MAN 4240 Final Exam

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Adaptive Culture

An organizational culture in which employees are receptive to change, including the ongoing alignment of the organization to its environment and continuous improvement of internal processes.


Have high control over the final decision but low control over the process.


Have high control over the intervention process.


How many competencies per the textbook are associated with effective leaders?

Authentic Leadership

How well leaders know themselves and act consistently with that self concept. (be aware of)

Norm of Reciprocity

Individuals are expected to help those who have helped them.


Influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members.


A personal trait or relational quality that provides referent power over followers.

Plan future work activities

Doesn't identify a people-oriented leader.

Show interest in others

Doesn't identify a task-oriented leader.

Social Glue

That bonds people together and makes them feel part of the organizational experience.

Coercive Power

The ability to apply punishment.


The capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence others.

Referent Power

The capacity to influence others on the basis of an indentification with and respect for the power holder.


The programmed routines of daily organizational life that dramatize the organization's culture.

Espoused Values

The values that leaders say they and their staff rely on to guide their decisions and actions.

Path Goal Leadership Theory

A contingency theory of leadership based on the expectancy theory of motivation that relates several leadership styles to specific employee and situational contingencies.

Coalition Formation

A group that attempts to influence people outside the group by pooling the resources and power of its members.

Transformational Leadership

A leadership perspective that explains how leaders change teams or organizations by creating, communicating, and modeling a vision for the organization or work unit and inspiring employees to strive for that vision.

skill/experience and locus of control

2 employee contingencies

task structure and team dynamics

2 environmental contingencies


A benefit of conflict is to prevent organizations from stagnating and becoming non-responsive to their external environment. t/f


A contingency of power pertaining to the avalibility of alternatives.


A contingency of power pertaining to the degree and nature of interdependence between the power holder and others.


A subculture is a larger culture that has distinct values and cultural norms. t/f


A transformational leader changes teams and organizations by creating, communicating, and modeling a vision for the organization or work unit and inspire employees to strive for that vision. t/f

Organizational Politics

Behaviors that others perceive as self-serving tactics for personal gain at the expense of other people and possibly the organization.

Servant Leadership

The view that leaders serve followers, rather than vice versa; leaders help employees fulfill their needs and are coaches, stewards, and facilitators of employee performance.


There are 3 theories within the Path Goal Leadership. t/f


Ceremonies are more formal than rituals. They are planned activities conducted specifically for the benefit of an audience. t/f

5, Avoiding

There are __ outcomes in handling conflict and which one is one of them?


Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that his/hers interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. t/f


Conflict is ultimately based on perceptions. t/f


Control all discussion about the conflict.

they embrace values or assumptions that directly oppose the organizations dominant culture

Counter Culture is...

Social Networking

Cultivating social relationships with others to accomplish one's goals.


There are how many features of power?

Reward Power

Derived from the person's ability to control the allocation of rewards valued by others and to remove negative sanctions. (negative enforcement)

One of the founders of OB

Elton Mayo

Sense Making

It helps employees to understand what goes on and why things happen in the company.


It's not the act of changing someone's attitudes or behavior, it is the potential to do so.

Locus of Control

Not a behavior under Path Goal Leadership Theory. (a contingency)

Expert Power

Originates from withing the person. An individuals or work unit's capacity to influence others by possesing knowledge or skills that others value.


Physical Structure is the most easily observed artifact of organizational culture; does age take account as one of the physical structures?


Relational conflict (socioemotional conflict) focuses on the adversity rather than the issue as the source of the conflict. t/f

Attraction-Selection Attrition

What does ASA Theory represent?

Realistic Job Preview

What does RJP represent?


Which one is not a contingency of power?


Which one is not a source of power?

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