MAN 3301- Exam 1

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EEOC ADA guidelines

"mental impairment" includes "any mental or psychological disorder, such as...emotional or mental illness." Examples include major depression, anxiety and personality disorders.

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

(1994), employers are generally required, among other things, to reinstate employees returning from military leave to positions comparable to those they had before leaving.

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)

(GINA) prohibits discrimination by health insurers and employers based on people's genetic information. The effect of the state or local laws is usually to cover employers who federal laws might otherwise miss. Many cover employers such as those with fewer than 15 employees not covered by federal legislation.

The New Human Resource Manager (1)

.Focus More on Strategy .Focus on Improving Performance .Measure HR Performance and Results .Use Evidence-Based Human Resource Management .They Add Value

Human Resource Manager's Competencies

.Strategic positioners .Credible activists .Capability builders .Capability builders .HR innovators and integrators .Technology proponents

Trends in Human Resource Management

.Technological advances .Globalization and competition .Indebtedness ("Leverage") deregulation .Trends in the nature of work .Demographic and workforce trends .Economic challenges and trends

The New Human Resource Manager (2)

.They Use New Ways to Provide HR Services .They Take a Talent Management Approach .They Manage Employee Engagement .They Manage Ethics .They Understand Their Human Resource Philosophy .They Have New Competencies

The human resource manager carries out three distinct functions:

1. A line function. 2. A coordinative function 3. Staff (assist and advise) functions.

Labor relations specialists

Advise management on all aspects of union-management relations.

Job analysts

Collect and examine detailed information about job duties to prepare job descriptions.

Compensation managers

Develop compensation plans and handle the employee benefits program.

Griggs v. Duke power company

First, the Court ruled that the discrimination does not have to be overt to be illegal. Second, the Court held that an employment practice (in this case, requiring a high school degree) must be job related. Third, the court placed the burden of proof on the employer to show that the hiring practice is job related.

An example of Globalization

For example, Toyota builds Camrys in Kentucky, while Dell assembles PCs in China. Free-trade areas—agreements that reduce tariffs and barriers among trading partners—further encourage international trade.

When Is the Environment "Hostile"?

In general, hostile environment sexual harassment means that intimidation, insults, and ridicule are sufficiently severe to alter working conditions.

Example of Indebtedness

In many countries, governments stripped away regulations. In the United States and Europe, for instance, the rules that prevented commercial banks from expanding into stock brokering were relaxed. Giant, multinational "financial supermarkets" such as Citibank quickly emerged. As economies boomed, more businesses and consumers went deeply into debt. Homebuyers bought homes, often with little money down. Banks freely lent money to developers to build more homes creating this bubble in the economy.

Human Resource Duties

Line Managers Job placement Orientation & Training Performance Cooperation Labor costs Development


Maintain contacts within the community and perhaps travel extensively to search for qualified job applicants.


Many employers call "the aging workforce" their biggest demographic threat. The problem is that there aren't enough younger workers to replace the projected number of baby boom-era older workers retiring.

In addition, there are other trends such as:

More knowledge work Aging workforce Economic downturn De-leveraging Deregulation slowdown Slower economic growth

Nontraditional Workers

Nontraditional workers are those who hold multiple jobs, or who are "temporary" or part-time workers, or those working in alternative arrangements (such as a mother-daughter team sharing one clerical job). Others serve as "independent contractors" on projects. Almost 10% of American workers—13 million people—fit this nontraditional workforce category.

Training specialists

Plan, organize, and direct training activities.

Job Duties

Recruiters Equal employment opportunity (EEO) representatives or affirmative action coordinators Job analysts Compensation managers Training specialists Labor relations specialists


Setting standards such as: sales quotas quality standards, or production levels checking to see how actual performance compares with these standards taking corrective action as needed

HRM Responsibilities

Size of HR reflects the company's size Reorganizing the HR Management function: Transactional HR teams Corporate HR teams Embedded HR teams Centers of expertise

Religious and Other Types of Discrimination

The EEOC enforces laws prohibiting discrimination based on age, disability, equal pay/compensation, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race/color, religion, retaliation, sex, and sexual harassment.


The types of sexual harassment fall into three general categories: Quid Pro Quo, Hostile environment created by supervisors Hostile environment created by coworkers or non-employees.

"Generation Y"

These "Generation Y" employees (also called "Millennials") were born from roughly 1977 to 2002. Based on one study, older employees are more likely to be workcentric (to focus more on work than on family with respect to career decisions). Gen Y workers tend to be more family-centric or dual-centric (balancing family and work life).

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and at least five other equal employment laws.

These laws include: .Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act the role of presidential Executive Orders .the Equal Pay Act .the Vocational Rehabilitation Act .the Pregnancy Discrimination Act .federal agency guidelines, and two early court decisions on equal employment

Who does Title VII cover?

This law, as amended in 1972, states that an employer cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The act covers almost everyone and makes it unlawful for employers with 15 or more employees in the public or private sectors to discriminate in hiring, retaining, or dismissing employees.

Computer system dramatically improves sales and profitability along with:

Upgraded jobs Training in how to sell services New job descriptions New pay policies

Example of Staff Authority

When the human resource manager suggests that the plant manager use a particular selection test, he or she is exercising staff authority. On the organization chart, managers with line authority are line managers.

Example of Line Authority

When the vice president of sales tells her sales director to "get the sales presentation ready by Tuesday," she is exercising her line authority.


consists of people with formally assigned roles who work together to achieve the organization's goals.

Technology proponents

for instance, by connecting people through technology.

Capability builders

for instance, by creating a meaningful work environment and aligning strategy, culture, practices, and behavior. Capability builders—for instance, by initiating and sustaining change.


is someone who is responsible for accomplishing the organization's goals, and who does so by managing the efforts of the organization's people.

Human resource management (HRM)

is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

Line Managers

managers who supervise the functions that contribute directly to profitability: production and marketing

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990

prohibits employers with 15 or more workers from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities. Such practices include discrimination with respect to applications, hiring, discharge, compensation, advancement, training, and the like.

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

prohibits using pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions to discriminate in any term or condition of employment. Furthermore, if an employer provides disability insurance, then it must treat pregnancy and childbirth like any other disability, and include it in the plan.

The Federal Violence Against Women Act of 1994

provides another path women can use to seek relief for violent sexual harassment.

Uniform Guidelines

recommends that an employer be able to demonstrate that selection procedures are valid in predicting or measuring performance in a particular job

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)

was established through Executive Orders. President Obama's administration recently directed more funds and staffing to the OFCCP.

Executive recruiters

(also known as headhunters) are special employment agencies employers retain to seek out top-management talent for their clients. The percentage of your firm's positions filled by these services might be small. However, these jobs include key executive and technical positions. For executive positions, headhunters may be your only source of candidates. A recent trend is to save the cost of these fees. Employers ranging from General Electric to Sears, PepsiCo, and Campbell Soup now have their own internal executive recruiting offices handling most of their own management recruiting.

The McDonnell-Douglas test articulates four rules that must be shown by a potential employee.

1. A person must belong to a protected class. 2. An applicant was qualified for an open position with the employer. 3. Despite being qualified, the applicant was rejected. 4. After rejection, the position remained open and the employer continued seeking applicants with complainant's qualifications.

The three other points with respect to discriminatory practice defenses to be remembered are:

1. Good intentions are no excuse. 2. Equal employment opportunity law takes precedence over collective bargaining agreements. 3. A court case is not your only recourse. Agreeing to eliminate the legal practice may work very well.

The basic reengineering approach is to:

1. Identify a business process to be redesigned (such as processing an insurance claim) 2. Measure the performance of the existing processes 3. Identify opportunities to improve these processes 4. Redesign and implement a new way of doing the work 5. Assign ownership of sets of formerly separate tasks to an individual or a team who use new computerized systems to support the new arrangement

Line Managers' HRM Responsibilities

1. Placing the right person in the right job 2. Starting new employees in the organization 3. Training employees for job performance of each person 4. Improving the job performance pf each person 5. Gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth working relationships. 6.Interpreting the company's policies and procedures. 7. Controlling labor costs 8. Developing the abilities of each person. 9. Creating and maintaining departmental morale 10. Protecting employees' health and physical conditions.

The basic interviewing guidelines include:

1. Quickly establish rapport. 2. Use a structured guide. 3. Ask the worker to list his or her duties in order of importance and frequency of occurrence. 4. Review the information with the worker's immediate supervisor and with the interviewee.

A SHRM survey found that of 586 employer respondents

69% said employee referral programs are more cost effective than other recruiting practices and 80% specifically said they are more cost-effective than employment agencies. On average, referral programs cost around $400-$900 per hire in incentives and rewards. Particularly for hourly workers, walk-ins—direct applications made at your office—are a big source of applicants. Sometimes, posting a "Help Wanted" sign outside the door may be the most cost-effective way of attracting good local applicants.

Diversity Management Program

A main aim is to make employees more sensitive to and better able to adapt to individual cultural differences.

Affirmative Action

A policy designed to give special attention to or compensatory treatment for members of some previously disadvantaged group.

4/5ths rule

A rough indicator of discrimination, this rule requires that the number of minority members a company hires must equal at least 80 percent of the majority members in the population hired.

Step 4 in Job Analysis

Actually analyze the job by collecting data on job activities, working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job.

Internet-based recruiting

Advantages - The Web is cost efficient, generating more responses more quickly and providing exposure for a longer time at less cost. Disadvantages - Gathering applications online may exclude more mature applicants and certain minorities.

Step 3 of EEOC enforcement process

After a charge is filed (or the state or local deferral period has ended), the EEOC has 10 days to serve notice on the employer.

An example of Burden of Proof

An aggrieved employee must demonstrate that an employment practice (such as "must lift 100 pounds") has a disparate (or "adverse") impact on a particular group. The burden of proof then shifts to the employer, who must show that the challenged practice is job related.

Business Necessity

An employer must show that a specific action is required for performing the job in question, and that the business could not run efficiently without the requirement—that it is a business necessity.

AGEM" diversity training process:

Approach, Goals, Executive commitment, and Mandatory attendance. First, determine if diversity training is the solution or if some other approach is more advisable. Next, make sure a high-visibility executive commits to the program. Finally, make training mandatory.

Human Resource Strategies in Action

As one example of human resource strategy, consider Newell Rubbermaid. Several years ago, it changed its business from manufacturing and marketing housewares to mostly just marketing them. They knew that implementing this change would require new employee competencies and behaviors (for instance more advertising and sales employees and fewer manufacturing ones). The human resource management team began by benchmarking Newell's main marketing-oriented competitors to see what their best human resource practices were. Then the human resource team formulated new HR strategies.

Staff (assist and advise) functions.

Assisting and advising line managers is the heart of the human resource manager's job. He or she advises the CEO so the CEO can better understand the personnel aspects of the company's strategic options. HR assists in hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing employees. HR administers benefit programs (health and accident insurance, retirement and vacation).

Example of Hierarchy of Goals

At the top, the president sets long-term or "strategic" goals (such as "double sales revenue to $16 million in fiscal year 2015"). His or her vice presidents then set goals for their units that flow from, and make sense in terms of accomplishing, the president's goal. Then their own subordinates set goals, and so on down the chain.

Ads are written best by using the following steps:

Attention Interest Desire Action

Writing the Ad

Attention Interest Desire Action

Line and Staff Aspects of Human Resource Management

Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. Managers usually distinguish between line authority and staff authority.

Why Is Human Resource Management Important to All Managers?

Avoid Personnel Mistakes Improving Profits And Performances

Step 2 of Recruitment and Selection

Build a pool of candidates for these jobs, by recruiting internal or external candidates

Critical human resource M&A tasks include:

Choosing top management, Communicating changes to employees, Merging the firms' cultures, Retaining key talent

job requirements matrix

Column 1: Each of the four or five main job duties; Column 2: The task statements associated with each main job duty; Column 3: The relative importance of each main job duty; Column 4: The time spent on each main job duty; and Column 5: The knowledge, skills, ability, and other human characteristics related to each main job duty.

In terms of reverse discrimination

Courts have been grappling with the use of quotas (or de facto quotas) in hiring, particularly with claims of reverse discrimination (discriminating against nonminority applicants and employees).

Some advantages of internal recruiting include the following:

Current employees may be more committed Morale may go up since other employees will know about your policy Current employees may require less orientation and training than new hires

Step 1 in Job Analysis

Decide how you'll use the information.

The usual process of talent management consists of the following steps:

Decide what positions to fill Build a pool of job candidates Application forms Use selection tools Make an offer Orient train develop Appraise Reward compensate

Step 1 of Recruitment and Selection

Decide what positions to fill, through workforce/personnel planning and forecasting.

Step 5 of Recruitment and Selection

Decide who to make an offer to by having the supervisor and perhaps others interview the candidates


Determining what type of people should be 1. Hired 2. Recruiting prospective employees 3. selecting employees 4. setting performance standards 5. compensating employees 6. evaluating performance 7. counseling employees 8. training and developing employees

Step 6 in Job Analysis

Develop a job description and job specification.


Establishing goals and standards developing rules and procedures developing plans and forecasts

What to do when a employee is harassed?

First, follow the employers policies to the letter. Second, file a verbal complaint with the harasser and the harasser's boss. Third, file written complaints about the unwelcome behavior and the unsuccessful efforts at resolution with the harasser's manager and HR. Finally, turn to the local EEOC office.

HR strategy process.

First, management translates its strategic plan into workforce requirements. Second, Strategy-based metrics focus. Finally, the HR manager picks measures by which to gauge whether his or her new policies and practices are producing the required employee competencies and behaviors.

Online recruiting has two potential problems.

First, older people and some minorities are less likely to use the Internet, so online application gathering may inadvertently exclude disproportionate numbers of older applicants (and certain minorities). To prove they've complied with EEO laws, employers should keep track of each applicant's race, sex, and ethnic group. The EEO says that, to be an "applicant," he or she must meet three conditions: he or she must express interest in employment, the employer must have taken steps to fill a specific job, and the individual must have followed the employer's standard application procedure. The second problem is Internet overload: Employers end up deluged with résumés. Self-screening helps: The Cheesecake Factory posts detailed job duties listings, so those not interested needn't apply. Another approach is to have job seekers complete a short online prescreening questionnaire, then use these to identify those who may proceed in the hiring process.

Effective recruiting is a challenge for several reasons.

First, some recruiting methods are superior to others. Second, the success you have recruiting depends on non-recruitment issues and policies. Third, employment law prescribes what you can and cannot do when recruiting.

Employers were provided an important defense by the Court if they show two things.

First, the employer must exercise reasonable care to prevent and correct any sexually harassing behavior. Second, the employer must demonstrate the employee failed to take advantage of the employer's policies.

Recruitment and Selection

Five Steps

An example Markov analysis

For example a junior engineer is a feeder position for an engineer. An engineer is a feeder position for a senior engineer who might be promoted to engineering supervisor, and so forth.

An example of Workforce planning

For example they scan employees' current skills based on employee biographical records, and conduct skills shortage analyses, succession planning, cross-training, and recruitment and mentoring programs.

An example of Policies

For example, "It is the policy of this company to comply with all laws, regulations, and principles of ethical conduct." Procedures spell out what to do if a specific situation arises.

An example of Analytics improves performance.

For example, a talent analytics team at Google analyzed data on employee backgrounds, capabilities, and performance. The team was able to identify the factors (such as an employee feeling underutilized) likely to lead to the employee leaving.

Step 5. Make a Strategic

For example, after reviewing its competitive opportunities and threats, Procter & Gamble opted for a strategy of building Oil of Olay into a top-tier brand, one competitive with the likes of L'Oreal. And Microsoft introduced a line of tablet computers.

An example of Discrimination

For example, many argue that a "glass ceiling," enforced by an "old boys' network" (friendships built in places like exclusive clubs), prevents women from reaching top management. Discrimination against Muslim employees is prohibited under Title VII. The number of such charges in rising quickly.


Getting others to get the job done; maintaining morale motivating subordinates


Giving each subordinate a specific task; establishing departments delegating authority to subordinates establishing channels of authority and communication coordinating the work of subordinates

Step 3 of Recruitment and Selection

Have candidates complete application forms and perhaps undergo initial screening interviews.


Here someone ascribes specific behavioral traits to individuals based on their apparent membership in a group. For example, "older people can't work hard."

Step 4. Review Strategic Options

Here the manager compares his or her strategic options to see which are most consistent with the firm's opportunities and threats, and its strengths and weaknesses. For P&G, management had to assess whether building up its Oil of Olay brand was a better option than simply buying (at great expense) a well-known high-tier cosmetics brand.

Six Types of Talent Management Questions:

Human capital facts Analytical HR Human capital investment analysis Workforce forecasts Talent value model Talent supply chain.

Step 5 of EEOC enforcement process

If it finds no reasonable cause, the EEOC must dismiss the charge, and must issue the charging party a Notice of Right to Sue.

Step 6 of EEOC enforcement process

If the EEOC does find cause, it has 30 days to work out a conciliation agreement.

Step 7 of EEOC enforcement process

If the conciliation is not satisfactory, the EEOC may bring a civil suit, or issue a Notice of Right to Sue to the person who filed the charge.

Example of ADEA

In O'Connor v. Consolidated Coin Caterers Corp., the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision about age discrimination. It held that an employee who is over 40 years of age might sue for discrimination if a "significantly younger" employee replaces him or her, even if the replacement is also over 40.

The Hierarchy of Goals

In companies, it is traditional to view the goals from the top of the firm down to front-line employees as a chain.

Knowledge Work and Human Capital

In general, therefore, jobs require more education and more skills. For example, we saw that automation and just-in-time manufacturing mean that even manufacturing jobs require more reading, math, and communication skills.

Nature of Work

In older plants, machinists would manually control machines that cut chunks of metal into things like engine parts.

Hostile Environment Created by Supervisors

In one case the court found that a male supervisor's sexual harassment had substantially affected a female employee's emotional and psychological ability to the point that she felt she had to quit her job.

EEOC Enforcement Process

In practice, the commission includes thousands of employees around the country. Their job is to receive, investigate and resolve complaints by aggrieved individuals.

Albermarle paper company v. Moody

In the Albemarle case, the Court provided more details on how employers could prove that tests or other screening tools relate to job performance. If an employer wants to test candidates for a job, then the employer first should document the job's duties and responsibilities clearly and understand them. Furthermore, the job's performance standards should be clear and unambiguous. Clear performance standards would show which employees are performing better than others.

Outside Candidates

Informal Recruiting and the Hidden Job Market Job openings aren't publicized Jobs are created and become available when employers come across the right candidates

Methods for Collecting Job Analysis Information

Interviews Questionnaires Observation Diary/logs Quantitative techniques Internet-based

Equal employment opportunity (EEO) representatives or affirmative action coordinators

Investigate and resolve EEO grievances, examine organizational practices for potential violations, and compile and submit EEO reports.

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

It should not be an unlawful employment practice if religion, sex, or national origin is reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that business.

Economic Challenges and Trends

It's doubtful that the deregulation, leveraging, and globalization that drove economic growth for the previous 50 years will continue unabated. That may mean slower growth for many countries, perhaps for years. This means challenging times ahead for employers. The challenging times mean that for the foreseeable future—and even well after things turn positive—employers will be more frugal and creative in managing their human resources than perhaps they've been in the past.

Writing Job Descriptions

Job identification Job summary Relationships Responsibilities and duties Authority Performance standards & working conditions Job specifications

One survey of Web-based recruiting uncovered alumni from graduate business schools objections:

Lack of relevant information Using mandatory formatting for resumes Privacy issues Poor graphics and difficulty in using the site Slow feedback from employers

The difference between contract workers and employees

Let the temp agency assume as much responsibility for the temporary employee as possible. This helps to create a clear line between temps and employees at the worksite.

The Strategic Management Process

Management formulates a strategic plan and measurable strategic goals or aims. The plans imply certain workforce requirements required to achieve the firm's strategic aims. Given these workforce requirements, HR management formulates strategies. These HR policies and practices (strategies) help produce the desired workforce skills, competencies, and behaviors.

Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates

Manual systems and replacement charts Computerized skills inventories Markov analysis Privacy

Step 6. Translate into Goals

Next, management translates the new desired direction into actionable strategic goals. At P&G, for instance, strategic goals might have included "generate 20% of corporate revenues from the Oil of Olay brand within 4 years," and "capture 18% of the top-tier beauty care market within 3 years." Ford breathed life into its "Quality Is Job One" mission by setting goals such as "no more than 1 initial defect per 10,000 cars."

trends shaping HRM

Occurring in the environment of human resource management that are changing how employers get their human resource management tasks done.

Hostile Environment Created by Coworkers or Nonemployees

One court held that a mandatory sexually provocative uniform led to lewd comments by customers.

Policies and Procedures

Policies provide day-to-day guidance employees need to do their jobs in a manner that is consistent with the company's plans and goals. Policies set broad guidelines delineating how employees should proceed.

Temp Agencies and Alternative Staffing

Pros and cons What supervisors should know about temporary employees' concerns Legal guidelines Alternative staffing

Recruiting a More Diverse Workforce

Recruiting women Single parents Older workers Recruiting minorities Disabled workers

Uses of Job Analysis Information

Recruitment and selection EEO compliance, Performance appraisal Compensation Training

Job redesign

Researches proposed redesigning jobs using methods such as job enlargement, job rotation, and job enrichment.

Step 2 in Job Analysis

Review relevant background information such as organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions.

Step 3 in Job Analysis

Select representative positions.

How many step are in the EEOC enforcement process?

Seven Steps

How many steps does it take to Conducting a job analysis?

Six Steps

Strategic Planning

Step 1. Ask, Where Are We Now Step 2. Size Up The Situation: Perform External and Internal Audits Step 3. Create Strategic Options Step 4. Review Strategic Options Step 5. Make a Strategic Choice Step 6. Translate into Goals Step 7. Implement the Strategies Step 8. Evaluate Performance

The steps in using O*Net to facilitate writing a job description follow.

Step 1. Review your Plan. Ideally, the jobs you need should flow from your departmental or company plans. Do you plan to enter or exit businesses? What do you expect your sales to be in the next few years? What departments will have to be expanded or reduced? What kinds of new positions will you need? Step 2. Develop an Organization Chart. Start with the organization as it is now. Then produce a chart showing how you want it to look in a year or two. Microsoft Word includes an organization charting function. Step 3. Use a Job Analysis Questionnaire. Next, gather information about each job's duties. (You can use job analysis questionnaires, such as those shown in Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-10.) Combine the duties of the "retail salesperson" with those of "first-line supervisors/managers of retail sales workers." Step 4. List the Job's Human Requirements from O*NET. Next, return to the summary for Retail Salesperson (C). Use this information to help develop a job specification for your job. Use this information for recruiting, selecting, and training your employees. Step 5. Finalize the Job Description. Finally, perhaps using Figure 4-10 as a guide, write an appropriate job summary for the job. Then use the information obtained previously in steps 4 and 5 to create a complete listing of the tasks, duties, and human requirements of each of the jobs you will need to fill.

Workforce diversity produces both benefits and problems for employers. Potential problems include:

Stereotyping Discrimination Tokenism Ethnocentrism Discrimination

Step 7. Implement the Strategies

Strategy execution means translating the strategies into action. This means actually hiring (or firing) people, building (or closing) plants, and adding (or eliminating) products and product lines. To do this, management uses the firm's new top-level strategic goals to formulate a hierarchy of goals, and policies and procedures. These guide action down the chain of command at lower organizational levels, and in the firm's various departments.

Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates

Talent management Action planning for labor supply and demand Succession Planning

Voluntary Mediation Mechanism

The EEOC refers about 10% of its charges to an informal process in which a neutral third party assists the opposing parties to reach a voluntary, negotiated resolution

Step 4 of EEOC enforcement process

The EEOC then investigates the charge to determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe it is true.

Step 2 of EEOC enforcement process

The EEOC's common practice is to accept a charge and orally refer it to the state or local agency on behalf of the charging party.

Equal Opportunity Laws Enacted From 1964 to 1991

The Fifth and Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides protection to individuals. However, Congress and presidents did not take dramatic action with respect to implementing equal employment until the 1960s.

The Management Planning Process

The Hierarchy of Goals, Policies and Procedures


The Occupational Information Network (O*Net) is a comprehensive, interactive database developed by the US Department of Labor to identify and describe important information about occupations, worker characteristics, work skills and training requirements.

Civil Rights Act of 1991 (CRA 1991)

The act that places the burden of proof back on employers and permits compensatory and punitive damages. It provides that an employee who can prove intentional discrimination can ask for compensatory and punitive damages. If race, color, religion, sex, or national origin is a motivating factor for any employment practice, even if other factors also motivated the practice, it may be unlawful. This is known as a "mixed motive" case.

Other Issues

The employer needs qualified, hirable applicants, not just applicants. The applicant tracking system should help compare recruiting sources. However, about 30% of them lack the necessary tools to effectively pinpoint source of hire.

A coordinative function.

The human resource manager also coordinates personnel activities, a duty often referred to as functional authority (or functional control). Here he or she ensures that line managers are implementing the firm's human resource policies and practices (for example, adhering to its sexual harassment policies).

A line function.

The human resource manager directs the activities of the people in his or her own department, and perhaps in related areas (like the plant cafeteria).

Step 1. Ask, Where Are We Now?

The logical place to start is by asking, "Where are we now as a business?" Here the manager defines the company's current business and mission. Specifically, "What products do we sell, where do we sell them, and how do our products or services differ from our competitors'?"

Quid Pro Quo

The most direct is to prove that rejecting a supervisor's advances adversely affected what the EEOC calls a "tangible employment action." Such actions include hiring, firing, promotion, demotion, and/or work assignment.

Why Effective Recruiting Is Important?

The need for effective recruiting What makes recruiting a challenge? Organizing how you recruit The supervisor's role Recruiting pyramid

Step 2. Size Up The Situation: Perform External and Internal Audits

The next step is to ask, "Are we heading in the right direction given the challenges that we face?" To answer this, managers need to study or "audit" the firm's environment, and its internal strengths and weaknesses. It includes the economic, competitive, and political trends that may affect the company.

Step 1 of EEOC enforcement process

The process begins when either the aggrieved person or a member of the EEOC who has reasonable cause to believe that a violation occurred must file the claim in writing and under oath.

Step 3. Create Strategic Options

The situation may require that management consider strategic options for the company. Several years ago, for instance, Microsoft, facing a surging product lineup from Apple and competition from Google's cloud-based office programs, had to decide whether to change its mission and, if so, how.

Step 8. Evaluate Performance

Things don't always turn out as planned. P&G soon built its Oil of Olay line into a world-class brand. However initially, at least, Microsoft's new tablets were off to a slow start. Microsoft soon cut their prices.

Action planning for labor supply and demand

This lays out the employer's projected workforce demand-supply gaps, as well as staffing plans for filling the necessary positions.

Strategic Human Resource Management Tools

Three important tools are the strategy map, the HR scorecard, and the digital dashboard.

High-Tech Jobs

Today, a team spends much of their time keying commands into computerized machines that create precision parts for products, including water pumps.


Today, over two-thirds of the U.S. workforce is already employed in producing and delivering services, not products.

Writing job specifications must include considerations for:

Trained vs. untrained employees Judgment Statistical analysis Task statements

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Under Title VII, sexual harassment generally refers to harassment on the basis of sex when such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with a person's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Effectively managing talent means that managers:

Understand that talent management tasks are parts of one unified process. Ensure talent management decisions such as staffing, training, and pay are goal-directed. Consistently use the same "profile" of competencies, traits, knowledge, and experience for potential employees. The approach requires that employers proactively manage recruitment, selection, development, and rewards. Realize an effective talent management process integrates all underlying talent management activities such as recruiting, developing, and compensating employees.

Step 4 of Recruitment and Selection

Use selection tools like tests, background investigations, and physical exams to screen candidates.

Internal Sources of Candidates

Using internal sources Finding internal candidates Rehiring

Step 5 in Job Analysis

Verify the job analysis information with the worker performing the job and with his or her immediate supervisor.

Some typical interview questions include the following:

What is the job being performed? What are the education, experience, skill, and certification and licensing requirements? What are the job's physical demands? The emotional and mental demands? And many others

Variety of important considerations such as:

What job analysis information typically is used for? How to conduct a job analysis Job analysis guidelines How to collect job analysis information?


While the internet is used a great deal, there are still reasons for using print-based ads. The best medium (internet, newspaper, etc.) should be selected based on the positions for which you are recruiting. For example, if you are seeking a highly specialized researcher, then advertising in the appropriate professional journal is your best bet.

Workers from Abroad

With projected workforce shortfalls, many employers are hiring foreign workers for U.S. jobs. The H-1B visa program lets U.S. employers recruit skilled foreign professionals to work in the United States when they can't find qualified American workers. U.S. employers bring in about 181,000 foreign workers per year under these programs.

The Basics of Job Analysis

Work activities Behaviors Machines tools equipment work aids Performance standards Job context Human requirements

job specification

a description of the qualifications necessary for a specific job, in terms of education, experience, and personal and physical characteristics

Staff Managers

a position created to provide support, advice, and expertise within an organization

Case of Faragher v. City of Boca Raton

a woman accused her employer of condoning a hostile work environment. She quit her job after repeated taunts from other lifeguards. The Court ruled in her favor.

Effective recruiting

allows a company to fill open positions while their competitors may have missed solid opportunities. If, for example, you fill open positions 50% faster than industry average, you are more likely to get better talent onboard more quickly.


also may be structured or unstructured, depending on the situation and job under review.


are observable and measurable behaviors of the person that make performance possible.

On-demand recruiting services (ODRS)

are recruiters who are paid by the hour or project, instead of a percentage fee, to support a specific project.

Manual systems

are used primarily for smaller employers. For example, a personnel inventory and development record form compiles qualifications information on each employee. It will show the present performance and promotability for each position's potential replacement.

Talent management

as the goal-oriented and integrated process of planning, recruiting, developing, managing, and compensating employees.

The ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA)

became effective on January 1, 2009. The effect of the new act is to make it much easier for employees to show that their disabilities are limiting. For example, it is now easier for an employee to show that the disability is influencing one of the employee's "major life activities." It does so by adding examples like reading, concentrating, thinking, sleeping, and communicating to the list of life activities.


can be win-win situations. For students, they can mean being able to hone business skills, learn more about potential employers, and discover their career likes (and dislikes).

Employers should

carefully review their application forms to ensure they comply with equal employment laws. Questions to review include those asking about: dates of graduation arrest records emergency contacts physical disabilities marital status housing arrangements.

The federal agencies guidelines

charged with ensuring compliance with these laws and executive orders issue their own implementing guidelines. These spell out recommended procedures for complying with the law. The EEOC, Civil Service Commission, Department of Labor, and Department of Justice together issue uniform guidelines. These set forth "highly recommended" procedures regarding things like employee selection, record keeping, and pre-employment inquiries.

Human resource managers often

collect data on matters such as employee turnover and safety via human resource audits.

The usual process of talent management

consists of the several steps such as building an applicant pool, conducting appraisals, and rewarding employees.

The job identification section (on top)

contains several types of information. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status section identifies the job as exempt or nonexempt with respect to being exempt or non-exempt from FLSA overtime rules. Exempt and non-exempt status also is used to help plan compensation strategies for a firm.

Three Types of Strategic Planning

corporate-level strategic planning business unit (or competitive) strategic planning functional (or departmental) strategic planning.

Valero Energy

created a "labor supply chain" for improving the efficiency of its workforce planning, recruiting, and hiring process. It includes an analytic tool that predicts Valero's labor needs based on past trends. And, it includes computer screen "dashboards" that show how components in the staffing chain, such as ads placed on job boards, are performing according to cost, speed, and quality.

Line authority

creates a superior (order giver)-subordinate (order receiver) relationship.


do all or most of their work remotely, often from home, using information technology.


dramatically changed how human resource managers do their jobs. LinkedIn and Facebook recruiting are examples. Employers can access candidates via Facebook's job board. This provides a seamless way to recruit and promote job listings from Facebook. Then, after creating a job listing, the employer can advertise its job link using Facebook.

The Implications of the Court's rulings include the following:

employee does not need to suffer a job action such as demotion to win the case. employer must exercise reasonable care to prevent and correct any sexually harassing behavior. employer must demonstrate the employee failed to take advantage of the employer's policies.

HR innovators and integrators

for instance, by developing talent, and optimizing human capital through workforce planning and analytics.

Credible activists

for instance, by exhibiting the leadership and other competencies that make them "both credible (respected, admired, listened to) and active (offers a point of view, takes a position, challenges assumptions)."

Strategic positioners

for instance, by helping to create the firm's strategy.

Staff authority

gives a manager the right to advise other managers or employees. It creates an advisory relationship.

In organizations, line authority traditionally

gives managers the right to issue orders to other managers or employees.


has the responsibility to administer and enforce the Civil Rights Law at work. The commission itself consists of five members appointed by the President of the United States.


have been squeezing slack and inefficiencies out of production, enabling companies to produce more products with fewer employees.

Executive Orders

have been used to expand equal employment opportunities in federal agencies.

Population comparisons

have to do with the percentage of protected group members in an organization and those in the labor market pool.

Improving Profits And Performances

help ensure that you get results—through people.

It entails three steps:

identify key needs, develop inside candidates, and assess and choose those who will fill the key positions.

Functional strategies

identify the basic course of action that each department will pursue in order to help the business attain its competitive goals. Human capital is one of the best competitive advantages because it is hard to duplicate a company's personnel.

Some of the major concerns of temporary employees

include being treated in a dehumanizing and discouraging way and worrying about the lack of insurance and pension benefits.

Critical human resource M&A tasks

include choosing top management, communicating changes to employees, merging the firms' cultures, and retaining key talent.

The benefits of contingency staffing

include increases in overall productivity, and time and expenses saved by not having to recruit, train, and document new employees.

Diversity benefits

include measurable profitability and growth where diversity is managed proactively.

Sexual harassment generally refers to harassment on the basis of sex when such conduct substantially:

interferes with a person's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Markov analysis

involves creating a matrix that shows the probabilities that employees in a chain of feeder positions for a key job. "Feeder" positions are those to which a job incumbent may likely be promoted.


involves performing five basic functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.


is a bias toward prejudging someone based on that person's traits, as in "we won't hire him because he's old."

Workflow analysis

is a detailed study of the flow of work from job to job in a work process. Usually, the analyst focuses on one identifiable work process, rather than on how the company gets all its work done.

A high-performance work system (HPWS)

is a set of human resource management policies and practices that together produce superior employee performance.

The position analysis questionnaire (PAQ)

is a very popular quantitative job analysis tool, consisting of a questionnaire containing 194 items. The 194 items (such as "written materials") each represent a basic element that may play a role in the job.

An HR audit

is an analysis by which an organization measures where it currently stands and determines what it has to accomplish to improve its HR functions.

HR Certification Institute (HRCI)

is an independent certifying organization for human resource professionals Through testing, HRCI awards several credentials, including Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).

The recruiting yield pyramid

is based on experience and solid record-keeping. In our example, if a company needs 50 entry-level accountants, using the pyramid, it will need to generate approximately 1,200 leads to fill the new-hire requirement.

Job analysis

is crucial for validating all major human resources practices, especially when it comes to legal compliance. Helps compare each employee's actual performance with his or her duties and performance standards in performance appraisals.


is data presented in a form that makes it useful for making decisions.

The HR Scorecard

is not a scorecard. It refers to a process for assigning financial and nonfinancial goals or metrics to important human resource management-related chain of activities. That chain is required in order to achieve the company's strategic aims and for monitoring results.


is prejudice in action. It means taking specific actions toward or against the person based on the person's group. Of course, it's generally illegal to discriminate at work based on someone's age, race, gender, disability, or national origin. But in practice, discrimination may be subtle.

The "Date"

is the date the job description was actually approved. The job summary should summarize the essence of the job, and include only its major functions or activities.

Distortion of information

is the main problem—whether due to outright falsification or honest misunderstanding.

Succession planning

is the ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance.

Workforce (or employment or personnel) planning

is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them.


is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. Managers usually distinguish between line authority and staff authority.


is the tendency to view members of other social groups less favorably than one's own. Thus, in one study, managers attributed the performance of some minorities less to their abilities and more to help they received from others. The same managers attributed the performance of nonminorities to their own abilities.

The burden of proof

is what the plaintiff (for example, an employee) must show to establish possible illegal discrimination, and what the employer must show to defend its actions.

the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (amended in 1972),

it is unlawful to discriminate in pay on the basis of sex when jobs involve equal work, require equivalent skills, effort, and responsibility, and are performed under similar working conditions.

When mergers and acquisitions fail

it's often not due to financial issues but to personnel-related ones, such as employee resistance. Prudent top managers therefore tap their human resource managers' input early in the merger process.


level strategy identifies the portfolio of businesses that comprise the company and the ways in which these businesses are related to each other.

replacement chart

list of each management position, who occupies it, how long that person will likely stay in the job, and who is qualified as a replacement

A "standards of performance" section

lists the standards the company expects the employee to achieve for each of the job description's main duties and responsibilities.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)

made it unlawful to discriminate against employees or applicants who are between 40 and 65 years of age. Subsequent amendments eliminated the 65-year-old age cap. This effectively ended most mandatory retirement at age 65.

Computerized skills Inventories

managers need every tool they can find to properly leverage the skills and abilities of employees.


means a company appoints a small group of women or minorities to high profile positions, rather than more aggressively seeking full representation for that group.

Job enlargement

means assigning workers additional same-level activities. Thus, the worker who previously only bolted the seat to the legs might attach the back too.


means comparing the practices of high-performing companies to your own, in order to understand what they do that makes them better.

Competency-based job analysis

means describing the job in terms of measurable, observable, behavioral competencies. Such competencies are usually grouped into general competencies, leadership competencies, and technical competencies.


means having outside vendors or employees abroad supply services that the company's own employees previously did in-house. Rising wages in China and India, coupled with reputational issues and a desire to invest more in local communities, is prompting employers to bring jobs back. Several U.S. employers including Apple and Microsoft are shifting jobs back to the United States.


means having outside vendors supply services (such as benefits management, market research, or manufacturing) that the company's own employees previously did in-house.

Disparate treatment

means intentional discrimination.

ratio analysis

means making forecasts based on the historical ratio between two variables. One example might include some causal factor (like sales volume) and the number of employees required (such as number of salespeople).

Job posting

means publicizing the open job to employees (usually by literally posting it on company intranets or bulletin boards). These postings list the job's attributes, like qualifications, supervisor, work schedule, and pay rate.

Business process reengineering

means redesigning business processes, usually by combining steps, so that small multifunction teams, often using information technology, do the jobs formerly done by a sequence of departments.

Job enrichment

means redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achievement, growth, and recognition—and therefore more motivation.

Trend analysis

means studying variations in the firm's employment levels over the last few years.

Job rotation

means systematically moving workers from one job to another.

A restricted policy

means that an employer's policies excluded members of a protected group, such as women or minorities.

Evidence-based human resource management

means using data, facts, analytics, scientific rigor, critical evaluation, and critically evaluated research/case studies to support human resource management proposals, decisions, practices, and conclusions.

Larger firms

obviously can't track the qualifications of hundreds or thousands of employees manually. Larger employers therefore computerize this information. One software system is Survey Analytics' Skills Inventory Software.


often depends on the job's required skill and education level, safety hazards, degree of responsibility, and other factors you assess through job analysis.

A digital dashboard

presents the manager with desktop graphics and charts. It is a computerized picture of where the company stands on all those metrics from an HR Scorecard perspective.

There are three main types of employment agencies:

public agencies operated by federal, state, or local governments; agencies associated with nonprofit organizations; and privately owned agencies

For recruiting purposes

referrals and walk-ins, using telecommuters, and hiring ex-military personnel can be excellent sources of potential employees. Recruiting effectiveness and measurement also is important to all employers.

Disparate impact

refers to an employment practice or policy that has a greater adverse impact (effect) on members of a protected group. As examples, we discussed:


refers to companies extending their sales, ownership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad.

The standard deviation rule

refers to the difference between the numbers of minority candidates we would have expected to hire versus those we actually hired. That difference should be less than two standard deviations.

Many employers, to avoid EEO litigation

require applicants and employees to agree to arbitrate such claims. Employers should consider inserting a mandatory arbitration clause in their employment applications or employee handbooks.

Diaries and logs

require the worker to make entries into his or her journal at regular times.

Recruiting minorities.

requires employers to tailor their way of thinking and to design HR practices that make their firms attractive to minority workers

The Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

requires employers with federal contracts of more than $2,500 to take affirmative action in employing handicapped persons. It does not require hiring unqualified people. It does require an employer to take steps to accommodate a handicapped worker unless doing so imposes an undue hardship on the employer.

A talent management philosophy

requires paying continuous attention to workforce planning issues. Managers call this newer, continuous workforce planning approach predictive workforce monitoring.

application forms to predict which candidates will be successful.

responses on the application form, and measures of success on the job.

an external labor

scan for analyzing how the external labor market impacts the employer's workforce.

College recruiting

sending an employer's representatives to college campuses to prescreen applicants and create an applicant pool from the graduating class—is an important source of management trainees and professional and technical employees.

a workforce projection

showing projected employment and skill levels given the "status quo";

A scatter plot

shows graphically how two variables—such as sales and your firm's staffing levels—are related.

The strategy map

shows the "big picture" of how each department's performance contributes to achieving the company's overall strategic goals. Many employers quantify and computerize the map's activities. The HR Scorecard helps them to do so.

Such Executive Orders included

steps to be taken to eliminate the present effects of past discrimination, or Affirmative Action.

Alternative staffing

such as temporary employees, refers to the use of nontraditional recruitment sources.

"Strategic fit"

sums up the idea that each department's functional strategy should fit and support the company's competitive aims. The "fit" point of view states that all of the firm's activities must be tailored to or fit its strategy.

a workforce scan

that provides detailed analysis of the client's current workforce and historical workforce trends;

There may be a "relationships" statement

that shows the jobholder's relationships with others inside and outside the organization. Responsibilities and duties are the heart of the job description. This section should present a list of the job's significant responsibilities and duties. This section may also define the limits of the jobholder's authority.

For internet-based job analysis

the HR department can distribute standardized job analysis questionnaires to geographically disbursed employees. Such questionnaires may be sent via company intranets, and include instructions to complete the forms and return them by a particular date.

The role of the supervisor in recruiting

the HR manager charged with filling an open position is seldom very familiar with the job itself. Someone has to tell this person what the position really entails, and what key things to look or watch out for. Only the position's supervisor can do this.


the condition of being deeply in debt

Reverse discrimination

the practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have not been discriminated against previously.

Human resource consulting companies

they identify potential pension shortfalls, identify key talent and then develop suitable retention strategies, help clients plan how to combine payroll systems, and help determine which employee is best for which role in the new organization.

scenario modeling

to let the employer compare "what if" scenarios;

The key aims of affirmative action programs are:

to use numerical analysis to determine which (if any) target groups the firm is underutilizing relative to the relevant labor market. and to eliminate the barriers to equal employment.

U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) method

uses a set of standard basic activities called worker functions to describe what a worker must do with respect to data, people, and things.

Job description

which is created from a job analysis, lists the job's specific duties and skills—and therefore the training—that the job requires.


while extremely useful is very time-consuming in that one individual will be needed to observe the worker for extended periods of time. In addition, the observer may miss some key job activities if they are not performed regularly.

Avoid Personnel Mistakes

●To have your employees not doing their best ● To hire the wrong person for the job ● To experience high turnover ● To have your company in court due to your discriminatory actions ● To have your company cited for unsafe practices ● To let a lack of training undermine your department's effectiveness ●To commit any unfair labor practices

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