Macroeconomics Chapter 8 University of Iowa

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Choose the correct statement.

Deposits are money, checks are not money, and credit cards are not money.

The central bank of the United States is the ________.

Federal Reserve System

The liabilities of the Fed are ________, and these liabilities along with ________ make up the monetary base.

Federal Reserve notes held by households and businesses and reserves of depository institutions; coins issued by the Treasury

The monetary base is the sum of _________. The monetary base is equal to ________.

Federal Reserve notes, coins, and depository institution deposits at the Fed; the liabilities of the Fed plus coins issued by the Treasury

The ratio of reserves to deposits that a bank plans to hold is its _______. If a bank has $10 million in actual reserves and $8 million in desired reserves, then it has _________.

desired reserve ratio; excess reserves

The Bank of America's total assets ________ and its total liabilities ________.

do not change; do not change

A fall in the price level ________ the nominal interest rate in the short run.


A decrease in real GDP ________ the nominal interest rate in the short run. A decrease in the money supply _________ the nominal interest rate in the short run.

lowers; raises

Money is any commodity or token that is generally acceptable as a _______.

means of payment

When the nominal interest rate rises, the opportunity cost of holding money _______ and the quantity of real money demanded ________.

rises; decreases

Suppose an increase in the monetary base of $200,000 increases the quantity of money by $400,000. Calculate the money multiplier.


The two main official measures of money in the United States today are _______. The two main official measures of money in the United States ________ really money.

M1 and M2; are

The equation of exchange is _________ and it is true ________.

MV = PY; by definition

Categorize the following items as either an asset of the Fed or a liability of the Fed.

U.S. government securities--asset Federal Reserve notes--liability Loans to depository institutions--asset Depository institution deposits--liability

Indicate whether the following items are money or not money in the United States today.

Your loan to pay your school fees--not money The check you have just written to pay for your rent--not money U.S. dollar bills in your wallet--money Cash in Citibank's cash machines--not money

According to the quantity theory of money, in the long run an increase in the quantity of money of 5 percent brings _______ in the price level.

a 5 percent increase

A problem with using a commodity as money is ________.

a commodity's value changes over time

Suppose that Sara withdraws $1,000 from her savings account at the Lucky S&L, keeps $50 in case, and deposits the balance in her checking account at the Bank of Illinois. The immediate change is ________ in M1 of $1,000 and _______ in M2.

an increase; no change

The Fed's policy tools include all of the following except _________.

changing government expenditure

The deposits of the following three types of depository institutions make up the nation's money: __________.

commercial banks, thrift institutions, and money market mutual funds

The Fed makes an open market sale of securities to a bank. The monetary base _________ and the Fed's assets _________. The bank's total assets _________, its reserves _________.

decrease; decrease are the same; decrease

When the interest rate falls, other things remaining the same, the opportunity cost of holding money __________ and _________.

falls; the quantity of money demanded increases

A depository institution takes deposits from ________ and earns most of its income by _________.

households and firms; making loans and buying securities that earn a higher interest rate than that paid to depositors

The Fed is the lender of last resort, which means _______.

if depository institutions are short of reserves, they can borrow from the Fed

A bank manager tells you that she doesn't create money. She just lends the money that people deposit. The bank manager is _______ because _______.

incorrect; every new loan creates a new deposit

Suppose the Fed buys $50 million of government securities from the Bank of America. The Fed's total assets ________ and its total liabilities ________.

increase by $50 million; increase by $50 million

An open market purchase ________ the monetary base. An open market sale ________ the monetary base.

increases; decreases

Barter _______ a means of payment. When trading on e-Bay, barter _________.

is; is not as efficient as money because barter requires a double coincidence of wants

A central bank performs all of the following functions except _________.

it is responsible for paying all government employees

To increase its assets to $2.3 trillion in 2008, the Fed used _________.

last resort loans

The money multiplier is the ratio of the change in the quantity of ________ to the change in the quantity of _________.

money; monetary base

The demand for money is the relationship between the quantity of real money demanded and the _________ when all other influences on the amount of money that people wish to hold remain the same.

nominal interest rate

An open market operation is the __________.

purchase or sale of government securities by the Federal Reserve System in the loanable funds market

In the long run, an increase in the quantity of money _________.

raises the price level and lowers the value of money

In the short run, _______ and ______ adjusts to achieve equilibrium.

real GDP determines the demand for money curve and the Fed determines the quantity of real money supplied; the nominal interest rate

A _________ is a depository institution that accepts savings deposits and makes mostly home-purchase loans. A ________ is a depository institution owned by a social or economic group such as a firm's employees that accepts savings deposits and makes mostly personal loans.

savings bank; credit union

The monetary base is equal to ________.

the Fed's liabilities together with coins issued by the Treasury

When the Fed buys securities from a bank, ________.

the bank's reserves increase but its deposits do not change

The velocity of circulation is the average number of times a dollar of money is used annually to buy ________. The formula used to measure the velocity of circulation, V, is ________, where P is the price level, Y is real GDP, and M is the quantity of money.

the goods and services that make up GDP; V = (P x Y) / M

The quantity of money that the banking system can create is limited by ________.

the monetary base, desired reserves, and desired currency holdings

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