MAN 3025 EXAM 3

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4 Steps of perceptual process?

-retrieving from memory to make judgments and decisions -storing in memory -selective attention -interpretation and evaluation

In lecture, we discussed a number of specific traits that underlie about 1,700 adjectives that can be used to describe someone's personality. Which are of the "Big Five" traits we discussed?

1. Neuroticism 2. Agreeableness 3.Conscientiousness 4. Extraversion

The theory under which people make the choice that promises them the greatest reward if they think they can get it is

Expectancy Theory

Which of the following is the most appropriate media for a manager advising employees of a revision to the company's bonus structure?

Face-to-Face Meeting

Which type of communication is highest in media richness?

Face-to-face -Media richness indicates how well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning. That is, the "richer" a medium is, the better it is at conveying information. Face-to-face communication, also the most personal form of communication, is the richest.

If a manager has subordinates that are low in self-efficacy, the manger should:

Reward small successes

Your boss expects you to stay late to cover the work of a sick coworker but your mom expects you to help her work on the house the same night. You feel torn by different expectations and are suffering from:

Role Conflict

An accounting firm provides employees with educational reimbursements if they complete job-related coursework with a B or better, which helps them meet which of Maslow's levels of needs?

Self-actualization -The highest level of need, self-actualization is self-fulfillment—the need to develop one's fullest potential, to become the best one is capable of being. Education helps fully develop one's self.

Belief in one's personal ability to do a particular task is called?


Frank is an employee at the widget factory. He believes that no matter how hard he works, he won't ever be able to perform the tasks at an acceptable level. According to this example, Frank is low in what trait that is important for the expectancy component of the expectancy theory?

Self-efficacy -the belief in one's ability to complete a task

When using goal setting theory to motivate employees, managers should:

Set goals jointly with subordinates

Which of the following is an example of nonverbal communication?

Shrugging when asked a question. -Nonverbal communication consists of messages sent outside of the written or spoken word. Six ways in which nonverbal communication is expressed are through (1) eye contact, (2) facial expressions, (3) body movements and gestures, (4) touch, (5) setting, and (6) time.

Department store has cross-trained all of its employees to be able to assist customers, do inventory audits, and assess demand for new clothing fashions. As a result of the cross-training, the company has changed:


Task Identity

performing all tasks for job completion

What are core job characteristics?

-Feedback -Skill Variety -Task Significance -Autonomy

Organizations can help to make innovation happen by?

-creating a culture that accepts or even celebrates failure -supporting innovation with resources

Traits of Emotional Intelligence

-relationship management -self-management -self-awareness -social awareness

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

1. Safety 2. Physiological 3. Esteem 4. Belongingness 5. Self-Actualization

Which of the "Big Five" traits showed the most significant difference between men and women and may also be a partial explanation for differences between men and women in salary negotiations?


According to the textbook, during the forming stage, the leader should:

Allow people to become acquainted

the type of appraisal system that is least likely to be valid is the


When workers perceive they are being treated fairly on the job, they are most likely to:

Be more satisfied with their jobs

The psychological discomfort that a person experiences between her cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior is called a:

Cognitive Dissonance

According to your textbook, when using punishment, a manger should:

Combine punishment with positive reinforcement

____has been found to have the strongest positive correlation with job performance across the most types of jobs


Jesse brought his proposal to Erica even before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Jesse is using which influence tactic?

Consultation -Consultation means trying to get others to participate in a decision or change. Example: "I wonder if I could get your thoughts about this matter."

Which of the following is not a reason why control is needed?

Control allows one to maintain authority over employees. -Control is needed to adapt to change and uncertainty; to discover irregularities and errors; to reduce costs, increase productivity, or add value; to detect opportunities; to deal with complexity; and to decentralize decision making and facilitate teamwork.

Corrine, a customer service manager, tracks monthly complaints and has been trying over the past six months to reduce them to fewer than 0.2% with additional training for her staff. She is engaged in


Which of the following factors is most relevant to a person's overall satisfaction with his or her job?


"knowledge, not information is becoming the new competitive advantage". However, some would argue that ____ is truly the new competitive advantage.


Which of the following areas of control for organizations exerts informal control?

Cultural -The cultural area is an informal method of control. It influences the work process and levels of performance through the set of norms that develop as a result of the values and beliefs that constitute an organization's culture.

Because of the changing legal climate, when dismissing a person, a manger should:

Document why you are firing the employee

Be careful with jokes and informality in ______; nonverbal language and other subtleties are often lost so jokes may be taken as insults.


In Vernon's department at XYZ Company, employees get money based on how much the department has been able to save in costs. This is an example of a ____ compensation plan.


According to Lewin, during the changing stage, managers should:

Give people new models of behavior

_____ tests don't work, but_____ tests do

Graphology; integrity

Anne has excelled as a consultant for a large financial institution. She loves building mutually beneficial relationships and is extremely well liked by her clients. Anne likely has a

High Need For Affiliation

What outcome will I receive if I perform at this level? This question is asked for the ____ element of the expectancy theory.


The Human Resource Department at ABC Company has just calculated the absenteeism rate for 2004, and it is 25% higher than in 2002 and 2003, ABC should?

Investigate whether changing employee attitudes are the cause

Which of the following statements about the contingency leadership model is correct?

It considers whether the task-oriented or relationship-oriented leadership style is most appropriate.

For the most part, simplified jobs leads to

Job dissatisfaction

Which of the following statements about leadership and management is true?

Management and leadership are complementary systems of action

Which of the following standards is the most difficult to measure directly?

More effective teamwork. -More subjective standards, such as level of employee morale, can be set, although they may have to be expressed more quantifiably as reduced absenteeism and sick days and increased job applications.

Which of the following is an employee characteristic of relevance in path-goal theory?

Need for achievement -In path-goal theory there are five employee characteristics: locus of control, task ability, need for achievement, experience, and need for path-goal clarity

Bob is a tough executive in a small but growing business. He has the need to help the company solve problems that further its goals. Bob fits which of McClelland's acquired needs?

Need for institutional power

When manager stops nagging a subordinate for improved performance, the manager is using:

Negative Reinforcement

This company was the only one that offered me a job without any prior experience, there is no way i could ever leave them. This is an example of what type of commitment?

Normative commitment

An airline cockpit crew is an example of:

Production Team

When a manager says to a worker, "i'm docking your pay" when the employee's performance has not improved, the manager is using?


Jimmy's supervisor noticed that he was struggling with the computerized setup for production runs at his new job. The supervisor sat next to him while he tried it again and gave suggestions for improvement. The supervisor is doing which step of the control process?

Take corrective action. -In the corrective action step, when performance falls short of the standard, managers should examine the reasons why and take appropriate action. Sometimes employees may need more attention from management if they have been performing inadequately.

The degree to which member's interact with and rely on team members for information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team is:

Task Independence

According to lecture, on boarding can be defined as:

The process of turning a new employee into a successful employee

Which of the following statements is not a practical implication of the behavioral approaches to leadership?

There is one best style of leadership. -A leader's behavior is more important than his or her traits. It is important to train managers on the various forms of task and relationship leadership. There is no one best style of leadership. How effective a particular leadership behavior is depends on the situation at hand.

People with low self-esteem ______ than those who with higher self-esteem.

are more dependent on others

The ______ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders.

behavioral -Behavioral leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders. Leadership styles are the combination of traits, skills, and behaviors that leaders use when interacting with others.

Michele manages employees at Maui Tours and Lodging. She has noticed that one of her employees submits via the computer system the same suggestions for continuous improvement multiple times, knowing that performance is evaluated on the number of suggestions only. This problem is typical of ______ control.

bureaucratic -Bureaucratic control may not be effective if people are looking for ways to stay out of trouble by simply following the rules, or if they try to beat the system by manipulating performance reports, or if they try to actively resist bureaucratic constraints.

Because people are uncomfortable with inconsistency between their attitudes and behaviors, they will seek to reduce

cognitive dissonance. -describe the psychological discomfort a person experiences between his or her cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior. Because people are uncomfortable with inconsistency, Festinger theorized, they will seek to reduce the "dissonance" or tension of the inconsistency.

Ensuring that employees follow instructions fully and completely is the purpose of which one of the following management functions?

control -Controlling is the fourth management function, along with planning, organizing, and leading, and its purpose is to ensure that performance meets objectives.

Corrine, a customer service manager, tracks monthly complaints and has been trying over the past six months to reduce them to fewer than 0.2% with additional training for her staff. She is engaged in

controlling. -Controlling is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed. Corrine is undertaking this process with customer complaints, one measure of performance.

The six areas of control are physical, human, informational, financial, structural, and


Vanessa runs a flower shop. She recently made some changes so that one employee answers phones and does paperwork, while another creates arrangements, and a third packages and delivers the arrangements. Previously, each employee was responsible for the order from the phone call through the delivery. Vanessa's job redesign has

decreased task identity. -Task identity describes the extent to which a job requires a worker to perform all the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end.

The first step in the control process is to

establish standards. -The four control process steps are (1) establish standards; (2) measure performance; (3) compare performance to standards; and (4) take corrective action, if necessary .

The need for status, reputation, and recognition are part of _____.

esteem -After they meet their social needs, people focus on such matters as self-respect, status, reputation, recognition, and self-confidence, which are part of esteem needs.

After struggling with the accounting training, Peter is unsure whether he can complete the end-of-year financial reporting with no errors in the time allotted. In this case, Peter is low on the ______ element of expectancy theory.

expectancy -Expectancy is the belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance. You are asking yourself, "Will I be able to perform at the desired level on a task?"

Medical knowledge possessed by doctors results in their ______ power.

expert -Expert power is power resulting from one's specialized information or expertise. Expertise, or special knowledge, can be mundane, such as knowing the work schedules and assignments of the people who report to you. Or it can be sophisticated, such as having computer or medical knowledge.

Matt seems to constantly fall short of the goals that he sets fro himself. His excuse is, "no matter how hard I try, bad luck always gets in my way. This is an example of?

external locus of control

It has been seven quarters since any employee has received a bonus at R & G Mills, so now the possibility of getting one does not seem to be motivating the workers any longer. In this case, management has inadvertently applied

extinction -Extinction is the weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced.

Craig's sales manager has just told the group that all sales in the month of September will earn an extra 5% commission. The team gets right to work, being motivated by a(n)

extrinsic reward. -An extrinsic reward is the payoff, such as money, a person receives from others for performing a particular task. An extrinsic reward is an external reward; the payoff comes from pleasing others. Here, the manager offers extra pay as an extrinsic reward.

Managerial leadership is defined as the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of

facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives. -Managerial leadership is "the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives." Influencing is leadership; the "facilitating" part is management.

Kid with low grade has made excuse because of his bad luck. What attributional tendency is this an example of?

fundamental attribution bias?

Productivity equals

goods and services produced, divided by labor, capital, energy, and materials. -Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time. Outputs are all the goods and services produced. Inputs are not only labor but also capital, materials, and energy.

Gossip and rumor in an organization are part of the _____, which itself is a type of ______ communication channel.

grapevine; informal

James tends to burn out during his graduate courses. He most likely has a _____pulse


Committees, task forces, and matrix structures promote ________ communication.

horizontal -Horizontal communication flows within and between work units; its main purpose is coordination. Horizontal communication is encouraged through the use of committees, task forces, and matrix structures.

Anders is manager for a large freight company. He has noticed low morale lately, perhaps because of the cramped quarters and lack of raises this year among workers on his shift. According to Herzberg, Anders should first concentrate on

hygiene factors. -According to Herzberg, the lower-level needs, hygiene factors, are factors associated with job dissatisfaction, such as salary, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and company policy. Managers of dissatisfied employees must concentrate on these factors first.

Randy complained to his boss, Maryann, that he received the same bonus this quarter as everyone else, despite the longer hours he had worked and his higher level of experience, production, and efficiency. If Maryann can't change the bonus, she should expect that Randy might respond in any of the following ways except _____.

ignoring his feeling of resentment and trying harder in next quarter

Last year, Dayna's boss promised her a big bonus if she met her goals. At the end of the year, after Dayna exceeded her goals, she found he bonus was very small. In the future, Dayna's ___will probably be____

instrumentality; low -is the expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to a desired outcome

House's revision of his theory puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster

intrinsic motivation. -Besides expanding the number of leader behavior styles, House's revision of his theory also puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster intrinsic motivation through empowerment.

Paula's management professor just told her class that the final exam is optional for students like her who currently have an A. She decides to take the exam anyway, since she likes the subject and wants to master the material. Paula is motivated to take the exam by a(n) _____.

intrinsic reward -An intrinsic reward is the satisfaction, such as a feeling of accomplishment that a person receives from performing the particular task itself. An intrinsic reward is an internal reward; the payoff comes from pleasing yourself.

The process of building into a job such motivating factors as recognition and achievement is called

job enrichment. -Job enrichment consists of building into a job such motivating factors as responsibility, achievement, recognition, stimulating work, and advancement.

The power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ______ power.

legitimate -Legitimate power, which all managers have, is power that results from managers' formal positions within the organization.

One characteristic of incremental budgeting is that it

locks managers into stable spending arrangements. -One difficulty of incremental budgeting is that incremental budgets tend to lock departments into stable spending arrangements; they are not flexible in meeting environmental demands.

The telephone you use to speak to another person is an example of which part of the communication process?


According to Herzberg, ___ make people____ and____ make people____

motivators; satisfied hygiene factors make people dissatisfied

The research conducted by Professor shows that the relationship between challenge stressors and strains is____ and the relationship between challenge stressor and performance is _____

negative; positive -

When a pharmacist can't read a prescription because of a doctor's poor handwriting, it can be due to ________, which is defined as any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message.

noise -Noise is any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message. It can occur in the encoding or decoding, as when a pharmacist can't read a prescription because of a doctor's poor handwriting.

Miles impressed his boss by making lots of suggestions for department improvements and by putting in many weekend hours to do extra tasks to develop the new procedures. Miles is exhibiting

organizational citizenship behaviors. -Organizational citizenship behaviors are those employee behaviors that are not directly part of employees' job descriptions, or that exceed their work-role requirements. Examples include suggestions for improvement, and attendance well beyond standard or enforceable levels.

Tricia, working at a research facility in North Carolina, needs to communicate with Romain, who is in Grenoble, France, about a project they are working on. Romain has perfect command of English, but they are still facing a(n) ______ barrier to communication.

physical -Physical barriers include sound, time, space, and the like. In this example, time and space may be a barrier because these people are several time zones apart.

Caroline's manager notices that she exhibits an internal locus of control when she speaks about her work. Her manager should _____.

provide incentives such as merit pay or sales commissions -Since an employee with an internal locus of control seems to have a greater belief that her actions have a direct effect on the consequences of that action, she likely would prefer and respond more productively to incentives such as merit pay or sales commissions.

in managing subordinates under an incentive pay plan, a manager should:

regularly communicate with subordinates about the plan

In equity theory, employees are motivated to

resolve feelings of injustice. -Equity theory is based on the idea that employees are motivated to see fairness in the rewards they expect for task performance. Employees are motivated to resolve feelings of injustice.

Anar congratulated her staff when the team received an industry award for their project, and also sent a companywide e-mail announcing it. Here, Anar is using her ______ power.

reward -Reward power, which all managers have, is power that results from managers' authority to reward their employees. Rewards can range from praise to pay raises, from recognition to promotions.

Zac is designing a training class that is aimed at improving teamwork skills among people on task force. What method of training would be most effective?

role play

A(n) ______ is a visual representation of the balanced scorecard that enables managers to communicate their goals.

strategy map -A strategy map is a visual representation of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard that enables managers to communicate their goals so that everyone in the company can understand how their jobs are linked to the overall objectives of the organization.

Boss created tension for Jim, as a result, Jim became an alcoholic. From Jim's POV, quota could be described as _____, whereas the downward spiral of alcoholism could be described as a _____


How should a manager use personality tests?

supplement personality tests data with other tests and interviews

Savannah leads a task force charged with restructuring the order-processing system in the organization. The task force is composed of her peers over whom she has little control, and some of whom do not seem to respect her. According to the contingency model, Savannah should adopt a(n) ___________ leadership style.

task-oriented -The situational control is very low, and Fiedler's model suggests a task-oriented style will be more effective.

The tendency to attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics rather than to the situation the person is in is called

the fundamental attribution bias. -In the fundamental attribution bias, people attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics rather than to situational factors.

Employees at Central Plains Bank were really impressed with Jeff, the new CEO. He was the first person who had fully developed a vision for the company about where it could go, and had energized everyone to try to get there. Jeff is a ______ leader.

transformational -A transformational leader inspires motivation by offering an agenda, a grand design, an ultimate goal, or in short, a vision.

A manager who is directing her subordinate about work tasks is communicating

vertically -Vertical communication is the flow of messages up and down the hierarchy within the organization: bosses communicating with subordinates, subordinates communicating with bosses.

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