Man3240 test 2

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Chart the course of "Americans' Perceptions of Governmental Power" from 2003-present (see Gallup research).

-60% of Americans currently believe the government has too much power. The most in the 10 year period. -In early 2006, American's started favoring the view that the government has too much power.

Why is possessing social skill so important these days? Know the reasons.

-All jobs involve human interactions Our society does not make much anymore, we provide services (lawyer, sales, teaching, healthcare, government) Positively influences stress Career = poop without help from others  Separation (as we discussed)  No social

Understand the communication behaviors of Americans, Brits, and Koreans.

-Americans: No empathy and a sense of entitlement -British: Deference and a quiet consideration for others -Koreans: : Similar to British summed up in the word "yangbo" which means "defer" or "yield to" ~E.G. younger Korean will give up a seat to an elder -From the Article "Rudeness may be a rich-country problem" Compare the behavior of Americans to that of the British, who have mastered their own verbal "pas de deux" among strangers. "Deference and a quiet consideration for others are such a fundamental part of British life," ... conversations begin with "'I'm terribly sorry but' followed by a request of some sort. Koreans have a similar sense of social deference, summed up in the word "yangbo" to defer or yield to. A youth will "yangbo" his seat on the bus to the elderly; cars at an intersection will "yangbo" to the flow of traffic. In South Korean restaurants, you might be uprooted mid-meal to make room for a larger or more important party.

When is it best to disclose depression to your employer? When is it best not to?

-It is best to disclose your depression if: o you need special accommodations such as changing your start time or taking sick leave o it is causing you job performance to suffer noticeably o your company is depression friendly "atmosphere of workplace is important consideration) -It is best not to o If you company does not have a supportive environment for those with mental health o "late in the game" -It is important to be clear on what you are trying to gain from disclosing it. ~From the Article "Depression in the workplace: don't ask, don't tell?" It's a valid concern. The stigma surrounding depression is not what it was a generation ago (thanks to greater public awareness and the mainstreaming of antidepressants), but it remains strong enough that most depressed employees would probably hesitate to reveal their condition to bosses and coworkers for fear of being marginalized professionally or being seen as weak.

Discuss the interaction between politicking and networking? What is your knowledge of Hochwarter 80/20 rule?

-Poloticking can be part of networking and networking can be part of politicking. They go hand-in- hand. -The 80/20 Rule refers to ~20% is perceived reality (what is seen by all) ~80% is reality (Behind the scenes) ~~ ~~Similar to an iceberg

Understand the major differences in the "Bucking the Stereotype" discussion of Millennials.


Understand what having high levels of emotional maturity can indicate in terms of leadership.

...having high emotional maturity is a strong indicator that you: Are aware of your own feelings and emotions and also realize your strengths and weaknesses; Are able to recognize when others need help, but are also willing to seek help from others; Empathize with others, understanding how they feel and how your actions or words affect them; Manage your work and personal relationships well and foster effective communication and collaboration; Can stay focused and motivated, and persevere through challenges. -From the Article "Why Emotional Intelligence Should Be In a Developer's Toolkit" Putting knowledge and learning aside, there are many soft skill areas that can impact an individual's success and prevent them from realizing their potential. For example, things like communication, influence, attitude, time management, etc., are just the start of a long list of areas to improve. Whether it is managing up to your boss, getting buy-in from stakeholders, or helping resolve a technical debate with your team members, learning to communicate clearly and effectively can be a challenge for some people

Be able to describe the four factors that "drive millennial employees to be better appreciated".

1. Want their actions to connect with the good of the company a.Sense of self-worth b.Good of the company c.Build a perfect personal legacy 2. Need to see how their actions make a difference a.Sense of achievement b.Increased salary c.Build a perfect career 3. Need flexibility to get done on their schedule a.Sense of security b.Work to live c.Build a transferable career 4. Connect responsibility with personal goals a.Sense of greater good b.Personal relationships c.Build parallel careers

What are the five factors that influence the onset of politics in organizations?

1.Uncertainty in the work environment 2.Fighting over resources perceived as scarce 3.When threats to current position (job)(any threat) exists 4.Informal, not part of one's assigned job (i.e., not on job description) 5.When there is a disconnect between what a person does and what they get from the company in return

As reported in the research, how did abusive supervision affect employees depressed mood, exhaustion, and work-generated conflict at home?

Employees with Abusive Bosses: Twice as likely to suffer from depressed mood (i.e., blues, having trouble getting going, sadness, and helplessness) at work. Exhaustion levels (i.e., tired, weary, and worn out) approximately 33% higher. 50% more work-generated home conflict (i.e., can't get things done at home, not enough time, and edginess).

What is the relationship between organizational politics and level in the organization?

Extent to which political activity is likely (ranging from 0-3) o .18 Production Blue Collar o .50 Clerical White Collar o .54 Technical Professional o .73 Lower Management o 1.07 Middle Management o 1.22 Upper Management o Political activity is perceived to increase at higher organizational levels

Understand what is meant by the "Art of Small Talk".

 As you prepare for a function, come up with three things to talk about as well as four generic questions that will get others talking. If you've met the host before, try to remember things about her.  Be the first to say "Hello." If you're not sure the other person will remember you, offer your name to ease the pressure. Smile first and always shake hands when you meet someone.  Take your time during introductions. Make an extra effort to remember names and use them frequently

Top cited flaws of managers include what? What are the health effects of a bad boss?

 Flaws: 1. Fails to Inspire 2. Accepts Mediocrity 3. Lacks Clear Vision and Direction 4. Unable to Collaborate and be a team player 5. Fails to walk to talk Health Effects: -It takes an employee 22 months to shake off the stress and anxiety a bad boss causes -Workers with poor relationship with bosses are 30% more likely to suffer from heart disease

How does depression influence employer's costs in the form of medical costs, drug costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism (be able to draw it)?

 Medical accounts Approx. $50,000  Drug Costs Aprox. $25,000  Abesnteeism Approx. $100,000  Presenteeism Aprrox. $180,000

What are the biggest time wasters at work (know the top two and bottom two)?

 Top2 o 47% Meetings o 43% Office Politics Bottom 2 o 18% Internet o 14% Dealing with Bosses

Why are people drinking more as the economy declines? What are the behaviors?

 Why? - Self-medication -More free time to engaging in activities like drinking  Behaviors -Increase in Binge Drinking ~Employed people are more inclined to binge drink during downturn -Stress and Worry During Bad Economy ~Stress about the economy causes anxiety, and alcohol eases the anxiety ~From the Article "Substance Abuse and Addiction Health Center" A recession "may indicate less available money to buy alcohol," he says in an email. "The downturn brings with it increased unemployment or fewer hours of employment, and may indicate more available time to drink and fewer competing activities with drinking

What are the factors that have caused leaders to be less effective than in the past?

42% say bosses are more concerned with saving his or her job than employee development Bosses don't have the best tools Aren't trained how to manager people Employees aren't great or not as good as they used to be Lack of resources -From the Article "Horrible Bosses, Horrible Employees" The boss doesn't always have the best tools. Often, bosses haven't been trained how to manage people or those they do supervise aren't great employees, either. Another twist on this: A lot of bosses don't have much to work with. You know the resources they have left, the people they have left, are fewer. And in many cases, the employees they have are not as good as they used to be — for a lot of different reasons

What were the major findings of the "Mirror, mirror on my boss's wall..." article. Be able to explain what you read to your grandma, friend from school or boss at work

A study is done to see effects of perceived supervisor narcissism and individual enactment. High supervisor narcissism for employees with low (limited) enactment behavior resulted in -Work frustration and tension increased -Resource availability and job performance decreased High supervisor narcissism for employees with high (active) enactment behavior resulted in -No significant effect for high enactment employees across samples From Slide 46 Work frustration and tension increased and resource availability and job performance decreased for low enactment behavior—high perceived supervisor narcissism employees. Conversely, perceived supervisor narcissism had no significant effect for high enactment employees on any outcome across samples.

How does depression affect one's ability to contribute while on the job? What is it about contemporary jobs that make the influence of depression considerably worse?

Affect ability to think clearly and quickly Today, jobs are requiring people do more with fewer resources, which makes it even more important to think clearly and quickly. Thus causing the influence of depression to be considerably worse. US workplace is becoming a knowledge driven economy; thinking skills is demanded in 85% of jobs Depression also effects presenteeism, absenteeism, sleep disturbance, and low energy. -From the Article "Workplace depression, a national problem" Experts say often depression is at the heart of presenteeism and other problems such as absenteeism sleep disturbance, and low energy that contribute to lost productivity in the workplace. No matter their field of work, if employees have depression, it can affect their ability to think clearly and quickly; thus, creating major problems on the job. This is particularly true today, as employees are constantly asked to do more with fewer resources and less staff, requiring an even higher level of productivity and efficiency. In addition, in recent years, information technology (e.g., computers, Internet, and e-mail) have shifted the US workplace to a knowledge-driven economy, which places even more emphasis on thinking skills, which researchers estimate are now demanded by 85% of all new jobs.

What can a Baby Boomer do when he/she has a Gen-Y Boss? How can one look successful when in this situation?

Baby boomers should abandon stereotypes and be open minded. Be flexible. Use generational differences to their advantage: -Millennials like input that is framed as in idea rather than a complaint -Millenials can be coachable -Millenials are collaborative From the Article- Millennials do have less experience in the workforce, but they also have a collaborative spirit. If you're a baby boomer with a Generation Y manager, remember that they're more receptive to your input if it's framed as an innovative idea, not a condescending complaint

Describe the progression differences in white-collar and blue-collar positions.

In a White-Collar position, your progression likely will depend of the 4 P's: -Politics* -Performance -Personality -Potential In a Blue Collar environment, the order of the four Ps changes somewhat: -Performance -Potential -Politics* -Personality

Be able to describe the potential causes of depression.

Biological differences. People with depression appear to have physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still uncertain but may eventually help pinpoint causes. Neurotransmitters. These naturally occurring brain chemicals linked to mood are thought to play a direct role in depression. Hormones. Changes in the body's balance of hormones may be involved in causing or triggering depression. Hormone changes can result from thyroid problems, menopause and a number of other conditions. Inherited traits. Depression is more common in people whose biological family members also have the condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing depression. Life events. Events such as the death or loss of a loved one, financial problems and high stress can trigger depression in some people. Early childhood trauma. Traumatic events during childhood, such as abuse or loss of a parent, may cause permanent changes in the brain that make you more susceptible to depression.

In terms of managing and being managed, what last bit of wisdom was offered?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

What are things that one should not make fun of, or make jokes about, at work?

Don't make jokes about coworkers' sexuality. People are very uncomfortable with sexual innuendo in a workplace. Don't make jokes about people's appearance. Avoid jokes about religion, ethnic background, nationality, sexual orientation etc. Avoid jokes about bodily functions

Describe the "general malaise" articulated in newspaper reports.

Extra financial stress creates general malaise in the workplace In rough economic times, rest and relaxation are the first workplace casualties -57% feel bummed out, up from 49% last year ~From Slide 12 American workers have the blues, and it doesn't only have to do with gas prices. Workers are dealing with a higher cost of living in an uncertain economy, where they're faced with smaller salaries or potential job loss. Extra financial stress has brought a "general malaise" in the workplace, says Wayne Hochwarter, professor of management at Florida State University's College of Business. In rough economic times, rest and relaxation are the first workplace casualties, according to a Yahoo Hot Jobs' annual vacation survey. Of workers surveyed this year, 57 percent report feeling burned out by work - up from 49 percent last year.

Identify and discuss the five social skills that are being destroyed by technology.

Eye Contact -Too much can be creepy, not enough can be creepier. Sustaining appropriate eye contact is a vital tool and important in interviews. Phone Skills -The ability to speak on the phone is important. Initial phone contact requires concise, detailed introductions. Get straight to the point and don't leave anyone guessing  Conversation -Asking questions about others, actively listening, and being able to read other people's physical social cues make you a skilled conversationalist. Looking at a screen doesn't give the impression of being invested in current conversation. Spatial Awareness -When focused on your own technological world, it can make you less aware of the physical world around you. (E.G. standing in the middle of a hallway texting) Attention Span -Short attention span results in an inability to maintain jobs for extended periods and an inability to write congruent reports. A part of having good social skills is knowing when to focus and pay attention. ~From the Article "5 Social Skills Technology is Destroying": There are a number of things that undoubtedly contribute to this phenomenon of socially awkward young adults, but I think we all can agree that technology is most definitely the most prevalent factor. Gen Y's ability to generate likes and online commentary, doesn't necessarily translate into being socially graceful in person.

How did happy workers differ from their unhappy counterparts in terms of contributions to work and their organizations?

Happy workers o 36% more motivation o 31% more success o 33% more assisting coworkers o 46% more discussion of factors affecting performance ~From the Article "Happiness in the workplace: Enjoyed by few, but achievable for all" Happy workers perform substantially better than their unhappy counterparts, showing 36 percent more motivation and 31 percent more success in achieving their goals. Happy employees also contribute significantly to a positive work environment, assisting their co-workers 33 percent more often and discussing factors affecting performance 46 percent more, indicating their investment in their companies' success.

What factors have led to an increase in "helicopter parenting"?

Helicopter Parent is a parent who is overly involved in the life of his or her child  Factors: -The feeling of guilt that parents may have short-changed their children, creating the "I'm going to make up for it" mentality -Children have become an emblem of their parents' success -Influence of the middle class; since parents do not need to focus on economic struggles, they can focus on their children's lives -24/7 connectivity makes it easier for kids and parents to trade resumes, job listings, etc. ~From the article "How Helicopter Parents can ruin kids' job prospects" This wasn't the case 50 years ago, he asserts. Parents left their children alone a lot more, and they looked for signs of their own success in life. Today helicopter parenting, he says, is an increasing sign of the influence of the middle-class. With the median household income in the United States as $52,762, according to U.S. Census Bureau, parents might be able to focus less on their own day-to-day economic struggles and focus more on their children's day-to-day lives.

What are the major similarities and differences among Millennials and those in other generations? Why are Millenials the way they are (what has triggered these differences)?

Hochwarter believes Millenials are "a lot more similar to other generations than different" -Rebelling against other generation  Differences -Sense of entitlement -Less physical labor -Technical ability  Why? -Society and the way parents raised their "perfect angels". Young people struggle to grasp delayed gratifications. Parents conditioned it. -Young people see their parents get laid off and decide "I'm going to look out for myself" rather than dedicate loyalty to a company From Slide 51 "We're going to talk about how the younger generation is easing through life and older workers are busting it. Sure there's a bit to the entitlement mentality, but every generation has had their stuff. In the '60s it was being rebellious, in the '70s it was doing drugs, in the '80s we were materialistic."

Discuss the research related to the tempered optimism for the next generation's standard of living.

In 2012, the % of middle class adults expecting their children's standard of living: 43% will be better 21% will be same 26% will be worse In 2008, the % of middle class adults expecting their children's standard of living: 51% will be better 21% will be same 19% will be worse Middle class adults are "tempering their optimism" with regard to the next generations standard of living.

Know the differences between intrapersonal, interpersonal, logical, and verbal forms of intelligence

Intrapersonal: researcher, novelist, entrepreneur ~People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are introspective and seek understanding. They are intuitive and typically introverted. They learn best independently. Interpersonal: Counselor, politician, salesperson ~Interpersonal Social skills are those communication, problem-solving, decision making, self- management, and peer relations abilities that allow one to initiate and maintain positive social relationships with others.  Logical (Mathematical): engineer, programmer, accounts ~People who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence are good at reasoning, recognizing patterns and logically analyze problems. These individuals tend to think conceptually about numbers, relationships and patterns.  Verbal (Linguistic): journalist, teacher, lawyer ~People who are strong in linguistic-verbal intelligence are able to use words well, both when writing and speaking. These individuals are typically very good at writing stories, memorizing information and reading.

Have an understanding of the story of Narcissus.

Narcissus is son of a god, he is handsome and turns down many women. Echo, a nymph, falls in love with narcissus but can only repeat what other people say so can't tell him Echo gets sad when Narcissus turns her down and hides in a cave until the "her voice" is the only part of her left Maiden, another goddess, gets angry at Echo and makes Narcissus fall in love with himself. Narcissus sees his reflection in a pond, falls in love, stays at the pond, and dies at the pond. Where he died, a flower grew and they call it Narcissus. -From Slide 37 Once upon a time, there was a boy called Narcissus. He was the son of a god and he was very, very handsome. Many women fell in love with him, but he turned them away. One of the women who loved Narcissus was a nymph called Echo. Echo could not speak properly - she could only repeat what was said to her, so she couldn't tell Narcissus that she loved him. One day, when Narcissus was walking in the woods with some friends, he became separated from them. He called out "Is anyone here?" Echo replied "Here, Here". Echo stepped forward with open arms, wanting to cuddle him. But Narcissus refused to accept Echo's love. Echo was so upset that she left and hid in a cave, until nothing was left of her, except her voice. The Maiden, a goddess, found out about this, and she was very angry. She made Narcissus fall in love with himself. When Narcissus looked at his reflection in a pond one day, he fell in love. He stayed on that spot forever, until he died one day. Where he died a flower grew, and that flower is called a Narcissus.

Understand the research/statistics outlined in the "risking career suicide" section. What are the major findings as well?

Of the 500 women ages 35 to 60: -92% of women say they value workplace flexibility ~One Third consider it career suicide to ask for my flexibility -Willis projects women opting out of high-pressure jobs will continue -15% say that household/child care has held them back in their careers -62% of women with children prefer free time to money -68% of single women prefer free time -2 out of 3 prefer more free time to a bigger paycheck -2 out of 5 would accept less money for more flexibility ~From the Article "Survey: More professional women choosing time over money" The survey found that only 15% say that household or child care responsibilities have held them back in their careers. Interestingly, while 62% of women with children say they would take more free time over more money, a larger number of single women — 68% — say they would. Two of 3 of women reported they would prefer to have more free time than a bigger paycheck, and 2 of 5 said they would be willing to accept less money for more flexibility.

According to the article "Facebook and Twitter are killing off social skills", why are people having difficulty with face-to-face discussion? What are the facts regarding technology use and manners?

People are having difficulty with face-to-face discussion as a result of sites which encourage 'limited character' sentences These sites are causing people to lose the ability to use body language to convey thoughts & creating a reluctance to chat with strangers  Facts: -4 out of 10 claim social networks have a negative impact on social skills -4 out of 10 thought it was okay to talk on a mobile phone at a table -Close to 1 in 10 thought it was 'fine' to use mobile phone in hospital or doctors surgery despite radio waves causing disruptions -4 out of 10 believe social media has had a negative impact on society There are only 3 occasions when people would consider not taking a call: -During a meeting with a boss -On a first date -With a long lost friend From the Article "Facebook and Twitter are killing off social skills": Researchers found sites which encourage 'limited character' sentences are affecting peoples' confidence in holding face-to-face conversations. They're also blamed for many of us losing the ability to use 'body language' to convey thoughts or feelings and a growing reluctance to chat to strangers.

Be able to identify and discuss the trends described as useful to increase fun at work?

Personalize Employee Engagement -Creates a bond, when people are engaged, they dig deeper and work becomes fun Use the HR Technology Tools -HR Tools facilitates great performance while also being both social and fun Exercise your Inner Comedian -Can lighten the mood and build a bond, creates informal and engaging environment Be Holistic -Performance soars when people are happy and healthy. Celebrate success and support employees going through struggles. Solicit (off the wall) Ideas -Make creative ways to have fun at work ~From the Article "5 Fresh Trends to Fuse Fun and Work" Be Holistic. Employee performance soars when people are happy and healthy. This means fitness that is linked to rewards, good food, basic human understanding and recognition for good work. If someone is going through a rough patch in their personal life, offer to help but know when to give them a little space. Conversely, celebrate success and milestones that happen outside the workplace. Everyone will have a lot more fun if they feel they can be themselves at work.

What are the factors that may have negatively influenced younger workers ability to deal with organizational politics

Reliance on electronic messaging has come at the expense of face-to-face and voice-to-voice, leaving Millennials with social skill deficiencies. (This will presumably diminish with age) Inability to understand body language and verbally articulate opinions thoughtfully and compellingly -From Slide 29 A history of communication activity devoid of both visual and verbal signal likely makes the gradations of observed political behavior difficult to decipher. On the other hand, Millennials' capacity to develop and utilize social networks, as resources to manage both internal stressors and external opportunities, may circumvent much of this strain caused by others' political activity

As described, what were the reasons that "high depression jobs" were classified as such?

Responsibility  Dangerous Strict deadlines The job is never completely done and it's always complicated. You spend a lot of time working alone. Lack of social support and conversation. You are closely evaluated. Evaluations don't usually bring a lot of positivity.

According to Kate Matsudaira's article "Why Emotional Intelligence Should Be in a Developer's Toolkit", why have social skills become more important in engineering positions? Which skills are the most important?

Social skills are important it is no longer sufficient to be an expert in one area; people are expected to continuously grow by keeping up with new technology, offering ideas and leadership outside of their own purview. Skills: Communication, Influence, attitude, time management -Communication is an area almost everyone can improve on & is the cornerstone of leadership

What are soft skills (defined)? Why are they important and why are they needed in today's organizations?

Soft Skills are a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with. Just as important an indicator of job performance as hard skills Businesses are becoming fast paced, so employers want people who are agile, adaptable and creative at solving problems Examples: Strong work ethic, positive attitude, communication skills, time management abilities, problem-solving skills, acting as a team player, self -confidence, ability to accept and learn from criticism, flexibility/adaptability, working well under pressure From the Article "Top 10 Soft Skills For Job Hunters": "Soft skills" refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with. Companies value soft skills because research suggests and experience shows that they can be just as important an indicator of job performance as hard skills.

When faced with a bad boss, how did employees respond in terms of neglecting their jobs?

Spending time on personal matters instead of work. Taking additional or longer breaks than supposed to. Intentionally working slower that they should.

What were the findings of the "Supermom" research?

Supermoms combine employment and family care. They have higher risk of depression. Guilt of not being able to manage the work family balance as a supermom can lead to depression. -From Slides 18 & 19 Statistically, working moms have lower rates of depression than their stay-at-home counterparts, but when a woman attempts to be supermom, they increase their risk for depression. The stay-at-home moms had more depression symptoms than the working moms in the study. But among the working moms in the study, those with the supermom attitude - who as young adults consistently agreed with statements that women can combine employment and family care - were at a higher risk for depression compared with working moms who had a more realistic view. "Employed women who expected that work-life balance was going to be hard are probably more likely to accept that they can't do it all," For example, these moms may be more comfortable making tradeoffs, such as leaving work early to pick up kids. These mothers had fewer symptoms of depression. Guilt over not being able to manage the work-family balance and frustration over division of household labor could also play roles in the increase of depression symptoms in the supermom group. Supermoms have higher expectations for fairness, so it makes sense that they would be more frustrated with the division of household chores.

What will things be like when Millennials run the workplace?

Technology will create greater work flexibility Feedback will be shorter, more frequent, and more informal Millenial women will lead They will use their technological savvy to make the world better for Boomers The will respond to leadership -From the Article "How Millennials Are Disrupting the Global Workforce" They will respond to leadership. Good management will always be essential, but decentralized information and service-driven economies require good leadership to keep every brain engaged in the business. The more decentralized our work becomes, the more we need a vision that keeps everyone moving in the same direction and the trust to keep us engaged. Hochwarter said while many adults focus on the negatives and the lack of true physical labor many young people were spared, he sees college students being "a lot more similar to other generations than different. To some extent think this whole entitlement stuff is a way of ruffling the feathers of the older generation." And attacking one's work ethic is the answer, he said.

We have talked a lot about bosses/leaders. In general, "why are supervisors important"?

To many employees, they personify the organization (e.g., they ARE the company). They are responsible for allocating rewards and dispensing punishment. They have input into promotion decisions. They are typically in charge of information sharing. In some ways, "they hold the keys to the kingdom". They are often seen a lot.

How does involvement in office politics affect one's career according to the research?

What effect does involvement in office politics have on one's career? o 15% Very necessary to get ahead o 41% Somewhat necessary to get ahead o 42% Not necessary at all to get ahead o 2% Don't know/ no answer

How does playing engage the creative side of one's brain?

When you're fully engaged in play, you lose some of your psychological barriers and stop censoring or editing your thoughts. This allows creative ideas to flow more freely.

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