Physio Psych Final Review

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Which of the following is true of the neural substrates of reinforcement?

release of dopamine within the accumbens is a necessary conditon for reinforement

Which of the following is true of withdrawal symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms are usually the opposite of the effects of the drug

Carrying the SRY gene on the _____, leads to the production of _________, which are responsible for masculinizing the ______ through the release of androgens

Y Chromosome, Testes, Wolffian System

The term congenital refers to

a condition present at birth

Long term depression (LTD) is associated with

a decrease in the number of AMPA receptors in the postsynaptic neuron

We would expect that ____ would block the induction of LTP in the hippocampus

a drug that blocks NMDA receptors

We would expect that _____ would block the induction of LTP in the hippocampus

a drug that blocks the NMDA receptors

Damage to the medial geniculate nucleus would cause

an inability to hear/perceive sound

Another term for rostral is


The memory deficit noted in Alzheimer's disease involves

anterograde amnesia similar to that of Korsakoff's syndrome

The use of _____ when performing immunochemistry allows scientist to identify the location of specific ______

antibodies; proteins

Which of the following is most likely to be associated with the development of schizophrenia?

being born five months after a major flu epidemic

A meningioma is a ______ tumor that arises from _______

benign; dural or arachnoid cells

Which of the following will produce a hemorrhagic stroke?

bleeding in the brain

A drug such as amphetamine, which causes the transporters for dopamine to run in reverse, would

block the reuptake of dopamine and spill dopamine into the synaptic cleft

Associative long term potentiation reflects increased ______ produced by changes in _______

calcium entry, NMDA receptors

The ____ allows CSF to flow from the third to the fourth ventricle

cerebral Aqueduct

Whe presented with this image, individuals with the _________5-HTT allele are likely to have ______ amygdala activity than individuals with the ________allele

Short, higher, long

If we apply enough stimulation to elicit an action potential at the axon hillock we would expect which event to happen first?

sodium channels open

The primary visual cortex receives visual information from the thalamus, processes that information, and then send that processed information primarily to _____

the extrastriate cortex

A key function of apoptosis is

to remove brain cells that are no longer needed

Research suggests that for most people, _____ attuned to emotional recognition and comprehension, as well as expression

the right hemisphere is more

The initial phase of grand mal seizure is termed the _____ and is denoted by _______

tonic phase; forceful contraction of all muscles

Misfolded prion proteins may be toxic to brain cells because these

trigger apoptosis in a neuron

The distinction between implicit and explicit memories is that

we are unable to talk about implicit memories

The _____ is a measure of the safety of a drug

therapeutic index

Reproduction in humans requires that joining of two gametes. In addition to the 22 autosomal chromosomes, gametes carry a _______; after fertilization, the zygote will most likely contain ______ (and be male) or ______ (and be female)

sex chromosome; XY; XX

Retinal ganglion cells of the ON type

show an excitatory burst of potentials to a light placed within a circular center

Patients with anterograde amnesia and NOT capable of which type of learning

complex relational

An important cause for Multiple Sclerosis involves

damage to myelin induced by the person's immune system

Which of the following would be expected as a result of damage to the somatosensory association cortex?

difficulty in naming an object the person can touch but not see

In a resting nerve cell, which of the forces listed below will act to push sodium ions into the cell?

diffusion and electrostatic pressure (charge)

Galvani's Experiment showed that ____ of a frog nerve caused _____ of the attached muscle

electrical stimulation; movement

Damage to portions of the limbic cortex would be expected to alter


In classical conditioning an organism

shows a species typical behavior in response to a previous unimportant stimulus

The primary input to the hippocampus is from the

entorhinal cortex

Receptors for _______ are involved in long term potentiation


You'd like to examine how inactivation of the vlPOA affects sleep patterns in rats. One way you could temporarily lesion the vlPOA is by

injecting muscimol into the region

A _______ is a bump or bulge located between adjacent grooves or sulci in the surface of the human cortex.


Which of the following is a current explanation of the role of the hippocampus in memory

The efferent connections of the hippocampus tie together the memories that are consolidated in other brain regions

Which of the following is true of most color sensitive ganglion cells?

The ganglion cells respond to pairs of primary colors such as red- green or blue-yellow

The NMDA receptor is unusual in that it is _______ dependent and ______ dependent

neurotransmitter, Voltage

Which of the following will produce an EPSP

opening a sodium channel

The all or none law refers to the observation that an action potential

os produced in full whenever the membrane potential reaches threshold

Simple perceptual learning involves

our recognition of particular stimuli or categories of stimuli

A critical intracellular trigger for the development of Alzheimer's disease is

overproduction of the long form of the B- amyloid protein

Rods are ________ that help______

photoreceptors; detect light under low levels of illumination

The dorsal stream of the visual association cortex continues into the ______ carries information relating to _____

posterior parietal cortex; object location

A drug that inactivates AChE would be expected to

prolong the effects of ACh in the synapse

The frequency of light waves determines the psychological dimension of brightness


The term contralateral means that two structures lie on the same side of the body


The sodium/potassium pump, burns _____ in order to move_______ ions out of the neuron and ________ ions into the neuron

ATP, Na+, K+

Long term potentiation is associated with the movement of ______ to the ____________

AMPA receptors, tips of the dendritic spines

_________ is the most common of the seizure disorders noted in children


Which of the following is TRUE of NMDA receptors?

Activation of the NMDA receptor allows sodium and calcium ions into the nerve cell

Astrocytes perform which of the following functions

All of the above are correct

Which of the following is true of anterograde amnesia

Amnesiacs can show certain forms of leaning, but do not recall the learning experience

Fear is primarily processed in the _______; and the order in which fear processing usually occurs is

Amygdala; Input> lateral nucleus>basal nucleus>central nucleus>output

Which category of hormones need to exert an activational effect in circuit and what are the consequences if they are missing?

Androgens; failure to intiate mounting and thrusting

_______ reverses the positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms by schizophrenia by acting as a______ in the prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens

Aripiprazole; partial agonist

In rodents, fear conditioning can be studied by pairing a neutral ______ with an uncomfortable________ and then measuring the amount of ______ in response to the CS.

CS, US, freezing

Natural ablations were found in many stroke victims. Two famously early neuroscientist noted distinct problems in speech one relating to speech production and one relating to the formulation of proper syntax.

Broca and Wernicke

The________ is comprised of the brain and spinal cord

Central Nervous System

_______ is the process by which immediate memories are transformed into long term memories


The molecular blueprints that code for individual proteins are contained within the


Administration of a drug that binds to a postsynaptic ionotropic receptor and blocks the natural neurotransmitter from binding, but does not open the ion channel would be termed a

Direct Antagonist

To process location and movement visual information, the brain sends the visual info along the ______; whereas, to process the identity of the object, the brain sends visual information along the _______

Dorsal Stream; Ventral Stream

Motor learning is an example of a declarative memory


The _____ is a tough protective sheath that covers the brain and lies closest to the skull

Dura Mater

Withdrawal from heroin results in ______, which involves a feeling of anxious misery.


Only axons are capable of producing action potentials


People with Korsakoff's syndrome can form new memories, but are unable to remember events that occurred prior to their brain damage


Damage to the ________ will likely lead to Prosopagnosia, which is ________

FFA; the inability to recognize particular faces

An action potential decreases in size as it moves along the axon toward the terminal buttons


An embolus is a blood clot that obstructs a blood vessel


Circulation of the CSF begins with formation in the spinal cord and terminates with absorption in the lateral ventricles


De-feminization of internal reproductive organ systems is the same as enhancing male typical features of those organ systems


Huntington's disease is a sporadic disease


Huntingtons is a sporadic disease


Identical tins share approximately 50 percent of their genes whereas fraternal twins share, on average, about 75 percent of their genes


Mullerian systmes turns into_________ if allowed to develop

Fillopian Tubes + Uterus

The first signs of neurodegeneration in Huntington's disease involve loss of

GABAergic neurons of the putamen

Which two major categories of cells make up the meat of the brain?

Glia, Neurons

Which of the following is true of Huntington's disease

HD is a hereditary disorder involving chromosome 4

If i had damage to my ______ I might have difficulty forming new memories


The GABAa receptor is an ________ receptor that controls a _____ channel

Ionotropic; Chloride

The _____ thalamic nuclei receive information from the eyes and then relay that information to the ______

Lateral geniculate; primary visual cortex

Which of the following will produce and IPSP?

Letting potassium flow out or letting chloride flow in

Heroin overdose or damage to the ______ would most likely be fatal due to inability regulate breathing and heart rate.

Medulla Oblongata

If I have difficulty sensing "brief taps" it might be because my ________ didn't develop properly next to the _____

Meissner's; epidermis

If you wanted to measure the concentration of dopamine in the reward centers of the brain after exposure to cocaine, you could use what technique?


Which of the following is strong evidence for a genetic contribution to a behavior?

Monozygomatic twins have a higher concordance rate than do dizygotic twins

In which test condition below would you expect a memory deficit in a rat with hippocampal damage

Morris Water Maze; released from a different starting point on each trial

_______ is autoimmune demyelinating disease

Multiple Sclerosis

Describe the concept and process of neuronal integration.

Neuronal integration is the process of a post- synaptic neuron combining a;; the EPSPs and IPSPs it receives from pre synaptic neurons. If there are enough EPSPs the neuron will likely fire an action potential and propagate the signal. Alternatively, if the IPSPs overtake and counteract the number of EPSPs, no action potential will be generated.

The difference between an organizational hormone effect and an activational hormone effect is that

Organizational effects are permanent

Low frequency sound will vibrate the ______ at a low frequency

Oval Window

Damage to the substantia nigra would be expected to produce

Parkinson's- like motor symptoms

The distinction between _______ and _____ seizures relates to whether these originate from a definite focus within the brain

Partial; generalized

The metencephalon contains two major structures. One is called the ____ and forms a "bridge"; the other is the _____, which if damaged would lead to jerky movements

Pons; cerebellum

By biting into one of the objects in panel 1 (mint) you'd get a cool feeling because you activated a bunch of _____ on your tongue

TRPM receptors

Fluorogold is used in tract tracing experiments. You decide to inject fluorogold into a brain region of interest. The Fluorogold will then be taken up by ______ and transported in a/an _____ direction, labeling the brain region that ______

Terminal buttons; retrograde, sends signals to you ROI

On a conditioned emotional response (CER) study, a tone is paired with a foot shock for a rat. After several trials, the tone alone is a CS that can elicit fear emotional responses. Which of the following is true of the anatomy of this fear response?

The lateral nucleus of the amygdala integrates the pairing of tone and shock information

which pathway below connects the ventral tegmental area with the nucleus accumbens

The mesolimbic system

EEG waves found in Stage 2 sleep

Theta, K complexes, sleep spindles

An important function of the corpus callosum is to permit sharing of information between the two hemispheres of the brain


Behavior is reinforced by treatments that release dopamine in the nucleus accumbens


Benzodiazepines and alcohol increase the effectiveness of GABA receptors


CA1 pyramidal neurons form the primary output of the hippocampus


Damage to the caudate nucleus/putamen impairs the learning of an instrumentational task


Implicit memory is another name for non-declarative memory


In the auditory system, the ventral stream functions to determine what a sound is


Learning involves the modification of the nervous system by experiences


Long term potentiations requires activation of synapses and depolarization postsynaptic neuron


Neurons in are V5 are sensitive to movement


Parkinson's can be induced by drugs such as MPTP


Perceptual learning refers to the ability to recognize familiar stimuli


Radial glia guide developing neurons to their final termination point within the brain


The five major developmental subdivisions rom anterior to posterior are: Telencephalon, Diencephalon, Mesencephalon, Metencephalon, Myelencephalon


The myelin sheath around an axon in the brain is formed by oligodendrocytes


The rate of death by unnatural causes is 28.8 times higher in people with affective disorder than in normal people


masculinization of internal reproductive organs systems will lead to the maturation of the Wolffian System


One of the reasons Phineas Gage had such a short temper was that he had no ________ to inhibit his________

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex; amygdala

Abnormal or misfolded intracellular proteins are tagged by _______ molecule, which targets them for destruction by the _______

Ubiquitin, Proteasomes

If i were a sensory neuron who's specialized to transmit pain information from the finger to the spinal cord, I would likely be a

Unipolar Neuron

Which of the following is a compensatory mechanism that would result in drug tolerance?

a reduced number of tissue drug receptors

The key function of instrumental conditioning is to allow an organism to

adjust behavior according to its consequence

Wide Spread damage to the hypothalamus is likely to influence

all of the above

After parturition, progesterone _____, while estradiol and prolactin ________

decreases, increase

Reinforcing effects of electrical brain stimulation and of drugs such as amphetamine partly reflect an action on ____ projections of the _____

dopamine, mesolimbic pathway

Generally, termination of the postsynaptic potentials involves

either enzymatic degradation or reuptake of the neurotransmitter molecule

Dopamine acts to facilitate instrumental conditioning by

facilitating long lasting LTP

A key role of circuits within the brain is to perform behaviors


Pierre Flourens is known

for his development and use of the experimental ablation technique

Damage to which of the following brain areas disrupts spatial learning


fMRI is a powerful technology that allows researchers to examine_______ by assessing _____

how brain areas might function together; BOLD signal

The primary function of perceptual learning is to

identify and categorize objects

Damage to the caudate nucleus/putamen in monkeys would be expected to

impair instrumental conditioning

A drug such as methylphenidate that blocks the dopamine transporter would be expected to

increase synaptic levels of dopamine

Injecting an animal with a dose of a chemical molecule that is a precursor for the biosynthesis of a synaptic neurotransmitter would be expected to

increase the rate of synthesis and release of that neurotransmitter

Anticonvulsant drugs work by

increasing the effectiveness of inhibitory synapses in the brain

The perforant pathway

interconnects the entorhinal cortex with the granule cells of the dentate gyrus

Match the correct function with the appropriate neuronal organelle.

microtubules; transport of molecules between the soma and the axon terminals

A ______ section divides the brain into two symmetrical halves


The increase in synaptic strength that occurs in long term potentiation is due to modification of the synapse to include

more postsynaptic AMPA receptors

A failure of hormones to de-masculinize a female rat's sexual behavior might result in her showing______ in some situations

mounting and thrusting

Primary visual cortes is located within the

occipital lobe

An alcoholic who abruptly stops drinking may experience a seizure because

of a sudden release from the inhibiting effects of the drug

An alcoholic who abruptly stops drinking may experience a seizure because

of a sudden release from the inhibiting effects of the drugs

A human who suffered damage to the inferior temporal cortex would be unable to

recognize familiar objects or people

Cytochrome Oxidase blobs are found in the _______, and the cells within these blobs play a key role in ______

striate cortex, color vision

The physical gap between two nerve cells across which messages are transmitted is the

synaptic cleft

Psychology is the

systematic study of behavior and experience

Patient H.M. was treated for severe epilepsy by bilateral removal of his

temporal lobes

The common aspect of all natural reinforcers relates

the release of dopamine within the nucleus accumbens

What are the two main components of the sleep/wake flip-flop circuit?

vlPOA, Arousal Systems

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