Macbeth Act 1 Vocabulary

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POS: Adjective Definition: Completely fascinated by what one is seeing or hearing. Sentence: Usher look with rapt attention at the woman's D- cupped breasts.


POS: Adjective Definition: Of or relating to the human body. Sentence: He suffered a corporal beating from his mother as a punishment.


POS: Adjective Definition: without equal; unmatched Sentence: The peerless student always got the best grades in the class.


POS: Noun Definition: A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation Sentence: The plight of an AP bio student it filled with many sleepless nights.


POS: Noun Definition: A large cup or goblet typically used for drinking wine Sentence: The King drank his wine from the chalice while celebrating.


POS: Verb Definition: Delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them. Sentence: The car accident in the middle of the road impedes the other drivers from getting to their destination.


POS: Verb Definition: Make amends to someone for loss or harm suffered. Sentence: When I have to borrow money from my friend, I recompense her the next day.


POS: Verb Definition: To discipline, especially by punishment or to criticize severely Sentence: The boy was chastised by his mother after getting an F on his test.


POS: Verb Definition: To guess; suppose that something is true without evidence to confirm it Sentence: I surmised that my friend was sick when I didn't see her in class, even though there could have been many other reasons for her absence.


POS: Verb Definition: Wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement Sentence: The thief brandished the gun violently at the salesperson.

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