MANA 3318 Chapter 16: Organizational Culture

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Personal Enactment (Artifact)

"Organizational values are reflected in personal behavior" - Individuals: pattern their behavior by observing others' behavior Managers: should behave in a manner consistent with the values of the organizatoin

Anticipatory Socialization (Key Term)

- 1st Stage to socialization - Contains all learning and training leading up to the first day on the job

Encounter (Key Term)

- 2nd Socialization stage, in which the newcomer begins to learn tasks associated with the job, establish job roles, and create relationships at work

Change & Acquisition (Key Term)

- 3rd Stage of Socialization, in which the newcomer begins to master the demands of the job.

What are the 3 Levels of Organizational (corporate) Culture?

- Artifacts - Values - Assumptions

Merger or Acquisition

- Datta (1991): found that differences in top management styles have a negative impact on performance in acquisitions that require either high or low levels of post-acquisition integration - Baur and Matzler (2014): cultural fit positively influences the success of mergers and acquisitions

Challenges to Developing Positive, Cohesive Culture

- Merger or Acquisition - Global Organization Culture - Ethical Organization Culture - Culture of Empowerment and Quality

Ceremonies and Rites (Artifact)

- Sets of activities that are repeatedly enacted on important occasions

Artifacts (Key Term)

- Symbols of work in the Physical and Social work environments

Organizational Socialization

- The transformation of newcomers from outsiders to participating, effective, members of the organization

Adaptive Culture

- an essential leadership task is creating an adaptive organizational culture

Interpersonal Demands (Encounter)

- arise from relationships at work, and includes politics, leadership style, and group pressure.

Symbols (Artifact)

- communicate organizational culture through unspoken messages

Fit Perspective

- culture is good only if it fits the industry or the firm's strategy Industry Characteristics that affect culture: - competitive environment - Customer requirements - Societal expectations


- deeply held beliefs that guide behavior and tell members of an organization how to perceive situations and people Example: "the customer is always right"

Assumptions (Key Term)

- deeply held beliefs that helps guide the behavior of an organization "the customer is always right"

Adaptation Perspective

- encourages confidence and risk taking among employees - has leadership that produces change - Focuses on the changing needs of customers

Rituals (Artifact)

- everyday, repetitive, organizational practices "addressing people by their titles only, or by their first names

Organizational Culture Inventory

- focuses on behaviors that help employees fit into the organization and meet coworker expectations.

Klinman-Saxton Culture-Gap Survey

- focuses on the expectations of others in the organization

Stories (Artifact)

- give meaning and identity to organizations and are especially helpful in orienting new employees. - "stories can be about the boss, about getting fired, about lower-level employees rising to the top, etc."

Task Demands (Encounter)

- involves actual work performed

Role Demands (Encounter)

- involves expectations placed on newcomers

Strong organizational (Corporate) culture facilitates performance because it:

- is characterized by goal alignment - Creates a high level of motivation - Provides control without oppressive effects of a bureaucracy

Strong Organization Culture (key term)

- organizational culture with a consensus on the values that drive the company "strong org culture facilitates strong work performance"

Strong Culture Perspective

- organizational culture with a consensus on the values that drive the company "strong culture facilitates performance"

Empowerment and Quality

- successful org.s promote cultures that empower employees & excel in product and service quality - Cultures that emphasize empowerment are preferred by employees - Involving employees in decision making, removing obstacles to their performance, & communicating the value of product and service quality reinforce the values of Empowerment and Quality In org. culture.


- symbols of culture in the physical and social work environments ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Personal Enactment: "Organizational values are reflected in personal behavior"

Change and Acquisition

- the Third socialization stage, in which the newcomer begins to master the demands of the job. - indicated by becoming proficient at managing their tasks, clarifying and negotiating their roles, and engaging in relationships at work.

Anticipatory Socialization

- the first socialization stage, which encompasses all the learning that takes place prior to the newcomers first day on the job Realism: the degree to which the newcomer holds realistic expectations about the job and organization

Organizational Culture (key term)

- the pattern of basic assumptions that are considered valid "taught to new members of the organization"

Organizational (Corporate) Culture

- the pattern of basic assumptions that are considered valid "taught to new members as the way to perceive, think, and feel in the organization"


- the reflection of a person's inherent beliefs about what should, or should not be. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Espoused Values: what members of an organization SAY, they value Enacted Values: values reflected in the way individuals ACTUALLY behave


- the second socialization stage, in which newcomers learn the tasks associated with the job, clarify their roles, establish new relationships at work (starts on the first day of work)

Organizational Socialization (key term)

- the transformation of newcomers into participating,, effective members of the organization.

Triangulation (key term)

- the use of multiple methods to measure Organizational Culture

Developing a Global Organizational Culture

- the values that drive the organizational culture should support a global view of the company and its efforts - An overarching corporate culture that integrates the subsidiaries in locations around the world can be an asset in the increasingly global workplace

Enacted Values (Key Term)

- values reflected in how people actually act or perform (not what they say their views are)

Espoused Values (key term)

- what you say your values are (not always represented by how you act or treat others)

Developing an Ethical Organizational Culture

- when a company's culture promotes ethical norms, individuals behave accordingly > managers can encourage ethical behavior by being a good role model for employees

What are the 3 Stages of Socialization?

1.) Anticipatory Socialization - Realism & Congruence 2.) Encounter - Job Demands: > Task > Role > Interpersonal 3.) Change and Acquisition - Mastery Outcomes of Socialization - Performance - Satisfaction - Mutual Influence - Low Levels of Distress - Intent to Remain

Name the 5 different Artifacts

1.) Personal Enactment 2.) Ceremonies and Rites 3.) Stories 4.) Rituals 5.) Symbols

4 Functions of Organizational Culture

1.) Provides a sense of community to members and increase their commitment to the organization 2.) serves as a sense-making device for organization members 3.) Reinforces the values of the organization 4.) Serves as a control mechanism for shaping behavior

5 Elements in Managing Culture

1.) What leaders pay attention to - leaders communicate their priorities, values, and beliefs by what they notice, comment on, measure, and control. 2.)How leaders react to crisis - showing their true colors in the face of crisis 3.) How leaders behave - lead by example, role modeling, teaching, and coaching. 4.) How leaders allocate rewards - reward behavior that is consistent with your values 5.) How leaders hire and fire individuals - Hire employees based on recommendations of current employees - Try to move a poor performer to an area they may perform better.... or quickly sever ties with an employee that still isn't performing?

Congruence (Anticipatory Socialization)

A) between the individual's abilities and the demands of the job B) between the individual's values and the organizations values

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