks to oversee its financial dealings. Select Haiti on the map.

(the part that looks like an open birds beak)

(6,map) Constructed in the first years of the twentieth century, the Panama Canal drastically reduced the time it took for commercial and naval vessels to sail between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. Select the Panama Canal on the map.

(the skinniest part between mexico and South America)

(5,map) Select on the map the nations that came into existence at the end of World War I.

* Hungary * Yugoslavia * Poland x Romania x Bulgaria

(1.non-map)At the dawn of the twentieth century, Britain retained an empire that stretched across the globe. In the years following the Great War and Second World War, the British empire would be shattered into fragments. Select on the map the areas under British colonialism in 1900.

* India * Egypt * Australia

(9,map) On the eve of World War I, 90 percent of the African-American population still lived in the South. Between 1910 and 1920, half a million blacks left the South. This "Great Migration" was spurred by the labor shortage of the war years and better opportunities in the North. Select on the map the state that housed the city with the largest percentage increase in black population during the 1910s. (CHART THAT I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO INCLUDE)

* MI

(20,non-map) Identify the statements that describe the Wilsonian ideal of "self-determination" and the influence it had on global affairs after World War I.

CORRECT: * Britain and France did not embrace the concept, as it would mean relinquishing control of their occupied lands all over the world. * Japan proposed to include in the League of Nations charter a clause that recognized the equality of all people, regardless of race. * Citizens of Arabic countries asked Wilson to declare war in the name of democracy. INCORRECT: x Vietnam's independence was recognized by the League of Nations.

(11,non-map) Read and analyze the "Voices of Freedom" primary source document from the chapter, titled "Speech to the Jury Before Sentencing Under the Espionage Act" (1918) by Eugene V. Debs. What arguments does Eugene V. Debs make about the right of dissent in wartime?

CORRECT: * Debs indicates that dissent is a fundamental aspect of American history. * Revering once "public enemies" such as William Lloyd Garrison was now hypocritical in light of restricted liberties enacted by the Wilson administration. INCORRECT: x Debs championed violent revolution to engender social change. x Debs believed that in a time of war, citizens needed to sacrifice their individual liberties.

(2,non-map) The images below show women protesting for their rights and working physically intensive jobs during World War I. Identify the statements that describe the role of women in World War I.

CORRECT: * Many women did jobs previously reserved for men before the war. * The woman suffrage movement argued that if the war was about "freedom" abroad then it should also aim to expand "freedom" at home. INCORRECT: x Women were not allowed to work outside the home during World War I. x Worried their efforts would undermine the war efforts, women temporarily stopped fighting for the right to vote.


CORRECT: * Pseudo-science attempted to explain the dangers or virtues of different races and categorize them according to their relative worth. * Most Progressives believed that democracy would not survive in a country divided along racial lines. * American citizens felt that their entire culture and political system were under assault by waves of new immigrants. INCORRECT: x The concept of race was restricted to black-white relations until after World War I.

(6, non-map) World War I and the importance placed on nationalism in politics created a backlash against ethnic and racial differences in the United States. Identify the examples of "Americanization" that took place in the country.

CORRECT: * Public schools paid special attention to the children of immigrants in attempt to teach them American values. * The Fourth of July was renamed Loyalty Day in 1918, and ethnic groups had to participate in patriotic pageants. * Employers regularly assessed how American their employees were and forced immigrants to enroll in English-language courses. INCORRECT: x The CPI encouraged German-Americans to maintain their heritage by speaking German and celebrating traditional German national holidays.

(3,map) What information can be inferred from the map below titled, "World War I: The Western Front"?

CORRECT: * Several nations caught in the middle by the war remained officially neutral. * The Central Powers never reached Paris. * For roughly two years, there was little troop movement on the western front. INCORRECT: x At the end of the war, Allied forces advanced deep into Germany and Austria.

(4,map) What facts about popular support for Prohibition are reflected in the map below?

CORRECT: * Some prominent religious groups, particularly in the South and Midwest, supported Prohibition more strongly than others. * Before prohibitionists pursued national legislation, they concentrated on countywide and statewide efforts. INCORRECT: x Prohibition was politically unpopular across the United States. x Support for Prohibition was strongest in states with large immigrant populations.

(15,non-map) According to the Wilson administration, America's war aims were so virtuous they should not be challenged. Identify the examples of "coercive patriotism" that took place during World War I.

CORRECT: * Sympathy for the Russian Revolution was considered "un-American." * It was illegal in many states to possess a communist or anarchist flag. * Teachers were required to sign loyalty oaths and revise their curriculum to ensure they were patriotic. INCORRECT: x Citizens who did not support the war or government were encouraged to advocate for political change by any means necessary.

(12,non-map) The Great War ushered in significant changes to the political borders within Europe. Evaluate the following two maps, which depict Europe in 1914 and Europe in 1919. What impact did World War I have on Europe's borders?

CORRECT: * The Austro-Hungarian empire was divided into two nations, Austria and Hungary. INCORRECT: x Ireland became an independent state as a result of the Paris Peace Accords. x Germany occupied the Rhineland. x Poland, a new state, was created out of territory of Germany and Finland.

(17,non-map) The image below is a piece of wartime propaganda created by an American, Harry Hopps, in 1918. Identify the statement that best describes the artist's message behind this portrayal of Germany.

CORRECT: * The artist created this piece of propaganda to encourage American sentiment against Germany in World War I, and here, specifically, to encourage enlistment in the U.S. Army. INCORRECT: x The artist created this image to reinforce American isolationism and to encourage American sentiment against the war in Europe. x The artist is implying that Germans are an ally to America and a protector of culture and civility. x The artist is implying that German culture is welcomed and eagerly spread around the world.

(14,non-map) Analyze the map below. What does this map reveal about the United States prior to Prohibition?

CORRECT: * The majority of the South was "dry" in 1915. * Many states were a mix of both "dry" and "wet" counties. * The majority of the Northeast was "wet" in 1915. INCORRECT: x The majority of states in the Pacific Northwest were "wet" in 1915.

(19,non-map) Analyze the photograph below. World War I represented one of the first instances of modern warfare. Identify the new technologies used in WWI for the first time that are shown in this image.

CORRECT: * machine guns * motorized trucks INCORRECT: x steel helmets x horses

(16,non-map) The year 1919 was one of worldwide social and political upheaval. Identify the events that took place during this year that contributed to the historic changes taking place around the globe.

CORRECT: * the Great Steel Strike * the Russian Revolution and civil war INCORRECT: x Wilson's anticapitalist address x women were granted the right to vote

(7, non-map) Which of these events moved President Wilson, and America, toward entering World War I?

CORRECT: * the Zimmermann Telegram * the sinking of the RMS Lusitania INCORRECT: x the sinking of the RMS Titanic x the Fourteen Points

(9,non-map) Analyze the map below. What does this map reveal about the U.S. military intervention in the Caribbean from 1898 to 1941?

CORRECT: - The United States gained control over territories in the Caribbean through leases, seizures, and purchases. - America aided in the acquisition of crucial territory from Colombia in order to facilitate the construction of the Panama Canal. - In addition to military oversight, the United States also exerted its power by overseeing the financial dealings of countries in the Caribbean. INCORRECT: x The United States never intervened in Cuban affairs.

(7,map) Analyze the map of colonial possessions across the globe at the start of the twentieth century, and then determine which of the following statements are correct.

CORRECT: * By 1900, European powers had carved up Africa into rival empires. * Great Britain had an extensive colonial empire in the Eastern Hemisphere. INCORRECT: x By 1900, European powers had carved up South America into rival empires. x The Russian empire obtained colonial possessions in North America.

(2,map) A remarkable feat of engineering, the Panama Canal was the largest construction project in American history to that date. According to the map below, where did construction of the Panama Canal involve the building of locks? Las Cascadas Lake Miraflores Balboa Gatun Dam Gamboa

CORRECT: * Lake Miraflores * Gatun Dam INCORRECT: x Gamboa x Balboa x Las Cascadas

(10,map) What can be inferred from the following maps about the changes Europe underwent after World War I?

CORRECT: * The Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires ceased to exist. * Russia was reduced in size. * Finland became a new nation, separate from Russia. INCORRECT: x Germany increased in size.

(4,non-map) American forces, augmenting the British and French, assaulted the German front along the Meuse-Argonne, effectively ending the Great War.(T/F)


(5,non-map) Identify the role the following individuals played in the Red Scare of 1919-1920. J. Edgar Hoover A. Mitchell Palmer Louis Post ------------- attorney general who dispatched federal agents to raid leftist and labor organizations throughout the United States secretary of labor who forced the release of imprisoned immigrants bringing an end to the Red Scare the director of the Justice Department who oversaw the "Palmer Raids"

attorney general who dispatched federal agents to raid leftist and labor organizations throughout the United States Correct label:A. Mitchell Palmer -------------------------------- secretary of labor who forced the release of imprisoned immigrants bringing an end to the Red Scare Correct label:Louis Post -------------------------------- the director of the Justice Department who oversaw the "Palmer Raids" Correct label:J. Edgar Hoover

(3,non-map) Identify the accomplishments of the following African-American leaders. W.E.B. Du Bois Marcus Garvey William Monroe Totter ------------------------- founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association, a movement for African independence and black self-reliance editor of the Boston Guardian and founder of the all-black National Equal Rights League wrote The Souls of Black Folk (1903) in which he explored the meaning of being black in America

founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association, a movement for African independence and black self-reliance Correct label:Marcus Garvey --------------------------------- editor of the Boston Guardian and founder of the all-black National Equal Rights League Correct label:William Monroe Trotter --------------------------------- wrote The Souls of Black Folk (1903) in which he explored the meaning of being black in America Correct label:W. E. B. Du Bois

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